Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2022
Course Code: MKTG7931C
Course Title: Write persuasive copy
School: 525T Business & Enterprise
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5400 - Diploma of Business (Public Relations)
Course Contact: Write Persuasive Copy
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 0791
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Anna Osherov
Nominal Hours: 50
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of innovative options to write persuasive copy.
It applies to individuals who use well-developed advertising skills and a broad knowledge base to communicate messages in a wide range of contexts. In this role, individuals may develop copy individually or may work in a supervisory, management or freelancing capacity coordinating a team of writers.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
BSBWRT501 Write persuasive copy |
Element: |
1. Analyse and interpret creative brief |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Analyse and confirm technique/s for expressing central idea or creative concept 1.2 Identify and check content and supporting information for accuracy and completeness 1.3 Confirm schedule and budgetary requirements for creating copy 1.4 Identify legal and ethical constraints impacting copy to be developed
Element: |
2. Evaluate creative options |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Evaluate design and copy options against requirements of creative brief 2.2 Select option/s enabling required information and images to be communicated within time and budgetary requirements |
Element: |
3. Prepare persuasive copy |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Create original copy with impact, which sets product, service or idea being communicated apart from the competition and competitor’s promotional material 3.2 Create copy which communicates required image, and features and benefits of the product, service or idea 3.3 Create copy which meets requirements of creative brief in terms of information, format, language, writing style, and level of detail 3.4 Produce copy on time and within budget 3.5 Produce copy which complies with legal, organisational and ethical requirements
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to evaluate a range of innovative options and write persuasive copy.
This course is structured to provide students with the optimum learning experience in order to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to:
- Analyse and interpret creative brief
- Evaluate creative options
- Prepare persuasive copy.
Details of Learning Activities
A range of learning activities is planned for this course including self-paced and collaborative classroom-based activities.
The self-paced activities will be delivered through various technology platforms and include your contribution to wikis and discussion threads, reflective journals, quizzes and interactive sessions.
The collaborative classroom-based activities will include group discussion, group problem-solving activities and opportunities to practice your skills in a simulated/real workplace environment.
We expect you to participate and contribute in all scheduled learning activities.
Teaching Schedule
Weekly Schedule BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation clustered with BSBWRT501 Write Persuasive Copy Semester 1 2022 | |||
Week number |
Week beginning |
Topic |
Assessments |
1 |
7th February |
Introduction to the course, assessments and student resources. Some important concepts of presentation types and formats (written and verbal) as well as an introduction to the importance of words and copy for specific audiences Impromptu presentation (written and verbal) |
2 |
14th February |
Presentation – Purpose, exploring audiences, desired outcomes Preparing a presentation (select topic for assessment 1 and begin working through the templates provided). legal and regulatory issues impacted your topic and writing presentation. This will inform and direct assessment 1 |
3 |
21st February |
Presentation structure – exploring different types depending on desired outcomes Discussing the importance of presentation planning and timing Writing for your presentation Continue to work on research and template completion for assessment 1 |
4 |
28th February |
Location, Planning for contingencies/problems, Overcoming fears Delivering a presentation. Reading the audience, preparing formal slides Facebook and Instagram Live Continue with preparation templates including props and visual aids |
5 |
7th March |
Exploring Facebook live Handling questions and other interactions with the audience Continue completing planning templates Practice run |
6 |
14th March |
In class Facebook presentations |
Assessment 1 Due during class Preparation templates to by uploaded onto Canvas by 23:59 |
7 |
21st March |
Select the case, Select the theme, Preparing your client portfolio and preparation templates Writing for the Net SEO Website homepage and general pages |
8 |
28th March |
Writing for the Net Blogs EDM (email) Preparing your client portfolio and preparation templates |
9 |
4th April |
Social Media – general content and advertisements Writing for the media Press release and pitching Preparing your client portfolio and preparation templates |
10 |
11th April |
Writing for corporate Annual report (sample pages only) Preparing your client portfolio and preparation templates |
Mid Semester Break 14th April - 20th April |
11 |
25th April |
Writing a speech Preparing your client portfolio and preparation templates Preparing a budget Prepare a project plan |
12 |
2nd May |
Writing for electronic media – Radio In class paired activity – edit and review Preparing your client portfolio and preparation templates |
This is to be uploaded as part of assessment 2 |
13 |
9th May |
Writing for Electronic media Television/video Preparing your client portfolio and preparation templates |
14 |
16th May |
Bringing it all together Portfolio final preparation and pitch preparation |
Assessment 2 portfolio, preparation templates and edits due to be uploaded to canvas |
15 |
23rd May |
Assessment 3 Presentation/pitch role play |
Assessment 3 Copy portfolio pitch and presentation Supporting documents to be uploaded into Canvas by Friday 23:59 |
16 |
30th May |
re-submission notification and communications |
17 |
6th June |
Week 17: Resubmits if required |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
All resources will be available in Canvas.
