Course Title: Monitor ethical supply chain practices

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2024

Course Code: OMGT5059C

Course Title: Monitor ethical supply chain practices

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.

To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.

Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:

Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:

Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance.

School: 525T Business & Enterprise

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5420 - Diploma of Logistics

Course Contact: Jeremy Glover

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 1485

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Wayne Beasy


Nominal Hours: 60

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor ethical practices in supply chains. It includes determining ethical supply chain functions, monitoring ethical practices and reporting on ethical supply chain practices.

Ethical supply chains seek to ensure that sustainable labour, supply and environmental practices are fair. Participating in an ethical supply chain will involve conducting due diligence to confirm the integrity of suppliers, contractors, agents and other intermediaries. Unethical supply chains typically do not comply with legislative obligations, codes of practice or agreed industry standards.

The unit is applicable to those with management or team leadership responsibilities within a supply chain.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

TLIX0020X Monitor ethical supply chain practices


1. Determine ethical practices

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Requirements of supply chain legislation, regulations and industry standards are confirmed
1.2 Welfare and sustainability practices for each stage of the supply chain are identified and mapped
1.3 Policies and procedures to support ethical practices in the supply chain are confirmed
1.4 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for ethical practices are verified
1.5 Community expectations throughout the supply chain, in relation to ethical practices, are determined
1.6 Responsibility and level of authority for monitoring ethical practice in the supply chain is confirmed


2. Monitor ethical practices

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Integrity of supply chain stakeholders is monitored, in accordance with supply chain procedures, using approved methods and tools
2.2 Product provenance is monitored to ensure ethical relationships and practices are maintained throughout the supply chain
2.3 Stakeholder compliance to legislative obligations and codes of practice is monitored, in accordance with supply chain procedures
2.4 Reports of unethical supply chain practices, including those from anonymous whistle blowers, are assessed and actioned, in accordance with supply chain procedures
2.5 Corrective actions for unethical practices are documented and monitored, in accordance with supply chain procedures
2.6 Continuous improvement activities, including stakeholder training, are reviewed, and monitored to ensure ethical practices are maintained
2.7 Community expectations in relation to supply chain ethical environmental and sustainability practices are monitored for change


3. Review and report on ethical practices

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Ethical practices in the supply chain are evaluated against KPIs
3.2 Data on stakeholder ethical practices in the supply chain is reviewed, in accordance with supply chain procedures
3.3 Report on ethical practices, including recommendations, is prepared, and disseminated to approved supply chain stakeholders
3.4 Continuous improvement actions that support ethical practices in supply chains are documented

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.

Details of Learning Activities

This unit will be co-delivered and co-assessed with MSS014015 - Improve sustainability through readily implementable change  - as a cluster is entitled "Ethical and Sustainability Practices in the Supply Chain".

The delivery of this cluster will be face to face on-campus. 

The activities will include some elements of lecture style, some research-based and self directed learning. There will be a large part of the activities incorporating simulated business meetings, in class.

The emphasis will be mainly on interactive learning.

Teaching Schedule

Teaching / Class Schedule

Semester 2  -  2024

Course Cluster:  Ethical and Sustainable Practices in the Supply Chain

Week / Topic


Topic details 








Main Topic

Cluster Introduction


•    Introduction to this cluster which consists of two (2) units from the National Qualification
“Diploma of Logistics”







•    Back to basics


This week we will cover course requirements and support documents / resources. 
-  Course Canvas access
-  Accuracy of enrolment
-  Assessment requirements
-  Plagiarism / Appeals
-  Extensions / Resubmissions
-  Feedback in this course
-  Getting support
- We introduce the topic of this cluster, Ethical and Sustainable Practices in the Supply Chain and how these fits into the Diploma of Logistics.

-  The role and importance of Ethical and Sustainable Practices in the Supply Chain.

Portfolio set up and structures to assist with learnings and assessment preparations.




Main Topic

Examine sustainability outcomes required  &  Determine  ethical practices


•  Cluster Assessments – Overview

•  Identify drivers of sustainability change Identifying customers/suppliers
•  Define sustainability problem or need 
•  Requirements of supply chain legislation, regulations and industry standards are confirmed 
•  Welfare and sustainability practices for each stage of the supply chain are identified and mapped 


This week we explore the topic of ethical practices & sustainability in the supply chain.

This will include the importance of the modern day supply chain such as regulations & business expectations.



In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Examine sustainability outcomes required  &  Determine  ethical practices
(Part 2)


•  Consult with stakeholders on ways of satisfying the need & acceptable outcomes with key stakeholders
•  Ethical practices & community/consumer expectations throughout the supply chain.
•  Responsibility and level of authority for monitoring ethical practice in the supply chain.
•  Relationships with suppliers are managed.
•  Integrity of supply chain stakeholders is monitored.


This week we will be discussing stakeholders, ethical practices, responsibility & integrity in the supply chain.

ACTIVITY – Week 3 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Examine operations &  Policies and procedures to support ethical practices in the supply chain


•  Policies and procedures to support ethical practices in the supply chain.
•  Current operational and management control
•  Identify & short-list potential sustainability issues which may be able to be easily eliminated or improved.


This week we will be discussing the importance of management controls around policies, procedures and operations. 

ACTIVITY – Week 4 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Examine operations 
(Part 2)


•  Costs and benefits, readily implementable changes to improve sustainability issues 
•  Rank short-listed sustainability issues by estimated benefit and cost


This week we will discuss planning to changes including costs & benefits.

ACTIVITY – Week 5 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Examine operations 
(Part 3)


•  Determine success factors to assess benefits of eliminating waste


This week we will continue discussing changes including the impact of waste on your business. 

ACTIVITY – Week 6 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Implement change &  Monitor ethical  practices


•  Develop implementation plan and schedule to deliver required outcomes
•  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) .
•  Community expectations in relation to supply chain ethical environmental and sustainability practices are monitored for change


This week we will be discussing the importance of planning, key factors & monitoring.


ACTIVITY – Week 7 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups


Mid Semester Break  2nd Sept  -  8th Sept  (Inclusive)




Main Topic

Implement change &  Monitor ethical  practices
(Part 2)


•  Negotiate required resources,  timelines, measures and indicators of success with change stakeholders with stakeholders 


This week we will continue discussing monitoring including any required modifications & renegotiations that may be required.

ACTIVITY – Week 8 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Implement change &  Monitor ethical  practices
(Part 3)


•  Acquire and deploy resources required 


This week we will continue discussing monitoring including any required modifications & acquisition of any new resources for those changes.

ACTIVITY – Week 9 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups






Main Topic

Implement change &  Monitor ethical  practices
(Part 4)


•  Monitoring  – including:
- KPI’s
- Product provenance
- Stakeholder compliance
- Reports


This week we will continue discussing monitoring including any reporting.


In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups






Main Topic

Implement change & Review change


•  Continuous improvement activities, including stakeholder training, are reviewed, and monitored to ensure ethical practices are maintained 


This week we will be discussing continuous improvement actions based on outcomes monitored.

ACTIVITY – Week 11 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Implement change & Review change
(Part 2)


•  Data on stakeholder ethical practices in the supply chain is reviewed, in accordance with supply chain procedures
•  Report on ethical practices, including recommendations, is prepared, and disseminated to approved supply chain stakeholders
•  Measure immediate impact of change 


This week we will continue discussing continuous improvement actions & measurement of any immediate changes. 

ACTIVITY – Week 12 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Review and report on ethical practices


•  Documenting corrective & continuous improvement actions for unethical practices are documented and monitored.


This week we will be discussing the importance of documenting actions of correction, changes & continuous improvement to ensure actioned & compliance.

ACTIVITY – Week 13 
In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups


Assessment 1 - Due




Main Topic

Review and report on ethical practices
(Part 2)


•  Recommend further improvements


This week we will continue to discuss actions of correction, changes & continuous improvement and their recommendations.


ACTIVITY – Week 14

In class activities will be conducted via the Canvas discussion boards & classroom groups




Main Topic

Final course review & assessment workshop


•  Course review & wrap up

•  Final assessment preparation 


This week is a final opportunity to review the course & your learning contents to assist in the final assessment completion.


Assessment 2 - Due    




•  Feedback, Resit, Resubmit


Feedback and re-submission of assessments if needed




•  Resit, Resubmit


This week will be the final week for re-submission of assessments if needed



Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral/written presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Test and Simulated Meeting

Due:  Week 13


Summary and Purpose of Assessment


This assessment task consists of two (2) parts – Part A and Part B


Part A

This assessment task allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of managing and improving sustainability within your supply chain and ethical practices.

Part B

This assessment is designed to assess the skills and knowledge to assess existing sustainability and ethical policies to implement change in line with market demands, business sustainability and potential compliance requirements.


This assessment task is one (1) of two (2) assessment tasks you need to complete. 

Each also contain multiple parts.
Both tasks and all parts need to be satisfactorily completed in order to be deemed competent for this cluster of two (2) units of two (2) units, MSS014015 Improve sustainability through readily implementable change and TLIX0020X Monitor ethical supply chain practices



Part A

  • You have sixteen (16) questions to answer in SECTION B (Part A)  of this assessment guide (below). Some questions may also have multiple sections… eg: A, B, C ..  All
         must be completed.
  • In part A, all responses should be based on sustainability and ethical practices and not specific to any case study, unless otherwise advised in the question.
  • You should answer all questions in the spaces provided, using full sentences unless otherwise instructed.
  • This is an individual assessment task and must be your own work


Part B:

This task is based on a fictitious company, as a case study.
Additional instructions and details will follow.

In this assessment part, you are required to participate in one (1) simulated live stakeholders’ meeting to review the organisation’s current policy regarding changes and provide evidence (as instructed).


Assessment Task 2 - Presentation and Portfolio of Evidence & Workbook

Due:   Week 15

Summary and Purpose of Assessment

This product assessment is task two (2) of two (2) assessment tasks you need to complete satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this cluster of two (2) units. MSS014015
Improve sustainability through readily implementable change and TLIX0020X Monitor ethical supply chain practices.

 This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your ability to manage a supply chain in regard to your sustainability and ethical practices organisational policies. 


This assessment consists of (2) parts.

 Part A: 

 Presentation to the Board of Directors - Meeting

The purpose of the meeting is to present your teams proposal of changes that you concluded from your assessment 1 meeting for their (board members) acceptance or negotiation of amendments. Their acceptance must be verified and evidenced. 

Part B:  

You are required to complete a portfolio workbook which includes multiple tasks.  

Tasks consist of general supply chain information and information based on the case study company provided.

Assessment Matrix

This course is a cluster of the following two (2) individual units within the Diploma of Logitics - TLI50221.

These 2 courses will be co-delivered and co-assessed, all three (3) assessments must be completed successfully to deem these two units satisfactory.

Cluster title: Ethical and Sustainable Practices in the Supply Chain

Units: TLIX0020X - Monitor ethical supply chain practices and MSS014015 - Improve sustainability through readility implemenable change


The assessment matrix for competency based training is non-graded.

The following matrix will apply.

* Satisfactory
* Not Yet Satisfactory (NYC)
* Did Not Submit (DNS)


Course Overview: Access Course Overview