Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2016
Course Code: OHTH5765C
Course Title: Participate in WHS processes
School: 155T Vocational Health and Sciences
Campus: City Campus
Program: C3299 - Certificate III in Dental Assisting
Course Contact: Ms. Suzanne Dellas Fatone
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9341 1406
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Dental Health Program Manager: Mr Nicholas Greer
Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30 pm
Telephone +61 3 3941 1420
Nominal Hours: 20
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Not applicable
Course Description
This unit specifies the workplace performance required for an entry level worker to participate in work health and safety (WHS) processes in the workplace in order to ensure their own health and safety at work as well as that of others in the workplace who may be affected by their actions
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS processes |
Element: |
1) Plan and prepare to work safely |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Identify hazards in the work area, and take action to control risk 1.2 Report residual risk according to organisation procedures 1.3 Carry out pre-start checks as required according to work procedures |
Element: |
2) Conduct work safely |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Use personal protective equipment correctly 2.2 Follow work procedures and workplace instructions for ensuring safety when planning and conducting work 2.3 Report incidents and injuries to designated personnel in line with work procedures and workplace instructions 2.4 Undertake WHS housekeeping in work area in line with work procedures and workplace instructions 2.5 Identify own levels of stress and fatigue to ensure ability to work safely and sustainably |
Element: |
3) Participate in WHS consultative activities |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Contribute to workplace meetings, workplace inspections or other WHS consultative activities 3.2 Raise WHS issues with designated personnel according to organisation procedures 3.3 Provide input to improve workplace WHS systems and processes, according to organisation |
Element: |
4) Follow emergency response procedures |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Identify and report emergency situations 4.2 Follow organisation procedures for responding to emergencies |
Learning Outcomes
1.1 Identify hazards in the work area, and take action to control risk
1.2 Report residual risk according to organisation procedures
1.3 Carry out pre-start checks as required according to work procedures
2.1 Use personal protective equipment correctly
2.2 Follow work procedures and workplace instructions for ensuring safety when planning and conducting work
2.3 Report incidents and injuries to designated personnel in line with work procedures and workplace instructions
2.4 Undertake WHS housekeeping in work area in line with work procedures and workplace instructions
2.5 Identify own levels of stress and fatigue to ensure ability to work safely and sustainably
3.1 Contribute to workplace meetings, workplace inspections or other WHS consultative activities
3.2 Raise WHS issues with designated personnel according to organisation procedures
3.3 Provide input to improve workplace WHS systems and processes, according to organisation procedures, to eliminate hazards or reduce risk
4.1 Identify and report emergency situations
4.2 Follow organisation procedures for responding to emergencies
Details of Learning Activities
A combination of learning activities will support student’s learning in this unit, such as
- Facilitator led classroom based lecture and or workshop using PowerPoint Presentations
- Demonstration and classroom discussion
- Facilitator led practical clinical demonstration
- Group discussions
- Participation in group activities based on simulated workplace exercises
- Online learning resources accessed via myRMIT Studies (BlackBoard)including online tests or quizzes
- Practical clinical practice, peer evaluation/feedback session
- Written classroom tasks
- Self managed research to support completion of assessment tasks
- Work based learning and experience in WHS issues and application in dental practice
Teaching Schedule
This class is scheduled for delivery for both Trainee Groups and Non Trainee Groups in classrooms on Level 3 or 2 of Building 154 (within the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne). Notification will be provided via student email if the date or location change. The classes will be delivered over the first two Phases of the program.
Following schedules are detailed in the timetables issued on Phase 1 Day 1 and are provided on BlackBoard (subject to change at the discretion of RMIT, in this event notification will be provided to your student email).
Practical classes will be delivered in the simulated environment at RMIT where the teacher will provided demonstration and assistance as you complete the in class activities.
Phase 1 Topics:
- The Legislative & Organisational Framework for WHS: (Facilitator led class workshop and activities).
- The Emergency Procedures: (Facilitator led class work workshop and activities).
- Maintaining a Safe Workplace: (Facilitator led class work workshop and activities).
Phase 2 Topics:
- Simulated clinical assessment (simulated clinical observation); half hour.
- WHS Scenario Written assessment: half hour.
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Bird. D. & Robinson D (2014), Modern Dental Assisting, 11th Ed. W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia. |
Scheller, Carmen (2011) Basic Guide to Dental Instruments 2nd Ed. Blackwell UK |
Zwemer, T.J. (2013) Mosby’s Dental Dictionary, 3rd Ed. Mosby Inc., Sydney |
Other Resources
Students will be expected to utilise a range of recent and appropriate library, electronic, text and other resources. Students will be provided with resources and tools for learning in this course through myRMIT Studies (BlackBoard).
- Australian Dental Association Vic Branch (2015) Systematic Operating Procedures A manual for infection control and operational safety for the dental practice
- Australian Dental Association Inc (2012) ADA Guidelines for Infection Control,
- Australian Standards AS/NZS 4187:2014 and AS/NZS 4815AS/NZS 4815:2006, which can be accessed via the RMIT Library Web Pages
- Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2010)
- Evolve Website: This website has been set up by the publisher of the textbook, Modern Dental Assisting and offers free student learning resources and is and highly recommended.
