Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2023

Course Code: GEOM5189C

Course Title: Create spatial data

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.  

To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.  

Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:  

Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:  

Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance.  

School: 530T Built Environment and Sustainability

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4417 - Certificate IV in Surveying and Spatial Information Services

Course Contact: Matthew Sweeney

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4105

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Dr. Indira Wittamperuma

Surveying & Spatial Educator

Surveying Department

School of Vocational Engineering, Health & Science

RMIT University


Victoria, Australia


Nominal Hours: 20

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

In this course you will develop the skills and knowledge required to validate spatial data and create a metadata statement. This includes evaluating project requirements and determining appropriate quality checks for the data. The course also includes applying industry-accepted methodologies to assess the validity and integrity of data.

This course is suitable for skilled surveying technicians and skilled spatial information system (SIS) technicians who use a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to analyse information and provide solutions to sometimes complex surveying/spatial information problems.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CPPSSI5035 Create spatial data


1. Prepare to create spatial data

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Confirm project requirements in consultation with appropriate person.

1.2 Determine acceptance levels of data quality required for project in consultation with appropriate person.

1.3 Select data creation methods and resources including source data to meet project requirements.

1.4 Select data validation methods to meet project requirements.

1.5 Comply with legislative requirements, including data privacy, copyright and licensing while undertaking the project.


2. Create spatial data

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Access required data resources.

2.2 Create spatial data using geographic information system (GIS) application tools.

2.3 Use topological rules to define permissible relationships between features.

2.4 Resolve numerical and topological errors arising through processing.

2.5 Store spatial data according to organisational requirements.


3. Validate spatial data quality

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Use industry-accepted methods for evaluating the consistency, precision, accuracy and completeness of spatial data according to project specifications.

3.2 Resolve data quality issues in spatial data.

3.3 Identify and record the limitations of the spatial data according to organisational requirements.


4. Prepare metadata statement

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Document the validated dataset by completing a metadata statement according to organisational requirements.

4.2 Complete and file documentation according to organisational requirements.

4.3 Advise relevant users of the availability of the metadata according to organisational requirements.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements. 

Details of Learning Activities

This will include:

  • Planning and documenting project requirements
  • Capturing and manipulating spatial datasets using spatial applications
  • Validating and resolving issues associated with datasets
  • Completing documentation and finalising project requirements 


The total number of scheduled hours of teaching, learning and assessment involved in this course includes all planned activities (face to face classes, lectures, workshops and seminars; workplace visits, online learning and other forms of structured teaching and learning). It also covers the amount of effort necessary to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, observation of work performance, discussions with supervisors and others providing third party evidence and one on one and group assessment sessions with students.

Teaching Schedule

Session One
6 - 10 February

Welcome and course overview

In this session you will be introduced to the assessment requirements and spatial Technology that includes spatial software applications, standards, digital vector data and raster imagery, spatial data structures, formats, attributes, aspatial text and topology. You will also be provided the information to Install appropriate GIS Software onto your personal computers.

Activity: Introduced to spatial technology

Session Two

13-19 February

Introduction to ESRI ArcGIS Pro

In this session you will be introduced to ESRI ArcGIS Pro Software for the purpose of producing mapping products. This will include: mapping products, formats and types, common map elements, best practice for easy-to-read map layouts, fundamentals of map design principles and mapping ethics.


Activity: Introduction to ESRI ArcGIS Software and map production

Session Three

20 - 26 February

Introduction to Spatial References (Projections, Datum's and Coordinate Systems)

In this session you will be introduced to the key components of Spatial References. This includes: Projection systems, Datum's and Coordinate Systems

Activity: Introduction to Spatial References

Session Four

27 February - 5 March

Introduction to spatial data editing, manipulating and capture

In this session you will be introduced to geoprocessing terms and techniques used to validate mapping products and spatial data that includes digital data and imagery. This will include: displaying vector and raster dataset formats; update; backup; recover; archive data and edit, manipulate a range of spatial data types, including points, lines, polygons, text and attributes which will include: merging, clipping, dissolving, buffering, intersecting and union

