Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2025
Course Code: ENVI5117C
Course Title: Develop a water quality monitoring program
Important Information:
Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.
To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.
Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:
Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:
Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance.
School: 530T Built Environment and Sustainability
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5418 - Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management
Course Contact: Thierry Demathieu
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 8359
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Nominal Hours: 120
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
In this course you will develop the skills and knowledge required to establish requirements for monitoring water quality and developing a program to monitor water quality in a given site. This includes carrying out water monitoring activities and evaluating program effectiveness.
The course applies to individuals working in the role of manager concerned with gathering information for land or water management purposes, which may include consultation with specialists such as hydrologists and hydrographers. They also analyse information and exercise judgement to complete their duties with a deep knowledge in water management. They have accountability for the work of others and analyse, design and communicate solutions to a range of complex problems.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
AHCNRM510 Develop a water quality monitoring program |
Element: |
1. Determine water quality monitoring program requirements |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Consult with client to identify scope, objectives and constraints in a program brief 1.2 Research and evaluate background information relevant to survey type and site 1.3 Determine water quality indicators to be measured, frequency and volume of sampling required to meet program brief1.4 Establish procedures for data collection, processing and reporting according to program brief and legislative requirements1.5 Seek estimates of costs and source of funds for the program1.6 Identify and assess workplace health and safety hazards for conducting the sampling program1.7 Provide a survey strategy to stakeholders for discussion and approvals according to program brief |
Element: |
2. Undertake a site analysis |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Identify and record biophysical elements of the site2.2 Identify and record resource management factors contributing to water quality2.3 Survey site biota according to program brief2.4 Identify and evaluate sampling points for safety, accessibility and opportunities for repeatable data collection |
Element: |
3. Plan monitoring program |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Select suitable sites for repeatable monitoring to obtain representative samples3.2 Source laboratory and field equipment for the monitoring program and determine costs3.3 Confirm suitability and availability of laboratory and field equipment3.4 Confirm surveyor access to site for the duration of the monitoring program3.5 Document workplace health and safety controls and emergency procedures for the program according to workplace policies3.6 Document environmental sustainability policies and procedures and biosecurity measures3.7 Document sampling techniques to be used3.8 Document methods of data collection, monitoring and field techniques for field operators3.9 Present survey schedules and procedures to stakeholders and client for approval |
Element: |
4. Monitor water quality |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Select suitable sites for repeatable monitoring to obtain representative samples3.2 Source laboratory and field equipment for the monitoring program and determine costs3.3 Confirm suitability and availability of laboratory and field equipment3.4 Confirm surveyor access to site for the duration of the monitoring program3.5 Document workplace health and safety controls and emergency procedures for the program according to workplace policies3.6 Document environmental sustainability policies and procedures and biosecurity measures3.7 Document sampling techniques to be used3.8 Document methods of data collection, monitoring and field techniques for field operators3.9 Present survey schedules and procedures to stakeholders and client for approval |
Element: |
5. Evaluate program |
Performance Criteria: |
5.1 Record and save data according to plan requirements5.2 Analyse data collected according to industry policies and guidelines and scientific standards5.3 Draw outcomes, conclusions or trends from the monitoring program using industry standards for interpretation of water quality data and appropriate evidence and reasoned arguments5.4 Seek advice from client as to satisfaction with monitoring program in terms of the process and outcomes5.5 Provide report on outcomes to client with recommendations for changes and improvements for any further monitoring activities |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities
Details of Learning Activities
Learning activities will take place this semester with a blended classroom model using industry standard tools and resources. Some classes will be scheduled to be on campus, some practical fieldwork at various sites and in a remote (virtual) learning mode online.
Refer to your Course schedule and Canvas shells for specific information on how each of your courses is delivered this semester.
You will also be required to undertake independent study.
Reference mode of delivery for this course is a blended approach.
Assessments will be written. knowledge assessment and practical assessment. All assessments are available on Canvas.
On campus class activities will include:
• Tutorials and project-based work
• Group discussion
• Teacher directed activities/projects
• Class presentations
• Independent project-based work
• Laboratory work (if applicable)
Virtual In-class activities will include:
• Tutorials and project-based work
• Group discussion
• Teacher directed activities/projects
• Class presentations
• Online research
• Independent project-based work
Out-of-class activities will include:
• Fieldwork at various sites and locations as specified.
• Online investigation
• Independent project-based work
Teaching Schedule
Syllabus | |||
Session: |
Brief: |
Assessment Details |
Week 6 (Session 1): Session: Online Session1: Welcome and introduction |
Lesson Title: Introduction to Water Quality Monitoring Description: Virtual workshop Online 9:30 – 12:30 Welcome, Introduction: What is Water Quality Monitoring, why we need to monitor quality of water, the impact on water quality |
Assessment 1: Released Assessment 2: Released Assessment 3: Released Assessment 4: released |
Session: Workshop 1 on Campus |
Lesson Title: Workshop 1: Waterwatch tests Description: We will cover all the tests and methods for Waterwatch |
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 |
Session: Lab Session |
Lesson Title: Lab Session 1 Description: Conducting all Waterwatch tests on pre collected samples in the lab |
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 |
Session: Workshop 2 on Campus all day (7 hours) |
Lesson Title: Workshop 2: Cheat-sheets Description: Students will complete cheat sheets and start desk top analysis for Cherry Lake. We will also prepare the questions to ask the client on site. |
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 |
Date: Week 7 (Session 2) Session: Online Session 2 (Virtual Workshop) |
Lesson Title: Online Session 2 Description: We will cover Assessment 1 in detail, including water legislation, we will complete preparation for client meeting and first site visit. |
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 4 |
Session: Fieldwork: Monitoring at Cherry Lake |
Lesson Title: Fieldwork: Monitoring at Stony Creek #1 Description: Fieldwork on site, Meet with Client, Conduct Water Quality testing |
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 4 |
Session: Workshop 3 on Campus (morning) |
Lesson Title: Workshop 3: Preparing for Assessment 1 and Macroinvertebrates Description: Preparing for and working on Assessment 1 (am) and an introduction to Macroinvertebrates
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 |
Session: Laboratory Session 2, macroinvertebrates (afternoon) |
Lesson Title: Laboratory Session 2: macroinvertebrates Description: laboratory work to identify macroinvertebrates from samples |
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Assessment 1: Monitoring Plan due end of this week |
MID SEMESTER BREAK 1 – 7 September |
Date: Week 8 (Session 3): Session: Online Session 3 (Virtual Workshop) |
Lesson Title: Online Session 3 Description: Rivers and Catchments: flow, structure riparian vegetation; The role of wetlands and WSUD |
Assessment 2 |
Session: Fieldwork |
Lesson Title: Urban wetland Water testing Fieldwork Description: Urban wetland Water testing: Trin Warren Tam-Boore wetlands. |
Assessment 3:
Session: Workshop Session on Campus (morning) |
Lesson Title: Workshop Session 4 Description: Water pollution and Disease, microbes and other contaminants including heavy metals. Interactive tool: |
Assessment 2 |
Session: Laboratory Session 3, E-coli; Algae; Microbes (afternoon) |
Lesson Title: Laboratory Session 3: E-coli, Microbes and Algae Description: laboratory work to identify E-coli, algae and microbes from samples. |
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 |
Date: Week 9 (Session 4): Session: Online session 4 (Virtual Workshop) |
Lesson Title: Online session 4 Description: The water cycle, stormwater, water science, and revision |
Assessment 2 |
Session: Fieldwork |
Lesson Title: Water Quality Monitoring #2 Description: Water Quality Monitoring on site, data collection #2, phys/chem and biological parameters |
Assessment task 2, 3, and 4 |
Session: Knowledge Test |
Lesson Title: Knowledge Test Description: Knowledge Test |
Assessment 2 due |
Date: Week 10 (session 5) Session: Online session 5 (Virtual Workshop) |
Lesson Title: Online session 5: Water Treatment: Drinking water and Wastewater treatment. Description: Preparation for excursion to Western Treatment Plant, wastewater treatment and drinking water treatment |
Assessment 4 |
16 April 2025: Excursion to Western Treatment Plant[HR1] |
Lesson Title: Excursion to Western Treatment Plant Description: Excursion to Western Treatment Plant |
Assessment 4 |
26 September |
Date: Week 11 (Session 6) Session: Online session 6 (Virtual Workshop) |
Lesson Title: Online session 6 (Virtual Workshop) Water Standards and AT4 Description: Water Standards and working through AT4 Data Analysis and Preparing report.
Assessment 4 |
Session: Fieldwork |
Lesson Title: Water Quality Monitoring #3 Description: Water Quality Monitoring on site, data collection #2, phys/chem and biological parameters |
Assessment 4 |
Session: Workshop Session on Campus |
Lesson Title: Workshop Session 5 Description: Working on AT4, writing reports, finalising data analysis etc.
Assessment 4 Assessment 3: Practical due end of this week |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Library support:
The Library provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help via your Liaison Librarian
Study and Learning support:
Would you like to get better at studying, writing, or researching for your assignments?
The Library has everything you need to develop your academic skills, improve your marks and save time.
All other support information provided on Canvas
Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights to your written tasks. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Tasks
Weeks of Delivery: |
Week 6 – Week 11 Semester 2, 2025 18/08/2025 – 05/10/2025
Delivery Structure each week: |
Number of Assessments: |
4 |
Due Dates: |
Assessment 1: Monitoring Plan |
End of Week 7 |
Assessment 2: Knowledge test |
Week 9, in class |
Assessment 3: Practical |
End of Week 11 |
Assessment 4: Monitoring Report |
End of Week 11 |
Assessment Matrix
Foundation Skills | ||||
AT1: Product - Water Quality Monitoring Plan as per Client Brief
AT2: Knowledge Assessment
AT3: Collecting and Testing Water Samples
AT4: Product - Water Quality Monitoring Report |
Writing: |
Record outcomes of sampling and incorporate into monitoring program reports and documentation, expressing ideas and exploring complex issues, and ensuring accurate, succinct and logically constructed text |
Plan |
Fieldwork 3e |
Report – all 1-7 |
Numeracy: |
Capture, record and analyse monitoring data and use statistical analysis calculations to help formulate conclusions |
D1 |
A7; B1; D7 |
3d; 3i |
3 |
Performance Evidence |
An individual demonstrating competency must satisfy all of the elements and performance criteria in this unit.
AT1: Product - Water Quality Monitoring Plan as per Client Brief |
AT2: Knowledge Assessment
AT3: Collecting and Testing Water Samples
AT4: Product - Water Quality Monitoring Report |
There must be evidence that the individual has, on at least one occasion, developed and implemented a water quality monitoring program according to a specific client brief and legislative and workplace policies and procedures.
There must also be evidence that the individual has: |
Plan |
Consulted with client and established the scope, objectives, constraints, and quality monitoring requirements in a program brief |
A1; A2 |
1.1,1.2, 3.1 |
Conducted research and site analysis to select suitable monitoring sites |
B1; B2; B3 |
1a; 2a; 2e |
Developed and implement a monitoring plan in accordance with program brief
A; B; C |
1-7 |
Evaluated the program using data analysis, consultation with client and assessment against program objectives |
D1; D2 |
3.1, 3.2, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 |
Collected, transported and treated samples to preserve sample integrity |
2, 3, 4 |
2.3 |
Analysed data according to scientific standards and workplace policies and procedures |
A1, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, B1-10, C1-5, D6, D7, D8, E1, E2 |
3d, 3f, 3i, 3k |
3.1, 3.2, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 |
Applied work health and safety practices |
1, 4, 5, 6 |
2.7, 3.2 |
Incorporated sustainability practices and biosecurity procedures into monitoring program |
1b, 4c, 4d, 6a, 6b |
1.2, 2.6, 2.8 |
Developed evidence-based conclusions from analysis and reasoned arguments |
3b, 3g |
5.1, 5.2, 5.3 |
Produced written reports to workplace standards |
6,7 |
Knowledge Evidence |
AT1: Product - Water Quality Monitoring Plan as per Client Brief |
AT2: Knowledge Assessment
AT3: Collecting and Testing Water Samples
AT4: Product - Water Quality Monitoring Report |
An individual must be able to demonstrate the knowledge required to perform the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria of this unit. This includes knowledge of: Water quality principles and factors including:
D1 |
A4; B2; B3; B5; B6; C2; D2; D3 |
4 |
A1-6, A10; B3-5; B7, B9; C1-4; D2 |
3b, 3g |
2.1, 3.2 |
A3,4,10; B1,4,5,7,9,10; C1; |
3 |
2.1,3.2 |
Catchment and coastal management issues contributing to surface and groundwater quality |
B2; B6; C3; D1-5 |
1 |
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |
Standard techniques to assess ecological health of aquatic sites |
B1; B2; B3 |
A1; A2, B8; B9 C3; C4 |
1, 6 |
2.5 |
Mathematical sampling techniques |
B1; B7; B8; B9; C2, C3 |
2.3, 3.2 |
Sampling methods for maintaining accuracy and veracity of test results, including: | ||||
Sampling techniques and range; |
C2, C3 |
A1; A5; A9; B7; B8; B9; B10; C2, C3; C4; E1; E2 |
1-6 |
2.2, 3.2 |
Storage methods and treatments to preserve sample integrity; |
A9; B7; B10; C2 |
Statistical modelling for sampling; |
A7, D7 |
Location and frequency of sampling;
B1-3, C1-3 |
A8; C4
1, 2 |
Sampling methods for different analysis |
C1, C2, C3 |
A1; A9; A10; B7; B9; B10; C1; C2; C3; C4 |
1-6 |
Analytical techniques appropriate to water quality monitoring, including :
A7, D7 |
3.2 |
B4; B9; C2; C4 |
3f, 3k |
A3; A4; A10; B1,4,5,7,9,10 C1; E2 |
1-6 |
A3, A5, A6; B3; C3; D7 |
1-6 |
A1, A4; B9; C2; D2, D5; E1 |
Data storage and management systems |
C4; D6 |
3e, 3j |
3.1 |
Accepted scientific processes and standards for data collection and analysis |
A1, A7; B2, B7, B9, B10; C2, C4; D6; E1 |
1-6 |
2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 |
Health and safety legislative requirements and codes of practice, including hazard identification, assessment and control measures |
B3; C6 |
A1; B8; C5; D8 |
1, 2, 4, 5, 6 |
2.6, 2.7 |
Assessment conditions |
Describe how assessments meet the assessment conditions |
Assessment of the skills in this unit of competency must take place under the following conditions: |
Physical conditions: |
skills must be demonstrated in the field where water monitoring requires regular sampling, or in an environment that accurately represents workplace conditions
Wherever possible, a monitoring site should be chosen with safe, ongoing access over the period of up to one year. |
Resources, equipment and materials: |
sampling equipment relative to the type of study being undertaken |
Water testing equipment to be supplied by RMIT (chemical, physical and biological testing) Equipment must be correctly calibrated and be in safe working condition |
computer and software for report writing and statistical analysis |
Student have access to the computer laboratory if required. Software (MS Word and Excel or equivalent) should be available to download from RMIT |
workplace policies and procedures for conducting collecting and analysing water samples and for recording results
A brief will be provided for the student by RMIT which specifies the procedures. The students have access to the applicable policies and procedures -WHS documentation is available to download. Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals is available to students |
client brief and specifications for water quality monitoring |
A brief is provided for the student by RMIT which specifies the procedures.
A brief will be provided for the student by RMIT which specifies the procedures. A representative from Melbourne Water is invited to talk to the students regarding the proposed monitoring program. |
Where possible, the students should be able to interact appropriately with Friends Of groups, Parks Victoria and Melbourne Water as well as researching other relevant stakeholders |
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
RMIT employment requires all trainers and assessors to comply with the Standards for RTOs in respect to holding the TAE40116, or higher VE qualification including any necessary updated units. All employees must show currency within their vocational specialty along with their professional employment. |
Other Information
Part B - Other information
Attendance Requirement - 85% for all students.
Resubmission Policy: To pass this course, students must achieve a Satisfactory (S) result for all their Assessments (and parts of those assessments).
Students who do not achieve a Satisfactory (S) result for their entire original submission for an Assessment will be provided with 1 (one) more submission opportunity (e.g. the resubmission) with a specific due date by their assessor. Students must achieve a Satisfactory (S) result on their resubmission for that Assessment, by the due date given to them by their Assessor.
Students who fail to submit their assessment by the due date will be issued a DNS (Did Not Submit) result which will not be overturned by teaching or managing staff . A DNS result will be overturned based on an approved Extension of Time or approved Special Consideration.
To be deemed Competency Achieved, students must achieve a satisfactory result in all assessment tasks. Students who fail to receive a Satisfactory result on all assessment tasks and have exhausted their resubmissions, extension of time applications, special consideration applications or Equitable Learning Plan provisions will be deemed as Not Yet Competent.
Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
You may be eligible for credit towards courses in your program if you have already met the learning/competency outcomes through previous learning and/or industry experience. To be eligible for credit towards a course, you must demonstrate that you have already completed learning and/or gained industry experience that is:
Please refer to
to find more information about credit transfer and RPL.
Study and learning Support:
Study and Learning Centre (SLC) provides free learning and academic development advice to you.
Services offered by SLC to support your numeracy and literacy skills are:
- Assignment writing, thesis writing and study skills advice
Satisfies the learning/competency outcomes of the course
- Maths and science developmental support and advice
- English language development
Please Refer
to find more information about Study and learning Support
Equitable Learning Services (ELS):
If you are suffering from long-term medical condition or disability, you should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS) to seek advice and support to complete your studies.
Please refer to
to find more information about services offered by Equitable Learning Services (ELS).
Late submission:
If you require an Extension of Submittable Work (assignments, reports or project work etc.) for 7 calendar days or less (from the original due date) and have valid reasons, you must complete and lodge an Application for Extension of Submittable Work (7 Calendar Days or less) form and lodge it with the Senior Educator/ Program Manager.
The application must be lodged no later than one working day before the official due date. You will be notified within no more than 2 working days of the date of lodgment as to whether the extension has been granted.
If you seek an Extension of Submittable Work for more than 7 calendar days (from the original due date) must lodge an Application for Special Consideration form under the provisions of the Special Consideration Policy, preferably prior to, but no later than 2 working days after the official due date.
Submittable Work (assignments, reports or project work etc.) submitted late without approval of an extension will not be accepted or marked.
Special consideration:
Please Refer
to find more information about special consideration
Plagiarism is a form of cheating and it is very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University.
Please Refer:
to find more information about plagiarism.
Other Information:
All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview