Course Title: Predictive Human Resource Analytics

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Predictive Human Resource Analytics

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


630H Management


Sem 2 2024

Course Coordinator: Dr Patricia Pariona-Cabrera

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 99255945

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: Melbourne

Course Coordinator Availability: The Course Coordinator will be available for consultation via email

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


Course Description

The use of Predictive Human Resource Analytics contributes to the development of predictive models based on the analysis of HR data that may help organisations to forecast and understand future employee outcomes. In this course, you will learn how to apply a systematic methodology to identify trends and interrogate patterns to help understand predictors to make better strategic decisions about workforce challenges.

You will undertake an assessment of HR data and research linked to explanatory factors that may help answer business questions.

You will also interpret and translate the findings from HR people-related data to predict how current or potential employees may behave in the future.

You will develop analytics competencies to utilise predictive HR analytics to assist organisations in anticipating challenges. For example, by identifying predictors of high performance and staff retention, managers may focus their attention on effective HR strategies to address workforce challenges.

You will critically evaluate existing HR people-related data to analyse complex problems, apply a systematic methodology, apply ethical reasoning and generate effective solutions to address workforce challenges in domestic and global contexts.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development


Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

CLO1: Evaluate the contributions, risks and opportunities of predictive HR analytics drawn from actual work situations to specialist and non-specialist audiences in local, national and global contexts.

CLO2: Demonstrate and apply ethical reasoning, cultural and diversity awareness based on ethical frameworks, principles and effective approaches to make informed decisions in workplace contexts.

CLO3: Analyse and interpret trends and patterns by applying knowledge of research methods to understand and predict employee challenges that impact national and global business.

CLO4: Apply critical thinking skills to recommend solutions to identified problems that are relevant to HR people-related data to reflect critically on theory and professional practice.

CLO5: Examine and apply appropriate analytical strategies to make evidence-based predictions and address future workforce challenges.

Overview of Learning Activities

This course will be delivered through lectures and workshop sessions including online activities and practical applications of predictive HR analytics.

You will also be expected to seek further resources relevant to the focus of your own learning. This gives you an overview of key elements of predictive HR analytics in real-case scenarios to make better strategic decisions about workforce challenges.

You are encouraged to be an active learner, undertake the required preparatory work and engage in learning activities. This involves attending workshops, completing online activities, reading assigned materials and actively participating in individual and group activities.

By undertaking these learning activities, you will develop and enhance your analysis and problem-solving skills, as well as your ethical reasoning.

Overview of Learning Resources

Various learning resources are available online through myRMIT/Canvas. In addition to topic notes, assessment details and a study schedule, you may also be provided with links to: relevant online information, readings, audio and video clips and communication tools to facilitate collaboration with your peers and to share information. 

RMIT Library provides extensive resources, services and study spaces. All RMIT students have access to scholarly resources including course related material, books, e-books, journals and databases.

Computers and printers are available at every Library. You can access the Internet and Library e-resources. You can also access the RMIT University wireless network in the Library. Contact: Ask the Library for assistance and information on Library resources and services: Study support is available for assistance with assignment preparation, academic writing, information literacy, referencing, maths and study skills.

Additional resources and/or sources to assist your learning will be identified by your course coordinator and will be made available to you as required during the teaching period.

Overview of Assessment

The assessment tasks, their weightings, and the course learning outcomes to which they are aligned are as follows:

Assessment Task 1: 20%
CLOs: 1 & 2

Assessment Task 2: 30%
CLOs: 3, 4 & 5

Assessment Task 3: 50%
CLOs:1,2, 3, 4 & 5