Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2024

Course Code: HWSS6091C

Course Title: Work effectively in trauma informed care

School: 535T Social Care and Health

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5432 - Diploma of Community Services

Course Contact: Melinda Brown

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4580

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to practice and contribute to the continuous improvement of trauma informed care within a service.

This unit applies to individuals working in the community services and health sectors where services are informed by the knowledge and understanding of central trauma, particularly the impact of interpersonal violence.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care


1. Work from a trauma informed care perspective

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Apply the key principles and practices of trauma informed care

1.2 Promote safe environments and relationships with those affected by trauma, including preventing traumatisation and re-traumatisationin the context of service use

1.3 Respond to disclosures of past and current trauma or abuse using principles of trauma informed care

1.4 Respond to behaviours and distress related to trauma using principles of trauma informed care

1.5 Assist individuals affected by trauma to identify personal resources and strengths

1.6 Recognise the coping strategies and adaptations of individuals who have experienced trauma

1.7 Identify resources and strengths within individuals who have experienced trauma


2. Utilise self-care strategies

Performance Criteria:

2.1. Apply self-care strategies in managing re-traumatisation

2.2 Apply self-care strategies in managing vicarious trauma


3. Contribute to the continuous improvement of trauma informed care in services

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Reflect upon own practice and work environment and identify opportunities to embed trauma informed care and practice in service delivery

3.2 Identify barriers to implementing trauma informed care and practice and refer to appropriate/senior personnel

3.3 Participate in organisation policy development on trauma informed care according to job role

3.4 Identify and participate in strategies to enhance service delivery of trauma informed care

3.5 Invite and respond to consumer feedback on trauma informed practices and service delivery

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements. 

Details of Learning Activities

This course has scheduled face-to-face classes where information is shared through explicit teaching, discussion and various activities. Plus, class time will also be provided for the application of learning.

Teaching Schedule

Course Schedule:    Work effectively in trauma informed care


Semester 2 2024

Semester 1 2025




Week 1


 Introduction  to Trauma Informed Care 

  • Definitions and principles
  • Prevalence and impact of trauma.
  • Understanding Trauma: Types of trauma (acute, chronic, complex, historical, etc.), causes, and effects on individuals and communities.
  • Assessment task Overview 

Week 2 


Trauma Informed Care/Recovery-oriented practice

  • Key principles and practices of trauma-informed care
  • Work from a trauma-informed care perspective/recovery-oriented practice
  • Safe environments and relationships and preventing traumatisation and re-traumatisation

Week 3


Implementing Trauma-Informed Care

  • Informed consent and disclosure
  • Respond to behaviours and distress
  • The stress response

Week 4 


Implementing Trauma-Informed Care

  • The impact of trauma
  • Heightened distress
  • Self-injury

End of year break - Semester 1 classes for 2025 recommence week beginning 10/02/25 

Week 5

Date TBA 

Trauma-Informed Support and Recovery

  • Assisting to identify personal resources and strengths
  • Ongoing responses in the supportive relationship
  • Supporting learning about trauma and its impacts
  • Setting trauma-related recovery goals
  • Building readiness and safety for specialist trauma work



Week 6 

Date TBA 

Trauma-Informed Support and Recovery

  • Increasing emotion and body awareness
  • Recognise coping strategies and adaptations
  • Identify resources and strengths within individuals
  • Utilise self-care strategies
  • Applying self-care strategies in managing re-traumatisation and vicarious trauma
  • Developing your individual self-care plan
  • Empathy


Week 7

Date TBA 


Improving Trauma-Informed Care and Self-Reflection

  • Principles of self-reflection
  • Barriers to implementing trauma-informed care and practice
  • Power dynamics – worker, consumer or carer
  • Policy development
  • Enhance service delivery of trauma-informed care
  • Invite and respond to consumer feedback
  • Prepare for Assessment task 1 and 3 



Week 8 

Date TBA 

Assessment 2 Allocated class time for Roleplay and reflection

Assessment Task 1 due - Knowledge Assessment

Assessment 2 Due Roleplay and reflection ( Murray)

Week 9

Date TBA 

Assessment 2 Allocated class time for Roleplay and reflection

Assessment 2 Due Roleplay and reflection (Murray)

Week 10

Date TBA 

Assessment 2 Allocated class time for Roleplay and reflection

Assessment 2 Due Roleplay and reflection (Murray)

Week 11

Date TBA 

Assessment 2 Allocated class time for Roleplay and reflection

Assessment 2 Due Roleplay and reflection (Rebecca)

Week 12

Date TBA 

Assessment 2 Allocated class time for Roleplay and reflection

Assessment 2 Due Roleplay and reflection (Rebecca)

Assessment task 3 due - Professional Practice (Rebecca)

Week 13

Date TBA 

Assessment 2 Allocated class time for Roleplay and reflection

Assessment 2 Due Roleplay and reflection (Nami)

Week 14

Date TBA 

Assessment 2 Allocated class time for Roleplay and reflection

Assessment 2 Due Roleplay and reflection (Nami)


Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

There are three individual assessment tasks consisting of case study analysis, role plays, and short answer questions. 

Assessment Tasks

You will be given two (2) attempts for each assessment to demonstrate the required knowledge and skills. A third (3rd) attempt can only be offered after discussions between teacher and the Program Coordinator and is not automatic. Resubmissions beyond two (2) attempts are at the discretion of the teacher and/or coordinator.

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Assessment -  This assessment task is a set of written questions that allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of working effectively in trauma informed care. 

Assessment Task 2 - Roleplay and reflection with three clients - The objective of this task is for you to demonstrate your ability to work within a trauma informed perspective with 3 clients with a mental health condition.

Assessment Task 3 - Professional Practice - The objective of this task is for you to demonstrate your ability to develop and apply self-care strategies, when you are exposed to vicarious trauma and to contribute to the continuous improvement of trauma informed care in services.

Assessment Matrix

The assessment matrix is located in Canvas at the end of each assessment task.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview