Course Title: Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2018

Course Code: EMPL7094C

Course Title: Reflect on and improve own professional practice

School: 174T School of VE Engineering, Health & Science

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5357 - Diploma of Remedial Massage

Course Contact: Joshua Davies

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4333

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Jeremy Sager

9925 4294

Nominal Hours: 120

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

This unit is co-delivered with EMPL7093C Establish and manage client relationships.

Course Description

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to evaluate and enhance own practice through a process of reflection and ongoing professional development.

This unit applies to workers in all industry sectors who take pro-active responsibility for their own professional development.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice


1. Reflect on own practice

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Undertake self-evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and/or peers 1.2 Reflect on and recognise the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in practice 1.3 Share two-way, open and evaluative feedback with co-workers or peers 1.4 Actively seek and reflect on feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources


2. Enhance own practice

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Determine improvements needed based on own evaluation and feedback from others 2.2 Identify potential support networks both internal and external to the organisation 2.3 Seek specialist advice or further training where need is identified 2.4 Recognise requirements for self-care and identify requirements for additional support 2.5 Devise, document and implement a self development plan that sets realistic goals and targets


3. Facilitate ongoing professional development

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Access and review information on current and emerging industry developments and use these to improve practice 3.2 Assess and confirm own practice against ethical and legal requirements and opportunities 3.3 Identify and engage with opportunities to extend and expand own expertise 3.4 Regularly participate in review processes as a commitment to upgrading skills and knowledge

Learning Outcomes

Please refer to the Elements of Competency.

Details of Learning Activities

All class learning materials, notes and other key learning resources can be accessed via myRMIT at

A combination of activities will support student’s learning in this course, such as:

• Face-to-face &/or online lectures to cover theoretical and practical concepts for each topic in the course

• Students will learn to apply their skills and knowledge to work integrated learning (WIL) in the student & clinical practice environment, during simulations and classroom based learning

• Work experience &/or placements observation of performance in the workplace will be a valuable part of your learning experience

• Tutorial activities (individually and in teams) to discuss, debate, critique and consolidate your ideas and extend your understanding around key concepts within specific topics

• Online discussions and activities to support and collaborate with other students in your course and debate and discuss ideas

• Utilise and develop critical research and cognitive skills to find credible sources of health information

• Self-directed study time (eg. readings or activities around theory) to enhance and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of theoretical concepts

• To further facilitate learning students are strongly encouraged to use a range of communication tools between themselves and their course instructor as well as between themselves and fellow students by using the online learning platform

• It is strongly recommended that students partner up with fellow students in order to practice assessment, treatment and palpation techniques


Teaching Schedule

Reflect & Improve Own Professional Practice   (- Co delivered with Establish and manage client relationships )
1 6/03/18 Legal and ethical implications around managing client relationships 
2 13/03/18 Identifying learning styles
3 20/03/18 Modes of communication 
4 27/03/18 Motivational interviewing and techniques
5 10/04/18 Communication barriers and confluict
6 17/04/18 Building rapport and SOAP notes
7 24/04/18 Develop priorities and SMART goals

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Learning Resources on Blackboard

Overview of Assessment


1. Case Studies 

2. Personal Development plan

3. Clinic Manual

Assessment Tasks




Assessment Tasks Name Due Date
AT1 Case Study assessment 27/04/18
AT2 Personal Development Plan 4/05/18
AT3 Clinic Observation skills  1/06/18



Assessment Matrix

Assessment Matrix Name
AT1 -  3x case studies will be provided in the Canvas course. Students will be required to submit completed work into the Canvas course
AT2 - Each student will be required to develop a personal development plan including goals, timeframes and ways to measure progress
AT3 - Clinic Observation skills  checklist to be completed during clinic shifts


Other Information

This unit is co-delivered with CHCCOM006 / EMPL7093C Establish and manage client relationships


Course Overview: Access Course Overview