Activity:  Capture, manipulate and Validate spatial data, associated attributes and mapping products

Session Five

6-12 March

Introduction to Metadata

In this session you will be introduced to Metadata and the associated standards including associated metadata fields

Activity: Introduction to metadata standards and associated fields

Session Six

13-19 March


Assessment 1: Project Initiation

In this session you will meet the client where you will discuss and document all project requirements in a project scoping document. You will also download and validate datasets required for the project to ensure the data meets requirements


Note: 13 Feb - Labour Day public holiday


Session Seven

20-26 March

Assessment 1: Project Execution

In this session you will validate spatial datasets to identify topological errors and resolve issues identified, This will include the capturing of additional features.


Census DateLinks to an external site.

31 March 2023


The Census Date is the last day you can withdraw from this course without financial penalty. If you need to withdraw from this course, you must do so before this date to avoid additional student fees. 




Session Eight

27 March - 2 April

Assessment 1: Project Execution

In this session you will design and produce a map with appropriate marginalia information as per specification requirements


Session Nine

3-9 April


Assessment 1: Project Finalisation

In this session you will complete the metadata Statement, the submission of completed work document, answer the knowledge questions and submit all requirements onto canvas.


Note: 07 April (Friday) - Good Friday public holiday

Assessment 1 Due - 09th April 2023

Mid-semester break

10-16 April

The Mid-semester break is a scheduled break in the semester. No teaching or assessment will occur during this time. Also, your Trainer/Assessor won't be available during this time. If you need to contact them, please email them via your student email account, and they will respond once they return from the break. 



10 April - Easter Monday public holiday

11 April - Easter Tuesday RMIT holiday


Session Ten

17-23 April

Introduction to spatial data editing, manipulating and capture

In this session you will be introduced to the assessment requirements and continue the training required to capture, edit, manipulate (merging, clipping, dissolving, buffering, intersecting and union) and validate spatial data and associated attributes.

Activity: Capture, manipulate and Validate spatial data, associated attributes and mapping products

Session Eleven

24-30 April

Introduction to spatial data editing, manipulating and capture (Continued)

In this session you will be introduced to the assessment requirements and continue the training required to capture, edit, manipulate  (merging, clipping, dissolving, buffering, intersecting and union) and validate spatial data and associated attributes

Activity: Capture, manipulate and Validate spatial data, associated attributes and mapping products (Continued)


Public holiday

25 April 2023

No teaching or assessment will occur on ANZAC Day. Additionally, RMIT staff will not be available during this time. If you need to contact them, please email them via your student email account, and they will respond once they return from the break.   

Session Twelve

1-7 May

Introduction to Map production

In this session you will use ESRI ArcGIS Pro Software for the purpose of producing and validating mapping products.

Activity: Create and validate maps

Session Thirteen

8-14 May

Introduction to Map production (Continued)

In this session you will continue using ESRI ArcGIS Pro Software for the purpose of creating and validating mapping products.

Activity: Create and validate maps (Continued)

Session Fourteen

15-21 May

Assessment 2: Project Initiation

In this session you will meet the client where you will discuss and document all project requirements in a project scoping document. You will also download and validate datasets required for the project to ensure the data meets requirements


Session Fifteen

22-28 May

Assessment 2: Project Execution

In this session you will validate spatial datasets to identify topological errors and resolve issues identified. This will include the capturing of additional features. On completion, you will design and produce a map with appropriate marginalia information as per specification requirements

Assessment 2 Due - 28th May 2023

Session Sixteen

29 May - 4 June

Assessment 2: Project Finalisation

In this session you will complete the metadata Statement, the submission of completed work document, answer the knowledge questions and submit all requirements onto canvas.


Session Seventeen

5-11 June

Revision and feedback on work completed  

Session Eighteen

12-18 June

Assessment marking and finalising results  

Queens Birthday 

Public Holiday

12 June 2023

No teaching or assessing will occur on the Queen's Birthday. Additionally, RMIT staff will not be available during this time. If you need to contact them, please email them via your student email account, and they will respond once they return from the break.   

Official Results Release DateLinks to an external site.

