Course Title: Record sound
Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2015
Course Code: VART6073C
Course Title: Record sound
School: 345T Media and Communication
Campus: City Campus
Program: C4276 - Certificate IV in Sound Production
Course Contact : program Administration
Course Contact Phone: 03 9925 4815
Course Contact
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Tim Johnston
Phone: 03 9925 4325
Nominal Hours: 60
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to record sound, including the supervision of sound-recording operations.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
CUSSOU401A Record sound |
Element: |
1Prepare for sound recording |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Clarify recording requirements with reference to production documentation and in consultation with relevant personnel |
Element: |
2Place microphones and test record line-up |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Select, power and position microphones and microphone accessories according to safety, technical and production requirements |
Element: |
3Make sound recordings |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Ensure run-up time is sufficient to allow stable sound recording |
Element: |
4Finalise sound-recording operations |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Ensure that recordings are saved in the appropriate format and logged/filed in line with organisational procedures |
Learning Outcomes
Achieve the skills and knowledge required to record sound, including the supervision of sound-recording operations.
Details of Learning Activities
In class activities may include:
- lectures
- practical studio sessions
- peer teaching
- group discussion
- online research
- independent project based work
- teacher directed group activities/projects
Out of class activities may include:
- online research
- written assignments
- independent project based work
Teaching Schedule
Please note: While your teacher will cover all the material in this schedule, the weekly order is subject to change depending on class needs and availability of speakers and resources.
Week | Class Content |
Assessment Due |
Elements |
Week 1 | Physics of Sound Course overview What is sound, sound wave propagation, Wavelength, Frequency, Phase, Envelope, Velocity 1,2 Discussion of OH&S principles |
Week 2 |
The ear Pinna, auditory canal, tympanic membrane, Basilar membrane. Reflection & diffraction of sound |
1, 2
Week 3 | Decibels & SPL Application of basic formulae Amplitude, Sound Levels, and Decibels Inverse Square Law Sound Intensity, SPL |
1, 2
Week 4 | Decibels & Hearing Threshold of Hearing Threshold of Feeling Threshold of Pain Equal Loudness Contours. |
1, 2 | |
Week 5 | Reverberation Early reflections & Echoes Pre delay & RT60 Intelligibility of rooms & idealised reverb times Sabine’s formula |
1, 2
Week 6 | Acoustics Theory Standing Waves/ Eigentones/ Room modes Room mode calculations. Axial, tangential, oblique |
1, 2
Week 7 | Acoustics Theory Introduction to Building Acoustics Membrane Absorbers, Porous Absorbers, Diffusers |
1, 2
Week 8 | Design & Building Acoustics Noise criteria and Transmission Loss Room Acoustics and design requirements |
1, 2
Week 9 | Microphone positioning |
1, 2
Week 10 | In class written test Assessment 1 due |
Assessment 1 due |
Week 11 to 14 | Analysing and calculating the acoustic properties of a recording environment

. |
Assessment 2 due | 3, 4 |
Weeks 15 to 19 | You will be applying knowledge and skills gained in a substantial practical recording project. Working in a supervised environment, you will be making a professional recording in an industry standard sound studio. You will working in groups of approximately 5 students and recording session times will be timetabled by your teachers in consultation with your group. You will complete a total of 10 recording sessions in the studio, and also have access to additional editing time as required in edit suite. |
3, 4 | |
Week 20 | Final mix to be completed Assessment 3 due |
Assessment 3 due | 4 |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
"Modern Recording Techniques" (7th Edition), Huber and Runstein, Focal Press. 0240810694 |
You are advised to look at the course Blackboard site for ongoing updated information. Students are expected to make full use of the Library facilities. |
Other Resources
External firewire/USB hard drive
1 pair of high quality headphones
Overview of Assessment
Course assessment tasks will include class based practical exercises and project work undertaken in the computer lab for submission.
Assessment Tasks
To demonstrate competency in this course you will need to complete the following assessment to a satisfactory standard. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on My RMIT.
You will receive feedback on all assessment and once you have demonstrated competency, you will receive a grade for Assessment Task 3 (refer to MyRMIT for grading rubric).
Assessment 1: Theory test
Written multiple choice and short answer theory paper

Ungraded Assessment
Due: Week 10
Assessment 2: Report on acoustic properties
For this assessment you will research, analyse and calculate the acoustic properties of a recording environment

. You will submit your findings in a written report of a minimum of 500 words, including appropriate diagrams.
Ungraded Assessment
Due: Week 14
Assessment 3: Recording project (This is a graded assessment )
This assessment is conducted alongside the assessment for the following units of competency:
- CUSSOU405A - Mix Recorded Music
- CUESOU03C - Operate Professional Audio Equipment
- CUETEM03C - Establish & Manage Production Requirements
- BSBWOR401A - Establish effective workplace relationships
You will be assessed separately against each of these individual units of competency.
For this assesment you will be working together in groups of approximately 5 people to make a sound recording of an artist(s)’ work. You will be expected to coordinate the artists, schedule the recording sessions, organize the necessary equipment and set up the recording process. Over five recording sessions, you will record the artist, and over the following five recording sessions you will complete the post-production process.
This is a group assessment but you will be assessed individually.
To complete the assessment satisfactorily for the unit Record Sound, you will need to work collaboratively to make sound recordings that meet production requirements and demonstrate a thorough understanding of:
- prerecording checks
- microphone positioning
- testing record line-ups
- OHS principles in relation to safe sound levels
For this assessment you will submit a recording portfolio with presentation and labeling to industry standard – This will include final mixes from major recording project studio 1 sessions - see blackboard for details
Due: Week 20
Graded Assessment
The details on these assessments and the grading criteria for this competency can be found on the course blackboard site.
Grades used in this unit are as follows:
CHD Competent with High Distinction
CDI Competent with Distinction
CC Competent with Credit
CAG Competency Achieved - Graded
NYC Not Yet Competent
DNS Did Not Submit for Assessment
Assessment Matrix
The assessment matrix demonstrated alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant Unit of Competency. These are available through the course contact in Program administration
Other Information
The major learning experience involves studio based exercises, demonstration and production. It is strongly advised that you attend all sessions in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity to gain the competency.
Cover Sheet for Submissions
You must complete a submission cover sheet for every piece of submitted work. This signed sheet acknowledges that you are aware of the plagiarism implications.
Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning (web link)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process through which people can gain entry to, or credit in, recognised courses based on competencies gained. The competencies may have been gained through experience in the workplace, in voluntary work, in social or domestic activities or through informal or formal training or other life experiences. Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) applies if a student has previously successfully completed the requirements of a unit of competency or module and is now required to be reassessed to ensure that the competency has been maintained.
Assessment and Feedback (web link)
You will receive verbal feedback during scheduled class times, and written feedback from teachers on your work . Where appropriate, this feedback will also include suggestions on how you can proceed to the next stage of developing your projects.
Student Progress (web link)
Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy to assist you to achieve your learning potential.
Special consideration for Late Submission (web link)
All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level. If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date, you will need to apply for an extension. You can apply in writing for up to a week’s extension from your course teacher. If you need a longer extension, you will need to apply for special consideration.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism (web link)
RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy go to Academic Integrity
Course Overview: Access Course Overview