Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2024

Course Code: MKTG9336C

Course Title: Plan, conduct and optimise organic social media marketing

School: 525T Business & Enterprise

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5425 - Diploma of Social Media Marketing

Course Contact: Nick Reynolds

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 0791

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Anna Osherov

Nominal Hours: 80

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

There are no pre-requisites for this unit.

Course Description

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to perform, conduct and optimise organic social media marketing campaigns and activities for an organisation to achieve marketing objectives without a paid advertising budget.

It requires the ability to establish an organic presence of social media platforms, develop an organic social media marketing strategy, conduct organic social media marketing, and increase efficiency of organic social media marketing activities.

The social media platforms referred to may include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest, WeChat, Tik Tok, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

The unit applies to individuals who manage and optimise organic social media marketing campaigns and activities for an organisation. This includes business owners who manage their own marketing activities, and employees, freelancers and marketing consultants who manage organic social media marketing activities for an organisation.  

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

NAT10904002 Plan, conduct and optimise organic social media marketing


1. Establish organic presence on social media platforms

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Assess factors which influence content ranking by social media algorithms and gauge how they impact organic marketing activity
1.2 Find and explore the contents of marketing resources, portals and courses provided by social media platforms
1.3 Compare the benefits of social media business accounts to help achieve marketing objectives as compared with personal accounts
1.4 Analyse audience demographics for the leading social media platforms using native analytics
1.5 Populate and optimise a social media profile to maximise follower growth


2. Develop an organic social media marketing strategy

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Examine online examples of organic social media marketing and incorporate their key success factors into the social media marketing strategy
2.2 Choose content formats for organic social media marketing and incorporate them in the strategy
2.3 Develop pillar content that can be repurposed across multiple social media platforms
2.4 Define organic content to be used and match this to stages of the audience/buyer’s journey
2.5 Use created, curated and co-created content sources as part of the organic social marketing strategy


3. Conduct organic social media marketing

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Implement organic social media marketing tactics to maximise engagement and follower growth
3.2 Select hashtags to align content to social media trends and increase profile awareness
3.3 Reciprocate interactions with other users to foster online relationships
3.4 Collaborate with other social media accounts to mutually improve marketing results
3.5 Identify and participate in social media groups
3.6 Write engaging captions to complement content and encourage user engagement
3.7 Identify opportunities to drive organic traffic to an organisation's web assets


4. Increase efficiency of organic social media marketing

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Select native applications to help improve content creation, data analysis and community management
4.2 Produce content in bulk that adheres to the organic social media marketing strategy
4.3 Select and use software to schedule social media posts in advance and maintain posting consistency
4.4 Use a chatbot and marketing automation to respond to social media users

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

Build up your skills and knowledge to be able to complete your assessment tasks to an industry standard. This breaks down into two general categories:

  • your classes and formative learning activities, to help prepare you for 
  • summative assessment tasks.

In this unit, you will: 

  •  Develop an organic social media marketing strategy. 
  • Learn how to create, curate and co-create content which is relevant to your audience and your strategy. 
  • Identify opportunities and tactics to maximise efficiency in content production and scheduling.  
  • Explore the ways to maximise your audience engagement. 
  • Understand the specific organic marketing tactics for mainstream and niche social media platforms. 

Teaching Schedule

Week 10 23/9/2024

Module 1:

In this module, you will 

  • determine who your audience is 
  • identify your content topics and the best format to present them in 
  • understand how audience/buyer stages influence content 
  • know how to use P.I.E.E. to determine your content objectives 
  • be aware of the three different sources of content 
  • create your channel platform content strategy. 
Part of Assessment Task 1, Project
Week 11 30/9/24

Module 2:

In this module, you will: 

  • Know how to leverage the three different content ‘sources’ to create great content. 
  • Understand how to generate high levels of engagement with your content. 
  • Identify opportunities to insource or outsource your content creation. 
  • Explore different design tools to help give your content the edge. 
  • Write relevant and interesting captions to accompany your content. 
Part of Assessment Task 1, Project 1
Week 12 7/10/2024

Module 3:

In this module, you will 

  • Understand the importance and bulk-producing content 
  • Identify the best project management tools for your circumstances 
  • Understand how to schedule content to publish in advance 
  • Develop the skills for measurement and reporting of social media marketing 
  • Explore community management benefits and best practices. 
Part of Assessment Task 1, Project 1
Week 13 14/10/2024

Module 4:

In this module, you will: 

  • Understand the background and usage of Facebook 
  • Set up and optimise your Facebook Page 
  • Identify the native tools that are available in a Facebook business account 
  • Explore the Facebook algorithm and how to maximise engagement 
  • Identify the most appropriate scheduling tools for your strategy 
  • Understand the role of Facebook Messenger chatbots 
  • Identify best practices in Facebook groups 
  • Explore Facebook Insights. 
Part of Assessment Task 1, Project 1
Week 14 21/10/2024

Module 5:

In this module, you will 

  • Understand the background and usage of Instagram 
  • Set up and optimise your Instagram profile 
  • Explore the Instagram algorithm and how to maximise engagement 
  • Identify the key factors in creating great content 
  • Identify best practices in Instagram business accounts 
  • Explore Instagram Insights 
Assessment Task 1 Project 1 SUBMISSION
Week 15 28/10/2024

Module 6:

In this module you will: 

  • understand how engagement works on LinkedIn and the benefits LinkedIn offers 
  • explore the platform, such as how content is selected, what the algorithm does, content sources, LinkedIn Stories 
  • examine key LinkedIn features, such as inbox and messaging, groups, the search function, hashtags 
  • describe the different formats for publishing content  
  • know how to set up personal and company profiles 
  • understand the different types of accounts that LinkedIn offers 
  • actively build your network and promote your profile 
  • publish content, use effective engagement strategies to drive organic web traffic opportunities 
  • grow an organic following using posts 
  • join and/or set up a group 
  • use LinkedIn Analytics to analyse performance 
Part of Assessment Task 2, Project 2
Week 16 4/11/2024

Module 7:

In this module you will: 

  • Understand the key considerations when using Twitter 
  • Know about Twitter resources 
  • Know how to retweet and quote tweet 
  • Learn about the different formats and uses on Twitter 
  • Explain why individuals and organisations use Twitter 
  • Set up your Twitter profile and start following 
  • Use different marketing opportunities (paid, owned, earned) 
  • Describe the core features of Twitter (tweets, live video, trends and lists 
  • Explain the benefits of setting up a Twitter Business Account 
  • Learn how to use hashtags effectively 
  • Identify organic and paid marketing opportunities  
Part of Assessment Task 2, Project 2
Week 17 11/11/2024

Module 8

In this module you will: 

  • Understand the key considerations when using YouTube 
  • Learn about YouTube resources 
  • Learn about what equipment is needed for recording quality videos 
  • Create a YouTube channel 
  • Upload a video to YouTube 
  • Use editing software to edit a video 
  • Describe the core features of YouTube (videos, playlists) 
  • Explain the benefits of setting up a YouTube Business Account 
  • Learn the stages of video production 
  • Learn how to grow your channel 


Module 9

In this module you will: 

  • Understand the key considerations of the niche social media platforms 
  • Learn about the resources made available by each niche platform 
  • Learn about the key benefits and opportunities of each niche  channelplatform 
  • Learn about the common metrics that are available 
  • Explore organic tactics for each platform 
  • Learn how to maximise engagement 
Assessment Task 2, Project 2 SUBMISSION
Week 18 18/11/2024



Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Available on Canvas

Overview of Assessment

Performance Evidence

The learner must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be demonstrated evidence that the learner has completed the following tasks: • developed and applied at least one organic social media marketing strategy to conduct, and increase the efficiency of, organic social media marketing • created at least one social media profile using a business account • produced and posted at least two content assets across two different social media social media platforms • scheduled at least one social media post using a native application   Knowledge Evidence

The learner must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of a marketing related work role.

This includes knowledge of: • social media algorithms • social media platforms • social media business accounts • audience demographics • native analytics • social media profiles • content formats • pillar content • organic content strategy • content sources • hashtags • social media groups • caption writing • web assets • native applications • community management • social media management software • chatbots • marketing automation   Assessment Conditions   Assessment may be conducted in a real or simulated environment using procedures, information and resources typical of a workplace.

There are no prescribed method/s of assessment for this unit of competency.

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the marketing field of work and may include access to: • relevant workplace documentation and resources • case studies or simulated working environments and, • real situations.  


Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions. You are encouraged to ask and answer questions during class time and online sessions so that you can obtain feedback on your understanding of the concepts and issues being discussed. Finally, you can email or arrange an appointment with your teacher to gain more feedback on your progress.

You should take note of all feedback received and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course.

Assessment Tasks


Assessment Task 1 requires you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by establishing organic presence on social media platforms by developing an understanding of their algorithms and available resources and developing an organic social media marketing strategy using available apps and software.  


To complete this task, you must download the Assessment Task 1 Project Template from the learning materials and populate all of the required sections. There are detailed notes in the notes section of each slide that have further instructions.  


With regards to the organisation, you may select: 

  • an organisation you have access to, such as a business run by a friend or family; 
  • an organisation you currently work for; 
  • your own business; or
  • a hypothetical business you create for the purpose of the assessment.


If you select an organisation you have access to or currently work for, written permission is required from the appropriate stakeholder (such as the marketing manager), clearly stating that the organisation grants permission for you to develop and implement a content marketing strategy on its behalf. You must also consult with your trainer/assessor to ensure the chosen business is suitable for the purpose of this Diploma.


Assessment Task 2 requires you to conduct organic social media marketing based on the work conducted in project 1 and demonstrate your ability to increase efficiency of organic social media marketing through the use of software to schedule social media posts and marketing automation to respond to social media users.


To complete this task, you must download the Assessment Task 2 Project Template from the learning materials and populate all of the required sections. There are detailed notes in the notes section of each slide that have further instructions for you. With regards to the organisation, you may select:

  • an organisation they have access to, such as a business run by a friend or family;
  • an organisation they currently work for;
  • their own business; or
  • a hypothetical business they create for the purpose of the assessment.

If you select an organisation which you have access to or currently work for, written permission is required from the appropriate stakeholder (such as the marketing manager), clearly stating that the organisation grants permission for you to develop and implement a content marketing strategy on its behalf.

You must also consult with your teacher to ensure the chosen business is suitable for the purpose of this Diploma.

Your teacher will post your content into the DSMM Private Facebook Group to demonstrate engagement and capture feedback, you will then use this for evaluation.

Assessment Matrix

Available on Canvas

Other Information


Course Overview: Access Course Overview