Course Title: Participate in practical placement with support

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2015

Course Code: EMPL5913

Course Title: Participate in practical placement with support

School: 365T Global, Urban & Social Studies

Campus: City Campus

Program: C1071 - Certificate I in Work Education

Course Contact : Elizabeth-Anne Cotter

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4870

Course Contact

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 300

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

In this course you will explore the skills and knowledge required by participants to select, negotiate and participate in a practical placement in a workplace or community setting.

You may work independently where appropriate, work under close supervision on simple tasks/operations, or work as part of a work team.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

VU20441 Participate in practical placement with support


1 Plan own practical
placement with

Performance Criteria:

.1 Investigate placement options
1.2 Outline potential barriers and problems and discuss strategies to
address these
1.3 Take steps, in consultation with others, to identify own learning
needs for work placement
1.4 Name support/liaison person while on practical placement
1.5 Investigate placement options


2 Negotiate practical
arrangements, with

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Organise a time to meet with appropriate personnel in the
2.2 Confirm skills, experience, needs and preferred options
2.3 Identify documents and information required by both parties
2.4 List employer expectations
2.5 Establish workplace routine and any required documentation
2.6 Participate in workplace induction


3 Use transport

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Select the most appropriate travel mode
3.2 Access time table and destination information if using public
3.3 Make travel arrangements with others if necessary
3.4 Make arrangements about payment for travel
3.5 Plan work and travel schedule
3.6 Develop strategies to solve problems which may eventuate


4 Communicate in the

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Clarify work procedures and practice
4.2 Investigate layout of the workplace, including staff facilities
4.3 Outline the work activities conducted in the workplace
4.4 Identify roles and responsibilities of others in the workplace,
including immediate supervisor(s)
4.5 Develop industry knowledge and workplace specific terminology
4.6 Identify materials, tools and equipment required for work
4.7 Recognise quality requirements from specifications or work


5 participate as a member of the workplace under supervision

Performance Criteria:

5.1 Clarify and plan daily work activities and responsibilities with



6. Work cooperatively
with others in the

Performance Criteria:

6.1 Contribute own knowledge and skills to achieve work group
6.2 Receive and act on feedback
6.3 Offer constructive feedback to others.
6.4 Use interpersonal communication skills to develop relationships
within the workplace


7. Evaluate own
performance in a work
experience program,
with support

Performance Criteria:

7.1 Assess personal strengths and weaknesses during the placement
7.2 Compare own performance to individual vocational goals
7.3 Reestablish
goals to improve work related skills as required
7.4 Review own performance in response to feedback from relevant
people in the workplace
7.5 Take steps, in consultation with others, to identify own learning
needs for future work requirements
7.6 Identify services to follow-up
opportunities arising from work
placement with support person

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed the following skills:

- communication skills to negotiate workplace induction and placement, meet with workplace
personnel and clarify information about work activities and responsibilities

- literacy skills to complete required documentation, read and understand workplace documents /
signs / procedures

- teamwork skills to work with others in a team

· self management skills to evaluate own performance and identify other personal needs.

Details of Learning Activities

One of the most important parts of the CWE program is the work placement component.

You are required to participate in 300 hrs of work placement. This will give you a ‘real’ experience of working life.

At the beginning of the year the Work Placement Coordinator will conduct classes to introduce you to the idea of work and the requirements of doing work experience. During these classes we will also concentrate on Health and Safety issues, workplace conditions, rights and responsibilities.

You may work independently where appropriate, work under close supervision on simple tasks/operations, or work as part of a work team. Motivation for the work placement increases if the student has chosen a place they are interested in and approaches the employer himself or herself.
If help is needed, teachers and the Work Placement Coordinator will help you find an employer to do placement with. If  you want to find your own place, or already has something in mind, that is encouraged. Any efforts students put into finding their own placement will help so much when it comes to looking for a ‘real job’.

At the end of the work placement the employer will fill out a report on you which covers a variety of elements like: communication, behaviour, memory, punctuality and attendance, reaction to supervision and concentration.
You are required to fill out a student workbook, with details such as, who they worked with, what sorts of tasks they did and how they communicated.

Work placement helps you to:
• understand what having a job might be like
• put into practice things they have learned in class
• improve their workplace communication skills
• start a network of potential employers
• learn new skills

Teaching Schedule

You will be provided with a comprehensive workshop schedule at your first class in February that will highlight the different days of the week and the classes that are scheduled for this course.

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

You will be provided with the resources and tools for learning in this course. You will also have access to the resources in the library.


Overview of Assessment

Assessment is ongoing throughout the course and will include the following:

Research Project

3rd party/supervisor feedback

Workplace observation


Assessment Tasks

Assessment Requirements

Assessment is based on participation in work placements and attendance to introductory classes and completion of assessment tasks

Students must complete the work placement component to gain competency in this course and to satisfactorily complete the CWE program.


Students will be assessed by a variety of assessment methods such as:
- Practical demonstration of tasks
- Verbal questioning
- Short answer written work
- Project work
- Verbal presentation
- Self - assessment
- Professional conversations
- Third party Feedback




Assessment Matrix

This program in delivered in accordance with competency-based assessment, grades include:

CA: Competency Achieved
NYC: Not Yet Competent
DNS: Did Not Submit for assessment

Other Information

Assessment Tasks Submission Cover Sheet
You must complete a submission cover sheet for every piece of submitted work, including online submissions. This signed sheet acknowledges that you are aware of the plagiarism implications.

It is strongly advised that you attend all workshops in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity to gain the competency.

You will receive verbal and written feedback by teacher on your work. This feedback also includes suggestions on how you can proceed to the next stage of developing your competency. Information regarding student feedback can be found at:;ID=9pp3ic9obks7

Student Progress
Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy to assist you to achieve your learning potential. The Student progress policy can be found at:;ID=vj2g89cve4uj1

Special consideration Policy (Late Submission)
All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level. If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date, you will need to apply for an extension. Information regarding application for special consideration can be found at:;ID=g43abm17hc9w

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. For more information on this policy go to Academic Integrity Web site:;ID=kw02ylsd8z3n

Course Overview: Access Course Overview