Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2025

Course Code: ONPS7808C

Course Title: Perform biological procedures

School: 535T Social Care and Health

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4433 - Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques

Course Contact: Rauha Quazi

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4277

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Andrea McAdam

Course Coordinator (teacher)


Ivan How (teacher) 


Nominal Hours: 130

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge to interpret work requirements, prepare samples, and perform routine biological procedures. These procedures may involve several steps and are used to classify organisms or biologically active compounds by analysing their biological and/or chemical characteristics. This unit includes interpretation of results and troubleshooting obvious departures from standard procedures.

This unit of competency applies to technical assistants working in the biomedical, environmental, biotechnology and education industry sectors.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

MSL974034 Perform biological procedures


1. Interpret and schedule work requirements

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Review work request to identify samples, required procedures and materials equipment involved 1.2 Identify hazards and workplace control measures associated with the sample, preparation methods, reagents and/or equipment 1.3 Plan parallel work sequences to optimise throughput of multiple sets of samples


2. Receive and prepare biological samples

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Register samples in accordance with workplace procedures, recording details that allow accurate tracking and chain of custody traceable to employee 2.2 Match sample provided to accompanying documentation and report any discrepancies in accordance with workplace procedures 2.3 Prepare samples in accordance with testing requirements


3. Perform biological techniques on samples

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Set up and use equipment and reagents in accordance with the method 3.2 Perform techniques in accordance with the standard operating procedures


4. Maintain a safe work environment

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Use established safe work practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure personal safety and that of other laboratory personnel 4.2 Safely dispose of biohazardous wastes 4.3 Clean, care for and store equipment and reagents in accordance with workplace procedures


5. Maintain laboratory records

Performance Criteria:

5.1 Record data and results in accordance with workplace procedures 5.2 Follow procedures to support traceability of sample from receipt to reporting of results

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

Teacher directed delivery of lessons

  • Pre-readings and resources
  • Laboratory techniques
  • Keeping accurate records of laboratory work
  • Simulated LIMS (laboratory information management system)
  • Interactive activities to explore theory concepts and apply knowledge

Teaching Schedule



Laboratory Practical Class



Biological systems, classification & taxonomy


AT1 Knowledge Evidence
AT2 Lab Records
AT3 Perform Skills



Organic molecules 1

PRAC 1 Lab orientation
Legal, ethics & safety (WHS)



Organic molecules 2  
Carbohydrates, lipids

PRAC 2 Lab techniques
Accurate pipetting and mixing

AT1-1Classification (questions)



Controls & reference material

PRAC 3 Protein Assay #1

AT1-2Legal, ethics, WHS (Prac 1)


No theory class

PRAC 4 Protein Assay #2
Improve skills



Cells 1

Structures & function

PRAC 5 Protein Assay #3
Eliminate errors

AT1-3Controls (Topic 3 Qs)


Cells 2
Plant vs animal

PRAC 6Protein Assay #4
Procedure 1
Skills assessment

AT3 Procedure 1 Protein assay



Cells 3
Membrane transport


Catch up lab
Only for students who need it

Submit all:
AT2 Pracs 3-6 (Lab Records-1)
L-J Graph | LIMS |AT3 Proc 1 sheet


Organic molecules 3
Biologically important ions

PRAC 7 Electrophoresis #1
Prepare agarose gel, separate dye



Genetics 1
Nucleic acids & DNA

No PRAC this week

AT1-4Cells (Topic 4 Qs)

                Mid-semester break – No lab or theory                                                                                                        


Genetics 2
Chromosomes & karyotypes

PRAC 8 Electrophoresis #2
Separate DNA, visualise, interpret

AT1-5 Organic molecules
(Topics 2 & 4 Qs)


Genetics – applied to prac
Interpreting electrophoresis gels

PRAC 9 Electrophoresis #3
Procedure 2
Skills assessment



Genetics 3
Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis

PRAC 10 Biological staining
Procedure 3
Skills assessment

AT3 Procedure 3


AT2 Pracs 7-9 (Lab Records-2)
AT3 Proc 2 sheet


Genetics 4

Inheritance patterns

PRAC 11 EIA immunoassay

Multichannel pipettes & serial doubling dilutions

Prac 10 (Lab Records-3)

AT3 Proc 3 sheet


Forward thinking
Where will the course lead you?

Catch up
Only for students who need it

AT1-6Genetics (Topic 5 Qs)



Last Chance
Submit | correct all AT1 & AT2


Final corrections


Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

There is no hardcopy textbook. The free, open access textbook Biology 2e is available through openstax at

Learning resources and further reading are provided in Canvas with online links.

Overview of Assessment

Assessment may include:

  • knowledge tests
  • practical skills test
  • practical logbooks
  • presentations
  • group work
  • research
  • lab reports
  • assignments

Assessment Tasks

AT1 Knowledge Evidence
Sets of questions for each topic area that cover the theoretical concepts
Submit as indicated in Canvas

AT2 Lab Records
Logbook documentation of samples, work planning, results, calculations & interpretation
Submit as indicated in Canvas

AT3 Perform Skills
Three observed multistep procedures in laboratory: 

  • Spectrophotometry
  • Electrophoresis
  • Biological staining 

Assessment dates as indicated in Canvas 

Assessment Matrix

Assessment Matrix

The assessment matrix demonstrates how assessment tasks align with the relevant unit of competency. These mapping documents are available through Program Administration if required.

Other Information

Success in the course

To complete the course successfully, you need to achieve a satisfactory result for every assessment task.

For each assessment you will be given up to two (2) attempts, however, to be granted the second attempt at any assessment, your first attempt must be an appropriate attempt to try and gain a satisfactory outcome. For example, you must appropriately attempt each question or aspect of the assessment task.
If your first attempt fails to meet the above standard, you may not be eligible for a second attempt at that task.
A third (3rd) attempt can only be offered after discussions between teacher and the Program Coordinator and is not automatic


This course is graded in accordance with competency-based assessment.
The final outcome may be: 

CA Competency Achieved  
NYC Not Yet Competent
DNS Did Not Submit for assessment

Individual assessment tasks are marked Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory | Not Observed


If you are sick you should submit a medical certificate to the program coordinator and course coordinator/teacher.
If you miss an assessable practical class you need to provide a medical certificate (or other evidence).

If you miss a practical class that is a prac report write-up you need to arrange an alternative report with your teacher.

Submitting Assessment Tasks

You are expected to prepare all assignments and other written work in a professional manner. More information on general academic study and writing skills can be found on the “Learning Lab”

Submit or perform all assessment tasks by their due dates.

You must keep a copy of all submitted assessments including electronic copies.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism including AI  

RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.  

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has certain restrictions in this course. Please refer to assessment instructions for guidelines on the conditions for the use of AI tools in assessments.

Extensions of Time for Submission of Assessable Work

If you are prevented from submitting an assessment on time by circumstances outside your control you may apply for an extension of up to seven (7) calendar days by using the Extension tool in Canvas at least one working day before the due date. The Program Coordinator, not your teacher, will decide whether to grant the extension, and inform you if the application is approved.

If you need an extension of greater than seven days, you must apply for special consideration.

Special Consideration

If you are unable to attend on the due date of an assessment (eg test, practical assessment), because of illness or other unforeseen circumstance, you may submit an APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION within 5 working days of the due date. If Special Consideration is granted, you will be given the opportunity to complete/repeat the assessment task at a later date. For advice on this application please visit or speak to your Program Coordinator.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview