Course Title: Chemistry

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Chemistry

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


TRN RMIT Training


Term2 2022,
Term1 2023,
Term2 2023,
Term1 2024,
Term2 2024

Flexible Terms

Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


Sri Lanka International College of Business & Technology


TRN RMIT Training


OFFJan2024 (FSL1)

Course Coordinator: Jo Bradley

Course Coordinator Phone: +61399251675

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: B85-03-001 (Melbourne City Campus)

Course Coordinator Availability: Mon- Fri, 9AM - 5PM (AEST)

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


Course Description

Chemistry is the study of materials, their properties and structure. In this course, students investigate the major groups of organic compounds. They examine the factors that influence the reaction rates of chemical reactions, and how these can be applied to optimising chemical processes and systems.  Students investigate chemical equilibrium and the reversibility of reactions; acid-base equilibrium systems and their applications; the principles of oxidation and reduction reactions; the production of electricity from galvanic cells and fuel cells; and, the ways in which chemistry contributes to contemporary debate regarding current and future uses of local, regional and international resources. Throughout the course, collaborative experimental work allows students to progressively develop their science inquiry skills.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

See Learning Outcomes.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply the rules of, and expectations for, academic study and assume responsibility for your own actions to work effectively as an individual and/or as a member of a group;
  2. Develop and express ideas through independent reading, the creation of images, and the collection and interpretation of data and information; 
  3. Communicate ideas with clarity, logic, and originality in both spoken and written English;
  4. Construct coherent arguments, narratives or justifications of issues, problems or technical processes when undertaking analytical, practical or creative tasks; and
  5. Use a range of contemporary digital and learning technologies, tools and methods common to the discipline.


Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate how to use the correct conventions, terminology and language when communicating information about Chemistry.
  2. Write balanced equations and apply these to qualitative and quantitative investigations of chemical reactions.
  3. Explain and apply key concepts relating to organic chemistry, thermochemistry, rates of reaction, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, redox reactions, galvanic cells and fuel cells.  
  4. Conduct experiments safely and analyse and interpret results and errors to formulate and justify conclusions.

Overview of Learning Activities

This course includes a blend of didactic, active, and collaborative learning activities designed to meet the needs of international students. The course encourages the process of inquiry, application and reflection through student centred learning and teaching activities including practical work in studio environments and laboratories . In doing so, there will be a focus on the development of critical and analytical thinking skills that promote problem solving, independent research skills and group work. Students will develop their technology skills through engagement in formative and summative assessments. The course will maximise the use of the learning management system by incorporating flipped and blended methodologies. This may be complemented by guest lectures, excursions and speakers with discipline specific work life expertise to further connect content to the professional world and generate opportunities for reflective practice.

Overview of Learning Resources

Various learning resources are available through RMIT’s learning management system,  Canvas. In addition to assessment details and a study schedule, you will also be provided with links to relevant course information, class activities and communication tools. 

Other learning resources are also available online through RMIT Library. Visit the RMIT library website for further details. Academic and learning support is provided through Study Success at RMIT Training. The Foundation Studies home group program will also provide support, navigating university systems, advice on living and studying in Melbourne as well as explaining RMIT university policy and procedures.

Additional resources and/or sources to assist your learning will be identified by your course coordinator and will be made available to you as required during the teaching period.

Overview of Assessment

 Assessment Weighting 
Laboratory Portfolio  25%
 Tests  25%
 Poster Presentation  20%
 Examination 30%