Course Title: Install and configure a client computer operating system and software

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2013

Course Code: EEET7068C

Course Title: Install and configure a client computer operating system and software

School: 130T Vocational Engineering

Campus: City Campus

Program: C6121 - Advanced Diploma of Computer Systems Engineering

Course Contact: Program Manager

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4468

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

George Listopad
PHONE: 9924441 FAX: (03) 99254377

Kenneth Falzon
PHONE: 99254716 FAX: (03) 99254377

Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit covers installing and configuring an operating system and software on a personal computer. It encompasses safe working practices, installing and testing the operating system and application software, testing functionality, rectifying operating anomalies, following written and oral instruction and procedures and applying appropriate customer relations.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

UEENEED143A Install and configure a client computer operating system and software


1 Prepare to install and configure a computer operating system and software.

Performance Criteria:

1.1 OHS procedures for a given work area are identified, obtained and understood.
1.2 OHS procedures for a given work area are identified, obtained and understood.
1.3 The scope of work to be undertaken is determined from documentation or from discussions with work supervisor.
1.4 Operating system and application software versions as required for the installation are obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked against job requirements.


2 Upgrade computer and peripheral software.

Performance Criteria:

2.1 OHS risk control measures and procedures for carrying out the work are followed.
2.2 Operating system and application and network software components are installed in accordance with installation instructions and industry practices.
2.3 Operating system, software applications and network, including device drivers, are tested in preparation for return to service/customer.
2.4 Operating system network and software malfunctions are identified using logical techniques drawing on knowledge of operating system configuration requirements.
2.5 Malfunctions are rectified using latest software versions, incremental updates and bug and security patches.
2.6 Methods for dealing with unexpected situations are decided on the basis of safety and required work outcomes.
2.7 Installation and configuration is carried out efficiently without waste of materials and energy or damage to apparatus, the surrounding environment or other services.


3 Complete and report upgrading and maintenance activities.

Performance Criteria:

OHS work completion risk control measures and procedures are followed
3.2 Work area is cleaned and made safe in accordance with established procedures.
3.3 Operating system network and software installation is documented and appropriate person(s) notified in accordance with established procedures.

Learning Outcomes

Refer to Elements

Details of Learning Activities

Learning and simulated work activities to demonstrate the importance of clearly understanding and following Occupational Health and Safety procedures.

The following OH&S topics are included:
Knowledge of how to enter a work area and the hazards that may exist when entering a work area
Electrical safety
Checking of tools for safety and functionality
Working safely
The importance of following workplace procedures and instructions
Dealing with emergencies, reporting and responsibility
Identifying potential hazards
Controlling risk

Classroom tutorial activities:
Lectures: to introduce the important concepts.
Attending lectures will make it much easier for you to understand the central concepts of the course
You will feel more comfortable and you will learn more if you read the relevant material before you attend the lectures

Tutorials: to enable you to ask questions and to clarify unresolved issues
Review the material and prepare your questions before you come to class
There will be an overview of course content with a focus on the material students find difficult
If something is unclear or if you find yourself falling behind please ask for help immediately
You may be given worksheets to complete during the tutorial

Lab exercises: to give you the hands on experience of implementing and troubleshooting networks
In general there will be one practical exercise per week
You will perform the exercise and write it up in a lab journal
The lab journal will be a bound exercise book
Loose leaf binders will not be accepted
The write up will be a record of your actions as they are performed and your corresponding observations
The write up must be performed in the lab as you perform the practical exercise, not at a later date
Write ups not in the lab journal will not be marked
Write ups which are not done concurrently with the performance of the practical exercise will not be marked
In general the detail of the write up must be sufficient for you to be able to comfortably perform the practical exercise a year or more later directly from the lab journal
Any difficult or unusual points should be especially noted in the lab journal for future reference
Responses to worksheets for practical exercises must be written up in the lab journal
The neatness, completeness and the presentation of the lab journal must be of a quality such that you would be prepared to show it to a future employer as an example of your work

Work simulated activities: you will given computer related tasks and scenarios to complete as you would be expected to perform in industry.

Test and assessments:
There will be closed book weekly tests to assist your progress in the course
You will be required to read and study at least one chapter of the course content per week
The will be an on-line closed book final test at the end of semester covering all topics

Occupational Health and Safety:
Conduct in lecture theatres, classrooms and laboratories will be of a standard required by OH&S legislation as applied to industry:
You must behave in such a way as not to place the health and safety of yourself or anyone else at risk
Covered shoes must be worn in all labs
Thongs and sandals must not be worn in any lab

Preparation for the Work place:
All skills and knowledge presented in this course are oriented towards current industry practices and technologies. An essential industry expectation is that you are responsible for your behaviour and actions. When you are in employment you will be expected to attend work on time on a regular basis, perform you work on time to an accepted standard and be responsible for what you do. Industry will expect you to comprehend and follow both verbal and written instructions. All industry expectations will applied to you in this course. You will be expected to:
Observe all Occupational Health and Safety requirements
You must behave in such a way as not to place the health and safety of yourself or anyone else at risk
Prepare for classes
Attend all classes regularly and on time
Use your class time in a productive and responsible way
Finish your work on time to an accepted standard
Pay attention to, comprehend and follow both verbal and written instructions.
It is your personal responsibility to be aware of course requirements and timelines
Please ask if something is not clear

The Preparation for the Workplace component will be an essential part of the assessment for this course. It will be included in the assessment of the practical and work simulated activities.

Activities Outside of Class:
It is expected that students allocate at least 60% of course hours for reading, independent study, project research, design, implementation, testing and problem solving activities.
Teaching Schedule
Please refer to the common teaching schedule from course guide UEENEED102A Assemble, set-up and test computing devices in the same cluster.

Teaching Schedule

This course is accredited by Engineers Australia.
Graduate cpapbilities:

Professional AttributesHow course addresses Engineering Australia professional attributesHow assessment addresses professional AttributesDiscernmentContextual factors Solution of well defined problemsApplication of techniquesSystematic managementConduct and accountability
Discernment of engineering developments within the practice area. Professional conversations with student groups and individuals
Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the practice area. Professional conversations with student groups and individuals
 Application of established technical and practical methods to the solution of well defined engineering problems.  Observation of the performance of laboratory work
Application of technical and practical techniques, tools and resources to well defined engineering problems. Observation of the performance of laboratory work
Application of systematic project management processes. Observation of how students approach and perform their work
Ethical conduct and professional accountability. Observation of student conduct during assessments

Please refer to the common teaching schedule from course guide UEENEED102A Assemble, set-up and test computing devices in the same cluster.

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Internet and trade journals

Overview of Assessment

The assessment is conducted in both theoretical and practical aspects of the course according to the performance criteria set in the National Training Package. Assessment may incorporate a variety of methods including written/oral activities and demonstration of practical skills to the relevant industry standards. Participants are advised that they are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment activities to their teacher/assessor. Feedback will be provided throughout the course. To successfully complete this course you will be required to demonstrate competency in each assessment task detailed under Assessment Tasks:


Assessment 1: Research Work and Presentation 

Weighting towards final grade: (%): 45 (30+15)

Assessment 2: Practical Test
Weighting towards final grade (%): 25

Assessment 3: Closed Book Tests
Weighting towards final grade (%): 30

these tasks assesses the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Assessment Mapping Matrix 


Performance Criteria Covered

 Research Work and Presentation 

Practical Test

Closed Book Tests

























































Assessment Tasks

Please refer to the course guide UEENEED102A Assemble, set-up and test computing devices in the same cluster.

Assessment Matrix

Please refer to the course guide UEENEED102A Assemble, set-up and test computing devices in the same cluster.

Other Information

Please refer to the course guide UEENEED102A Assemble, set-up and test computing devices in the same cluster.
This course is delivered in a cluster (Computer Technology) in conjunction with:
UEENEEE101A Apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace,
UEENEEE117A Implement and monitor energy sector OHS policies and procedures ,
UEENEED102A Assemble, set-up and test computing devices,
UEENEED143A Install and configure a client computer operating system and software.
The learning and assessment activities will include all the components of competencies UEENEEE101A, UEENEEE117A, UEENEED102A andUEENEED143A

In this cluster minimum student directed hours are 61 in addition to 99 scheduled teaching hours. Student directed hours include completing activities such as reading online resources, assignments, project work, individual student-teacher course related consultation and writing of reports.
For more information please refer to the course guide UEENEED102A in the same cluster.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview