Course Title: Design spatial networks and geocoding

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2010

Course Code: GEOM5113C

Course Title: Design spatial networks and geocoding

School: 130T Vocational Engineering

Campus: City Campus

Program: C6098 - Advanced Diploma of Spatial Information Services

Course Contact: Program Manager

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4468

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Thierry Demathieu
9925 8359

Nominal Hours: 100

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to analyse and design spatial networks and geocoding. It requires the ability to apply wide-ranging specialised technical, creative and conceptual skills, a broad knowledge of spatial datasets and accountability for personal and group outcomes. Functions will entail complying with and developing or amending organisational guidelines.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CPPSIS6018A Design spatial networks and geocoding


1. Analyse and design networks.

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Appropriate application areas for networks are determined according to organisational requirements, project specifications and end user requirements.

1.2 Basic elements and shortest path algorithms are incorporated in the design.

1.3 Representation of networks is determined.

1.4 Definition of a network is illustrated with examples, incorporating the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of representing a network.

1.5 OHS issues are considered at all times.

1.6 Skills and knowledge are updated to accommodate changes in operating environment and equipment.


2. Conduct geocoding.

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Appropriate data sources for geocoding are determined according to organisational requirements, project specifications and end user requirements.

2.2 Suitability and availability of data are verified with the potential suppliers.

2.3 Constraints on use of spatial data are assessed against specification.

2.4 Data is prepared for geocoding.

2.5 Addresses are matched with spatial locations.

2.6 Appropriate addressing methods are used.

2.7 Primitive codes are enhanced for geocoding.

2.8 Geocoding errors are resolved.


3. Validate outcome.

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Appropriate network and geocoding procedures are recorded.

3.2 Outcome is validated in line with project specifications.

3.3 Procedures to refine model or analytical processes are developed.

3.4 End user is consulted regarding suitability of the outcome and amendments are negotiated as necessary.

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

Teacher led :

Classroom &/or tutorial instruction in the outcomes required to design spatial networks and geocoding and tasks associated with the elements above including the use of computers and relevant software/s, capabilities of survey methodologies and technologies in a simulated workplace environment.

Student managed:

Develop data management strategies to design spatial networks and geocoding to industry standards.
Participation in group activities based on simulated workplace exercises.
Individual exercises carrying out research, computations, data compilation and appraisal.

Teaching Schedule

The teaching schedule is available in the Distributed Learning System (Blackboard). Refer to it for any changes or announcements.

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Refer to:

Overview of Assessment

Assessment may incorporate a variety of methods including written/oral activities and demonstration of practical skills to the relevant industry standards. Participants are advised that they are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment activities to their teacher/assessor. Feedback will be provided throughout the course.

Assessment Tasks

Assessment of this unit will involve completion of the simulated workplace project and the Evaluation of portfolio, using a checklist, of the performance of elements of competence as designated for this unit to the required standard including collection methods and techniques related to the project objectives.

Observation, using a skills checklist, of performance of elements of competence as designated for this unit to the required standard during practical fieldwork exercises within a simulated workplace project.

Assessment will require demonstration of:

• Consistence performance of each element of the unit across a representative range of applications, autonomously and to requirements
• Performance criteria for each element of competence
• Underpinning knowledge and skills specified.

Assessment Matrix

The Assessment and Assessment Matrix are available in the Distributed Learning System (Blackboard). Refer to it for any changes or announcements.

Other Information

This is a new course in 2010.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview