Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2022
Course Code: MKTG8048
Course Title: Plan and manage public relations strategies
School: 525T Business & Enterprise
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5400 - Diploma of Business (Public Relations)
Course Contact: Nick Reynolds
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 0791
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Alain Grossbard
Tel: 99255522
Nominal Hours: 50
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
In this course you will acquire the skills and knowledge required to plan and develop public relations strategies while managing public relations activities within an organisation.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
VU22812 Plan and manage public relations strategies |
Element: |
1. Analyse organisational identity to determine appropriate public relations strategies |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Collect and analyse internal and external information relevant to the development of public relations strategies. 1.2 Review the organisation's core activities, business values and current business direction to identify potential images and messages. |
Element: |
2. Plan public relations strategies |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Consult key stakeholders about organisational public relations strategies relations issues. 2.2 Identify target groups for public relations strategies, i n accordance with organisational requirements. 2.3 Identify and select strategies that enhance and promote the organisation's vision and mission. 2.4 Identify and plan for the range of potential situations and reactions to which the organisation may need to respond, incorporating intellectual property, legal and ethical considerations. 2.5 Consult and negotiate with relevant personnel about public relations strategies in a timely manner. 2.6 · Document and submit public relations strategies for approval in accordance with organisational policies. |
Element: |
3. Manage the implementation of public relations strategies |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Define and clearly communicate all aspects of public relations strategies to relevar:it stakeholders. 3.2 Implement and monitor actions detailed in strategies, incorporating c;:ontingency plans to prevent negative impacts. 3.3 Share public relations information with colleagues and relevant personnel to maintain awareness of organisational direction and priorities. |
Element: |
4. Evaluate and review public relations strategies |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Establish appropriate/eedbdck mechanisms for public relations activities and. strategies. 4.2 Evaluate public relations activities and strategies using agreed methCJds and benchmarks. 4.3 Incorporate feedback and evaluation into the adjusted public relations strategies. 4.4 Communicate and implement agreed public relations· strategies in accordance with organisational procedures. 4.1 Establish appropriate/eedbdck mechanisms for public relations activities and. strategies. 4.2 Evaluate public relations activities and strategies using agreed methCJds and benchmarks. 4.3 Incorporate feedback and evaluation into the adjusted public relations strategies. 4.4 Communicate and implement agreed public relations· strategies in accordance with organisational procedures. |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in planning and managing public relations strategies.
This course is structured to provide you with the optimum learning experience in order to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to:
- Understand the public relations context for the organisation and the manner in which public relations link with other aspects of marketing and management
- Plan for contingency issues and challenges that can arise when developing and managing public relations strategies
- Apply and understand planning techniques in relation to public relations
- Understand legislation and ethics that can impact public relations and intellectual property issues in public relations
- Apply and use public relations protocols, resources and activities
- Plan public relations strategies and work collaboratively with others on the development, implementation and management of public relations activities.
Details of Learning Activities
This course is largely face-to-face with workshop activities that need to be completed during class time. In some cases you will see some of the activities prior to the commencement of classes but in most cases you will need to attend to complete the required work for assessment purposes. Please review Canvas on going so that you can see specific current semester delivery details about the course.
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to research, analyse and apply knowledge of the various components of the public relations industry, including legal and ethical constraints and strategic communications management planning.
Teaching Schedule
Weekly Schedule MKTG8048 Plan and Manage Public Relations Strategies | |||
Week number |
Week beginning |
Topic |
Assessments |
Week 1 |
7th February |
Introduction · Teacher, student introductions · Assessments and Feedback · Course overview · Assessment Tasks · Groups · Workshop |
Brief all assessments and assessment overview |
2 |
14th February |
Research - What are public relations strategies? What are PR protocols? Understand the public relations aspect of managing PR strategies |
3 |
21st February |
Research process -Case study activities for PR strategies PR strategies - Case Study |
4 |
28th February |
Research to develop PR strategies - Case Study Strategic direction to solve potential situations (risks) |
5 |
7th March |
PR Strategic Objectives. The key aspects of a public relations strategic plan - Case Study covering |
6 |
14th March |
Review of strategic directions. Case Study - Target groups |
7 |
21st March |
Prepare PR plans from strategies Case Study - Mapping Objectives |
Assessment 1A due |
8 |
28th March |
Creative strategic tools - using media & non-media channels |
9 |
4th April |
Manage the implementation of PR strategies |
10 |
11th April |
Major Assignment (Task 2) overview and discussion |
Mid semester break between 14 April to 20 April inclusive |
11 |
25th April |
Time management for PR strategies |
Assessment 1B due |
12 |
2nd May |
Evaluate and review public relations strategies |
13 |
9th May |
Major assignment |
14 |
16th May |
Submission of Assignment |
Assessment 2 due |
15 |
23rd May |
Pitching/Presentation |
Assessment 2 Presentation due in class |
16 |
30th May |
Re-submissions |
17 |
1st November |
Re-submissions |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
All resources will be available on Canvas
Overview of Assessment
Assessment Methods
A range of assessment methods will be used to assess practical skills and knowledge. The following assessment methods will be used specifically to assess your planning and managing of public relations strategies:
- Project management
- Written reports supported by practical assignments or tasks for individual assessment
- Observation of workplace practice supported by personal interviews
- Practical display with personal interview, presentations or documentation
- Case studies.
To demonstrate competency in this unit you will be required to provide the following evidence:
- knowledge of public relations protocols, resources and activities
- the ability to plan public relations strategies
- the ability to work collaboratively with others on the development, implementation and management of public relations activities.
Required Skills
- Language and literacy skills to:
- read, interpret and communicate legislation, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines relating to the use of media
- communicate impartially and diplomatically with diverse stakeholders, including conducting open discussions
- write reports and strategic material
- interpersonal skills to consult and provide advice
- literacy skills to:
- interpret a range of complex material
- write reports and strategic material
- planning and organisational skills to:
- organise information when producing public relations plans and reports
- manage projects and processes
- research skills to:
- obtain necessary background information to assist with public relations plans and strategies
- determine organisational priorities
- technical skills to:
- use a range of office equipment and software to produce public relations plans
- make effective use of internet for research purposes
Required Knowledge
- public relations context for the organisation
- the manner in which public relations link with other aspects of marketing and management
- contingency issues and challenges that can arise when developing and managing public relations strategies
- planning techniques in relation to public relations
- legislation and ethics that impact upon public relations
Assessment Conditions
You are advised that you are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate your assessment work to your teacher to ensure that the relevant competency standards received and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course are being met.
Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions.
You are encouraged to ask and answer questions during class time and online sessions so that you can obtain feedback on your understanding of the concepts and issues being discussed.
Finally, you can email or arrange an appointment with your teacher to gain more feedback on your progress.
You should take note of all feedback received and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course.
Assessment Tasks
This activity is one of three (3) assessable activities for Task 1 that will take place during the semester.
Working individually, you will be required to do a public relations activity and submit the responses by the end of the class or by the due date and time as specified on Canvas.. The activity has six parts to Activity 1.1 that will need to be answered and then submitted. You need to answer the questions satisfactorily in order to be deemed competent for this total unit.
Assessment Instructions Task 1.1
With this activity there will be instructions so that you can understand what, where, and how this activity will be assessed.
The Activity will be conducted in class supported by the available resources of internet and, where possible, computes. Students should bring their own laptops. If the activity is not completed by the end of class, then the Assessor will require the student to complete by the due date and time set out on Canvas.
Task 1.1:
Understanding PR and the PR Practitioner’s roles and responsibilities
By completing this weekly activity provided (see link below), you will need to demonstrate the basic standard understanding of the PR industry and associated roles and responsibilities of PR practitioners.
This activity will analyse and describe current or past PR events using public relations concepts and tools as well as apply skills in finding information using online resources, books, journals and newspapers. Details will be provided with information on the knowledge and skills that are being assessed. See Section B.
Additionally, you will also need to demonstrate a basic standard understanding of the communications and associated roles and responsibilities to stakeholders.
See Canvas for description and activity responses required for questions on this activity to be satisfactorily completed.
Assessment Task 1.2 is the second of three (3) assessment tasks for overall Task 1 you need to complete satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this unit.
This assessment is a short-answer knowledge assessment designed to assess the knowledge required to conduct strategic communication planning that will cover:
- setting objectives in the workplace
- critical success factors for communications
- planning and measurement tools
To complete this assessment task, you must:
- Satisfactorily answer the three (3) short answer questions outlined below. These questions are based on conducting strategic communications management planning within the PR industry. Use Case Study on “Improve Employee Engagement” - see link on the Assessment Guide Task 1.2.
- Answer all questions in the spaces provided, using full sentences (not dot points)
You will complete this knowledge assessment under supervision and submitted on Canvas by Week 11 as indicated on the Canvas shell.
If you are unable to attend the scheduled assessment timeframe you will need to advise the teacher so that an alternative assessment arrangement can be made.
This knowledge assessment is an individual assessment task that must be completed with minimal support from your supervisor (allowed support includes further explanation of the task requirements or explanation of assessment criteria etc.)
Important: All knowledge assessment questions must be answered correctly, for you to be assessed as satisfactory for this assessment task.
Task 2
You are currently working as an employee at a company called Business Assist. A client has engaged this company and as a result your manger has tasked you with preparing a research report/presentation for this client.
You are to investigate a Melbourne based Public Relations (PR) organisation that deals in public relations. You are to identify the functions, roles and activities they perform, for this client. The client requires you to write a report and then present your findings in a short oral presentation to the client (assessor) and your colleagues (class peers).
Report (Evidence Part 1)
You are to carry out formal and informal research to update your general knowledge of the public relations (PR) industry and write a report on:
- on everyday activities related to typical work roles
- employment opportunities and obligations
- critical success factors for the communications
- current trends and issues of concern to the industry
Students will need to complete a range of tasks including:
- Locate and access a minimum of two (2) sources of information that relates to the PR industry
- Demonstrate the skills to successfully research industry information and apply it appropriately in everyday activities related to typical work roles within the PR industry.
- Undertake formal research to update their general knowledge of the PR industry on at least three (3) separate occasions, during the period of time that they were addressing the client brief.
- Demonstrate they undertook informal research to update their general knowledge of the PR industry on at least three (3) separate occasions, during the period of time that they were addressing the client brief.
- Monitor and describe two (2) trends and two (2) current issues of concern relating to the public relations industry, during the period of time that they were addressing the client brief.
- Undertake research and detail one aspect of:
- the organisation’s employment obligations
- the organisations employment opportunities
- Explain how they use the information that they researched (employment opportunities/obligations) and then
applied this updated information to in everyday work activities.
- The student identified and established why this organisation would put a process for setting objectives in place.
- In relation to this organisation, the student outlined a process to assist the organisation set their workplace (SMART) objectives.
- The student identified and applied two (2) appropriate planning and measurement tools to this organisation’s
workplace objectives.
- The student identified and developed two (2) critical success factors for the organisation’s communications.
- Demonstrate a satisfactory level of technology relevant skills, enabling them to effectively use relevant office equipment and information systems.
- Demonstrate that they evaluated the:
- organisation’s clients
- target audiences
- associations
- networks and media
- societal role
Presentation (Evidence Part 2)
Your presentation is to be supported by an animation platform. Animation Platform Requirements:
You must aim for a three-minute (3) presentation, using either video scribe or powwow. Use this work opportunity to update your knowledge to improve your everyday work activities. For the purpose of this assessment task the teacher will play the role of the client and your classmates will be in roles as your work colleagues.
Students will need to complete a range of tasks for part 2. Including:
- Research information in regards to the structure and operation of the PR (public relations) industry
- Create a stakeholder analysis based on information they identified and accessed on the key stakeholders of the PR industry they focused on.
- Deliver knowledge on two (2) updated PR activities within the organisation.
- While undertaking the presentation.
- Use positive communication skills (motivational and persuasive language, questioning, active listening, clarifying and asking open questions.)
- Use culturally appropriate communication and interpersonal skills.
- Use appropriate literacy skills by correctly reading and interpreting business and market data and then using the information to write a report that would be suitable for a range of audiences.
- Demonstrate that they have the appropriate numeracy skills enabling them to analyse quantitative data provided by the organisation.
- Demonstrate satisfactory level of research and evaluation skills enabling them to collect and record information about clients, organisations, target audiences, and the media.
Assessment Matrix
The assessment matrix that maps all the assessment is available on CANVAS.
Submission Requirements
You should:
- Ensure that you submit assessments on or before the due date.
- Always retain a copy of your assessment tasks. (hard copy and soft copy)
- When you submit work for assessment at RMIT University you need to use the Assessment task document that includes a declaration and statement of authorship.
- Each page of your assessment should include footer with your name, student number, the title of the assessment, unit code and title and page numbers.
Other Information
Late Submission Procedures
You are required to submit assessment items and/or ensure performance based assessment is completed by the due dates.
If you are prevented from submitting an assessment item on time, by circumstances outside your control, you may apply in advance to your teacher for an extension to the due date of up to seven calendar days.
More Information:
Where an extension of greater than seven days is needed, you must apply for Special Consideration. Applications for special consideration must be submitted no later than two working days after the assessment task deadline or scheduled examination.
More Information:
If you are found to be unsuccessful in a particular Course Assessment Task (or you do not submit/attend) you will be allowed one resubmission. Your teacher will provide feedback regarding what you need to do to improve and will set a new deadline for the resubmission.
If you are still not meeting the assessment requirements you must apply to your Program Manager in writing outlining the steps you will take to demonstrate competence in your course. Your submission will be considered by the Program Team and you will be advised of the outcome as soon as possible.
Successful re-submissions will contribute a CA only (Competency Achieved) result to your overall grade for the course.
Adjustments to Assessment
In certain circumstances students may be eligible for an assessment adjustment. For more information about the circumstances under which the assessment arrangements might be granted please access the following website:
Marking Guide (Competency):
You must demonstrate that you have all the required skills/knowledge/elements in the unit of competency you are studying.
You will receive feedback on each assessment task that will inform you about your progress and how well you are performing.
Final Grades table:
CA Competency Achieved
NYC Not Yet Competent
DNS Did Not Submit for assessment
Further information regarding the application of the grading criteria will be provided by your teacher.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview