Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2024

Course Code: VART6515C

Course Title: Refine drawing and other visual representation tools

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities. 

To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption. 

Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:

Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance: 

Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance. 

School: 515T Creative Industries

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5414 - Diploma of Visual Arts

Course Contact: Joel Rainford

Course Contact Phone: +61399258193

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Kathleen McCann

Bill Hay

Harry Hay


Nominal Hours: 80

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

In this course you will develop skills and knowledge required to use drawing skills and other visual representation tools to develop, refine and communicate ideas for creative work. 

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CUAACD531 Refine drawing and other visual representation tools


1. Evaluate the role of drawing in professional practice

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Investigate drawing and different visual communication devices, idea generation methods and problem-solving tools for professional practice

1.2 Evaluate how practitioners use different tools and make links to own work

1.3 Identify and challenge own barriers to drawing


2. Support and develop practice through experimentation with drawing and visual representation

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Generate and develop ideas using different materials and techniques

2.2 Create variety in compositions and spatial fields using visual elements

2.3 Experiment with techniques and mixed media to produce drawings


3. Assess individual approach to the use of drawing

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Evaluate the success of completed drawings in communicating ideas

3.2 Evaluate the process of drawing and visual representation as a professional practice tool

3.3 Determine the value and place of drawing and visual representation in own practice based on experimentation

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, you will have acquired the skills and knowledge to produce drawings that represent and communicate ideas linked to your elective practices.

Details of Learning Activities

Learning Activities may include but are not limited to:


  • class exercises to review discussions/lectures  
  • practical demonstrations in studio  
  • Blog/Wiki or other online discussion and participation  
  • analysis/critique of relevant reading material  
  • seminars/workshops  
  • design activities or projects  
  • group projects  
  • peer learning  
  • guest lecture/presentation  
  • class presentations  
  • group discussion  
  • research  
  • independent project-based work  
  • group activities/projects  
  • ‘workshopping’ of student projects including peer/lecturer feedback  
  • visits to galleries and events  
  • practical placement  
  • simulated workplace activities.  

Teaching Schedule



Semester 1 & 2 2024

Semester 1





Week 1


W/C - 12 Feb

In-Class Learning Activities:             

 i. Introduction to Refine Drawing

ii. WHS -Safety in the Drawing Studio

iii. Introduction to AT1 Visual Journal

iv. Drawing kit

v. Drawing artist videos

Week 2  

Positive and negative space

Chairs and stools

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Positive and negative space in drawing practice

ii. Positive and negative space drawing exercises

Week 3  

Simple white shapes drawing

White tin objects

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to tone simple shapes, white jugs, bottles, colanders

ii. Structural drawing exercises

iii. Charcoal

Week 4

Tone Simple dark shapes drawing

Dark metal objects

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Tone and mass, rub-back technique and conte

ii. Dark objects & cans

Week 5                      NO CLASSES

                 NO CLASSES

Week 6

Mixed shapes & tones

Composition, structure, and tone

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Composition and placement

ii. Mixed shapes and tones

iii. Conte pencil


Week 7 Complex shapes & structural drawing

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Composition and placement

ii. Mixed shapes and tones

iii. Conte pencil





Week 8

Perspective: box-tower installation

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to linear and atmospheric perspective

ii. Perspective and geometry exercises

iii. Conte pencil

Week 9

Mark-making & wet media

part 1, brush and ink, bottles

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to mark-making and ink brush, pen & nib, sponges, and bamboo sticks

ii. mark-making and drawing tool exercises

Week 10

Mark-making & wet media

part 2, pen, brush and ink, plants

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. mark-making and drawing tool exercises

Week 11


Colour & dry pastel

Complementary colour


In-Class Learning Activities:

i.  Introduction to colour and dry pastel

ii. Colour and dry pastel, complementary colour exercises

Week 12

Colour & dry pastel

Complete colour palette

i. Further colour and dry pastel exploration

ii. Colour and mixed-media exercises


Week 13

Mixed media,

Photographs, brushes and shoes


In-Class Learning Activities:

i. mixed-media in drawing practice

ii. mixed-media exercises

Week 14

Assessment Preparation


In-Class Learning Activities:

i.  Finalising AT1 VISUAL JOURNAL & AT2 'PORTFOLIO' submissions


 SEMESTER 2 2024WeekTopicAssessment / Learning activities
Week 1  Drawing Workshop - Garments and fabric

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to AT2 Drawing Portfolio

ii. Introduction to Garments and fabric in drawing practice

iii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iv. Garment and fabric drawing exercises

Week 2

Drawing Workshop – Animal Skulls

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to Skulls in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii. Skulls drawing exercises

Week 3

Drawing Workshop -  plastic Animals

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to Animals in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii. Animal drawing exercises

Week 4

 Drawing Workshop - Hard Rubbish

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to Hard Rubbish in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii. Hard Rubbish exercises

Week 5

 Drawing Workshop - party setup (cakes & pastries)

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to food in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii. cakes and pastries drawing exercises

Week 6

 Drawing Workshop - Collage PART 1 – Chickens and books

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to collage PART 1 in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii. Collage and gouache drawing exercises

Week 7

Drawing Workshop - Collage PART 2 – found paper

In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to collage PART 2 in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii. Collage drawing exercises




Week 8

Drawing Workshop - Narrative Drawing


In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to the use of narrative in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii. Narrative drawing exercises

Week 9

Drawing Workshop - Drawing on location - Landscape PART 1


In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to the landscape PART 1 in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii.  Landscape drawing exercises

Week 10

Drawing Workshop - Drawing on location (in the studio) PART 2


In-Class Learning Activities:

i. Introduction to the landscape PART 2 in drawing practice

ii. Discussion and demonstration of relevant drawing techniques

iii.  Landscape drawing exercises

Week 11

Process to Find

Individual project

Part 1


Week 12

Process to Find

Individual project

Individual Project Part 2


Week 13

Assessment Preparation


Finalising AT3 & AT4  submissions

AT3 Visual Journal (Semester Two)  AT4 Part Drawing Portfolio (Semester Two)


Student support

Your first point of contact for any support needs with your assessments should be your teacher and assessor. If you require further support, you should consider contacting the following support services at RMIT. 

Assessment Adjustments

Students requiring support or adjustments for their formal assessments task or exams should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS), for more information on the types of adjustments provided, have a look at the adjustments to assessment website.

Special consideration

If unexpected circumstances affect your ability to complete an assessment you can apply for special consideration.  For more information have a look at RMIT's special consideration page.


As an RMIT student you are entitled to seek a review of decisions that impact on your studies. For more information have a look at RMIT's appeals page


Student support

Your first point of contact for any support needs with your assessments should be your teacher and assessor. If you require further support, you should consider contacting the following support services at RMIT. 

Assessment adjustments

Students requiring support or adjustments for their formal assessments task or exams should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS), for more information on the types of adjustments provided, access RMIT adjustments to assessment.

Special consideration

If unexpected circumstances affect your ability to complete an assessment you can apply for special consideration.  For more information access RMIT special consideration.


As an RMIT student you are entitled to seek a review of decisions that impact on your studies. For more information access RMIT appeals.

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Other Resources

The library provides free study support services and resources to help you build your academic skills. This includes subject specialist expertise, research advice, help with referencing and other services. You can also access one-on-one consultations through the library. For further information:

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral/written presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.

Assessment Tasks

Students enrolled in Vocational Education and Training qualifications are assessed for Competency. To be assessed as Competent means you have consistently demonstrated the required knowledge and skills at a standard expected in the workplace.  


To be assessed as Competent in this course, you will need to complete each assessment task to a satisfactory standard. You will receive feedback from the teacher at the conclusion of each assessment task. 

You should refer to the assessment brief which is available through Canvas for full assessment criteria and due dates


Results that apply to courses that are delivered and assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment are: 

CA: Competency Achieved 

NYC: Not Yet Competent 

DNS: Did not Submit for Assessment 

Assessment Matrix

The assessment matrix demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant unit of competency. These mapping documents are available through Program Administration if required.  

Other Information


Your learning experience will involve class-based teaching, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises   

It is strongly advised that you attend all timetabled sessions. This will allow you to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring you the maximum opportunity to complete this course successfully.  


Information about your studies:  

You canaccess My Studies through the RMIT websitefor information about timetables, important dates, assessment dates, results and progress, Canvas etc.  



Information on assessment including Special consideration, Adjustments to assessment, (eg. applying for an extension of time):  


Academic Integrity and Plagiarism:   

RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.  


Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:   

Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification).  

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences.    

Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer or RPL for the unit(s) of competency addressed in this course.



Course Overview: Access Course Overview