Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2024
Course Code: COMM7379C
Course Title: Shoot material for screen productions
School: 515T Creative Industries
Campus: City Campus
Program: C4422 - Certificate IV in Screen and Media
Course Contact: Suzanne Thomson
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 8428
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Nominal Hours: 80
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This course describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to shoot screen material using a single-camera.
Camera operators apply the skills and knowledge described in this course. Their prime responsibility is to capture screen images using a range of video equipment. Operators in this context generally work under direction but perform all camera, sound and lighting functions. Occasionally they will be assisted by a camera assistant or sound recordist. On occasion, they may be required to assist other camera operators with the movement and handling of cameras and cables.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
CUACAM311 Shoot material for screen productions |
Element: |
1. Prepare for shoots |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Confirm production and post-production requirements by participating in pre-production briefings 1.2 Arrange equipment and accessories for shoots as directed 1.3 Confirm there are adequate supplies of charged batteries and capture media to meet production requirements 1.4 Prepare and pack lighting equipment 1.5 Identify and report equipment faults to required production personnel 1.6 Complete minor repairs on faulty equipment 1.7 Complete workplace documentation according to organisational procedures prior to shoots |
Element: |
2. Set up on location |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Contribute ideas to production concepts in discussion with required personnel 2.2 Plan camera positions that ensure composition of shots provides visual interpretation of material or subject according to production requirements 2.3 Set up and secure cameras and other equipment 2.4 Plan repositioning of equipment and accessories during shoots according to production requirements 2.5 Label and load capture media and check camera functions 2.6 Position microphones according to production requirements and conduct audio check |
Element: |
3. Set up lighting |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Determine whether correction is required by assessing quality and quantity of available light according to production requirements 3.2 Mount and position lighting equipment safely 3.3 Run lighting cables and connect to power sources safely 3.4 Install colour frames and gels according to production requirements 3.5 Select lenses and filters appropriate to prevailing weather conditions |
Element: |
4. Position and operate camera |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Select camera shots and angles that produce effective cuts between shots according to production requirements 4.2 Shoot and record sequences as directed according to production and post-production requirements 4.3 Implement planned or rehearsed shots according to direction from required personnel by checking camera movements |
Element: |
5. Manipulate cables and camera positioning |
Performance Criteria: |
5.1 Confirm final camera and cable movements by participating in rehearsals 5.2 Position and move camera cabling during shoots according to instructions and cues from required personnel 5.3 Avoid undue lapses in timing by responding to cues from required personnel 5.4 Move cameras and cabling without impeding work of camera operators in cooperation with required personnel 5.5 Handle cabling without damaging equipment or causing injury to others |
Element: |
6. Wrap up shoots |
Performance Criteria: |
6.1 Use safe lifting techniques when packing equipment and accessories 6.2 Label recorded material and associated documentation according to organisational procedures 6.3 Identify and report additional equipment faults and complete required documentation 6.4 Leave shoot locations in original or improved condition 6.5 Review and reflect on own performance and note areas for improvement |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will be able to shoot single camera productions, performing all camera, sound and lighting functions.
Details of Learning Activities
This course consists of 1 Unit of Competency.
In-class learning activities may include, but are not limited to:
• lectures and/or lab work
• tv studio practical workshops
• teacher directed group activities and projects
• group discussions and class presentations
• peer and teacher feedback
• self directed online, library and industry research
• self directed project production work and reflection
Out of class activities may include, but are not limited to:
• maintaining secure daily backups of all assessment and project data to your RMIT OneDrive account
• accessing online tutorial resources
• self directed online, library and industry research
• self directed project production work and reflection
• class excursions to events and locations outside of RMIT
Teaching Schedule
WeekDateTopicAssessment / Learning activitiesWeek 1 | 15/7 |
The content of the course will be introduced by the lecturer. The cameras will be brought out and the students encoruaged to form 5 groups to go through the camera functions. |
Week 2 | 22/7 |
The cameras will be brought out and put together with the tripod. The groups formed the week before will reassemble and come up with a small project to film outdoors. The groups will come back to the calssroom and as a class we will review the material and assess for technical qualities. |
Week 3 | 29/7 |
The lecturer will introduce the technical aspects of lighting. Groups will then reassemble and come up with another simple exercise to explore the lighting functions of the camera outdoors and indoors. As a class we will assess the content filmed by each group to expolre different techniques. |
Week 4 | 5/8 |
Building on the class from the week before the grops will further explore every aspect of the previous weeks lessons. Adding to the filming process the external lighting equipment avaialble. Again the class will get the cameras out and put the camera kit together now adding the lighting to produce an image. The groups will set up an interview situation with lights from the camera store. The lighting will be explored with both natural light focussed with a reflector and an indoor setting using lights set up on stands in the classroom. Examples of different lighting set ups will be explored through a series of small video clips. |
Week 5 | 12/8 |
Look at Depth of Field Lesson over the content of the knowledge questions in preparation of CAM_AT1_ Knowledge Task_CUACAM311.docx |
Week 6 | 19/8 | Dedicated time to complete the assessment | |
Week 7 | 26/8 |
The groups will reassemble and the go through the process of Directing Action The groups will reassemble and the audio equipment will be brought out of the store. The audio techniques will be described and explored in the class
Week 8 |
Week 9 |
AT2-Shooting-List--Brief.pdf |
Week 10 | 23/9/24 |
AT2-Shooting-List--Brief.pdf |
Week 11 | 30/9/24 |
AT2 Shoot Material for Screen Productions - Due Week 11 |
Week 12 | 7/10/24 |
Week 13 | 14/10/24 |
AT3 - In Camera Edit |
Week 14 | 21/10/24 |
AT3 - In Camera Edit |
Week 15 | 28/10/24 |
AT3 Due - In Camera Edit - Due week 15 |
Week 16 | 4/11/24 | Review of assessments | |
Week 17 |
Review of assessments |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights to your written tasks. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment 01:Demonstrate Camera Setup
In this part of the assessment, you are required to write answers for 10 questions to confirm your knowledge of shooting materials for screen production:
- Screen and media include pre-production, production and post-production personnel. Select two roles from each category above and outline their roles and responsibilities.
- List three common or typical problems that arise in the context of shooting material for screen productions, and briefly describe a solution for each one.
- Briefly explain how a producer might choose from specific capture media for each types for production.
- Describe the basic framing techniques you need to employ in typical productions and methods of composing shots
- List three critical characteristics of microphones that are used in productions.
- Name at least three (3) audio equipment commonly used for shooting screen productions
- From the list below, outline the effect at least two light sources, two lenses and two filters have on lighting sets and talent. In your answer address quality, quantity and colour temperature.
- Choose three (3) basic principles of lighting that you used when shooting material for this assessment and explain the purpose of each. You may wish to consider.
Back light, Key lighting, Fill, High key, Low key, Shallow depth of field, Deep depth of field - Complete the table provided in the student workbook, to describe the techniques for handling and attaching cabling.
- Outline work health and safety, security, legal and regulatory procedures and responsibilities that apply to shooting on location.
Due Week 6
Assessment 02: Film and Shooting List - KE questions
This assessment task will enable you to demonstrate your skills to prepare, position the camera and capture an image to meet the AT2 Shooting list brief, whilst operating safely and meeting the agreed deadline. You will also be required to respond to six questions to confirm your knowledge of the principles of lighting that apply in the context of shooting material for screen productions.
This assessment allows you to demonstrate the level of quality you have been able to achieve with your camera work while setting up a variety of equipment in a variety of locations when crewing for other team members.
Due Week 11
Assessment 03: In Camera Edit
You will set up a camera and record an ‘In camera’ edit. You will also be required to act as crew and cast on several productions across the three weeks. Five camera kits will be available.
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate an efficient set up of a camera/lighting and sound and to shoot a coherent series of shots that require minimal editing to tell a story. This task is relevant to content creation in fast turnaround work scenarios but also to efficient shooting ratios and getting the essential material to tell a complete story.
Due Week 15
Assessment in this course uses the following grades:
CA - Competency Achieved
NYC - Not Yet Competent
DNS - Did Not Submit
Assessment Matrix
The assessment matrix for this course demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the unit of competency. These matrices are available through Program Administration.
Other Information
Please refer to the RMIT student page for extensive information about study support, assessment, extensions, appeals and a range of other matters.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview