Course Title: Estimate costs for development of textile designs

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2021

Course Code: BUSM8006C

Course Title: Estimate costs for development of textile designs

School: 375T Vocational Design and Social Context

Campus: Brunswick Campus

Program: C6165 - Advanced Diploma of Textile Design and Development

Course Contact: Betty Kanzurovski

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 99259232

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

John Brooks

Nominal Hours: 20

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

The unit of competency applies to cost estimating for development of designs for textile products, including sample production.   

This unit is taught as part of a clustered course with

  • MSTFD5027 Cost production of textile designs. 
    There are shared learning and assessment outcomes.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

MSTTD4011 Estimate costs for development of textile designs


1 Determine job requirements

Performance Criteria:


Follow standard operating procedures (SOPs)



Comply with work health and safety (WHS) requirements at all times



Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with SOPs



Identify job requirements from specifications, drawings, job sheets or work instructions


2 Prepare to estimate costs

Performance Criteria:


Analyse product and design specifications and determine yarn and other material requirements



Analyse production requirements to determine impact on material selection and costs



Identify costing factors to consider when purchasing materials for textile products and related production requirements



Identify market forces that affect costing for the textiles industry and consider in line with purchasing requirements


3 Calculate material costs for producing textile products

Performance Criteria:


Estimate costs of materials for textile sample production



Compare similar products from different price points within textiles industry and identify any production differences



Identify hidden costs in sample production



Calculate differences in costs for sample and bulk production and compare



Document material cost estimate details for textile production


4 Determine labour costs for producing textile products

Performance Criteria:

 producing textile products 


Identify labour required for textile product production



Calculate labour costs for production of sample and bulk production and compare



Identify different methods of utilising labour in the textile industry and compare



Document labour cost estimate details for textile production


5 Complete cost estimate

Performance Criteria:


Use production specifications and information to identify components of costing sheets



Develop costing sheets for sample or bulk production to meet textile industry standards



Check costing sheets against production requirements and budget information and complete according to industry standards and workplace procedures



Finalise cost estimates, communicate with relevant personnel and complete all documentation

Learning Outcomes

In this unit you will develop the capabilities on how to estimate costs for development of designs for textile products, including sample production.



Details of Learning Activities

This cluster unit will be delivered fully online via Canvas
Learning activities will consist of workshops, demonstrations, videos and in-class exercises

Teaching Schedule


Key topics

Key learning and assessment activities

Due Dates

Session 1


Introduction to Costing

Basic calculations, costing standards and terminology



Session 2

Fixed and Variable Costs

Fixed and Variable Costs

Fixed and variable costs, costing components, costing factors & production options


Session 3

Recording & Presenting

Costing recording and presentation

Market forces, target market, presenting and recording costing information

 Assessment 1 due

Session 4

Costing Sheets

Costing Sheets

Further exploration of costing components and modes of production: mass production vs sample production

Session 5




Presentation of costing sheets, feedback and finalising and reporting costing outcomes

 Assessment 2 due

Session 6




Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

The University Library has extensive resources and provides subject specialist expertise, research advice, help with referencing and support through:

The learning Lab
The Study Support Hub
English for uni workshops

Overview of Assessment

This course is assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment. To demonstrate competency in this course you will need to complete all the assessment to a satisfactory standard.

You will receive feedback from the teacher at the conclusion of each assessment task.

Competency is achieved only if competency has been demonstrated within the standard enrolment period. Students are advised that they may be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment work to confirm aspects of competency not evidenced in class or through assessments.

Results for this course are delivered and assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment are:
CA: Competency Achieved
NYC: Not Yet Competent
DNS: Did not Submit for Assessment

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.
Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions which are available for review online:

Assessment Tasks

Assessment 1: Costing Knowledge due week 3

This assessment will require students to demonstrate knowledge surrounding Costing and accounting in textile related businesses, as well as standards for costing, and methods of production.

Assessment 2: Costing Sheets due week 5

This project allows students to demonstrate the ability to Cost various methods of textile production so that they can find the most cost-effective outcome. Students will cost the sampling and production a textile product: a handmade and an outsourced version, and analysing their findings to determine the best option for production, considering the overall cost combined with the effect of design quality, ethical issues and target market.

Assessment Matrix

The assessment matrix demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant unit of competency. These matrices are available through Program Administration 

Other Information

Please refer to the RMIT student page for extensive information about study support, assessment, extensions, appeals and a range of other matters:

Your learning experience will involve class-based teaching, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises

It is strongly advised that you attend all timetabled sessions. This will allow you to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring you the maximum opportunity to complete this course successfully.

Assessment Feedback: 
You will receive spoken and written feedback on all your work.  Where relevant, this feedback will also include suggestions on how you can proceed to the next stage of developing your projects.

Student Progress:
Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy designed to assist you in achieving your learning potential.

Adjustments to Assessment (eg. applying for an extension of time):
If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment satisfactorily by the due date, you can choose to apply for an adjustment to your assessment. RMIT University offers a range of adjustments designed to support you in your studies, including an extension of time to complete the assessment.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism:
RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:
Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification).

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences.

Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) RCC applies only if you have previously successfully demonstrated competence in a unit of competency, and now requires to be reassessed to ensure that the competence is being maintained.

Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer, RPL, or RCC for the unit(s) of competency addressed in this course.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview