Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2024
Course Code: MKTG6117C
Course Title: Design and develop marketing communication plans
School: 525T Business & Enterprise
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5425 - Diploma of Social Media Marketing
Course Contact: Nick Reynolds
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 0791
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Joseph Matthews
Nominal Hours: 60
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
There are no pre-requisites for this unit.
Course Description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and evaluate a range of marketing communication mediums to design and develop marketing communication plans.
The unit applies to individuals who work in advertising, public relations, marketing or other promotional roles who plan electronic communications to effectively convey marketing communication messages and support achievement of marketing objectives.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
BSBMKG552 Design and develop marketing communication plans |
Element: |
1. Prepare marketing communication plan information |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Identify and confirm marketing communication purpose and objectives, expectations, budget, timeline and target audience with client 1.2 Obtain client and product information |
Element: |
2. Design marketing communication plan |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Undertake and document research according to task requirements 2.2 Communicate outcomes and findings to relevant stakeholders 2.3 Identify marketing communications mix options 2.4 Compare advantages and disadvantages of communications mix 2.5 Select communication mix according to marketing communication brief 2.6 Establish success measures for marketing communication plan |
Element: |
3. Finalise marketing communication plan |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Prepare budget and timeline proposal 3.2 Present marketing communication plan to client 3.3 Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on communication plan 3.4 Make changed to the communications plan according to feedback received |
Learning Outcomes
Details of Learning Activities
Students are required to participate in weekly in-class lectures/tutorials, and liaise with a 'client' to develop and present a marketing communications plan.
Lecture slides and learning resources are provided and accessed online via Canvas.
Teaching Schedule
Week 1 |
Course and Assessment Task Intro Intro to Marketing fundamentals |
AT1 / AT2 | |
Week 2 | Marcom strategy planning | AT1 / AT2 | |
Week 3 | Research + The Comms Plan | AT1 / AT2 | |
Week 4 | Legal and regulation | AT1 / AT2 | |
Week 5 | AT1 Knowledge Task Due | AT1 | |
Week 6 | Measuring performance | AT2 | |
Week 7 | Preparing the Marketing Communications Plan | AT2 | |
Week 8 | Presentations (AT2 Due Sunday) | AT2 | |
Week 9 | Rework (as required) | AT1 / AT2 |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Weekly Lecture slides, research materials, templates are provided via online access to the learning management system.
Overview of Assessment
In order to satisfactorily complete this unit you must demonstrate the following:
Performance Evidence
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:
- design and develop at least one marketing communication plan.
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
- legislative requirements relevant to marketing communication plans
- key features of marketing communications plans
- content and format of marketing communication plans including:
- purpose statement
- definition of target audience
- analysis of product or service
- legal and ethical constraints
- marketing communication functions and media vehicles
- procedures for developing budget proposals.
Assessment Conditions
Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.
This includes access to:
- legislation, regulations and codes of practice for marketing communications plans.
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions. You are encouraged to ask and answer questions during class time and online sessions so that you can obtain feedback on your understanding of the concepts and issues being discussed. Finally, you can email or arrange an appointment with your teacher to gain more feedback on your progress.
You should take note of all feedback received and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1:
Summary and Purpose of Assessment
This short-answer assessment task is one of two assessment tasks the you need to complete satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this unit.
This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge required to design and develop marketing communication plans that will cover:
- Prepare marketing communication plan information – that will identify and confirm marketing communication purpose and objectives, expectations, target audience, messages and strategies, scheduling, and budgetary requirements.
- Design marketing communication plan – identify key features of marketing communications mix options and compare advantages and disadvantages of communication mix.
- Identify, analyse and evaluate complex texts to determine requirements of advertising brief, legislative, regulatory and business requirements.
- Establish success measure for marketing communication plans.
Assessment Instructions
You will be provided with a range of marketing communication plans of recent Australian case studies during lectures, including:
- ANZAC biscuits
- Hay fever allergy
- Seltzer drinks
- Daydream Island
- Lyrics Opera
- Cybercrime
- Reword
Each case study will describe the background of the organisation or company and about its products, services, or overall image to its customers, employees, stakeholders, suppliers, or other interested members of the community. The point of these marketing communication plans is that they have been recently implemented to make the public think favourably about the company and its offerings.
Assessment Task 2: Project: Design and Develop a marketing communications plan
Summary and Purpose of Assessment
This assessment task is the second of the two required to demonstrate competency for this unit.
This assessment task has been developed to allow you to work individually to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to identify and evaluate a range of marketing communication mediums and to design and develop a marketing communication plan for a company of your choice or one selected for you by your instructor.
Assessment Instructions
To complete this assessment task, you can use a company/organisation of your choice or one that your instructor selects for you. Using this company, you will need to research, design and finalise a marketing plan and present it to the client.
Guide to selecting a company:
Select a company that employs more than 10 people. You can select an Australian or international company. The company would need to have a marketing plan available for you to peruse and then select. Consult with instructor as to the suitability of the company.
To produce the Marketing Communication Plan, you will need to complete the following tasks:
Task 1: Research and interview the organisation
Task 2: Prepare marketing communication plan information
Task 3: Design marketing communication plan
Task 4: Present to the organisation/client
Task 5: Finalise marketing communication plan
Task 1: Research and interview the organisation
Part A - Prepare for interview
Approach and interview a company either of your own choice or one selected by your Instructor to find out the current marketing communication plan position.
Before you interview the company, a series of questions (maximum 8 questions) need to be developed. These can be formulated as a questionnaire, Form, interview questions, focus group questions.
You should refer to the following items to assist in preparing the questionnaire which will assist you with conducting an interview with the organisation/client:
- Marketing communication purpose
- Analysis of the product or service
- Their marketing objectives and expectations of outcomes
- Types of legal and ethical constraints
- The present marketing functions and media vehicles used.
- Budget and timeline required to implement a marketing plan
- Target audience
The assessor will need to see the questionnaire before it is used.
Part B - Conduct and write up the interview
Make a time to interview your client organisation.
Conduct the interview using the questions you have prepared. The interview time should be no more than 30 minutes
Write up the client’s responses and include the date the interview took place, the name of the client/organisation and the person/people you interviewed. This information should be used to prepare the marketing communication plan (Task 2 below).
Task 2: Prepare Marketing Communication Plan
For this part of the task, you will need to prepare a marketing communication plan. To do this, you need to identify and evaluate a range of marketing communication mediums to design and develop a marketing communication plan. This may include traditional mediums including print, radio, television, direct mail and telephone; while the online mediums could include email, social medium, pay per click marketing, search engine marketing and mobile marketing.
You will need to research, identify and confirm content and format of marketing communication plan including:
- Purpose statement
- Analysis of product or service
- Legislative requirements relevant to marketing communication plan covering legal and ethical constraints
- Marketing communication functions and media vehicles
- Procedures for developing budget proposal
- Anticipated timeline (Gantt chart)
- Identify and define the current target audience markets
Ensure you have incorporated the feedback you have received from the client in Task 1.
Organise this information using the above headings and submit this plan as a business report (Marketing Communication Plan Part A) (approximately 400-500 words)
Task 3: Design Marketing Communication Report
To undertake and document research according to Task 2 above, the student will now need to:
- Summarise outcomes and finding to relevant stakeholders e.g. Client, Instructor, etc.
- Identify marketing communication mix options such as advertising; personal selling and direct marketing; discounts and promotions; public relations and messaging; direct marketing; sponsorships
- Compare advantages and disadvantages of communications mix
- Cover legislative and ethical requirements relevant to marketing communication plan
- Select marketing communication mix according to marketing communication brief
- Prepare budget and timeline proposal (the budget costs need to be referenced and accurately detailed. The timeline may be formulated as a Gantt chart)
- Establish success measures for marketing communication plan such as key performance indicators, metrics; response and feedback; track engagement; turnover; reach, etc.
Organise this information using the above headings and submit this report (Marketing Communication Report Part B) (approximately 600-800 words).
Task 4: Present to the organisation/client
A) Present the marketing communication plan (you produced in Task 3) to the organisation/client in a visual and verbal presentation either in person or online for an allocated time of approximately eight (8) minutes.
Address each of the points outlined in Task 3.
B) Seek feedback from the client and any relevant stakeholders on the marketing communication plan.
After the meeting, detail the suggested feedback changes discussed by all parties in a way that such changes can be made to the marketing communication plan. Such record of changes should be documented into the report (150 -200 words)
Task 5 Finalise Marketing Communication Plan
Finalise the marketing communication plan (ensure you include the budget and timeline proposal)
Ensure you incorporate a minimum of 2 changes in the final marketing communication plan as suggested by the client and indicate what these are/where these are.
You will be provided half to one hour before the conclusion of each class to work on this assessment task however you are expected to complete most of the assessment outside of class time.
You will be assessed according to the criteria outlined in the Section B Marking Guide. All criteria identified must be addressed to satisfactorily complete this Assessment Task.
Instructions on submitting your Product Assessment
You must submit your work online via Canvas. Please note, that different parts of this assessment are due at different times as indicated in the assessment due date section above.
Task 1&2: Marketing Communication Plan - upload on Canvas Word version or PDF
Task 3: Marketing Communication Report - upload on Canvas Word version or PDF
Task 4: Present to the organisation/client- this will be observed in class by your instructor/client
Task 5: Final Marketing Communication Report - upload on Canvas Word version or PDF
Assessment Matrix
Assessment Task 1: Quiz
- Due week 5 of semester block
Assessment Task 2: Project: Design and develop a marketing communications plan
- Due week 8 of semester block
Other Information
Course Overview: Access Course Overview