Overview of Assessment
Assessment Methods
A range of assessment methods will be used to assess practical skills and knowledge. The following assessment methods will be used specifically to assess your writing:
- Project management
- Written reports supported by practical assignments or tasks for individual assessment
- Observation of workplace practice supported by personal interviews
- Practical display with personal interview, presentations or documentation
- Case studies.
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
analyse and evaluate a design brief including:
- check information for accuracy
- work to schedule
- work to budgetary requirements
- locate and adhere to organisation’s legal and ethical constraints
- produce persuasive copy with high impact, surpassing competitor’s promotional material.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
- discuss ethical requirements which may impact production and delivery of creative copy
- explain relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice affecting production and delivery of copy
- outline constraints to be considered during analysis, evaluation and preparation of copy
- explain organisational policies and procedures relevant to writing copy
- describe persuasive writing techniques
- explain structure of persuasive copy.
Assessment Conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the communication – writing field of work and include access to:
- organisational policies and procedures relating to process of copywriting
- relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice
- equipment and resources for advanced copywriting and design.
You are advised that you are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate your assessment work to your teacher to ensure that the relevant competency standards received and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course are being met.
Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions.
You are encouraged to ask and answer questions during class time and online sessions so that you can obtain feedback on your understanding of the concepts and issues being discussed.
Finally, you can email or arrange an appointment with your teacher to gain more feedback on your progress.
You should take note of all feedback received and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1: Presentation - Facebook Live
Due: This assessment is due end of week 6, Friday 11:59.
Summary and Purpose of Assessment
- This assessment is designed to demonstrate your ability to:
prepare and deliver presentations related to occupation or area of interest which demonstrates the use of: - effective presentation strategies and communication principles
- aids and materials to support the presentation
- select and implement methods to review the effectiveness of your own presentation and document any
changes which would improve future presentations.
This project task is one of three required of you to complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent for this unit
Assessment Instructions
What: This assessment will be produced in presentation format using Facebook Live. A brief report is also required which summarises recommendations for improvements to other students’ presentations which they can incorporate into future presentation work.
You are also required to listen/like/comment in other participants Facebook Live presentations.
Assessment Task 2: Client case study
Due: This assessment is due week 15 Friday 23:59.
Summary and Purpose of Assessment
This assessment evaluates your ability to determine the requirements and creative options in addressing the copy challenges you are presented within a case study scenario. The class will be placed in groups of 3. Each student will prepare a response to the case study brief but will be pitching against the other 2 group members for the business. The presentations, assessment 3 will be held in week 15. The teacher will act as PR Director and will announce the winners in each company category at the end of the pitch presentations. You will need to demonstrate an understanding of the details of the brief, create a core concept and demonstrate your understanding of the differences in copy requirements across a range of mediums including formal business reports and pitch emails, social media content, television and radio campaigns and how to prepare and present this copy in the most convincing way. This assessment is the creation of the copy for an integrated product launch or rebrand (determined by the details of
the brief). Each case study will require students to develop a themed copy that fits into all of the following categories.
- Writing for the Net
- Writing for the media
- Writing for corporate
- Writing for electronic media
You will be required to:
1. Review and interpret the client case study and brief presented during class
2. Determine and articulate the intended audience for the copy being prepared
a) included the above information in the preparation templates provided with the assessment documentation
3. Determine the key theme of the copy
a) articulate the key or central theme
b) articulate any supporting themes
c) included the above information in the preparation templates provided with the assessment documentation
Assessment Task 3: Major Client Presentation: Role Play scenario
Due: This assessment is due week 15 Friday 11:59
Summary and Purpose of AssessmentThis assessment is designed to demonstrate your ability to:
- prepare and deliver presentations related to occupation or area of interest which demonstrates:
- incorporation of relevant feedback into the design and presentation of a topic (derived from students and teacher in assessment 1)
- effective presentation strategies and communication principles
- aids and materials to support the presentation
This project task is three of three required of you to complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent for this unit
Assessment Instructions
What: This assessment will be conducted individually but in clusters of 3 students who will pitch against each other and
present their copywriting concepts to the chairman of the company that they have selected. The presentation format
will be either PowerPoint, sway, pressie or some other presentation software relevant to a business audience.
Using the copy concepts and portfolio developed for assessment 2, students are to assume the role of creative
copywriting agency /employee who has developed a campaign concept reliant upon approval and funds from their
Manager and Board of Directors to implement.
The presentation audience will comprise other students (not in the cluster presenting) and the teacher who will be given role-play scenarios relevant to the context. Each role-play character will be provided with some basic comments and questions that they need to contribute to the presentation. Presenters responses to these questions will form part of the feedback provided at the end of each of the presentations.
Upon completion of all presentations, based on the quality of the campaign and presentation the group will decide which concepts will be funded. The Chairperson (teacher) and Deputy Chair (one of the roles) will have the final say, however, as is the case in business, they will be influenced by the feedback from their Board Members and Management Team.
To complete this assessment task, you will need to:
- receive and consider student and teacher feedback from assessment 1. This will be provided for students during weeks 7/8 and used to inform the development of this major presentation. Both students need to demonstrate that they have undertaken this task as evidenced by the completed feedback template provided.
- determine your specific target audience and their needs/information requirements
- establish objectives for your presentation. At least 3 need to be considered
- show that you have researched and answered the brief undertaken in assessment 2. Remember that your
audience is your management and board who prepared the brief I the first place - prepare your presentation structure using the methodologies and templates discussed in class
- identify and prepare any props that will be used in your presentation
- identify/prepare any visual aids that you feel will enhance your presentation
- using the templates provided with assessment details, document any feedback that you intend to offer other presenters regarding their presentation efforts. You also need to include a commentary on how you incorporated feedback from assessment 1 into this presentation. This will need to be handed in with the formal presentation document on the due date.
Presentations need to be a maximum of 10 minutes including question time
Assessment Matrix
The assessment matrix that maps all the assessments is available on CANVAS.
Submission Requirements
You should:
- Ensure that you submit assessments on or before the due date. Non submission without supporting evidence such as an ELP or special consideration will mean a result of Did Not Submit (DNS)
- Always retain a copy of your assessment tasks. (hard copy and soft copy)
- When you submit work for assessment at RMIT University you need to use the Assessment task document that includes a declaration and statement of authorship.
- Each page of your assessment should include a footer with your name, student number, the title of the assessment, unit code and title and page numbers.
Other Information
Late Submission Procedures
You are required to submit assessment items and/or ensure performance based assessment is completed by the due dates.
If you are prevented from submitting an assessment item on time, by circumstances outside your control, you may apply in advance to your teacher for an extension to the due date of up to seven calendar days.
More Information:
Where an extension of greater than seven days is needed, you must apply for Special Consideration. Applications for special consideration must be submitted no later than two working days after the assessment task deadline or scheduled examination.
More Information:
If you are found to be unsuccessful in a particular Course Assessment Task (or you do not submit/attend) you will be allowed one resubmission. Your teacher will provide feedback regarding what you need to do to improve and will set a new deadline for the resubmission.
If you are still not meeting the assessment requirements you must apply to your Program Manager in writing outlining the steps you will take to demonstrate competence in your course. Your submission will be considered by the Program Team and you will be advised of the outcome as soon as possible.
Successful re-submissions will contribute a CA only (Competency Achieved) result to your overall grade for the course.
Adjustments to Assessment
In certain circumstances students may be eligible for an assessment adjustment. For more information about the circumstances under which the assessment arrangements might be granted please access the following website:
Marking Guide (Competency):
You must demonstrate that you have all the required skills/knowledge/elements in the unit of competency you are studying.
You will receive feedback on each assessment task that will inform you about your progress and how well you are performing.
Final Grades table:
CA Competency Achieved
NYC Not Yet Competent
DNS Did Not Submit for assessment
Further information regarding the application of the grading criteria will be provided by your teacher
Course Overview: Access Course Overview