Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2024
Course Code: HWSS6174C
Course Title: Provide first point of contact
School: 535T Social Care and Health
Campus: City Campus
Program: C4432 - Certificate IV in Community Services
Course Contact: Melinda Brown
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4580
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Nominal Hours: 35
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to greet clients and exchange routine information, to prioritise the individual’s needs, and to respond to immediate needs.
This unit applies to service delivery in all community services and health contexts. Workers at this level work under supervision with limited responsibility.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
CHCCOM001 Provide first point of contact |
Element: |
1. Greet and observe people |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Listen to and greet people accessing service in a pleasant, respectful and accepting way 1.2 Respond to distressed people in a relaxed and calm manner and seek assistance as required 1.3 Respond appropriately to diverse people and behaviour in line with organisation requirements 1.4 Discuss any concerns or problems with supervisor |
Element: |
2. Follow organisations procedures to collect routine client information |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Collect and document identifying information in accordance with organisation and confidentiality requirements 2.2 Discuss reasons for contact with the service 2.3 Explain and uphold rights and responsibilities of the client and confirm understanding |
Element: |
3. Identify priority of need |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Identify urgency and nature of need and refer in accordance with organisation guidelines 3.2 Identify and respond to issues of personal safety for self, clients and others in accordance with organisation procedures and scope of own role 3.3 Recognise situations beyond the scope of role and seek assistance |
Element: |
4. Provide service information |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Provide client with current, relevant and culturally appropriate service information 4.2 Assist clients to contact other agencies or services as appropriate to obtain further information 4.3 Ask the client if information needs have been met and provide further assistance if required |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities
This course is delivered Face to Face. Types of learning activities include:
- practical demonstrations
- online Discussion Forums, Groupwork and Quizzes
- analysis/critique of relevant reading material
- workshops, group discussion
- group activities/projects
- peer learning
- research activities
- independent project based work
- group activities/projects
- simulated workplace activities
Teaching Schedule
Course Schedule: Provide First Point of Contact |
Semester 2: 2024 |
Week |
Topic |
Week 1
Service Interaction and Communication
Client Interaction and Assistance
Overview of Assessment tasks |
Week 2 |
Seeking Assistance and Addressing Concerns
Week 3
Meeting Organisational Requirements
Assessment 2: Short Answer Questions Due |
Week 4 |
Assessment task 1 Roleplays- in class assessment |
Assessment 1: Roleplay 1 Due |
Week 5
Assessment 1 Roleplays - in class assessment |
Assessment 1: Role play written work due
Student support
Your first point of contact for any support needs with your assessments should be your teacher and assessor. If you require further support, you should consider contacting the following support services at RMIT.
Assessment adjustments
Students requiring support or adjustments for their formal assessments task or exams should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS), for more information on the types of adjustments provided, access RMIT adjustments to assessment.
Special consideration
If unexpected circumstances affect your ability to complete an assessment you can apply for special consideration. For more information access RMIT special consideration.
As an RMIT student you are entitled to seek a review of decisions that impact on your studies. For more information access RMIT appeals.
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Learning materials will be provide in canvas
Overview of Assessment
There are two individual assessment tasks consisting of role plays, and short answer questions.
Assessment Tasks
You will be given two (2) attempts for each assessment to demonstrate the required knowledge and skills. A third (3rd) attempt can only be offered after discussions between teacher and the Program Coordinator and is not automatic. Resubmissions beyond two (2) attempts are at the discretion of the teacher and/or coordinator.
Assessment task 1:
There are 2 parts to this task, you will be required to complete:
Part 1: Three (3) Role Plays: The role plays will be completed in class and the teacher will provide the dates and times of when these will occur
Part 2: Client Documentation
Assessment task: Short Answer Questions
This assessment task allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of working with clients where you are the first point of contact.
You must satisfactorily answer all 14 questions for this task
Assessment Matrix
The assessment matrix is located in canvas at the end of each assessment task.
Other Information
RMIT has a large variety of suppport available for students. Please see for more details
Course Overview: Access Course Overview