Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2025
Course Code: GEOM5171C
Course Title: Conduct engineering surveys
School: 530T Built Environment and Sustainability
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5416 - Diploma of Surveying
Course Contact: Matthew Sweeney
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4105
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Fardin Seifi
Phone: +61 39925 4934
Nominal Hours: 70
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
In this course you will develop the skills and knowledge required to conduct an engineering survey based on specifications and information in construction or engineering designs. This includes topographical surveys, grid, road, pipe (stormwater and sewer) and building set-outs. The course also includes using surveying equipment to measure, record and reduce surveying data; validating the accuracy of data; and identifying discrepancies between specifications and activities.
This course is suitable for skilled surveying technicians and skilled spatial information system (SIS) technicians who use a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to analyse information and provide solutions to sometimes complex surveying/spatial information problems. Surveying and spatial information skills are applied in a range of industry contexts, including town planning, civil construction, mining, engineering, health, agriculture and defence.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
CPPSSI5048 Conduct engineering surveys |
Element: |
1. Prepare for engineering survey |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Analyse survey specifications, cross-sections and plans and technical descriptions of surveying data and their requirements. 1.2 Interpret design information to identify components to be measured. 1.3 Plan key survey activities according to available resources, and project and organisational requirements. 1.4 Create set-out files from design to meet project requirements. 1.5 Plan and document data collection methodologies that allow for contingencies. 1.6 Plan compliance with legislative requirements according to project requirements. |
Element: |
2. Carry out engineering surveying tasks |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Select and check surveying equipment for correct operation and functionality, and report or resolve problems according to manufacturer specifications. 2.2 Measure identified survey components according to project specifications. 2.3 Reduce measured surveying data according to project requirements and specifications. 2.4 Validate and record measurements according to project specifications and organisational requirements. 2.5 Identify and resolve problems and manage contingencies according to organisational requirements. 2.6 Comply with industry-accepted standards for validating accuracy of surveying data and identifying errors and discrepancies. |
Element: |
3. Finalise and report engineering survey results |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Finalise and check survey for compliance with project and organisational requirements. 3.2 Prepare conformance and non-conformance reports. 3.3 Notify appropriate persons of survey results according to organisational requirements. 3.4 Complete survey documentation and archive data according to project and organisational requirements. |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities
This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to conduct an engineering survey based on specifications and information in construction or engineering designs. It includes topographical surveys, grid, road, pipe (stormwater and sewer) and building set-outs. The unit also includes using surveying equipment to measure, record and reduce surveying data; validating the accuracy of data; and identifying discrepancies between specifications and activities.
Teaching Schedule
Session/Date |
Theme |
Assessments/Activities |
Session One 10 - 16 February |
Welcome and course overview In this session you will be introduced to the concepts and instruments used for the course, along with an outline of the assessment requirements. You will also learn the basics of setting up a total station successfully over a reference mark. |
Session Two 17 - 23 February |
Introduction to elementary traversing using the Total Station In this session you will be introduced to the basic functions of the total station, the concept of bearing/disctance measurements and how to check angular accuracy (misclose). |
Session Three 24 February - 2 March |
Introduction to Grid reference lines In this session you will be introduced to the basic concepts of what grid references are and how they are used in real world scenarios. |
Session Four 3 - 9 March
Introduction to connecting control to grid references In this session you will be shown how control is connected to grid refences. The process will start from the beginning when the title re-establishment takes place. |
Session Five 10 - 16 March
Computations and importing of grid refences onto controllers Grids will be imported, rotated, translated, and scaled ready for set-out. |
Session Six 17 - 23 March |
Basic set-out methods using a Total Station and GNSS In this session you will learn the basics of completing a variety of set-out methods like stakeout and refline |
Session Seven 24 - 30 March
Preparation and planning component of assessment 1 In this session you will commence the preparation and planning components of the assessment 1 project. The written work completed in this session will be compiled into a project report and submitted at the completion of the assessment with all other written requirements. |
Census Date
31 March |
Note: The Census Date is the last day you can withdraw from this course without financial penalty. If you need to withdraw from this course, you must do so before this date to avoid additional student fees. |
Session Eight 31 March - 6 April
Assessment 1: GRID SETOUT ASSESSMENT In this session you will complete the fieldwork component of the assessment. This requirement will be marked using the observation checklist. It is required that you demonstrate each skill to a satisfactory level to pass this component. |
Assessment 1: Conducting the fieldwork |
Session Nine 7 - 13 April |
Assessment 1: Finalisation Assessment 1 In this session you will finalise the project and all written requirements. The written work completed in this session will be compiled into a project report and submitted along with the knowledge questions prior to the due date. |
Assessment 1: Finalisation of the project |
Session Ten 14 - 20 April |
Introduction to building set-out and how surveying is used in construction industry In this session you will learn how construction surveying is applied to real world scenarios. We will discuss what type of elements are required to be marked by surveyors and the techniques we use to do this. |
Mid-semester break |
The Mid-semester break is a scheduled break in the semester. No teaching or assessment will occur during this time. Also, your Trainer/Assessor won't be available during this time. If you need to contact them, please email them via your student email account, and they will respond once they return from the break. |
Session Eleven 28 April - 4 May
Key methods for marking out buildings and structures In this session we will go into detail about what is issued to us as surveyors from a client and what is expected from us in return. |
Session Twelve 5 - 11 May
Carry out post processing checks of building set-out In this session you will undertake a basic set-out and record all your point onto your controller. From there we will undertake checks against design to ensure what we have set-out meets all the requirements. |
Session Thirteen 12 - 18 May |
Carry out set-out surveying using GNSS and Total Station. In this session you will use the GNSS and total to undertake basic set-out operations using a variety of techniques. |
Session Fourteen 19 - 25 May |
Preparation for assessment 2 In this session you will finalise the project and all written requirements. The written work completed in this session will be compiled into a project report and submitted along with the knowledge questions prior to the due date. |
Session Fifteen 26 May - 1 June |
Assessment 2: BUILDING SETOUT ASSESSMENT In this final field session you will reflect on all skills and knowledge learnt and demonstrate the ability to carry out a building set-out as per the requirements outlined in the assessment guidelines. |
Assessment 2: Preparation for field work |
Session Sixteen 2 - 8 June |
Final session for resubmission This session will be dedicated to students who have not yet met the assessment requirements for assessment two. |
Assessment 2: Undertake fieldwork component of assessment 2
Session Seventeen 9 - 15 June |
Revision and Feedback |
Session Eighteen 16 - 22 June |
Marking and Results |
Official Results Release Date 3 July
Important: It is your responsibility to check your results on this date. Your official results for this course will be released on this date. Your teacher will not inform you of your final result. It will only be available via My Student Record on RMIT's website. It is not your Trainer/Assessors responsibility to let you know your final result. Your teacher will not be available to comment on your assessment or final results from 16-22 June 2025. After this date, you can contact them to talk about your final result if you need it. |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.
Students will be able to access course information and learning materials through the Learning Hub and may be provided with additional materials in class. Lists of relevant reference books, resources in the library and accessible Internet sites will be provided where possible. You will also use equipment and software packages in the laboratory for the project work. During the course, you will be directed to websites to enhance your knowledge and understanding of difficult concepts
Check the Library Subject Guides:
Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights to your written tasks. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Name |
Description |
Release Date |
Due Date |
Building Set-Out Project | This first assessment requires students to use the ‘Client Specifications and Requirements’ section to plan for and complete the full workflow of completing a building set-out survey to the required accuracies. This involves; preparing for the engineering survey; carrying out engineering surveying tasks and finalising and reporting on engineering survey results |
10 February 2025 | 20 April 2025, 23:59 |
Grid Set-Out Project | This second assessment requires you to use the ‘Client Specifications and Requirements’ section to plan for and complete the full workflow of completing a grid set-out survey to the required accuracies. This involves; preparing for the engineering survey; carrying out engineering surveying tasks and finalising and reporting on engineering survey results |
10 February 2025 | 8 June 2025, 23:59 |
Assessment Matrix
Element |
Performance criteria |
Assessment Task 1: Building Set-out |
Assessment Task 2: Grid Set-out |
1. Prepare for engineering survey. |
1.1 Analyse survey specifications, cross-sections and plans and technical descriptions of surveying data and their requirements. |
