Course Title: Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2013

Course Code: EASC5040C

Course Title: Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

School: 650T TAFE Business

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4223 - Certificate IV in Business Administration

Course Contact : Sylvia Baroutis

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 5469

Course Contact

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Janet McDonald - Class teacher

Email address:

Telephone: 55134

Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to effectively analyse the workplace in relation to environmentally sustainable work practices and to implement improvements and monitor their effectiveness.  This unit requires the ability to access industry information, applicable legislative and occupational health and safety (OHS) guidelines.  While no licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply holistically to this unit at the time of publication, relevant national, state and territory legislation, regulations and codes of practice impact upon this unit.

This unit applies to those with responsibility for a specific area of work or who lead a work group or team. It addresses the knowledge, processes and techniques necessary to implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices, including the development of processes and tools, such as:

  • identifying areas for improvement
  • developing plans to make improvements
  • implementing and monitoring improvements in environmental performance

A person who demonstrates competence in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to implement and monitor integrated environmental and resource efficiency management policies and procedures within an organisation.  Evidence must be strictly relevant to the particular workplace role.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices


1. Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Identify environmental regulations applying to the enterprise
1.2 Analyse procedures for assessing compliance with environmental/sustainability regulations
1.3 Collect information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures, and provide to the work group where appropriate
1.4 Collect, analyse and organise information from a range of sources to provide information/advice and tools/resources for improvement opportunities
1.5 Measure and document current resource usage of members of the work group
1.6 Analyse and document current purchasing strategies
1.7 Analyse current work processes to access information and data to assist in identifying areas for improvement


2. Set targets for improvements

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Seek input from stakeholders, key personnel and specialists
2.2 Access external sources of information and data as required
2.3 Evaluate alternative solutions to workplace environmental issues
2.4 Set efficiency targets


3. Implement performance improvement strategies

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Source and use appropriate techniques and tools to assist in achieving efficiency targets
3.2 Apply continuous improvement strategies to own work area of responsibility, including ideas and possible solutions to communicate to the work group and management
3.3 Implement and integrate environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans for own work group with other operational activities
3.4 Supervise and support team members to identify possible areas for improved practices and resource efficiency in work area
3.5 Seek suggestions and ideas about environmental and resource efficiency management from stakeholders and act upon where appropriate
3.6 Implement costing strategies to fully utilise environmental assets


4. Monitor performance

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Use and/or develop evaluation and monitoring, tools and technology
4.2 Document and communicate outcomes to report on efficiency targets to key personnel and stakeholders
4.3 Evaluate strategies and improvement plans
4.4 Set new efficiency targets, and investigate and apply new tools and strategies
4.5 Promote successful strategies and reward participants where possible

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

Learning activities will include reading, class (and online) activities and discussion, case studies and text book exercises as well as independent research in order to write a report on sustainability issues in a business environment (a Virtual Enterprise - VE for full-time students). Flexible delivery students will draw experience from their workplace.

What is a Virtual Enterprise?

A Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a simulated business that participants organise and run as a hands-on way of learning about business practices and procedures, and most importantly, learning about their local businesses and industries. Read more at

How will the VE relate to this unit?

You will carry out an analysis of the sales and/or purchasing data in the VE, in order to develop, or improve, the sustainability of the simulated workplace environment.  You will obtain some ’hard data’ first.  After analysing this information, you will develop ideas for improving the way that the VE produces ethically and environmentally sustainable products and services as well as using sustainable products and processes.

Teaching Schedule

Week Week Commencing Topic/s Assessments
 1 8 July

Course Induction:

Course delivery and assessment details

Course support documents

Online learning environment including Blackboard


Plagiarism inlcuding use of Turnitin



Submission requirements/Feedback

Where to get support

Student responsibilities

Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer
What makes a ’green’ Workplace?

Task 1: Portfolio (all activities shall be attempted and CA grade required on all to achieve competency). Includes Sustainability Report. 

 2 15 July Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage
Environmental regulations
 3 22 July Investigate curent practices in relation to resource usage
Procedures for assessing compliance
 4 29 July Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage
Collect relevant information for the workgroup
 5 5 August Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage
Measuring resource usage
Purchasing strategies
 Research for sustainability report
 6 12 August Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage
Measuring resource usage
Purchasing strategies
 Research for sustainability report
 7 19 August Set targets for improvement
External sources of information and data
 8 26 August Set targets for improvement
Evaluate alternative solutions
Set efficiency targets
    Mid semester break 2 - 6 September  
 9 9 September

Implement performance management strategies
Techniques and tools
Continuous improvement strategies
Environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans
Supervise team members

10 16 September Implement performance management strategies
Seek suggestions for improvements
Costing strategies

Portfolio - work on sustainability draft report

11 23 September Monitor performance
Tools and technology for evaluation and monitoring
Communicating outcomes
12 30 September Monitor performance
Evaluate strategies
13 7 October Monitor performance
New targets, tools and strategies
Promote successful strategies
14 14 October Portfolio content for completion Submit portfolio to dropbox.
15 21 October Practical Placement  
16 28 October Practical Placement  

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts

Software Publications Writing Team, Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices, BSBSUS301A, Software Publications, 2009



Other Resources

  • Virtual Enterprise Style Handbook
  • Data for Sustainability resources in student drive and Blackboard.
  • RMIT think green webpage

Overview of Assessment

Assessment may incorporate a variety of methods including technical requirements documentation, homework, assignments, group and/or individual projects, in class exercises, written and practical assessments, problem solving exercises, presentations, direct observation of actual and simulated work practice, presentation of a portfolio of evidence which may comprise documents, and/or photographs and/or video and audio files, review of products produced through work-based or course activities.

Students are advised that they are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment work to their teacher to ensure that the relevant competency standards are being met. Students will be provided with feedback throughout the course to check their progress.

Assessment Tasks

Crtical aspects for Assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit:

Evidence of the following is essential:

  • knowledge of relevant compliance requirements within work area
  • developing plans to make improvements
  • planning and organising work group activities in relation to measuring current use and devising strategies to improve usage
  • monitoring resource use and improvements for environmental performance relative to work area and supervision
  • ensuring appropriate action is taken within work area in relation to environmental/sustainability compliance and potential hazards
  • implementing new approaches to work area in an effort to resolve and improve environmental and resource efficiency issues and reporting as required

You are required to complete two tasks:

1. Portfolio of Evidence

Students will complete all tasks and submit for a CA grade for each activity to be deemed competent for this unit. Evidence for your portfolio will be produced on a regular basis and all tasks submitted on the due dates in order to achieve a CA grade.  Feedback on activities and research for sustainability report is in class and ongoing. 

2. Virtual Enterprise (or Workplace) - Sustainability Report report

Please refer to the marking guide for further details on this research report.

Submission requirements

Assessment tasks need to be submitted electronically via MyRMIT.

You should:

  • Ensure that you submit assessments on or before the due date.  If your performance in the assessment is affected by unexpected circumstances, you should consider applying for Special Consideration.  Information on the process and application forms is available at MyRMIT, the RMIT website and your Student Diary.
  • Always retain a copy of your assessment tasks. (hard copy and soft copy)
  • When you submit work for assessment at RMIT University you need to use a cover sheet that includes a declaration of statement of authorship.  You must complete, sign and submit a cover sheet with all work you submit for assessment, whether individual or group work.  On the cover sheet you declare that the work you are presenting for assessment is your own work.  An assignment cover sheet for submission of work for assessment is available frin student forms website.
  • Each page of your assessment should include a footer with your name, student number, the title of the assessment, unit code and title and inclusive page numbers. 
  • Feedback on assessment is given individually in class on a continuing basis.

Marking Guide (competency):

  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) is based on current industry needs and the focus on preparing you for the workplace.  Because VET courses are informed by practical application of knowledge and skills, they are based on a system known as ’competency based training’ (CBT).  So when you are assessed in VET it is about whether you are competent to do the job, as well as having a firm grasp on the knowledge and skills required to do that job, as opposed to traditional curriculum based education settings that are often based on knowledge retention.
  • You need to demonstrate you are competent in each element of the unit of competency you are studying.
  • You will receive feedback on each assessment task that will inform you whether you are competent or not and how well you are performing.  Once competent in all elements of the unit you receive a competency grading.
  • Please refer to the Final Grades table below.

Marking Guide (Grading)

After achieving competency we then grade your performance in the unit; this gives you the opportunity to have the level of your performance formally recognized against industry standards and employability skills.


The grading is according to the following criteria:

1. Level of independence, initiative, enterprise and performance of work task

 Students must be able to demonstrate a high level of ability to complete all tasks independently as per the specifications as well ad monstrating a high level of initiative in an individual approach to planning, drafting, preparing and producing the Virtual Enterprise Sustainability Research Report.

2. Demonstrated breadth of underpinning knowledge and a willingness to continue learning

Students should be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of all applicable writing conventions, ergnomic skills when using computers/word processing to produce documents for all the assessment tasks, whilst following safe work practices throughout.

 3. Techniques and processes, technology skills and problem solving

Students are required to demonstrate their problem solving skills in order to analyse the requirements for producing both the Portfolio of Evidence activities/exercises/research.  Portfolio tasks can be applied and included in to the research report.

 4.  Work organisation, planning and self management

Students are expected to organise their own work schedules in order to produce the required evidence by the noted deadlines in the Teaching Schedule.  Students also must ensure that they evaluate their own performance and identify areas for improvement and that this is demonstrated throughout the semester.  They should manage time and ensure ergonomic requirements are met when producing all business documents.

 5. Communication, people networking, language and interpersonal skills and teamwork

Students should be able to communicate with colleagues, customers and VE management to gather information about their needs and provide services, listening to and following complex oral instructions, proofreading and editing, writing clear and detailed instructions. 
Contributions to relevant class discussions and online sessions (if required) will be observed where applicable.  In addition your tasks should demonstrate a very good understanding of strategies for a collaborative approach to adopting sustainable strategies in the Virtual Enterprise workplace.



Final Grades:

CHD  Competent with High Distinction
CDI    Competent with Distinction
CC     Competent with Credit
CAG   Competency Achieved - Graded
NYC   Not Yet Competent
DNS   Did not Submit for Assessment

Further information regarding the application of the grading criteria will be provided by your teacher.

Assessment Matrix

BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices Assessment

Required skills:

  • analytical skills to analyse problems, to devise solutions and to reflect on approaches taken
  • change management skills
  • communication skills to answer questions, clarify and acknowledge suggestions relating to work requirements and efficiency
  • communication/consultation skills to support information flow from stakeholders to the work group
  • innovation skills to identify improvements, to apply knowledge about resource use to organisational activities and to develop tools
  • literacy skills to comprehend documentation, to interpret environmental and energy efficiency requirements, to create tools to measure and monitor improvements and to report outcomes
  • numeracy skills to analyse data on organisational resource consumption and waste product volumes
  • planning and organising skills to implement environmental and energy efficiency management policies and procedures relevant to own work area
  • problem-solving skills to devise approaches to improved environmental sustainability and to develop alternative approaches as required
  • technology skills to operate and shut down equipment; where relevant, to use software systems for recording and filing documentation to measure current usage; and to use word processing and other basic software for interpreting charts, flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information
  • supervisory skills to work effectively with a team


Required knowledge

  • best practice approaches relevant to own area of responsibility and industry
  • compliance requirements within work area for all relevant environmental/sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice including resource hazards/risks associated with work area, job specifications and procedures
  • environmental and energy efficiency issues, systems and procedures specific to industry practice
  • external benchmarks and support for particular benchmarks to be used within organisation, including approaches toimproving resource use for work area and expected outcomes
  • OHS issues and requirements
  • organisational structure and reporting channels and procedures
  • quality assurance systems relevant to own work area
  • strategies to maximise opportunities and to minimise impact relevant to work work


Elements/Performance Criteria (see above for performance criteria)

1. Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage

2. Set targets for improvements

3. Implement performance improvement strategies

4. Monitor performance

Portfolio of evidence including Sustainability Report

Course Overview: Access Course Overview