Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2024

Course Code: HWSS8160C

Course Title: Implement Community development strategies

School: 535T Social Care and Health

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5432 - Diploma of Community Services

Course Contact: Melinda Brown

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4580

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 70

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to work with individuals, groups and the community to identify issues and develop cooperative processes to facilitate change.

This unit applies to workers using a community development approach to carry out work in the health, community services or other sectors. Workers at this level are part of a professional team and have the responsibility of supervision of others.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CHCCDE027 Implement Community development strategies


1. Work with individuals and groups to identify issues.

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Use appropriate interpersonal skills with individuals and groups to ensure that their story is heard and understood and to test that there is common understanding

1.2 Respond to individual and group concerns in a manner which shows respect and a commitment to assist in their resolution

1.3 Proactively provide appropriate referrals to assist in the resolution of issues

1.4 Identify and address barriers to moving private concerns into public action

1.5 Identify individual and community strengths, talents and abilities that can address the community priority


2. Work with groups to establish cooperative processes.

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Identify relevant models of work that may address group priorities and strengths

2.2 Identify and establish mechanisms and actions to address group priorities and strengths

2.3 Organise a range of opportunities to facilitate community participation

2.4 Establish common goals and coordinate strategies for a cooperative group process

2.5 Engage key stakeholders in planning, implementing and evaluating strategies for community empowerment and action

2.6 Adhere to organisation’s reporting requirements


3. Support group processes and skills development.

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Identify strengths and assets and access available resources to facilitate successful group and community work strategies and activities

3.2 Participate in facilitation of effective group meetings and enhance outcomes

3.3 Support and maintain group processes to facilitate achievement of identified outcomes by the group

3.4 Monitor effectiveness of group processes and provide information to the group to enable improvement and change


4. Reflect on practice.

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Reflect on own practice

4.2 Regularly participate in a review mechanism as a commitment to upgrading skills and knowledge

4.3 Work with the group to regularly undertake review mechanisms

4.4 Work with the group to reflect on group practice and processes

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements. 

Details of Learning Activities

Learning activities will include:

Practical demonstrations
Group activities/projects
Analysis/critique of relevant reading material
Workshops, group discussion
Peer learning
Research activities
Simulated workplace activities

Teaching Schedule

Course Schedule:    Implement community development strategies

Semester  2024 and Sem 1 2025




Week 1


Introduction to  Community Development

  • Defining Community Development and Community
  • Core values/principles of Community Development
  • Profile of a Community Development worker
  • Principles and practices of community development work


Week 2 

 Community Development Practice    

  • Social and community issues/Impact of issues
  • Engaging communities in understanding the issues that impact their lives
  • Seeking community perspectives
  • Determining Community concerns
  • Responding to community concerns



Week 3

Community Development Practice

  • Proactively provide referrals to assist in the resolution of issues.
  • Internal and external supports
  • Key aspects of referral processes in community development
  • Organisational policies and procedures


Week 4 

Community Development Practice

  • Barriers to community development
  • Barriers to moving private concerns into public action
  • Promotion and marketing strategies
  • Conflict management
  • Identify individual and community strengths, talents and abilities that can address community priorities.



Week 5


Community Development Models and Best Practice  Community engagement

  • Models of Community Development work
  • Social Action/Representation and Lobbying /Advocacy
  • Locality development work
  • Identifying community priorities and strengths
  • Facilitate community participation/Strategies to facilitate community participation

Week 6


Community Development Models and Best Practice  Community engagement

  • Engaging key stakeholders
  • Strategies and actions to address community priorities
  • Administrative and Funding support



Week 7

Building Community: From Networking to Empowerment

  • Forging Connections: Networking and Partnerships
  • Innovative Initiatives: Pilots and Policies
  • Sustaining Impact: Funding and Resources
  • Empowering Engagement: Strategies and Resources 


Week 8 

Self Directed Day - Work on Assessment 1 Case Studies/Knowledge questions - teacher support online 

Assessment 1 Case Studies/Knowledge questions due


Break in Delivery - starts back after mid semester break in Semester 1 2025  


Week 9

Community Development and Groupwork/Reflective Practice and Evaluation

  • Effective Group Facilitation
  • Cultural Sensitivity in Practice: Navigating Diversity
  • Enhancing Group Dynamics: Processes and Improvement

Community Development and Groupwork/Reflective Practice and Evaluation

    • Empowering Group Engagement: Participation and Evaluation
    • Reflecting on personal practice and program outcomes.
    • Introduce Assessment task 2


Week 10 

 Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay Preparation 

Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay Due 

Week 11

 Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay Preparation 

 Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay Due 

Assessment Task 3 - Knowledge Questions Due 

Week 12

Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay 

Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay Due 

Week 13 

Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay 

Assessment Task 2 -  In class Roleplay Due 

Week 14

Review and reflection

  • Finalising of assessments
  • Course review
  • Reflection on learning


Assessment Task 2 - Case Study Report Due 

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

There are three individual assessment tasks consisting of case study analysis, role plays, and short answer questions. 

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1 - Case Studies/Knowledge questions - This assessment task allows you to demonstrate your knowledge to work with individuals, groups, and the community to identify issues and develop cooperative processes to facilitate change in a Community Development work role context. 

Assessment Task 2 - Roleplay/Case Study Report - The objective of this assessment task is to demonstrate the following skills:

· Identify at least one community priority and assess the structures and issues.

· Engage cooperatively with at least one community group to develop strategies to address their priorities and issues.

· Support at least three activities to facilitate community participation.

Assessment Task 3 - Knowledge Questions - This assessment task allows you to demonstrate your knowledge to work with individuals, groups, and the community to identify issues and develop cooperative processes to facilitate change in a Community Development work role context. 


Assessment Matrix

A marking rubric for each assessment task is located on Canvas

Course Overview: Access Course Overview