Course Title: Process reusable instruments and equipment in health work

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2015

Course Code: HWSS5711C

Course Title: Process reusable instruments and equipment in health work

School: 155T Vocational Health and Sciences

Campus: City Campus

Program: C3299 - Certificate III in Dental Assisting

Course Contact: Ms. Suzanne Dellas Fatone

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9341 1406

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff


Nominal Hours: 30

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

This unit must be assessed after successful achievement of pre-requisite:

      HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures

Course Description

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required for workers in the health care setting to clean and sterilise reusable instruments and equipment and to maintain associated environments. All procedures must be carried out in accordance with current infection control guidelines, Australian and New Zealand Standards and the policies and procedures of the health care establishment.

All tasks must be carried out in accordance with State or Territory legislative requirements that affect work practices of the health care establishment and/or health care worker

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

HLTIN302C Process reusable instruments and equipment in health work


1. Prepare to clean used items

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Follow safe work practices and standard precautions at all times in accordance with legislative and workplace guidelines
1.2 Dispose of sharps and sharps debris into a container that meets Australian/New Zealand Standards at the point-of-use
1.3 Segregate and dispose of waste according to organisation and legislative requirements


2. Clean and dry used items

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Maintain work flow protocols in instrument reprocessing area
2.2 Prepare instruments for cleaning
2.3 Select and safely use appropriate cleaning agents
2.4 Use cleaning methods that avoid the generation of aerosols
2.5 Dry and inspect instruments for damage and remaining debris
2.6 Monitor the cleaning process


3. Prepare and pack items for sterilisation

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Open and unlock instruments with hinges or ratchets
3.2 Prepare instrument trays in accordance with workplace protocols
3.3 Package or wrap critical site instruments in a manner that prevents damage to delicate items
3.4 Place the appropriate chemical indicator into packages as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
3.5 Label packs with the contents of the pack and batch control data as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
3.6 Seal wrapped trays with steriliser indicator tape as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols


4. Sterilise loads

Performance Criteria:

 4.1 Operate the steriliser safely and in accordance with manufacturer instructions, legislative guidelines and workplace protocols
4.2 Monitor each sterilising cycle and record the details as specified in current Australian/New Zealand Standards
4.3 Maintain records for each sterilising cycle as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
4.4 Unload the steriliser on the completion of the drying cycle to ensure sterility of items
4.5 Follow criteria for release of processed items as specified in current Australian/New Zealand Standards
4.6 Store sterile packs to maintain sterility in accordance with workplace protocols


5. Maintain sterilising equipment

Performance Criteria:

5.1 Clean and check sterilisers routinely as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
5.2 Follow the preventive maintenance program as established by the workplace in conjunction with manufacturer or maintenance contractor
5.3 Monitor the sterilising cycles at the intervals specified in current Australian/New Zealand Standards

Learning Outcomes

1.1 Follow safe work practices and standard precautions at all times in accordance with legislative and workplace guidelines
1.2 Dispose of sharps and sharps debris into a container that meets Australian/New Zealand Standards at the point-of-use
1.3 Segregate and dispose of waste according to organisation and legislative requirements

2.1 Maintain work flow protocols in instrument reprocessing area
2.2 Prepare instruments for cleaning
2.3 Select and safely use appropriate cleaning agents
2.4 Use cleaning methods that avoid the generation of aerosols
2.5 Dry and inspect instruments for damage and remaining debris
2.6 Monitor the cleaning process

3.1 Open and unlock instruments with hinges or ratchets
3.2 Prepare instrument trays in accordance with workplace protocols
3.3 Package or wrap critical site instruments in a manner that prevents damage to delicate items
3.4 Place the appropriate chemical indicator into packages as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
3.5 Label packs with the contents of the pack and batch control data as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
3.6 Seal wrapped trays with steriliser indicator tape as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols

4.1 Operate the steriliser safely and in accordance with manufacturer instructions, legislative guidelines and workplace protocols
4.2 Monitor each sterilising cycle and record the details as specified in current Australian/New Zealand Standards
4.3 Maintain records for each sterilising cycle as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
4.4 Unload the steriliser on the completion of the drying cycle to ensure sterility of items
4.5 Follow criteria for release of processed items as specified in current Australian/New Zealand Standards
4.6 Store sterile packs to maintain sterility in accordance with workplace protocols

5.1 Clean and check sterilisers routinely as required in accordance with current Australian/New Zealand Standards and workplace protocols
5.2 Follow the preventive maintenance program as established by the workplace in conjunction with manufacturer or maintenance contractor
5.3 Monitor the sterilising cycles at the intervals specified in current Australian/New Zealand Standards

Details of Learning Activities

A combination of learning activities will support student’s learning in this unit, such as

  • Facilitator led classroom based lecture and or workshop using PowerPoint Presentations
  • Demonstration and classroom discussion
  • Facilitator led practical clinical demonstration
  • Group discussions
  • Participation in group activities based on simulated workplace exercises
  • Online learning resources accessed via myRMIT Studies (BlackBoard)
    including online tests or quizzes
  • Practical clinical practice, peer evaluation/feedback session
  • Written classroom tasks
  • Self managed research to support completion of project.    

Teaching Schedule

This unit  is scheduled for delivery for both Trainee Groups and Non Trainee Groups in classrooms on level 3 of Building
154 (within the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne). Notification will be provided via student email if the date or location
change. The classes will be delivered over Phases 2 and 3 of the program.

Below is a guide to the underpinning knowledge and skills that the learner will need to demonstrate. This schedule is a
guide only to provide adequate time for the learner .

Phase 2 Topics:

Theory classes:

  • WHS when reprocessing instruments,
  • The difference between sterilization & disinfection
  • The steps of successful reprocessing of instruments (Prepare to clean used items, Cleaning and drying of used items,
    Preparation and packing of items, Sterilisation, Storage)
  • Operation & management of an ultrasonic cleaning unit, types and cycles of steam sterilizers
  • Wet load management
  • Maintenance of sterilizing equipment + Record keeping
  • Chemical indicators

Practical classes
Practcial classes  will be delivered in the simulated environment at RMIT where the teacher will provide demonstration
and assistance as you practice on the following:

  • Performance testing of class B steam sterilizer cycles
  • The use of different chemical indicators
  • The steps of successful reprocessing of instruments,
  • Load release,
  • Tracking of instruments,
  • Steam sterilizer maintenance.

Phase 3 Topics:

  • Simulated clinical assessment (half hour)
  • Written assessment one hour

Total hours - 10 hours

The student is expected to undertake 20 hours of self managed research, completion of assessment tasks and on the job workplace
training in this unit of competence.

Nominal Hours - 30 hours

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts

Bird. D. & Robinson D (2014) Torres & Ehrlich Modern Dental Assisting, 11th Ed. W.B.
ADA Guidelines for Infection Control second edition, 2012


Other Resources

Students will be expected to utilise a range of recent and appropriate library, electronic, text and other resources.
Students will be provided with resources and tools for learning in this course through myRMIT Studies (BlackBoard).

RMIT provides all students with an extension range of online and campus based study support services ranging from:

Overview of Assessment

Assessment will include demonstration of underpinning skills and knowledge, assessment activities may include quizzes, project work, demonstration of skills through practical observation (simulated/workplace environment) and written work.

Assessment Tasks

To achieve a grade of CA (Competency achieved) for the unit HLTIN302C Process reusable instruments and equipment in health
work you are required to obtain a pass result for all the following theoretical and practical assessments that are used to measure
elements, performance criteria, essential knowledge and essential skills as outlined in the health training package.  

Simulated clinical assessment  Phase 3 Day 3. 
The HLTIN302C Assessment overview is issued Phase 2 Day 4 and is a checklist of the items that will be observed in the simulated
clinical observation. The checklist is based on the following:

  • WHS.
  • Correct placement and removal of PPE.
  • The steps of successful reprocessing of instruments.

Written Test Phase 3 Day 4
The written test is a combination of multiple choice questions, true and false questions and short answer.  A final mark of 70% is
required for a pass in HLTIN302C Reprocessing of instruments. 

HLTIN302C Process reusable instruments and equipment in health Project
The Process reusable instruments and equipment in health Poject is issued on Phase 2 Day  4, students research
and complete the project which is the creation of resources and short answers. This project is submitted on Phase 3 Day 4.

Direct credit transfer and RPL:

Direct credit transfer is available to students who have already completed the same or similar courses.
Recognition of prior learning is available to students who have relevant prior skills or experience.
Please refer to;ID=8u7jborsx9dy (unresolved).

 Work submitted for assessment:

Assessments that require work to be submitted must be handed in by the due date designated
by the unit teacher. Details of the due date for each assessment item are included in the unit Assessment
overview. Students are expected to prepare all assignments and other written work in a professional manner.
More information on general academic study and writing skills can be found on the “Learning Lab”  All work submitted for assessment must be submitted electronically
unless directed by the unit teacher.

Harvard style is used for all referencing and for bibliography. Care must be taken to reference all work correctly
and to avoid plagiarism. Be sure not to plagiarise unintentionally. Students must keep a copy of all submitted
assessments including electronic copies.

Failure to complete any of the above listed tasks/assessments will result in an NYC (Not yet competent)  or DNS
(Did not submit) for unit HLTIN302C Process reusable instruments and equipment in health work. An NYC or DNS
result will be entered in the student record. This will result in non-completion of this unit of competence required
re-enrolment incurring fees and a return to class work and completion of any relevant assessments at the time of the

Assessment Matrix


Other Information

This unit of competency is delivered against current industry standards. It is recommended that all students are
familiar with the current ADA Infection Control Guidelines Document 2012 or the most current version of this document.
Students are required to support the learning outcomes for Unit HLTIN302C with work based experience and further
self managed research to support positive outcomes in this Unit.

To undertake practical clinical evaluation and or assessment including workplace assessment students MUST present
for the assessment process as follows:

  • In appropriate clinical attire(no jeans or tracksuit pants, no bare midriff, no singlet tops)
  • Fully covered in leather(not suede) clinical footwear.
  • Hair to be contained by tying back or in appropriate hair cover.
  • No artificial fingernails to be worn.
  • No nail varnish to be worn.
  • The wearing of henna is acceptable.
  • Short, clean fingernails
  • No jewellery to be worn on the hands or wrists.
  • Wedding rings or jewellery that cannot be removed for cultural reasons
    must be taped with an appropriate waterproof tape.
  • All cuts/ skin abrasions on the hands or wrists must be covered with a waterproof dressing.

A student that is non-compliant with any of the above requirements will not be permitted to undertake clinical evaluation
or assessment at the scheduled time.

RMIT University requires that you present only YOUR work for assessment. Plagiarism is a form of cheating.
It is the presentation of the work or idea of another person without appropriate referencing, as though it is your own.
Plagiarism is NOT acceptable. Penalties can include charges of academic misconduct, cancellation of results and
exclusion from your course. Please note: It is also a disciplinary offence to allow your work to be plagiarised by another
student. When signing the coversheet (electroic or paperbased), you are declaring that the work is not plagiarised.

Special consideration:
Please note: Students may apply for Special Consideration as per the information via the RMIT website;ID=b1wqvnwk8aui (unresolved)  if they believe complete assessment for this unit by the submission
date has been affected by factors beyond their control. Special consideration must be lodged prior to or within 48 hours
of the scheduled assessment time or assessment submission date. The application for Special Consideration is NOT
granted automatically on application.

Special consideration online application - RMIT University: 
RMIT assessment policies - RMIT University:  

Failure to complete any of the above listed tasks/assessments will result in NYC (Not Yet Competent) or DNS (Did Not Submit)
result for unit HLTIN302C Process reusable instruments and equpment in health work. This will result in non-completion of the
unit requiring re-enrolment incurring fees, return to class work and completion of any relevant assessments at the time of the
re-enrolment. This may also result in non-completion of the Certificate III in Dental Assisting Program as this unit is a pre-requisite
for the folllowing units of competency:

  • HLTDA303D Assist with oral health care procedures.
  • HLTDA304D Assist with dental radiography.
  • HLTDA306D Assist with adminstration in dental practice. 

The assessment result is final and a second opportunity for re-assessment will be NOT be provided unless the student has
applied for and been granted Special Consideration as per RMIT Assessment Policy;ID=od0oagg9uc111 (unresolved) 

 Assessment Appeal Process:
The Appeals Against Assessment policy and procedure applies to all coursework programs in all careers. The appeal process
is staged and students are required to follow each stage in order to ensure their full entitlement to appeal and this is available on;ID=nwjxaifdrgle (unresolved)

Course Overview: Access Course Overview