Course Title: Apply engineering hydrology principles

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2010

Course Code: CIVE5690

Course Title: Apply engineering hydrology principles

School: 130T Vocational Engineering

Campus: City Campus

Program: C6093 - Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design

Course Contact: Program Manager

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4468

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Dr. Betty  Richards
Ph: 03 9925 4742

Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic)

Course Description

This unit of competency deals with the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate understanding of basic practices, concepts and terminology in engineering hydrology and use relevant data and tools to design simple hydraulic structures.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

EAC110B Apply engineering hydrology principles


1. Apply understanding of the hydrological cycle and the elements of meteorology.
2. Derive a rainfall intensity/frequency curve.
3. Use a unit-graph to obtain a flood hydrograph
4. Apply the flood flow equation.
5. Design a storm retarding basin for an urban drainage system
6. Design a main channel for an irrigation scheme including flow regulation.
7. Analyse a mass curve and predict reservoir storage.

Performance Criteria:

1.1 The water cycle is understood in a water engineering context and used to inform hydrology activities.
1.2 The sources of rainfall data and flood records is understood and used to inform hydrology activities.
1.3 The element of meteorology is understood in the context of the water cycle.
1.4 The types of erosion control structures is understood and used in hydrology activities.

2.1 The types of rainfall are understood in meteorological terms.
2.2 The types of rain gauges and factors affecting their positioning are understood and used to inform
        hydrology activities.
2.3 The use of networks data adjustment and the use of the mass curve to obtain storm intensity are
        understood and used to inform hydrology activities.
2.4 Storm intensity is obtained from an analysis of relevant data.
2.5 A rainfall intensity/frequency curve is derived from given data. 

3.1 “Runoff” can be defined and factors affecting amount of runoff described.
3.2 The component of stream flow can be described.
3.3 The features of a hydrograph can be described and a unit hydrograph derived.
3.4 A unit-graph is used to obtain a flood hydrograph
3.5 A rating curve for a stream is derived and the measurement of “water stage” described.

4.1 The factors affecting flood magnitude are understood and used to inform hydrology activities.
4.2 Methods (and restrictions) of flood estimation are understood and used to inform hydrology activities.
4.3 The Rational Formula and Time Contour methods are used.
4.4 The application of hydrographs for flood estimation is demonstrated.
4.5 The flood routing method is applied for design flood estimation.
4.6 Flood frequency analysis is understood and used to inform hydrology activities.
4.7 The process of design flood selection on an economic basis is understood and used to inform
        hydrology activities.

 5.1 A storm retarding basin for an urban drainage system is designed appropriately.

6.1 A main channel for an irrigation scheme including flow regulation is designed appropriately.

7.1 A mass curve is analysed and reservoir storage predicted. 

Learning Outcomes

Refer to Elements

Details of Learning Activities

Teacher led lessons which will include:
*The water cycle in a water engineering context
*The sources of rainfall data, flood records, and their use to inform hydrologic activities
*Elements of Meteorology in the context of the water cycle
*Type of rainfall in meteorological terms
*An overview of the types of rain gauges and their positioning
*The use of networks data adjustment and the use of the mass curve to obtain storm intensity
*Estimation of storm intensity from given relevant data
*Derivation of rainfall intensity/frequency curve from given data
*Runoff generation
*Streamflow components
*Derivation of  unit and flood hydrograph
*Flood estimation
*Design of storm retarding basin
*Channel design for an irrigation scheme
*Reservoir storage prediction

Student led  activities will include:
Problem Solving in team and individually
Research and oral presentation of outcome.

Teaching Schedule

Element     Week
Apply understanding of the hydrological cycle and the elements of meteorology   1-3
Derive a rainfall intensity/frequency curve    4-6
Use a unit-graph to obtain a flood hydrograph     7-8
Apply the flood flow equation    9-12
Design a storm retarding basin for an urban drainage system   13-14
Design a main channel for an irrigation scheme including flow regulation   15-16
Analyse a mass curve and predict reservoir storage     16
 Exam  18

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts

Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A guide to flood estimation. Author: D.H. Pilgrim. Publisher: Barton ACT: IEA-2001. Vol 1 and 2. 


Other Resources

Online notes.

Overview of Assessment

Assessment are conducted in both theoretical and practical aspects of the course according to the performance criteria set out in the National Training Package. Students are required to undertake summative assessments that bring together knowledge and skills. To successfully complete this course you will be required to demonstrate competency in each assessment tasks detailed under the Assessment Task Section.

Your assessment for this course will be marked using the following table:

NYC (<50%) Not Yet Competent

CAG (50-59%) Competent - Pass

CC (60-69%) Competent - Credit

CDI (70-79%) Competent - Distinction

CHD (80-100%) Competent - High Distinction

Assessment Tasks

Assignment 1 and 2 each valued at 10% of the total assessment will cover Elements 2.2 and 2.5.

Test 1 will cover Elements 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 2.3 and 2.4. It is valued at 10% of the total assessment.

Test 2 will cover Element 3 and is valued at 20% of the total assessment.

Final semester exam will cover Elements 1.4, 4, 5, 6 and 7. It is valued at 50% of the total assessment.

The dates and time of the assessment will be advised by the instructor.

To attain at least a PASS grade in an assessment, students will need to demonstrate understanding of the concepts and the ability to solve relevant problems. To attain at least a PASS grade for the course it is necessary to obtain at least a PASS grade for  each element.

Assessment Matrix

Course Overview: Access Course Overview