Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2025

Course Code: BIOL5252C

Course Title: Plan and conduct laboratory/field work

School: 535T Social Care and Health

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5434 - Diploma of Laboratory Technology

Course Contact: Rauha Quazi

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4277

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Amberlee Mitton

Tel. +61 3 9925 8053 

Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge to plan and complete tasks individually or in a team context. The tasks involve established routines and procedures using allocated resources with access to readily available guidelines and advice. Work plans may need to be modified with supervisor agreement to suit changing conditions and priorities.

This unit of competency applies to instrument operators, laboratory assistants and technical assistants working in all industry sectors.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

MSL913004 Plan and conduct laboratory/field work


1. Plan and organise daily work activities

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Clarify allocated work activities and required resources if necessary 1.2 Prioritise work activities as directed 1.3 Break down work activities into small achievable components and efficient sequences 1.4 Review work plan in response to new information, urgent requests, changed situations or instructions from appropriate personnel


2. Complete allocated work

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Locate relevant workplace procedures for required tasks 2.2 Undertake tasks following prescribed and routine work-related sequences 2.3 Seek assistance from relevant personnel when difficulties cannot be handled 2.4 Record completion of activities to confirm outputs in accordance with plan


3. Identify and resolve work problems

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Recognise problems or opportunities for improved work performance 3.2 Apply agreed problem-solving strategies to consider possible causes and solutions 3.3 Identify and access appropriate sources of help 3.4 Consider available alternatives and keep them open before deciding on the most appropriate action


4. Work in a team environment

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Cooperate with team members to negotiate and achieve agreed outcomes, timelines and priorities 4.2 Recognise personal abilities and limitations when undertaking team tasks 4.3 Confirm personal role and responsibility within the team for particular outputs 4.4 Demonstrate sensitivity to the diversity of other team members' backgrounds and beliefs


5. Update knowledge and skills as required

Performance Criteria:

5.1 Recognise own strengths and weaknesses 5.2 Take advantage of skill development opportunities

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

In this course your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a workplace context. As part of this course you are required to undertake 80 hours of supervised learning/assessment in your chosen industry area, gaining invaluable experience and industry contacts.


This course prepares you for employment by providing you with the skills and knowledge to work safely & appropriately in industry. You will participate in workshops that will prepare you for your placement in a relevant organisation.


You will need to organise your work placement with some assistance from RMIT.


Placement is an opportunity for you to consolidate what you have learned through guided self-study and successful completion of in-house assessments. It is an exciting experience and one which enables you to develop and apply the skills and knowledge you have learnt throughout the program and prepare for work as a technician. Student must complete a minimum of 80 hours of placement over 10 to 30 days.


When attending placement, you will work alongside either a Scientist or Technician. These supervisors will be responsible for providing on the job training, support, guidance and assessing you on your performance during placement.


Workplace Assessment Requirements: An agreement including schedule and relevant insurance documentation is required to be completed before commencing each assessment placement. In the case where a placement ends early or requires an extension, please email the WIL coordinator (Amber)


This is the designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) course for C5388 Diploma of Laboratory Technology. In this course, feedback from industry and/or community is integral to your experience. 

Teaching Schedule

MSL913004 Plan and conduct laboratory/field work

Semester 1 & 2 – 2025

On campus class – Week 2, 4, 6 and 11

LT25 Monday & LH25 Tuesday

Self-directed learning Week 1, 3, 5, 7 – 10 and 12 - 18




Learning activity



Semester 1


10 Feb

No on campus class

·       At home activity.

·       See Week 1 module and follow instructions.




17 Feb


On campus class 1

·       Course overview

  • Assessment and placement requirements overview
  • WIL student hub
  • WIL paperwork process and timelines for approval
  • Compliance requirements – WWCC, police check and vaccines ect
  • Requirements will be completed in class.
  • Resume and cover letter discussion.
  • Please bring your laptops to class


RMIT requirement 1: Review handbook and sign declaration

RMIT requirement 2: RMIT Creds

Due week 2


24 Feb

No on campus class – self directed learning

  • Complete cred online and locate your certificate
  • Write or edit your resume
  • Write or edit your cover letter


RMIT Requirement 2 – RMIT Creds, resume and cover letter

Due week 4


3 Mar

On campus class 2

·       Finding a placement

  • RMIT partners discussion
  • Filling in form about interest and location
  • Make a list of possible work placements
  • Please bring your laptops to class




10 Mar

(Mon public holiday)

No on campus class – self directed learning

  • Complete form
  • Make a list of possible work placements





17 Mar

On campus class 3

  • Class discussion of AT1 Knowledge questions
  • Please bring your laptop so you can type your answers in as we discuss.
  • Self-sourcing placements and RMIT placement list
  • Email etiquette

AT1: Knowledge questions

Week 7

7, 8, 9 & 10

24 Mar – 14 Apr

No on campus class – self directed learning

  • Looking for placements
  • Completing assessments
  • Reviewing feedback and correcting work





28 Apr

On campus class 4

  • Class discussion about process after you find a placement
  • RMIT Requirement 3: WIL agreement*
  •  AT3 Placement logbook*
  • AT4 Reflection*
  • Class discussion of AT2: Simulated lab task 
  • Networking

AT2: Simulated lab task

Week 12

12, 13, 14 15, 16

05 May – 02 Jun

No on campus class – self directed learning. Students will be at different stages.

·       Looking for placements

·       Completing assessments

  • Reviewing feedback and correcting work
  • Completing your WIL agreement after you find a placement
  • Starting placement!




17, 18 and Semester break


Excellent block placement opportunity

  • Week 17: 9-15 June
  • Week 18: 16-22 June
  • Semester break 23 June – 13 July


Some labs will prefer block placements due to training requirements and the fast pace of the laboratory.

Semester 2

No on campus class – self directed learning

  • Information will be posted on CANVAS
  • Hopefully most students have a placement organised!




*RMIT requirement 3, AT3 and AT4 will have individual due dates. These assessments are due two weeks after placement is completed.


Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Learning material provided on Canvas

Overview of Assessment

Assessment may include:

  • knowledge tests
  • practical skills test
  • practical logbooks
  • presentations
  • group work
  • research
  • lab reports
  • assignments


Assessment Tasks

Assessment Tasks

To be assessed as Competent in this course, you will need to complete each assessment task to a satisfactory standard. You will receive feedback from the teacher within given time-frame (usually within two weeks of assessment submission) of each assessment task. You should refer to the assessment brief which is available through Canvas for full assessment criteria and due dates

To pass this course you need to complete the following 8 things:

1.           80 hours of placement in an industry laboratory with a satisfactory review & site visit

2.           RMIT Requirement 1 – Handbook and declaration

3.           RMIT Requirement 2 – RMIT Creds, resume and cover letter

4.           RMIT Requirement 3 – WIL agreement 

5.           AT1 – Knowledge questions

6.           AT2 – Simulated lab task 

7.           AT3 – Laboratory placement logbook

8.           AT4 – Reflection


You will be given two attempts for each assessment to demonstrate the required skills.

A third attempt can only be offered after discussions between teacher and the Program Coordinator and is not automatic.


Compliance and WIL agreement for placement 

  • All students are required to complete and submit the compliance related to your placement (WWCC, police check and vaccines ect)
  • All students require a WIL agreement to be approved and processed before your first day of placement


Feedback on placement

During your placement, frequent feedback about your performance and your progress will be discussed with your supervisor. When you are given feedback, think of it as an opportunity to learn.

Feedback may include:

  • Identify what went well
  • Identify ideas where you need to improve
  • Include discussion to identify ways in which you can improve 


Student expectation and removal from placement

  • Students are expected to be professional, respectful, follow privacy and confidentiality guidelines for the industry partner.
  • Students may be removed from placement due to unprofessional behaviour or negative feedback from industry. 
  • Students who are removed from placement are required to find a replacement industry partner to complete 80 hours of placement 



Assessment Matrix

The assessment matrix demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant unit of competency. These mapping documents are available through Program Administration if required.

Other Information

Results that apply to courses that are delivered and assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment are:

CA: Competency Achieved

NYC: Not Yet Competent

DNS: Did not Submit for Assessment



Your learning experience will involve class-based teaching, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises. It is strongly advised that you attend all timetabled sessions. This will allow you to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring you the maximum opportunity to complete this course successfully.  


Information about your studies:  


You can access My Studies through the RMIT website for information about timetables, important dates, assessment dates, results and progress, Canvas etc   


Submission of assessment tasks: 


You are expected to prepare all assignments and other written work in a professional manner. More information on general academic study and writing skills can be found on the “Learning Lab”  


You must keep a copy of all submitted assessments including electronic copies. All Assessment tasks should be performed or submitted by their due dates. Assessment tasks received late and without prior extension approval or special consideration will not be marked and will receive a mark of zero. 


Academic integrity and Plagiarism: 


It is expected that any work presented for assessment in this course will be your own and, where joint exercises have been conducted, you must acknowledge the other members of your work group in the submission. Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism and the enabling of plagiarism are forms of cheating and very serious academic offences. RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy. 


Allowing your assessment work to be copied to assist another with their assessment will actively enable acts of plagiarism, and that is also a potential disciplinary offence. 

Use of AI has certain restrictions in this course. Please refer to assessment instructions for guidelines on the conditions for the use of AI tools in assessments. 


All cases of suspected misconduct (including plagiarism) will be forwarded to the program manager for consideration. Students are encouraged to review the information available at 




RMIT University has a license to use the product to check for the originality of items submitted for assessment. Any work submitted for assessment in this course may be checked for originality and/or appropriate citation using this product and you are advised to submit your documents as stated in the University’s Guidelines for using Turnitin (see: As a guide the similarity percentage for any assessment submitted via Turnitin should not exceed 30%. 


This course assessments conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies and procedures which are described and referenced at 


Extensions of time for submission of assessable work


If you are prevented from submitting an assessment on time by circumstances outside your control you may apply for an extension of up to seven (7) calendar days in writing (email) to your Program Coordinator one working day BEFORE the due date. Eligibility criteria for application and the form is available from the link: 


Where an extension of greater than seven days is needed, you must apply for special consideration. 


Special consideration: 


If due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance, you are unable to attend on the due date of an assessment (e.g. test, examination, oral, etc.), you may submit an application for special consideration within 5 working days of the due date. If special consideration is granted, you will be given the opportunity to complete/repeat the assessment task at a later date. For advice on this application please visit or speak to your Program Coordinator. 


Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:   


Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification). Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer or RPL for the courses offered in this program. 


Course Overview: Access Course Overview