Course Title: Develop and carry out a cyber security industry project

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2024

Course Code: INTE5061

Course Title: Develop and carry out a cyber security industry project

School: 520T Future Technologies

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4424 - Certificate IV in Cyber Security

Course Contact: Michael Barton

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 1409

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 100

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

VU23213 - Utilise basic network concepts and protocols required in cyber security
VU23215 - Test concepts and procedures for cyber security

Course Description

In this course you will gain the skills and knowledge to develop and undertake a project that simulates a real cyber security industry environment

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

VU23220 Develop and carry out a cyber security industry project


1 Establish project team

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Team members for the project are selected

1.2 Individual responsibilities for each team member are determined

1.3 Team performance criteria are established

1.4 Methodology of team performance measurement is defined


2 Determine context of business need or problem (project)

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Scope and system boundaries of the business problem are determined together with the problem solving methodology

2.2 Background information is gathered and development of questions appropriate to the business problem are prepared

2.3 Objectives and expected outcomes to be achieved are identified and documented

2.4 Key elements for project milestones are identified

2.5 Work plan statement is developed


3 Support the project plan development

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Process of identifying tasks and resources needed to complete the project plan is determined

3.2 Schedule of project tasks including realistic timeframes and costs is prepared

3.3 Specific responsibilities to project team members are allocated

3.4 Process to manage risks and/or unexpected events that may impact upon the project objectives and/or timelines is developed


4 Evaluate the suitability of the gathered resources

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Key components required from the project are identified

4.2 Resources for the project are allocated

4.3 Function and operation of selected resources allocated to team members are defined


5 Implement the project design

Performance Criteria:

5.1 Suitable systematic processes to implement the project are selected

5.2 Subtasks for the overall project are defined and allocated to team members

5.3 Subtasks are developed

5.4 A systematic testing procedure is defined

5.5 As part of the project Red and Blue teaming exercises are planned and executed

5.6 Verification of the functionality of the project in either part or full is performed

5.7 Documentation for the process such as meeting minutes, reports, emails is generated


6 Support project completion and handover

Performance Criteria:

6.1 An implementation plan with minimal end user's disruption is developed

6.2 Technical documentation including project timeframes, scope, cost is drafted

6.3 Technical documentation for approval by appropriate person/s is submitted

6.4 Developed project risk strategy is evaluated

6.5 Where required appropriate plan to train end users is presented

6.6 Final project sign-off from sponsor and key stakeholders is obtained

6.7 Project is closed and experience gained and lessons learnt are discussed and documented

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements. 

Details of Learning Activities

VU23220 - Develop a cyber security industry project. 

VU23221 - Evaluate and test an incident response plan for an enterprise

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • develop a network security infrastructure (project) and
  • prepare a implementation plan that leads to a solution
  • organize a work team
  • function and solve problems in a work team environment
  • gather resources for project implementation
  • test resources for functionality and operation as required
  • implement project according to the provided design
  • test the system for functionality
  • conduct team activities and evaluate team performance
  • prepare project documentation and make a presentation to the

Teaching Schedule

WeekDateTopicAssessment / Learning activities
Week 1 15-19 Jul 2024

Introduction to Installing virtual Machines

Learn why networks and data are attacked.

Learn how to prepare for a career in cybersecurity operations

Week 2 22-26 Jul 2024


Introduction to Security Testing

Introduction to Security Testing
Week 3 29 Jul to 2nd August 2024

Introduction to Network Scanning


Research  Assignment

Introduction to Network Scanning


Research assignment due week 10

Week 4 5-9 Aug 2024 Introduction to Network Reconnaissance Introduction to Network Reconnaissance
Week 5

12-16 Aug 2024

Introduction to Virtulisation Introduction to Virtulisation
Week 6

18-22 March 2024

Introduction to Wireless Security Introduction to Wireless Security
Week 7 19-23 Aug 2024 Introduction to IPS,IDS and Firewalls Introduction to IPS,IDS and Firewalls


                                                                                        Mid-semester break                                                                                 Mid-semester break 
Week 8

2-6 Sept 2024

Introduction to Understanding Defence

Introduction to Understanding Defence   



Start groups and Final Assignment

Week 9 9-13 Sept 2024 Introduction Team Developement and Final lab Setup Introduction Team Developement and Final lab Setup
Week 10


16-20 Sept 2024

Introduction to Tender Response Fundamentals and Final lab Setup

Introduction to Tender Response Fundamentals and Final lab Setup

Week 11

23-27 Sept 2024


Introduction to Assessment Day 1 and SOC Models

Introduction to Assessment Day 1 and SOC Models


Final assignment

Week 12 30 Sept - 4 Oct 2024 Introduction to Assessment Day 2 and Network Design

Introduction to Assessment Day 2 and Network Design


Final assignment

Week 13 7-11 Oct 2024 Introduction to Assessment Day 3 and Incident Response

Introduction to Assessment Day 3 and Incident Response


Final assignment
Week 14 14-18 Oct 2024 Introduction to Assessment Day 4 and Red Blue Teams


Introduction to Assessment Day 4 and Red Blue Teams


Final assignment

Week 15 21-25 Oct 2024 Introduction to Assessment Day 5 Threat Intelligence

Introduction to Assessment Day 5 Threat Intelligence



Final assignment

Week 16 28- oct- 1 Nov 2024

Assessment Catchup

Week 17

 4-8 Nov 2024

Assessment Catchup



Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

A computer with at least 16 gig of ram and an i5 processor or equivalent. 

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral/written presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.

Assessment Tasks

1 knowledge assessment 

2 practical team assessments

Assessment Matrix

1 knowledge assessment 

2 practical team assessments

Other Information

Knowledge  of virtual machines 

Course Overview: Access Course Overview