Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2024

Course Code: LANG5870C

Course Title: Prepare to translate or interpret

School: 535T Social Care and Health

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5423 - Diploma of Interpreting (Auslan)

Course Contact: Ya-Ping Kuo

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 3771

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 30

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to collect and assess information about the nature and conditions of translating or interpreting assignments and to keep work records. It includes skills required to reach a decision to accept or decline an assignment and to prepare effective work plans to maximise assignment outcomes and minimise risks from miscommunication.

This unit applies to those working as translators or interpreters in a range of contexts.

This unit will be delivered in a cluster as follows:

Ethics cluster:

  • LANG5869C Apply codes and standards to ethical practice    
  • LANG5870C Prepare to translate and interpret                

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

PSPTIS104 Prepare to translate or interpret


1. Assess ability to complete assignment.

Performance Criteria:

1.1. Receive assignment request and clarify scope and nature of work and conditions of engagement.

1.2. Provide information to clients or booking agency on terms, conditions and conventions, to inform an agreed arrangement.

1.3. Identify performance expectations, including culture-specific requirements, limits and responsibilities and their implications for undertaking the assignment.

1.4. Consider personal availability, competence and preparedness to satisfy assignment requirements, including relevant social and cultural factors.

1.5. Advise client or booking agency in a professional and timely manner of decision to accept or decline.


2. Respond to assignment proposal.

Performance Criteria:

2.1. Record assignment details and review terms and conditions of engagement.

2.2. Resolve any queries and clarify procedures, including for payment.

2.3. Create and maintain records of assignment in accordance with good business practice.


3. Develop work plan.

Performance Criteria:

3.1. Identify factors that may affect assignment outcomes to determine planning needs.

3.2. Identify objectives and determine realistic time commitments and allocations.

3.3. Identify problems and seek assistance from client, specialist advisor, or peer network where necessary.

3.4. Organise activities within required timeframe and appropriate to type of assignment.


4. Review and evaluate work plan.

Performance Criteria:

4.1. Review preparation to confirm it addresses assignment requirements, and resolve outstanding issues.

4.2. Consider and implement adjustments to improve process and outcomes of future preparation.

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

This unit describes the skills required to collect and assess information about the nature and conditions of translating and interpreting assignments and to keep work records. It includes skills required to reach a decision to accept or decline an assignment and to prepare effective work plans to maximise assignment outcomes and minimise risks from miscommunication.

Teaching Schedule

Please visit Canvas - Syllabus for weekly teaching schedule.

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

Assessment will be ongoing during the semester, and you will receive feedback on your progress. You will undertake a variety of assessment tasks and activities to assess your level of competence against key elements and performance criteria.

Assessment tasks may include, but not limited to, the following:

-teacher directed group activities
-evidence demonstrating application of codes and standards
-practical demonstration of understanding and application of codes and standards in selected scenarios and simulated activities

Assessment Tasks

Assessment task 1 - Mentoring role-plays

This is a role-play assessment where you will engage in a discussion with an industry professional. You will discuss your work and recent experiences with clients. During the conversation, you will have the opportunity to seek advice and clarify your understanding of the codes and standards related to ethical practice.

Assessment task 2 - Prepare to interpret 1 - agency

This is a simulated assessment to evaluate your ability to assess your own suitability to undertake an interpreting assignment/job. You are required to demonstrate the ability to

· collecting information regarding an interpreting assignment/job (nature and conditions of assignment),

· determining your availability, competency and preparedness based on the information collected,

· advising your clients and booking agencies of your decision,

· developing your work and preparation plan,

· evaluating your plan and preparation for the assignment, and

· analysis of ethical scenarios and application of codes and standards for professional practice.

Assessment task 3 - Prepare to interpret 2 - agency

This is a simulated assessment to evaluate your ability to assess your own suitability to undertake an interpreting assignment/job. You are required to demonstrate the ability to

· collecting information regarding an interpreting assignment/job (nature and conditions of assignment),

· determining your availability, competency and preparedness based on the information collected,

· advising your clients and booking agencies of your decision,

· developing your work and preparation plan,

· evaluating your plan and preparation for the assignment, and

· analysis of ethical scenarios and application of codes and standards for professional practice.

Assessment Matrix

Each assessment clearly outlines the competencies being addressed in the task in relation to performance criteria. The sum of assessment tasks will cover all units and their elements over a range of occasions. You will be given opportunities to demonstrate competency in a variety of ways throughout the program. You are encouraged to discuss any problems or concerns with your teacher or program coordinator. 

Other Information

Assessment Appeals, Reasonable Adjustment and Extensions

Students can appeal assessment decisions using these forms: ( 

Students may be able to access reasonable adjustment such as an extension of time or a smaller group if appropriate. Students should contact the assessor at least one week priorto the assessment if they wish to be considered for reasonable adjustment. ( essentials/assessment-and-exams/assessment/adjustments-to-assessment) 


Course Overview: Access Course Overview