Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2023
Course Code: BUSM8002C
Course Title: Manage suppliers
Important Information:
Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.
To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.
Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:
Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:
Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance.
School: 525T Business & Enterprise
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5420 - Diploma of Logistics
Course Contact: Steven Hansen
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 2705
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Wayne Beasy
Nominal Hours: 60
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to manage suppliers in various contexts within the transport and logistics industry.
It includes assessing and building productive relationships with suppliers, and evaluating the delivery of goods/services against agreements. It also includes negotiating arrangements, resolving disagreements with suppliers and reviewing supplier performance.
The unit generally applies to those who lead individuals or teams.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
TLIR5014 Manage suppliers |
Element: |
1. Assess suppliers and build productive relationships |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Criteria to effectively evaluate supplier services are developed and documented |
Element: |
2. Evaluate delivery of goods and/or services against agreements |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Quality of goods and services supplied is assessed against criteria |
Element: |
3. Negotiate arrangements with suppliers |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Arrangements with suppliers are negotiated and implemented in accordance with organisational policies and procedures |
Element: |
4. Resolve disagreements with suppliers |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Disagreements with suppliers are investigated to identify validity and causes |
Element: |
5. Review performance of suppliers |
Performance Criteria: |
5.1 Suppliers are continuously reviewed for quality, profitability, service, delivery status and other relevant performance indicators |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities
This unit will be co-delivered and co-assessed with TLIX0014X - Manage customer focussed supply chain - as a cluster is entitled "Manage Customers and Suppliers in a Supply Chain".
The delivery of this cluster will be face to face on-campus.
The activities will include some elements of lecture style, some research-based and self directed learning. There will be a large part of the activities incorporating simulated business meetings, in class.
The emphasis will be mainly on interactive learning.
Teaching Schedule
Teaching / Class Schedule
Course Cluster: Manage Customers and Suppliers in a Supply Chain
Week / Topic |
Topic details |
Resources/Activities |
Assessment |
Main Topic Cluster Introduction |
Introduction to this cluster which consists of two (2) units from the National Qualification
• Back to basics |
This week we will cover course requirements and support documents / resources.
ACTIVITY – Week 1 |
Main Topic Identify & Assess supply chain relationships |
• Cluster Assessments – Overview • Who are customers & suppliers in the supply chain/logistics sector? • Level of responsibility and authority to manage a customer focussed supply chain is confirmed • Fulfillment model, including delivery options for customer purchases, is determined
This week we explore the topic of customer service. We distinguish the difference between internal and external customers/stakeholders, quality chains, the relationship between customer needs, preferences and satisfaction. We also apply the table of customer expectations to assess and decide on product feasibility. ACTIVITY – Week 2 A supply chain building & mapping activity will be conducted each week in class to assist with providing an overall clear vision of this course concepts. |
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Main Topic Identify & Assess supply chain relationships |
• Existing suppliers are assessed against criteria |
This week we will be discussing what motivates people and customer needs. We also investigate how to create & manage supplier relationships.
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Main Topic Information Systems & Technology in the Supply Chain |
• Transport & logistics management systems • Two way real time communication is maintained with customers, using approved methods and tools |
This week we will overview; Systems applied to the logistics industry, system capabilities & differences, planning, monitoring & evaluating systems available and continuous improvement application with policies, procedures & systems.
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Main Topic Regulations & Legislation
• Regulations & Legislation Planning, policies & procedures • Non-compliance is identified, documented and corrective action is implemented within the terms of contractual arrangements |
This week we will discuss legislations that apply to logistics, implementation & management of logistics, logistics industry authorities & regulators and application of international standards. Also, investigate organisational policies and procedures and benefits of having workplace policies and key legislation. ACTIVITY – Week 5 |
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Main Topic Establish & Evaluate customer & goods service agreements & plans |
• Setting goals |
This week we will be discussing the processes involved in managing suppliers and the impact that suppliers and supplier relationships have on our businesses and our capability to service the requirements of our customers. We explore how to select appropriate suppliers and preparing prospective supplier lists. How are the markets factors that may affect the supply of goods and services identified and communicated to relevant personnel? ACTIVITY – Week 6 |
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Main Topic Establish & Evaluate customer & goods service agreements & plans |
• Customer services plan and KPIs are communicated to supply chain stakeholders |
This week we will be discussing the importance of evaluation, communication and the understanding of terms and conditions.
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Main Topic Continuous Improvement |
• Continuous improvement • Continuous improvement actions that support a customer focussed supply chain are documented
This week we research how to meet internal and external customer requirements and continuously improve customer service through quality, time, costs and monitoring activities. ACTIVITY – Week 8 |
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Mid Semester Break 7 – 16 April | |||
Main Topic Evaluate delivery of goods and/or services against agreements |
• Quality Assurance |
This week we will be discussing quality assurance with systems, service and products. Review ISO14000. How these standards apply to business. Give examples for each major standard ACTIVITY – Week 9 |
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Main Topic Negotiate Arrangements & Customer Engagement. |
• Negotiation & Formal Arrangements – Back to basics |
How are arrangements with suppliers negotiated and implemented according to organisational policies and procedures? We also explore the process of ending supplier contracts ACTIVITY – 10 |
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Main Topic Negotiate Arrangements & Customer Engagement. |
• Arrangements with suppliers are negotiated and implemented in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
This week we will be discussing negotiation methods and techniques and implementation.
ACTIVITY – Week 11 In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups |
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Main Topic Resolving Conflict & Disagreements |
• Conflicts vs Disagreements • Resolution |
This week we will be discussing the difference between conflict and disagreements in business, methods and techniques.
Assessment 1 - Due |
Main Topic Resolving Conflict & Disagreements (Part 2) |
• Disagreements with suppliers are investigated to identify validity and causes |
This week we will continue to discuss conflicts and disagreement with a view of re-negotiations of resolutions. ACTIVITY – Week 13 |
Assessment 2 - Due |
Main Topic Performance |
• Customer feedback and complaints, including returns, are tracked and resolved, in accordance with customer service policies and procedures • Setting goals, expectations & agreements • Reviewing Performance of Suppliers& Ending Contracts • Customer service plan and KPIs are reviewed, in consultation with supply chain stakeholders |
This week we discuss the differences between service level agreements (SLA’s) & key performance indicators (KPI’s) Also, we will learn about monitoring and reviewing the performance of suppliers and how it is a key aspect of Supply Chain Operations and one that requires a range of skills, in particular relationship management.
Main Topic Reporting |
• Immediate corrective action is taken in consultation with suppliers where potential or actual problems are indicated • Report on customer focussed supply chain outcomes is prepared and presented to approved stakeholders |
This week will be discussing the importance of reporting and record keeping.
Assessment 3 - Due |
WEEK 16 |
• Feedback, Resit, Resubmit |
This week will be discussing the importance of reporting and record keeping.
WEEK 17 |
• Resit and Resubmit |
This week will be the final week for re-submission of assessments if needed |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral/written presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Test
Due: Week 12
This short-answer assessment task is one (1) of three (3) assessment tasks you need to complete satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this cluster of two (2) units.
This assessment task allows you to demonstrate your knowledge required to manage suppliers and customers in the supply chain in accordance with relevant organisational policy and procedures.
• You must satisfactorily answer all 20 questions (all parts of each question if multiple)
• You should answer all questions in the spaces provided, using full sentences, word count and dot points when specified
• All work must be your own.
Assessment Task 2 - Live Simulated Meeting
Due: Week 13
This assessment is designed to assess the skills and knowledge to assess existing sustainability and ethical policies to implement change in line with market demands, business sustainability and potential compliance requirements.
You are to choose a company/organisation and a department of the company/organisation on which to base assessment 2 and 3 on. You should choose a company that either you have experience with or are familiar with and can obtain research data. Their customers and suppliers may also be domestic of global. If you do not have a company choice you can work with your assessor/teacher to look at options.
This assessment
In this assessment task, you are required to participate in two (2) simulated live meetings. (Note: the second meeting
has 2 parts).
Assessment Task 3 - Supply Chain Customer and Supplier Portfolio
Due: Week 15
This assessment task is the third (3rd) of three (3) assessment tasks you need to complete satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this cluster of two (2) units. This assessment is designed to assess the knowledge required for TLIX0014X Manage customer focussed supply chain and TLIR5014 Manage suppliers.
This assessment has 3 parts.
Part A - Preparation of your Portfolio of Evidence
Once you have completed the meetings in assessment 2, complete all sections in your ‘Portfolio of Evidence’ document relating to details you obtained in your meetings. Refer also to Part C.
Part B
- Meeting 3: you will meet with your fellow board members to review your suppliers performance and your customer supply chain outcomes
Part C Portfolio Completion
- You are required to develop a portfolio of evidence which contains practices and tasks required to manage a customer focussed supply chain and manage suppliers. This will be based on your chosen company/organisation and a department of the company/organisation. You should choose a company that either you have experience with or are familiar with and can obtain research data. Their customers and suppliers may also be domestic of global. If you do not have a company choice you can work with your assessor/teacher to look at options.
Assessment Matrix
This course is a cluster of the following two (2) individual units within the Diploma of Logitics - TLI50221.
These 2 courses will be co-delivered and co-assessed, all three (3) assessments must be completed successfully to deem these two units satisfactory.
Cluster title: Manage Customers and Suppliers in a Supply Chain
Units: TLIX0014X - Monitor customer focused supply chain and TLIR5014 - Manage suppliers
The assessment matrix for competency based training is non-graded.
The following matrix will apply.
* Satisfactory
* Not Yet Satisfactory (NYC)
* Did Not Submit (DNS)
Course Overview: Access Course Overview