Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2024
Course Code: GRAP6971C
Course Title: Analyse influences on contemporary fashion designs
Important Information:
Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.
To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.
Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:
Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:
Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance.
School: 515T Creative Industries
Campus: Brunswick Campus
Program: C5401 - Diploma of Fashion Styling
Course Contact: Anni Juracich
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 9236
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Course Contact: Jye Marshall
Contact Details:
Nominal Hours: 50
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Course Description
In this course you will investigate, evaluate and analyse global design trends and the effect they have on contemporary fashion. You will investigate popular culture, look at forecasting trends and manage style realisation in the form of a photo shoot around a predicted trend.
This unit is delivered and assessed with GRAP5362C (BSBDES602) Research global design trends and GRAP5361C (BSBDES601) Manage design realisation.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
MSTFD5025 Analyse influences on contemporary fashion designs |
Element: |
1. Identify influences on contemporary fashion |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Investigate significant influences on contemporary fashion 1.2 Identify what role these influences play in contemporary fashion preferences |
Element: |
2. Use fashion reference sources |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Identify ways that current theories of fashion are adopted and disseminated 2.2 Identify the role of contemporary media and its function in the process of the fashion being adopted and disseminated 2.3 Research a current fashion trend and analyse the role of a specified media type on its adoption and dissemination |
Element: |
3. Investigate fashion forecasting |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Identify purposes of fashion forecasting 3.2 Identify and compare different sources of information used when predicting future fashion directions 3.3 Predict future trends and provide illustrations with evidence to support predictions 3.4 Present research and ideas for future fashion trends using communication tools and presentation skills appropriate to fashion industry |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities
In this unit of the Diploma of Fashion Styling (C5336), you will delve deeply into the ever-evolving world of global design trends and their profound impact on contemporary fashion. This unit is a hands-on journey where you'll actively investigate and evaluate the forces shaping today's fashion landscape.
The unit is clustered and co-delivered with GRAP5411C (CUADES612) "Research Global Design Trends" and GRAP5410C (CUADES611) "Manage design realisation."
Your journey in this unit will include: In-depth Analysis of Global Design Trends, Exploration of Popular Culture and its Influence on Fashion, Forecasting Future Trends, Practical Application through a Styled Photo Shoot, and Collaborative Learning. By the end of this unit you'll be well equipped with the tools, knowledge, and practical experience needed to make informed decisions about styling, trend forecasting, and the broader context of contemporary fashion.
Teaching Schedule
This unit is co-delivered with CUADES611, MSTFD5025, CUADES612. Please refer to your timetable for class times and room allocation. It is expected that you attend all classes to get the best learning experience, and be assessed as competent for the unit. Please notify your teacher of an expected absence. While all course content will be delivered, the order and mode of delivery may change depending on the availability of specialist facilities and equipment. Please check Canvas regularly as any updates will be communicated by your teacher.
1 |
12-18 February |
2 |
19-25 February |
3 |
26 February - 3 March | TREND ORIGINS (Part C) |
4 |
4-10 March |
5 |
11-17 March |
6 |
18-24 March |
7 |
25-31 March |
MID-SEMESTER BREAK (29 March - 7 April) | |||
8 |
8-14 April |
9 |
15-21 April |
10 |
22-28 April |
11 |
29 April - 5 May |
12 |
6-12 May |
13 |
13-19 May |
14 |
20-26 May |
15 |
27 May - 2 June |
16 |
3-9 June |
17 |
10-16 June |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Electronic resources can be found in the Trends Canvas (Learning management system).
- Powerpoint presentations
- Assessment examples
- Weekly Modules
University Library
The University Library has extensive resources and provides subject specialist expertise, research advice, help with referencing and support through:
The Learning Lab
The Study Support Know How workshops
The Study Support Hub One on One
Fashion styling library guide;
Overview of Assessment
Assessment is ongoing throughout the course and will include a range of practical and theory components. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on Canvas.
This is a Vocational Education and Training qualification and is assessed for Competency. To be assessed as Competent means you have consistently demonstrated the required knowledge and skills at a standard required in the workplace. To be assessed as Competent in this course, you will need to complete each assessment task to a satisfactory standard. You will receive feedback from the teacher at the conclusion of each assessment task.
Results that apply to courses that are delivered and assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment are:
CA: Competency Achieved
NYC: Not Yet Competent
DNS: Did not Submit Assessment
Assessment Tasks
A comprehensive assessment document with all requirements will be provided at the commencement of classes and uploaded to the Canvas shell. This section will just provide a high-level summary of the assessment tasks. The units within this program are delivered as a clustered and therefore the assessments will cover units CUADES611, MSTFD5025, CUADES612.
Assessment Task One: Origin of a Trend
This assessment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of the content covered within the first four weeks of the trend cluster. You will be provided with a specific fashion trend by your trainer and expected to answer a series of questions about the trend. This will be demonstrated by using fashion theories to analyse and understand the adoption and dissemination of new fashion trends. More specifically, this is about researching a trend, anaylising its main characteristics, describing the influences that shape it and understanding the role of the media in popularizing and spreading the trend. Please see the full assessment brief in Canvas along with assessment format examples. |
Assessment Task Two: Trend to Concept |
The purpose of this assessment is to guide your trend analysis skills to assist you as an up and coming stylist to identify emerging trends and apply these to your concept proposals. You will use four (4) different methods of predicting future fashion directions - formal and informal trend forecasting sources to achieve this. There are 3 parts to this assessment which have been outlined in the assessment brief in Canvas along with assessment format examples. Part A: Visual Diary/Research Part B: Visual and Oral Communication Part C: Class Participation
Assessment Task Three: Trend and Concept Realisation
In this assessment, you will bring together your knowledge of identifying current trends and predicting future fashion influences to showcase your styling skills in a real-life brief/situation. You will collaborate with an industry partner to apply the skills and knowledge required to manage the process of taking a project from concept to final realisation in the form of an event (to be determined in class). There are 3 parts to this assessment which have been outlined in the assessment brief in Canvas along with assessment format examples. Part A: Planning and Pre-Approval (Group Assessment) Part B: Concept Realisation (Group Assessment) Part C: Evaluation and Pre-Approval (Individual Assessment) |
Due dates for assessment tasks dependent on access to specialist facilities and equipment may change. Please check Canvas regularly as any updates will be communicated by your teacher.
Assessment Matrix
A detailed assessment matrix can be found in the Canvas shell, and provided on request by the Program Coordinator.
Other Information
Your course involves participating in either face-to-face or online classes. It is strongly advised that you attend all sessions in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity to successfully complete this course.
Special consideration policy (Late submissions)
All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level. If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date, you will need to apply for an extension.
Special Consideration
All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level. If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date, you will need to apply for an extension; for further information see
Special consideration is an assessment adjustment for unexpected circumstances that are outside your control, which:
• have a significant adverse impact on your performance in assessment or
• prevent you from attempting or submitting the assessment.
For further information about special consideration see
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. For further information see
RMIT Sustainability Commitment
In adherence with RMIT’s commitment to sustainability, trainers will seek to incorporate environmental concerns in the facilitation of this course. These include, but are not limited to:
• Conserving natural resources
• Using recycled materials wherever possible
• Minimising pollution
• Applying energy savings measures
• Reducing waste
Students are encouraged to identify and follow environmental and resource efficient ways of working whilst studying this course.
Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:
Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification).
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences.
Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer or RPL for the unit(s) of competency addressed in this course.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview