Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2020

Course Code: DENT5880C

Course Title: Construct dental restorations and appliances using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

School: 174T School of VE Engineering, Health & Science

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5387 - Diploma of Dental Technology

Course Contact: Rachael Starr

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9341 1420

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 80

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to construct dental restorations and appliances using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

This unit applies to work in dental technology

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

HLTDET017 Construct dental restorations and appliances using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)


1. Determine restoration or appliance requirements

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Access and review work order. 

1.2 Apply standard infection control precautions when receiving, handling and working on dental materials. 

1.3  Ensure accuracy of work order and seek additional information as required. 

1.4 Assess quality of digital design and seek any required adjustments. 

1.5 Obtain final approval of design from appropriate source.

1.6 Identify and set-up computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies required to construct restoration or appliance, and ensure availability. 


2. Construct restoration or appliance using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Access required computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software. 

2.2 Follow workplace policies and procedures to access and import digital files into computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software. 

2.3 Select and load appropriate materials for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) of restoration or appliance. 

2.4 Manipulate and program features of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies to construct restoration or appliance. 

2.5 Monitor construction of restoration or appliance and make any required adjustments. 


3. Finalise restoration or appliance

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Inspect restoration or appliance for defects and ensure restoration or appliance accurately reflects requirements of work order. 

3.2 Make any final adjustments to ensure integrity and accuracy of restoration or appliance. 

3.3 Complete required finishing to finalise restoration or appliance, as required.

3.4 Finalise, disinfect and package restoration or appliance according to workplace requirements. 

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit, you will be able to;

  1. Determine restoration or appliance requirements
  2. Construct restoration or appliance using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
  3. Finalise restoration or appliance

Details of Learning Activities

Collaborate Ultra sessions 

Face To Face learning

Formative Practical Laboratory Activities

Teaching Schedule



Semester 1 FT2A Week 9 Tuesday 21/4/20  (am) Topic 1 introduction CAD/CAM

Semester 1 FT2A Week 10: Tuesday 28/4/20 (am) Topic 1 Introduction cont... Complete first theory quiz assessment   

Semester 1 FT2A Week 11: Tuesday 5/5/20 (am) Topic 2 Interpreting to design  

Semester 1 FT2A Week 12: Tuesday 12/5/20 (am)Topic 2 Interpreting to design cont... Complete second quiz assessment    

Semester 1 FT2A Week 13: Tuesday 19/5/20  (am) Topic 3 Design 

Semester 1 FT2A Week 14: Tuesday 26/5/20 (am) Topic 3 Design cont... 

Semester 1 FT2A Week 15: Tuesday 1/6/20 (am) Topic 3 Design cont... Complete third a quiz assessment 

Semester 1 FT2A Week 16: Tuesday 9/6/20 (am) Topic 4 Manufacture  

Semester 1 FT2A Week 17: Tuesday 15/6/20 (am) Topic 4 Manfacture cont.... Complete fourth quiz assessment.  

Semester 2 FT2A Week 1: TBA 



Semester 1 FT2A Week 9: Friday 24/4/20  (am) Topic 1 introduction CAD/CAM

Semester 1 FT2A Week 10: Friday 1/5/20 (am) Topic 1 Introduction cont... Complete first theory quiz assessment   

Semester 1 FT2A Week 11: Friday 8/5/20 (am) Topic 2 Interpreting to design  

Semester 1 FT2A Week 12: Friday 15/5/20 (am)Topic 2 Interpreting to design cont... Complete second quiz assessment    

Semester 1 FT2A Week 13: Friday 22/5/20  (am) Topic 3 Design 

Semester 1 FT2A Week 14: Friday 29/5/20 (am) Topic 3 Design cont... 

Semester 1 FT2A Week 15: Friday 5/5/20 (am) Topic 3 Design cont... Complete third a quiz assessment 

Semester 1 FT2A Week 16: Friday 12/6/20 (am) Topic 4 Manufacture  

Semester 1 FT2A Week 17: Friday 19/6/20 (am) Topic 4 Manfacture cont.... Complete fourth quiz assessment.  

Semester 2 FT2A Week 1: TBA


Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment


To be deemed competent you must demonstra

To be deemed competent you must demonstrate an understanding of all aspects required of the competency.   

Regular attendance is necessary. 

Assessment methods have been designed to measure your achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over multiple tasks and consist of theory and practical based tasks.

Assessment Tasks


 Assessment Task


 Theory assessment, online quiz Week 17

 Assessment Task


 Practical assessment, read and correctly interpret work orders to perform CAM  set up. TBA

 Assessment Task


 Practical assessment, read and correctly interpret work orders to fabricate CAD / CAM Restoration / Appliance. TBA

 Assessment Task


 Practical assessment, read and correctly interpret work orders to fabricate CAD / CAM Restoration / Appliance. TBA

 Assessment Task 


 Practical assessment, read and correctly interpret work orders to fabricate CAD / CAM Restoration / Appliance. TBA

 Assessment Task


 Practical assessment, read and correctly interpret work orders to fabricate

CAD / CAM Restoration / Appliance. TBA


Assessment Matrix

The assessment tasks listed in this course guide address all the elements and criteria of the requirements of this course. 

Course Overview: Access Course Overview