Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2022

Course Code: GEOM5178C

Course Title: Develop subdivision survey designs

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.

To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.

Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:

Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:


Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance.

School: 530T Built Environment and Sustainability

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5416 - Diploma of Surveying

Course Contact: Matthew Sweeney

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4105

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Thierry Demathieu

Specialist Senior Educator (Advanced) 

Built Environment and Sustainability

College of Vocational Education

RMIT University


Victoria, Australia

Telephone: +613 9925 8359



Nominal Hours: 120

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

In this course you will develop the skills and knowledge required to prepare a detailed subdivision survey design. This includes researching zoning, development control plans, road hierarchy, layout and width, and lot size, shape and orientation. The course also includes conducting measurements and calculations, and developing plans detailing required information, including boundary dimensions and corners, subdivision lots, features and adjoining information, surrounds, connections and offsets.

This course is suitable for skilled surveying technicians and skilled spatial information system (SIS) technicians who use a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to analyse information and provide solutions to sometimes complex surveying/spatial information problems.


National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CPPSSI5044 Develop subdivision survey designs


1. Clarify compliance requirements applicable to project

Performance Criteria:


Establish client requirements and timelines in consultation with appropriate persons.


Analyse land and planning law and local government guidelines for development approvals.


Determine and apply statutory compliance requirements for project.


Analyse existing plans, drawings, surveying data and photographs to plan service provision.


2. Conduct subdivision survey

Performance Criteria:


Select and use surveying equipment according to manufacturer specifications and organisational requirements.


Apply safe work practices and use of personal protective equipment (PPE).


Measure identified components of land to be subdivided and mark subdivision lots according to client service and organisational requirements.


Reduce measured surveying data according to organisational requirements.


Use industry-accepted methods to check, validate and record measurements and calculations


Identify and resolve problems and manage contingencies according to organisational requirements.


3. Produce a detailed design submission for local government

Performance Criteria:


Use surveying data to develop subdivision layout plan showing proposed lot boundaries, lot dimensions, easements, roads, kerb lines and trees to comply with local government requirements.


Consult appropriate persons to obtain professional advice for input into subdivision submission.


Determine availability and location of existing utilities.


Consider and document engineering aspects in subdivision design according to local government requirements.


Comply with relevant legislative requirements and standards for accuracy of survey, field procedures and submission information.


Prepare subdivision submission to incorporate physical constraints and environmental impact of the development according to client service requirements.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements. 

Details of Learning Activities

You will learn to:

  • determine,
  • collect and
  • write specifications

for appropriate documentation and compile a plan to accompany a development application to an approving authority.

The total number of scheduled hours of teaching, learning and assessment involved in this course includes all planned activities (face to face classes, lectures, workshops and seminars; workplace visits, online learning and other forms of structured teaching and learning). It also covers the amount of effort necessary to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, observation of work performance, discussions with supervisors and others providing third party evidence and one on one and group assessment sessions with students.

Students will be able to access course information and learning materials through the Learning Management System and may be provided with additional materials in class. Lists of relevant reference books, resources in the library and accessible Internet sites will be provided where possible. You will also use equipment and software packages in the laboratory for the project work. During the course, you will be directed to websites to enhance your knowledge and understanding of difficult concepts.

Teaching Schedule


TEACHING SCHEDULE SEMESTER 2 2022GEOM    5178C - CPPSSI5044    Develop subdivision survey designsWeekDateTopicAssessment / Learning activities

Tuesday 5 July

Thursday 7 July

Preparation for Assessment 1


Tuesday 12 July

Thursday 14 July

Activity 1
  • Part 1 – Clarify compliance requirements 

Tuesday 19 July

Thursday 21 July

Activity 1

  • Part 2 – Conduct subdivision survey 

Tuesday 26 July

Thursday 28 July

Activity 1

  • Part 3 – Produce a detailed design submission for local government 

Tuesday 2 August

Thursday 4 August

Activity 2 


Tuesday 9 August

Thursday 11 August

Assessment 1

  • Part 1 – Clarify compliance requirements 

Tuesday 16 August

Thursday 18 August

Assessment 1

  • Part 2 – Conduct subdivision survey 

Tuesday 23 August

Thursday 25 August

Assessment 1

  • Part 3 – Produce a detailed design submission for local government 



Monday 29 August

NO CLASS: Mid-semester break


Tuesday 6 September

Thursday 8 September

Introduction to AT2


Tuesday 13 September

Thursday 15 September

Activity 3 - Multi lot subdivision

  • Part 1 – Clarify compliance requirements 

Tuesday 20 September

Thursday 22 September

Activity 3 - Multi lot subdivision

  • Part 2 – Conduct subdivision survey 

Tuesday 27 September

Thursday 29 September

Activity 3 - Multi lot subdivision

30 September    AFL Grand Final public holiday

  • Part 3 – Produce a detailed design submission for local government 

Tuesday 4 October

Thursday 6 October


Activity 4


Tuesday 11 October

Thursday 13 October

Assessment 2

  • Part 1 – Clarify compliance requirements 

Tuesday 18 October

Thursday 20 October

Assessment 2

  • Part 2 – Conduct subdivision survey 

Tuesday 25 October

Thursday 27 October

Assessment 2

  • Part 3 – Produce a detailed design submission for local government 

Tuesday 1 November

Public holiday

1 November    Melbourne Cup Day public holiday

Thursday 3 November



Tuesday 8 October

Thursday 10 October





Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Students will be able to access course information and learning materials through the Learning Hub and may be provided with additional materials in class. Lists of relevant reference books, resources in the library and accessible Internet sites will be provided where possible. You will also use equipment and software packages in the laboratory for the project work. During the course, you will be directed to websites to enhance your knowledge and understanding of difficult concepts

Check the Library Subject Guides:

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights to your written tasks. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS. 

Assessment Tasks


Fri, 26 Aug 2022 Assignment Assessment 1 - Urban Site due by 23:59
Fri, 21 Oct 2022 Assignment Assessment 2 - Greenfield Site due by 23:59

Assessment Matrix

Mapping Assessments to the Unit of Competency – Instructions 



Performance criteria 






Task 1: Urban Site 


Task 2: Greenfield Site 

1 Clarify compliance requirements applicable to project. 

1.1 Establish client requirements and timelines in consultation with appropriate persons. 

Part A (1.2) 


1.2 Analyse land and planning law and local government guidelines for development approvals. 


Part A (1.1) 

1.3 Determine and apply statutory compliance requirements for project. 

Part A (1.2) 


1.4 Analyse existing plans, drawings, surveying data and photographs to plan service provision. 

Part A (1.1) 

Part A (1.2) 


2 Conduct subdivision survey. 

2.1 Select and use surveying equipment according to manufacturer specifications and organisational requirements. 

Part A (2.1) 

Part A (2.2) 


2.2 Apply safe work practices and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). 


Part A (2.1) 

2.3 Measure identified components of land to be subdivided and mark subdivision lots according to client service and organisational requirements. 

Part A (2.2) 

Part A (2.2) 

2.4 Reduce measured surveying data according to organisational requirements. 


Part A (2.3) 

2.5 Use industry-accepted methods to check, validate and record measurements and calculations 

Part A (2.3) 


2.6 Identify and resolve problems and manage contingencies according to organisational requirements. 


Part A (2.4) 

3 Produce a detailed design submission for local government. 

3.1 Use surveying data to develop subdivision layout plan showing proposed lot boundaries, lot dimensions, easements, roads, kerb lines and trees to comply with local government requirements. 

Part B (1.1) 


3.2 Consult appropriate persons to obtain professional advice for input into subdivision submission. 


Part A (3.1) 

3.3 Determine availability and location of existing utilities. 

Part A (3.1) 


3.4 Consider and document engineering aspects in subdivision design according to local government requirements. 


Part A (3.2) 

3.5 Comply with relevant legislative requirements and standards for accuracy of survey, field procedures and submission information. 

Part A (3.2) 


3.6 Prepare subdivision submission to incorporate physical constraints and environmental impact of the development according to client service requirements. 


Part B (1.1) 




Performance Evidence   




Task 1: Urban Site 


Task 2: Greenfield Site 

To demonstrate competency a candidate must meet the elements and performance criteria of this unit by developing two subdivision survey design submissions that comply with criteria for local government approval. 

For each subdivision survey design, the candidate must: 

obtain information relating to planned subdivisions by conducting research on: 

boundary dimensions 

Part A (1.1) 

Part A (1.2) 

fixing to boundary corners 

Part A (1.1) 

Part A (1.2) 


Part A (1.1) 

Part A (1.2) 

local government provisions and restrictions relating to subdivision, zoning , heritage and flooding.  

Part A (1.1) 

Part A (1.2) 


Part A (1.1) 

Part A (1.2) 

topographic features 

Part A (1.1) 

Part A (1.2) 

determine survey controls, land dimensions and corners 

Part A (2.2) 

Part A (2.2) 

locate features, boundaries, surrounds, cadastral connections and offsets 

Part A (2.2) 

Part A (2.2) 

identify physical constraints and environmental impacts of planned developments on: 


Part A (2.2) 

Part A (2.2) 


Part A (2.2) 

Part A (2.2) 

public reserves 

Part A (2.2) 

Part A (2.2) 

use surveying data and other relevant information to produce plans, including contours. 

Part B (1.1) 

Part B (1.1) 



Knowledge Evidence   




Task 1: Urban Site 


Task 2: Greenfield Site 

To be competent in this unit a candidate must demonstrate knowledge of: 

legislative and industry requirements and standards relating to: 

local government planning requirements 



cadastral surveying 



aspects of land and planning law impacting on surveying tasks: 

common law title 



community title 



residential subdivision provisions 



set-back requirements 



strata title 



Torrens title system 



appropriate persons for professional advice 



land tenure systems appropriate to relevant jurisdiction 



local government approval and submission processes relating to subdivision survey design 



possible community issues and repercussions relating to building permits 



reference and coordinate systems for surveying data, including Australian Height Datum and Map Grid of Australia 



road alignment design and associated computations, data capture and set-out methodologies used in surveying 



industry-accepted standards relating to subdivision survey design 



methods for determining availability of existing utilities. 





Assessment conditions 

Describe how assessments meet the assessment conditions 

Assessors must meet the requirements for assessors contained in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. 

RMIT employment requires all trainers and assessors to comply with the Standards for RTOs in respect to holding the TAE40116, or higher VE qualification including any necessary updated units.  All employees must show currency within their vocational specialty along with their professional employment. 

Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment that accurately reflects performance in a real workplace setting where these skills and knowledge would be performed. 

Fieldwork will be completed in the field at Bundoora campus and will closely resemble to conditions you might find on during an industry survey 

Candidates must have access to: 

surveying equipment 

All required survey equipment will be provided by RMIT, supplied from the survey equipment room 

subdivision survey specifications, including relevant surveying, construction or engineering plans and drawings 

In both assessments students are required to download survey plans which include subdivision survey specifications, relevant surveying, construction and engineering plans and drawings. 

relevant legislative and industry requirements and standards relating to cadastral surveying 

In both assessments students are required to ensure that their field survey complies with legislative and industry requirements by referring to surveyor’s handbook when checking their survey results.  

local government planning requirements for the jurisdiction 

In both assessments student is required to obtain planning reports for the local government area that the sub-division is taking place in and design their subdivision to address the local conditions.  

supervision by a registered surveyor or licensed land surveyor where required by jurisdiction. 

The assessor is a registered surveyor 


Other Information

Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
You may be eligible for credit towards courses in your program if you have already met the learning/competency outcomes through previous learning and/or industry experience. To be eligible for credit towards a course, you must demonstrate that you have already completed learning and/or gained industry experience that is:

  • Relevant
  • Current
  • Satisfies the learning/competency outcomes of the course

Please refer to to find more information about credit transfer and RPL.

Study Support: 

Study Support provides free learning and academic development advice to you. 
Services offered by Study Support to support your numeracy and literacy skills are: 

assignment writing, thesis writing and study skills advice 
maths and science developmental support and advice 
English language development 

Please Refer to find more information about Study and learning Support 

Equitable Learning Services (ELS):

If you are suffering from long-term medical condition or disability, you should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS) to seek advice and support to complete your studies.
Please refer to to find more information about services offered by Equitable Learning Services (ELS).

Late submission: 

If you require an Extension of Submittable Work (assignments, reports or project work etc.) for 7 calendar days or less (from the original due date) and have valid reasons, you must complete and lodge an Application for Extension of Submittable Work (7 Calendar Days or less) form and lodge it with the Senior Educator/ Program Manager. 
The application must be lodged no later than one working day before the official due date. You will be notified within no more than 2 working days of the date of lodgment as to whether the extension has been granted. 
If you seek an Extension of Submittable Work for more than 7 calendar days (from the original due date) must lodge an Application for Special Consideration form under the provisions of the Special Consideration Policy, preferably prior to, but no later than 2 working days after the official due date. 

Submittable Work (assignments, reports or project work etc.) submitted late without approval of an extension will not be accepted or marked. 

Special consideration: 

Please Refer to find more information about special consideration 

Academic Integrity: 

"Academic integrity means acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research."

It means referencing the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.

Breaches of academic integrity include:

  • plagiarism and failure to correctly acknowledge sources
  • contract cheating or paying/getting another person to prepare an assignment
  • submitting work prepared by another person
  • copying other people’s work
  • cheating in exams
  • breaching the Research Code
  • using unauthorised materials or devices

Please Refer: to find more information about plagiarism. 

Other Information: 

All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview