Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2023
Course Code: AERS6989C
Course Title: Define the pest problem
Important Information:
Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.
To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.
Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:
Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:
Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance.
School: 530T Built Environment and Sustainability
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5418 - Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management
Course Contact: Thierry Demathieu
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 8359
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Nominal Hours: 100
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
In this course you will develop the skills and knowledge required to apply a strategic pest management approach to define a weed, vertebrate or invertebrate pest problem for a target area.
The course applies to individuals who use consultation and analysis to define the pest problem. These individuals exercise autonomy in undertaking complex work and analyse, design and communicate solutions to sometimes complex problems.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
AHCPMG413 Define the pest problem |
Element: |
1. Establish the background to the target pest problem |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Determine landscape and land use within target area 1.2 Consult with stakeholders to identify and record views and issues for target pest 1.3 Define desired environmental management and production outcomes 1.4 Collect and record information about management or production processes relating to pest problem 1.5 Determine non-target species populations in target area according to ecological data |
Element: |
2. Analyse the target pest problem in the area |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Establish and document stakeholder views on the distribution of target pest within affected area 2.2 Source and analyse information to validate stakeholder views for target pest population, damage, and distribution 2.3 Identify environmental and pest biology factors which influence the target pest population and distribution 2.4 Document the target pest lifecycle, optimum times, locations and behaviours that impact program effectiveness 2.5 Identify non-target species populations and distribution 2.6 Identify hazards, risks and controls for non-target species, environment, ecology and production in target area 2.7 Identify potential ecological role of target pest |
Element: |
3. Determine critical control points for management of the target pest problem |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Determine timing of control activities for periods of least risk to off target activities and conditions 3.2 Identify periods of significant vulnerability during target pest lifecycle 3.3 Determine appropriate time period for pest management activity |
Element: |
4. Define and document the impacts of the target pest |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Estimate economic losses and environmental impacts of the pest presence 4.2 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of managing pest in accordance with workplace plans 4.3 Prepare a report on outcomes of investigation for stakeholders according to workplace procedures 4.4 Assess whether the pest problem warrants the need for a pest management plan |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Teaching Schedule
This course will not run in semester 1, 2023.
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights to your written tasks. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights to your written tasks. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Matrix
Course Overview: Access Course Overview