- Hazard Tools:
- Lee, G & Bishop, P (2012) Microbiology and infection control for health professionals 5th Ed, Pearson.
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals, medicaments and materials used at your dental practice (Obtained
from Dental Supply companies or via web search)
- Miller,C & Palenik,M (2011) Infection Control & the management of hazardous materials for the dental team 4rd Ed, Mosby
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004)
- OHS Reps @Work:\
- RMIT Occupational Health and Safety Videos:
- RMIT Studies (Blackboard) for RMIT Online resources
- RMIT Library for textbooks and other resources
- RMIT Library (Dental Guides):
- SafeWork Australia:
- WorkSafe Victoria: Officewise - A guide to health and safety in the office: accessible from
the Worksafe website.
- Workplace Procedure Manuals and Workplace checklists
RMIT provides all students with an extension range of online and campus based study support services ranging from:
- Study and Learning Centres
- Learning Lab:;ID=l5f1zzjdhi0g1|
- Disability Liaison Unit:
Overview of Assessment
Assessment will include demonstration of underpinning skills and knowledge, assessment activities may include quizzes, scenario, role play, case study and practical demonstration.
Assessment Tasks
1. The Emergency Procedures Quiz Phase 1 as per timetable.
2. WHS Case Study Phase 1 as per timetable.
3. WHS Scenario Phase 2 as per timetable.
4. Simulated clinical assessment (simulated clinical observation) Phase 2 as per timetable.
To undertake a practical assessment (simulation), students MUST present for the assessment process as follows:
- Appropriate clinical attire/uniform. No shorts, jeans or tracksuit pants, no bare midriff, no singlet tops.
- Safety glasses must be worn.
- Footwear is to be fully covered in leather/vinyl (not suede).
- Hair is to be contained by tying back or in appropriate hair cover.
- Fingernails must be short and clean, with and no nail varnish.
- No artificial fingernails are to be worn .
- The wearing of henna is acceptable.
- No jewellery to be worn on the hands or wrists. Wedding rings or jewellery that cannot be removed for cultural reasons must be taped with an appropriate waterproof tape.
- All cuts/ skin abrasions on the hands or wrists must be covered with a waterproof dressing.
A student that is non-compliant with any of the above requirements will not be permitted to undertake practical assessment at the scheduled time. The student will be rescheduled to undertake assessment at a later date.
You will attempt the following practical assessments under supervision of the teacher and you will be graded with either a S (Satisfactory) or NYS (Not Yet Satisfactory) according to the assessment guidelines outlined in the HLTWHS200A Assessment Overview.
Assessment Matrix
To achieve a grade of CA (Competency achieved) for the unit HLTWHS200A/OHTH5765C Participate in WHS Processes, you are required to obtain a pass result for all the following theoretical and practical assessments.
1. The Emergency Procedures Quiz
The Emergency Procedures Quiz is an online quiz completed during Phase 1 and is a multiple choice and true & false answer questions a final mark of 100% is required for a pass and the student is allowed unlimited attempts.
2. WHS Case Study
The WHS Case Study is a case study that is issued and completed in Phase 1 as per timetable.
3. WHS Scenario
The WHS Scenario is a WHS scenario based in a dental clinic that is completed in class on Phase 2.
4. Simulated clinical assessment (simulated clinical observation).
Failure to complete any of the above listed tasks/assessments will result in an NYC (Not yet competent) for the unit HLTWHS200A/OHTH5765C Participate in WHS Processes. A NYC result will be entered in the student record. This will result in non-completion of this unit of competence and re-enrollment will be required incurring fees and a return to class work and completion of any relevant assessments at the time of the re-enrollment.
The Assessment process must be finalised and a result entered by the end of the HLTWHS200A/OHTH5765C Participate in WHS processes RMIT enrolment.
Other Information
RMIT University requires that you present only YOUR work for assessment. Plagiarism is a form of cheating.
It is the presentation of the work or idea of another person. Plagiarism is NOT acceptable. Penalties can include charges of academic misconduct, cancellation of results and exclusion from your course.
Please note: It is also a disciplinary offence to allow your work to be plagiarised by another student. When signing the coversheet (electronic or paper based), you are declaring that the work is not plagiarised.
Special consideration
Please note: Students may apply for Special Consideration as per the information via the RMIT website if they believe that to complete assessment for this unit by the submission date has been affected by factors beyond their control. Special consideration must be lodged prior to or within 48 hours of the scheduled assessment time or assessment submission date.
The application for Special Consideration is NOT granted automatically on application.
Assessment Appeal Process
Students may appeal against their assessment result as per the information via the RMIT website. The Appeals Against Assessment policy and procedure applies to all coursework programs in all careers. The appeal process is staged and students are required to follow each stage in order to ensure their full entitlement to appeal, this is available on;ID=nwjxaifdrgle (unresolved)
Course Overview: Access Course Overview