Part A (1.1) |
1.2 Interpret design information to identify components to be measured. |
Part A (1.1) |
1.3 Plan key survey activities according to available resources, and project and organisational requirements. |
Part A (1.2) |
1.4 Create set-out files from design to meet project requirements. |
Part A (1.2) |
1.5 Plan and document data collection methodologies that allow for contingencies. |
Part A (1.2) Part A (2.2) |
1.6 Plan compliance with legislative requirements according to project requirements. |
Part A (1.3) |
2 Carry out engineering surveying tasks. |
2.1 Select and check surveying equipment for correct operation and functionality, and report or resolve problems according to manufacturer specifications. |
Part A (2.1) |
2.2 Measure identified survey components according to project specifications. |
Part A (2.2) |
Part A (2.1) |
2.3 Reduce measured surveying data according to project requirements and specifications. |
Part A (2.3) |
2.4 Validate and record measurements according to project specifications and organisational requirements. |
Part A (2.2) |
2.5 Identify and resolve problems and manage contingencies according to organisational requirements. |
Part A (2.3) |
2.6 Comply with industry-accepted standards for validating accuracy of surveying data and identifying errors and discrepancies. |
Part A (2.4) |
3 Finalise and report engineering survey results. |
3.1 Finalise and check survey for compliance with project and organisational requirements. |
Part A (3.1) |
3.2 Prepare conformance and non-conformance reports. |
Part B (1.1) |
3.3 Notify appropriate persons of survey results according to organisational requirements. |
Part A (3.1) |
3.4 Complete survey documentation and archive data according to project and organisational requirements. |
Part A (3.2) Part B (1.2) |
Part B (1.1) |
Other Information
Attendance Requirement - 85% for all students.
Resubmission Policy: To pass this course, students must achieve a Satisfactory (S) result for all their Assessments (and parts of those assessments).
Students who do not achieve a Satisfactory (S) result for their entire original submission for an Assessment will be provided with 1 (one) more submission opportunity (e.g. the resubmission) with a specific due date by their assessor. Students must achieve a Satisfactory (S) result on their resubmission for that Assessment, by the due date given to them by their Assessor.
Students who fail to submit their assessment by the due date will be issued a DNS (Did Not Submit) result which will not be overturned by teaching or managing staff. A DNS result will be overturned based on an approved Extension of Time or approved Special Consideration.
To be deemed Competency Achieved, students must achieve a satisfactory result in all assessment tasks. Students who fail to receive a Satisfactory result on all assessment tasks and have exhausted their resubmissions, extension of time applications, special consideration applications or Equitable Learning Plan provisions will be deemed as Not Yet Competent.
Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
You may be eligible for credit towards courses in your program if you have already met the learning/competency outcomes through previous learning and/or industry experience. To be eligible for credit towards a course, you must demonstrate that you have already completed learning and/or gained industry experience that is:
Please refer to:
to find more information about credit transfer and RPL.
Study and learning Support:
Study and Learning Centre (SLC) provides free learning and academic development advice to you.
Services offered by SLC to support your numeracy and literacy skills are:
- Assignment writing, thesis writing and study skills advice
Satisfies the learning/competency outcomes of the course.
- Maths and science developmental support and advice
- English language development
Please Refer
to find more information about Study and learning Support
Equitable Learning Services (ELS):
If you are suffering from long-term medical condition or disability, you should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS) to seek advice and support to complete your studies.
Please refer to
to find more information about services offered by Equitable Learning Services (ELS).
Late submission:
If you require an Extension of Submittable Work (assignments, reports, or project work etc.) for 7 calendar days or less (from the original due date) and have valid reasons, you must complete and lodge an Application for Extension of Submittable Work (7 Calendar Days or less) form and lodge it with the Senior Educator/ Program Manager.
The application must be lodged no later than one working day before the official due date. You will be notified within no more than 2 working days of the date of lodgement as to whether the extension has been granted.
If you seek an Extension of Submittable Work for more than 7 calendar days (from the original due date) must lodge an Application for Special Consideration form under the provisions of the Special Consideration Policy, preferably prior to, but no later than 2 working days after the official due date.
Submittable Work (assignments, reports, or project work etc.) submitted late without approval of an extension will not be accepted or marked.
Special consideration:
Please Refer
to find more information about special consideration
Plagiarism is a form of cheating, and it is very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University.
Please Refer:
to find more information about plagiarism.
Other Information:
All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address, and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview