Course Title: Manage network and data integrity

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2015

Course Code: COSC6091C

Course Title: Manage network and data integrity

School: 155T Vocational Health and Sciences

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4299 - Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking

Course Contact: Geoff Moss

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4852

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Alex Buono

Ph: 99254475


Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement and manage security functions throughout a network.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

ICANWK403A Manage network and data integrity


Conduct audit on system assets

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Use appropriate tools and techniques to conduct audit on system hardware and software assets
2.2 Develop a system to record assets
2.3 Use system to develop reports on assets for management


Ensure compliance with company network and security policies

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Review company security policies
1.2 Audit and record security access
1.3 Ensure user accounts are controlled
1.4 Ensure secure file and resource access


Implement an antivirus Solution

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Research appropriate antivirus and anti-malware solutions
3.2 Implement antivirus or anti-malware solution
3.3 Test antivirus and anti-malware solution functionality


Implement systems to protect assets from threats

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Determine environmental threats to data
4.2 Document systems to protect from environmental threat
4.3 Implement system to protect data from environmental threat

5.1 Determine appropriate backup type to meet systems needs
5.2 Investigate current backup media options
5.3 Implement a backup solution
5.4 Demonstrate functionality of backup solution
5.5 Demonstrate restore of data from backup media
5.6 Implement a real time backup and data sync solution


Monitor Network Performance

Performance Criteria:

6.1 Determine available network performance monitoring tools
6.2 Implement network performance monitoring tools to monitor network
6.3 Produce report on network performance

Learning Outcomes

Activities in this course aim to enhance your knowledge required to implement and manage security functions throughout a network. The Internet will be used as a learning tool and a resource for students to seek and locate relevant information.

Details of Learning Activities

Activities in this course are aimed at enhancing your understanding and knowledge installing anti-virus software, implementing a backup solution, reviewing and updating assets and security policies.

Teaching Schedule

This Course will be taught along side the following course: ICANWK406A Install, Configure and Test Network Security as there is common material found in both courses and they compliment each other.


Date WeekTopicLab WorkAssessment
6-Jul 1 Modern Security Threats Create a VM

Assignment: Security and data Integrity

(Due 23/10)

13-Jul 2 Anti-Virus and Anti Spyware software Install Anti-Virus/Spyware  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
20-Jul 3 Asset Recording Create an assets database  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
27-Jul 4 Data Redundancy and Backups Create a backup  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
3-Aug 5 Labour Day    Assignment: Security and data Integrity
10-Aug 6 System Monitoring Create a monitoring system  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
17-Aug 7 Security Policies Develop a Security Policy  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
24-Aug 8a Securing Network Devices Secure a Router  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
Semester Break    
7-Sep 9 Firewall Technologies Set Up a Firewall  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
14-Sep 10 VPN Technology Research and create a VPN  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
21-Sep 11 Network Monitoring  Use and interpret a Network  Assignment: Security and data Integrity
28-Sep 12 Testing and Documentation Create and test security on an OS

 Integrated Project: Ariport

(Due 6/11)

5-Oct 13      Integrated Project
12-Oct 14      Integrated Project
19-Oct 15      Integrated Project
26-Oct 16      Integrated Project
2-Oct 17      Integrated Project
9-Oct 18      

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

All materials required for this course will be provided to you in class

Overview of Assessment

Assessment occurs throughout the program and includes learning and assessment activities conducted in the classroom, online and in the workplace giving you the opportunity to practice and be assessed on what you are learning in a work context. You must demonstrate an understanding of all elements of a particular competency to be deemed competent. Assessment methods have been designed to measure achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over a range of assessment tasks.

Assessment will incorporate a variety of methods including technical requirements, documentation, workplace activities, in class exercises, quizzes, practical problem solving exercises and presentations. Participants are advised that they are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment work to their teacher to ensure that the relevant competency standards are being met.

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Disability Liaison Unit if you would like to find out more.

Assessment Tasks

1. Assignment: Security and Data Integrity:

This assessment will involve a co-assessment of two (2) courses, viz.:

CANWK406A Install, Configure and Test Network Security
ICANWK403A Manage network and date integrity

2. Integrated Project: Airport

This assessment will involve a co-assessment of six (6) courses, viz.:

ICAICT401A Determine and confirm client business requirements
ICANWK404A Install, operate and troubleshoot a small enterprise branch network
ICAPMG401A Support small scale IT projects
ICCTEN5200A Install, configure and test a local area network switch
ICANWK403A Manage network and date integrity
ICANWK406A Install, configure and test network security

You must be competent in all elements to successfully complete the course

Assessment Matrix

ElementAssignmentIntegrated Project
1.1 x  
1.2   x
1.3 x  
1.4 x  
2.1 x


2.2 x x
2.3 x x
3.1 x x
3.2 x  
3.3 x  
4.1 x x
4.2 x x
4.3 x x
5.1 x  
5.2 x  
5.3 x  
5.4 x  
5.5 x  
5.6 x  
6.1 x  
6.2 x  
6.3 x


Other Information

Access to an internet connected computer outside of class times – Internet connected computers are available in the School of Vocational Health and Sciences labs on levels 4, 6 or 8 of building 51, 81 Victoria Street, Melbourne.
Further lab access can be found in the student lab on level 3 (ground floor) of Building 8, in Swanston Street, Melbourne; as well as RMIT Libraries.

RMIT has a strict policy on plagiarism. Please refer to the RMIT website for more information on this policy.;ID=sg4yfqzod48g1

Late work
Late work that is submitted without an application for an extension will not be corrected.

Extension of Time for submission of assessable work
A student may apply for an extension of up to 7 days from the original date. They must lodge the application form (available on the web: at least the day before the due date. The application is lodged with the School Admin Office on Level 6, Building 51. Students requiring longer extensions must apply for Special consideration.

Special consideration Policy (Late Submission)
Students requiring longer extensions must apply for Special consideration. Form available online at:
For missed assessments such as exams and tests, you (and your doctor, if you are ill) must fill out a special consideration form. This form must be lodged at the HUB or online with supporting evidence (e.g. medical certificate) prior to, or within 48 hours of the scheduled time of the exam or test.

If you miss an assessment task due to unavoidable circumstances you need to follow the procedure of special consideration and apply within the allowed time frame.

If you have any questions about this assessment process, feel free to email me

Course Overview: Access Course Overview