29 June 2023

Important: It is your responsibility to check your results on this date.

Your official results for this course will be released on this date. Your teacher will not inform you of your final result. It will only be available via My Student Record on RMIT's website. 

It is not your Trainer/Assessors responsibility to let you know your final result. 

Your teacher will not be available to comment on your assessment or final results from 18-29 June 2022. After this date, you can contact them to talk about your final result if you need it. 

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.

Students will be able to access course information and learning materials through the Learning Hub and may be provided with additional materials in class. Lists of relevant reference books, resources in the library and accessible Internet sites will be provided where possible. You will also use equipment and software packages in the laboratory for the project work. During the course, you will be directed to websites to enhance your knowledge and understanding of difficult concepts

Check the Library Subject Guides:

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights to your written tasks. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS. 

Assessment Tasks

Assessment number Assessment type Week Due
Assessment 1 Bundoora West Campus -Topographic Map

Week 9

Assessment 2 Local Government Area Cadastral - Thematic Map Week 15

Assessment Matrix

Mapping Assessments to the Unit of Competency – Instructions


Performance criteria






      Task 1

Bundoora West Campus Topographic Map


Task 2

Data Validation

1. Prepare to create spatial data.




1.1. Confirm project requirements in consultation with appropriate person.



1.2. Determine acceptance levels of data quality required for project in consultation with appropriate person.



1.3. Select data creation methods and resources including source data to meet project requirements.



1.4. Select data validation methods to meet project requirements.



1.5. Comply with legislative requirements, including data privacy, copyright and licensing while undertaking the project.



2. Create spatial data.

2.1. Access required data resources.



2.2. Create spatial data using geographic information system (GIS) application tools.



2.3. Use topological rules to define permissible relationships between features.



2.4. Resolve numerical and topological errors arising through processing.



2.5. Store spatial data according to organisational requirements.

B2, B8

B2, B7

3. Validate spatial data quality.

3.1. Use industry-accepted methods for evaluating the consistency, precision, accuracy and completeness of spatial data according to project specifications.

B1, B3

B1, B3

3.2. Resolve data quality issues in spatial data.



3.3. Identify and record the limitations of the spatial data according to organisational requirements.



4. Prepare metadata statement.

4.1. Document the validated dataset by completing a metadata statement according to organisational requirements.



4.2. Complete and file documentation according to organisational requirements.



4.3. Advise relevant users of the availability of the metadata according to organisational requirements.




Foundation skills

Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.


Performance Evidence 

A person demonstrating competency in this unit must satisfy the requirements below


      Task 1

Bundoora West Campus Topographic Map


Task 2

Data Validation

To demonstrate competency a candidate must meet the elements and performance criteria of this unit by creating and validating three spatial datasets comprising the spatial data types of point, line and polygon.

Each of the spatial datasets must incorporate attribute data and use geoprocessing functions of:

  • merge
  • clip
  • dissolve
  • buffer
  • intersect
  • union.

B2, B3

B2, B3


Knowledge Evidence 

To be competent in this unit a candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:


      Task 1

Bundoora West Campus Topographic Map


Task 2

Data Validation

spatial data quality features


Question 12


AS/NZS ISO 19115-1:2015 Geographic information – Metadata Fundamentals:

  • title
  • identifier
  • abstract
  • time
  • responsible party
  • access, use, security
  • status
  • lineage
  • topic category
  • keywords

B4, B6

Question 5


key features of spatial reference systems


Question 7


geometry and attributes of spatial datasets


Question 8


methods for validating spatial datasets


Question 9


reliable source of data


Question 12


spatial data types


Question 10


spatial data capture methodologies


Question 11


spatial data formats and structures


Question 10


industry-accepted standards relating to validating spatial data


Question 9


metadata standard AS/NZS ISO 19115.1:2015 Geographic information – Metadata Fundamentals.

B4, B6

Question 5





Assessment conditions

Describe how assessments meet the assessment conditions

Assessors must meet the requirements for assessors contained in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

RMIT employment requires all trainers and assessors to comply with the Standards for RTOs in respect to holding the TAE40116, or higher VE qualification including any necessary updated units.  All employees must show currency within their vocational specialty along with their professional employment.


Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment that accurately reflects performance in a real workplace setting where these skills and knowledge would be performed.

Assessments reflect the workspace environment.

Assessors to have appropriate industry experience and knowledge.

Students have access to computers with the latest GIS software packages during scheduled class times that comply with current industry practices.

Candidates must have access to:

computer with appropriate software for spatial data management

All labs will have the appropriate computers and software installed.

Software that students required include:

  • Microsoft Office available through Office 365
    • Microsoft word
    • Microsoft Excel
  • ESRI ArcGIS (Labs and Home use)

Students will have access to additional software through Office 365. The students can sign in with your RMIT email address and password.

organisational procedures relating to data privacy, copyright and licensing.

Students will be provided the appropriate links where they can access the links to obtain the information

Other Information

Interim Results

After you have submitted an assessment, you will receive an interim result. This is displayed in the Grades section of this Canvas shell. These will be as follows:



Satisfactory (S)


You will receive this interim result when you meet all of the following criteria:

  • You have submitted your assessment by the due date and time.
  • You have attended the required minimum attendance for this course.
  • You have met all the assessment requirements, and your Trainer/Assessor deems that you have satisfactorily completed the assessment. 

Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)


You will receive this interim result when you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • You have not attended the required minimum attendance for this course.
  • You have not met one or more of the assessment requirements, and your Trainer/Assessor deems that you have not satisfactorily completed the assessment. 

Did Not Submit (DNS)


You will receive this result when you have not submitted your assessment by the due date or time. Your Trainer/Assessor, the Program Coordinator or the Program Manager cannot overturn this interim result. An approved Special Consideration is required to allow further opportunities to complete the assessment. Additionally, moderation panels cannot overturn this result either.


Note: You must achieve a Satisfactory (S) result for every assessment in this course in order to pass.


Interim results will inform the moderation panel of their decision as to whether or not you are deemed competent and can pass the course. Your final and official result will be published via My Results on RMIT's website. It is your responsibility to check your final results. Your Trainer/Assessor, the Program Coordinator or the Program Manager will not inform you of your final result.


Resubmission Policy:

After you submit your assessment, your Trainer/Assessor will review your submission. If you have met all the requirements of the assessment task, you will receive an S result in your Grades section of this course.


If the Trainer/Assessor determines that you have not met the assessment requirements, you will receive an NYS result in the Grades section. In this case, your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with the following opportunities to resubmit:

  • Project/Practical-Based Assessment Task: One Resubmission per assessment.
  • Knowledge-Based Assessment Task (Tests): Two Resubmissions per assessment

Important: If you do not submit an assessment by its due date or time, you are not entitled to a resubmission. You will only receive an opportunity to submit an assessment that you have failed to submit on time if you provide an approved Special Consideration. Your Trainer/Assessor, Program Coordinator & Program Manager or the Moderation panel cannot overturn a DNS result without approved Special Consideration.


*Resubmissions cannot be accepted via email or as attachments to the comments of another assessment. Any work submitted in this manner will not be accepted or recognised, regardless of the circumstances. All resubmissions must be uploaded via the original submission folder and by the due date and time set by the Trainer/Assessor.


**Your Trainer/Assessor, Program Coordinator or Program Manager cannot issue further resubmission opportunities beyond those stated here. You will only be provided with further opportunities based on the successful application for Special Consideration or upon the course moderation panel's review and decision at the course's end.



You are required to attend a minimum of 85% of your classes. If you miss classes, you will need to provide a medical certificate to your Trainer/Assessor for classes that result in you not meeting the 85% requirement.


If you fail to attend the minimum required classes and engage in each class, your trainer/assessor will not accept your assessment submissions. You will be required to attend an in-person interview with your trainer/assessor at a time determined by them. Failure to attend this interview will result in your assessment being rejected. Additionally, the trainer/assessor reserves the right to reject your assessment based on the interview's outcome. This is required to ensure RMIT meets the Standards set for RTOs to ensure the validity of your work.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview