Course Title: Make a presentation

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: VE 2018

Class Number: 2709

Class Section: MAR1

For flexible terms and optional semesters, a Part B course guide may have been published for the entire teaching period, or for the specific class number in which you are enrolled. If there is no Part B course guide published for your specific class number, please refer to the guide for the teaching period in which you are enrolled. Enrolment Online is the definitive source for details regarding your class enrolment.

Course Code: COMM5977C

Course Title: Make a presentation

School: 360T Education

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4377 - Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

Course Contact: Paschal Somers

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 99254911

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Maria Dimitrakopoulos 
TAE Administration Officer
School of Education 
Workforce Development
Building 51 - Level 2
80 - 92 Victoria St 3053

Ph: 9925 4933

Nominal Hours: 30

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This course (unit of competency) covers the skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review a presentation to a target audience. Typically it applies to individuals who may be expected to make presentations for a range of purposes, such as marketing, training and promotions. They contribute well developed communication skills in presenting a range of concepts and ideas.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation


1. Prepare a presentation

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Plan and document presentation approach and intended outcomes

1.2 Choose presentation strategies, format and delivery methods that match the characteristics of the target audience, location, resources and personnel needed

1.3 Select presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and purpose of the presentation, and will enhance audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

1.4 Brief others involved in the presentation on their roles/responsibilities within the presentation

1.5 Select techniques to evaluate presentation effectiveness


2. Deliver a presentation

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience

2.2 Use presentation aids, materials and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

2.3 Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes

2.4 Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest

2.5 Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences

2.6 Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding


3. Review the presentation

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Implement techniques to review the effectiveness of the presentation

3.2 Seek and discuss reactions to the presentation from participants or from key personnel involved in the presentation

3.3 Utilise feedback from the audience or from key personnel involved in the presentation to make changes to central ideas presented

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for this course will enable the learner to:    • Prepare a presentation   • Deliver a presentation   • Review the presentation  

Details of Learning Activities

All learning activities you will undertake within the Cert IV in Training and Assessment program are designed to provide you with the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform training and assessment to the standard expected in the workplace. For each course in this program you will receive a result of ’competent’ or ’not yet competent’ as your final mark, no graded assessment is used.   You will participate in class learning activities such as: analysis of case studies and scenarios, role plays, delivering learning programs, group discussions and working in pairs. Other activities will include: reading and discussing the Participant Manual online research, and the reading articles provided by your trainer.   At RMIT Work Integrated Learning (WIL) refers to opportunities for you to experience either real or simulated workplaces within your program. WIL activities in this program include:   • Simulations of training and assessment work environments  • Work based projects completed within your own workplace   Many students who undertake this program are already employed in a training and assessment role. Some assessment activities are conducted in a workplace and you are encouraged to use your own workplaces for this. If you do not have a workplace please consult your trainer about alternative arrangements.


Teaching Schedule

Details on the delivery of the unit are addressed on the LMS Canvas - see the Syllabus Section for dates. Delivery for these units is as follows: Days 5-8 of the overall program.


Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

All course resources are located on the RMIT LMS, Canvas

Overview of Assessment

The unit BSBCMM401 Make a presentation is holistically assessed with TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning and TAEDEL402 Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace. Assessment will consist of

  • a set of knowledge questions
  • a project where you plan, organise and deliver one 30-min session to a group of eight (8) or more learners (during training)
  • a project where you plan, organise and deliver two consecutive, 40-minute sessions to a group of eight (8) or more learners (in your workplace)
  • a project where you plan, organise and facilitate workplace learning for an individual (on two separate occasions)


Assessment Tasks

Comprehensive project briefing documents will be provided at the commencement of classes.   • Knowledge questions - complete the questions set in the task to the required standard • Project 1 - an ’in class’ group project in which you design and develop a learning program for a simulated work environment • Project 2 - a project in which you design, develop, deliver and assess a learning program for your own workplace or a training environment of your choice.   It is a requirement of the Certificate IV Training and Assessment (TAE40116) program, that all assessment projects (both in-class (Project 1), the workplace (Project 2) are to be submitted electronically through the RMIT LMS Canvas.    You must include a signed RMIT Cover Sheet with all assessments.  *Please add your name and student no: into the footer of your project document.  *Please note, that no ‘Hard Copy’ portfolios will be accepted.


Assessment Matrix

  • Delivery Module Assessment matrix
  • BSBCMM401  Assessment matrix
  • A detailed assessment matrix in located on our School I Drive


Other Information

In adherence with RMIT’s commitment to sustainability, trainers will seek to incorporate environmental concerns in the facilitation of this course. These include, but are not limited to:    • Conserving natural resources  • Using recycled materials wherever possible  • Minimising pollution  • Applying energy savings measures  • Reducing waste   Students are encouraged to identify and follow environmental and resource efficient ways of working whilst studying this course. Attendance.   Your course involves participating in face to face classes. It is strongly advised that you attend all sessions in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity to successfully complete this course. Special consideration policy (Late submissions)   All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level. If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date, you will need to apply for an extension.   Special consideration is an assessment adjustment for unexpected circumstances that are outside your control, which:   • have a significant adverse impact on your performance in assessment or  • prevent you from attempting or submitting the assessment. Special Consideration   Academic Integrity and Plagiarism  RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policy 


Course Overview: Access Course Overview