Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2023
Course Code: HUSO5226C
Course Title: Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
School: 535T Social Care and Health
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5422 - Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation
Course Contact: Jacqui Cheng
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 99254918
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Jacqueline Rumble
Nominal Hours: 25
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety issues in the workplace, model cultural safety in own work practice, and develop strategies to enhance cultural safety.
This unit applies to people working in a broad range of roles including those involved in direct client service, program planning, development and evaluation contexts.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety |
Element: |
1. Identify cultural safety issues in the workplace |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Identify the potential impact of cultural factors on service delivery to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients 1.2 Identify critical issues that influence relationships and communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 1.3 Establish key aspects of cultural safety in consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 1.4 Evaluate the extent to which cultural safety is integrated in own work and workplace |
Element: |
2. Model cultural safety in own work |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
3. Develop strategies for improved cultural safety |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
4. Evaluate cultural safety strategies |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Agree outcomes against which cultural safety strategies can be measured 4.2 Involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in evaluations 4.3 Evaluate programs and services against desired outcomes 4.4 Revise strategies based on evaluation with appropriate engagement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities
This unit is part of the Diploma in Teacher Education Preparation. You will study this unit with several other units on the same day. Your program consists of remote online classes via Canvas, Unsupervised Directed Study and compulsory Work placement attendance. It is strongly advised you attend all sessions in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity to gain the competency. You are not required to attend to complete Unsupervised Directed Study, however you are expected to complete the work given and will at times be required to show evidence the work has been completed. Your Unsupervised Directed Study will be posted on Canvas.
The student learning experience will be facilitated through participation in a range of activities:
- Work Placement
- Group discussion
- Research assignments
- Guest speakers
- Oral and/or written questions on "What if?" scenarios
- Realistic simulations and role play
- Practical demonstrations and direct observation of actual work and simulated work practice
- Oral Presentations
- Individual and group projects - Completing the projects will include negotiated independent study time and practical work relevant to the unit of competency.
Teaching Schedule
This unit will be delivered weekly.
Please note: While your teacher will cover all the material in this schedule, the weekly order is subject to change depending on class needs and availability of speakers and resources. Should the teaching schedule change students will be advised via Canvas.
Library Orientation & an RMIT Online Systems Information Session will be scheduled during the first two weeks of your program. Information about student services, rights and responsibilities is contained in your student portal
Semester Dates: Monday 10 July - 17 November
Mid Semester break – Monday 18 Sep - Fri 22 September
Public Holidays: Melbourne Cup Holiday- 7 November/AFL Grand Final September 29
Week 1 |
Unit Overview and Introduction Cultural Safety/Competence Impacts on Health |
Week 2 |
Historical, social, political & economic issues Impacts of cultural factors Legislation/Anti-discrimination |
Week 3 |
Aboriginal languages Kinship |
Week 4 |
Strategies to improve cultural safety Close the Gap policy Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan DET Koorie Education Policy |
Week 5 |
Inclusion of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples in planning & delivery of programs Strength based approach |
Week 6 |
Resources to promote partnerships Cultural safety strategies in schools Two way teaching |
Week 7 |
Museum visit Cultural Awareness Cross-cultural Communication |
Week 8 |
Assessment One Due: Unit Knowledge questions |
Week 9 |
Preparation for Assessment Two |
Week 10 |
Assessment Two |
Week 11 |
Assessment Two due: Cultural Safety |
Week 12 |
Barriers to learning 8 ways learning |
Week 13 |
Support Literacy & Numeracy Resources/Strategies Koorie English Maths as Storytelling |
Week 14 |
Support Literacy & Numeracy Resources/strategies ACARA Illustrations of practice Magabala Publishing |
Week 15 |
Preparation for Assessment Three |
Week 16 |
Assessment Three due Literacy & Numeracy Resource Assessment Task Four Observation & Demonstration in Work placement (Week 7-17) And Work placement Booklet (Week 16-17) |
Week 17 |
Reflecting on promoting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
The University Library has extensive resources and provides subject specialist expertise, research advice, help with referencing and support through:
The Learning Lab Study Support Hub for UNI workshops AND EQUIPMENT
There are no set texts in this course. RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through handouts, our online systems and access to facilities and relevant software. You will also have access to the library resources. It is recommended that you bring:
• Your laptop connected to RMIT OneDrive
• Headphones
Overview of Assessment
This unit is part of an integrated program. You must demonstrate critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit.
Assessment methods have been designed to measure achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over a range of assessment tasks. You may be assessed by:
• Oral or written questioning
• oral presentations
• Assignments and projects
• Direct observation of actual work practice
Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions, through individual and group feedback on practical exercises and by individual consultation.
If you have a long-term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program manager or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.
Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on Canvas.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task One: Unit Knowledge Questions (Week 8)
Assessment Task Two: Cultural safety (Week 11)
Assessment Task Three: Literacy and Numeracy Resource (Week 16)
Assessment Task Four: Observation & Demonstration in Work placement (Week 7-17) and
Work placement Booklet (Week 16-17)
Assessment tasks in this unit are assessed using the following competency based results:
CA - Competency achieved
NYC - Not Yet Competent
All Assessment tasks should be submitted by the due date. If an extension is required please contact your teacher and/or Coordinator before the due date.
You must complete a submission cover sheet for every piece of submitted work.
All assessment tasks including electronically recorded student work will be kept by the University for student feedback and to meet government requirements.
If you are found to be Not Yet Competent in a Course Assessment Task you may be allowed one resubmission only. Your teacher will provide feedback regarding what you need to do to improve and will set a new deadline for the resubmission.
Assessment Matrix
The assessment matrix demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant Unit of Competency and with the critical aspects of assessment for each unit. The assessment matrix is available for students.
Other Information
Attendance - The major learning experience involves participating in face to face classes. It is strongly advised that you attend all sessions in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity to gain the competency.
Feedback - Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy to assist you to achieve your learning potential. Students may be asked to attend interviews with relevant teachers and Program Coordinator to discuss academic progress.
Assessment Academic Progress
Special Consideration - All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level. If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date, you will need to apply for an extension. Please see the RMIT website for further information.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism - RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview