Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2025

Course Code: LANG5884C

Course Title: Use routine health terminology in two languages

School: 535T Social Care and Health

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5427 - Diploma of Interpreting (Spoken Language)

Course Contact: Ya-Ping Kuo

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 3771

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 30

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to understand and use routine health terminology in two languages in general dialogue or monologue settings in general health and allied health contexts.

This unit applies to those working as interpreters in a range of general health and allied health contexts where health services are provided with direct patient contact involved, or general medical topics are discussed. The interpreter may be required to interact with patients, their families and the health professionals working with them.

General settings are those in which the context is broad and routine, the content or complexity of the situation can usually be predicted and planned for, and there are opportunities for error correction. There are typically few, or only two, participants. Interpreting may be completed onsite or remotely. The elements of the setting permit the interpreter to manage the interaction to ensure that utterances are suitable for retention and recall. Miscommunication or consequences of errors in communicative intent that may occur in this setting are readily managed through consultation and preparation.

This unit will be delivered in a cluster as follows:

Terminology and Communication cluster:   • LANG5888C Interpret through communication media • LANG5884C Use routine health terminology in two languages • LANG5886C Use routine education terminology in two languages • LANG5902C Use routine legal terminology in two languages

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

PSPTIS118 Use routine health terminology in two languages


1. Identify the context of health terminology.

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Identify key features of the public and private health system, including key roles and structures in healthcare.

1.2. Identify the elements and nature of interaction specific to routine communication in health and allied health contexts.

1.3. Identify social, cultural and professional conventions and interpersonal and institutional dynamics of two languages appropriate to and observable in health and allied health contexts.

1.4. Discuss the role and responsibilities of interpreters and others in general health and allied health contexts, including obtaining valid consent.

1.5. Identify the consequences of incorrect interpreting in health and allied health contexts.


2. Develop understanding of health terminology.

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Identify the fundamental word structure used in basic medical terms.

2.2 Recognise and explain abbreviations for basic health specific terms and associated processes.

2.3. Identify descriptors and euphemisms in two languages applicable to diagnosis and communication in healthcare.

2.4. Research and develop knowledge of health and allied health vocabulary and expressions in two languages.

2.5. Use intelligible pronunciation or signed production of health and allied health specific terminology.


3. Use appropriate oral or signed communication in health contexts.

Performance Criteria:

3.1. Receive and understand oral or signed instructions, comments and advice using health vocabulary and expressions in two languages.

3.2. Seek advice from appropriate persons to clarify correct use and meaning of terms and associated processes.

3.3. Use routine health vocabulary and expressions in two languages when interpreting.

3.4. Use prosodic features, gestures and body language appropriate to the health and allied health context.

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

As a cluster of four units, learning activities may include discussion of common education, health, legal, interpreting and translating topics, identifying key terminology for assignments, and conduct simulated preparation by building bilingual terminology and interpreting using communication media. Students will be required to work with peers to share ideas, discuss assignment preparation and review and complete the terminology list together. Learning activities also include English comprehension practices, English into English / LOTE reproduction exercises, dialogue interpreting exercises using communication media.

Teaching Schedule

Please visit Canvas - Syllabus for weekly teaching schedule.

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

Assessment will be ongoing during the semester, and you will receive feedback on your progress. You will undertake a variety of assessment tasks and activities to assess your level of competence against key elements and performance criteria.

Assessment tasks may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • written assignments
  • role-plays
  • simulated interpreting demonstrations

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1 – Education Portfolio 

This is the first of six assessment tasks you need to complete successfully to be deemed competent in this unit cluster. This knowledge assessment will allow you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop and understanding of and use routine education terminology in two languages.

Assessment Task 2 – Video and F2F Interpreting

This is the second of six assessment tasks you need to complete successfully to be deemed competent in this unit cluster. This practical assessment enables you to demonstrate your ability to: use communication media; apply proficient oral communication skills to reproduce factual and linguistic information in different settings, including education, health and legal settings; receive and understand oral instructions, comments and advice using education, health and legal vocabulary and expressions in two languages; manage the discourse (settings and contexts) that may arise and meet occupational health and safety responsibilities relevant to the work setting.

Assessment Task 3 – Health Portfolio

This is the third of six assessment tasks you need to complete successfully to be deemed competent in this unit cluster. This assessment is designed to help you develop and demonstrate an overarching understanding of the health and allied health systems here in Australia, the key personnel and professionals working in these settings, the typical environments and also medications and basic anatomy. 

Assessment Task 4 – Legal Portfolio

This is the fourth of six assessment tasks you need to complete successfully to be deemed competent in this unit cluster. This knowledge assessment will allow you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop and understanding of and use routine legal terminology in two languages.

Assessment Task 5 – Telephone Interpreting

This practical assessment enables you to demonstrate your ability to:

use communication media; apply proficient oral communication skills to reproduce factual and linguistic information in routine health or allied health setting; receive and understand oral instructions, comments and advice using health vocabulary and expressions in two languages; manage the discourse (settings and contexts) that may arise and

meet occupational health and safety responsibilities relevant to the work setting.

Assessment Task 6 – Reflective Report

This written assessment is the last of the six assessments you need to complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent for the units in this cluster.  This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your capacity to reflect on your skills and knowledge related to your interpreting demonstrations during Assessment Task 2: Video dialogue and Assessment Task 5 Telephone dialogue.

Assessment Matrix

Each assessment clearly outlines the competencies being addressed in the task in relation to performance criteria. The sum of assessment tasks will cover all units and their elements over a range of occasions. You will be given opportunities to demonstrate competency in a variety of ways throughout the program. You are encouraged to discuss any problems or concerns with your teacher or program coordinator.

Other Information

Assessment Appeals, Reasonable Adjustment and Extensions Students can appeal assessment decisions using these forms: (

Students may be able to access reasonable adjustment such as an extension of time or a smaller group if appropriate. Students should contact the assessor at least one week prior to the assessment if they wish to be considered for reasonable adjustment. ( essentials/assessment-and-exams/assessment/adjustments-to-assessment)


Course Overview: Access Course Overview