Course Title: Make a presentation

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2015

Course Code: COMM5928C

Course Title: Make a presentation

School: 650T Vocational Business Education

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4340 - Certificate IV in Frontline Management

Course Contact : Sylvia Baroutis

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 5469

Course Contact

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Seymour Jacobson

Tel: 9925 1563


Student contact hours: Tuesdays 8.30-9.30

Nominal Hours: 30

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit covers the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review a presentation to a target audience.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

BSBCMM401A Make a presentation


1. Prepare a presentation

Performance Criteria:

1.1. Plan and document presentation approach and intended outcomes
1.2. Choose presentation strategies, format and delivery methods that match the characteristics of the target audience, location, resources and personnel needed
1.3. Select presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and purpose of the presentation, and will enhance audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas
1.4. Brief others involved in the presentation on their roles/responsibilities within the presentation
1.5. Select techniques to evaluate presentation effectiveness


2. Deliver a presentation

Performance Criteria:

2.1. Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience
2.2. Use presentation aids, materials and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas
2.3. Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes
2.4. Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest
2.5. Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences
2.6. Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding


3. Review the presentation

Performance Criteria:

3.1. Implement techniques to review the effectiveness of the presentation
3.2. Seek and discuss reactions to the presentation from participants or from key personnel involved in the presentation
3.3. Utilise feedback from the audience or from key personnel involved in the presentation to make changes to central ideas presented

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities


 This unit is clustered with unit BUSM6236C Show leadership in the workplace

Students are required to attend classes to complete activities and in-class assessments.  Student may be required to work in a team.  The learning activities may include:
• Case studies
• Collaborative classroom activities and team activities
• Peer interaction, reflection and discussion
• Games and simulations
• Reading the text book and accessing materials on Learning Hub 

 Prior to training commencement a program level induction session will be conducted that comprises the following:
Program overview and requirements
• MyRMIT/Blackboard
• Overview of assessment requirements
• Pre-Training Review including:
o Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfers
o Assessment of current skills and knowledge
• Competency/Grading Criteria
• Plagiarism
• Appeals
• Extensions
• Feedback
• Privacy
• Submission requirements
• Resubmission policy
• Where to get support
• Student responsibilities

Teaching Schedule

Week number and date Element/Performance criteria Content reference
1. 6 July

 Introduction to the Course including:
• Course requirements
• Course support documents
• Course Blackboard access
• Accuracy of enrolment
• Assessment requirements/Cover Sheets
• Reminder re Plagiarism
• Reminder re Appeals
• Extensions/Resubmissions
• Feedback in this course
• Reminder re submission requirements
• Getting help

Topics:  What is a leader/manager?
Body language

2. 13 July

1. Model high standards of management performance and behaviour
1.1 Ensure management performance meets the organisation’s requirements

1. Prepare a presentation
1.1 Plan and document presentation approach and intended outcomes

Management performance and behaviour, leadership theories


Steps in planning, presentation outlines

3. 20 July

1.2 Ensure management performance and behaviour serves as a positive role model for others

1.2 Choose presentation strategies, format and delivery methods that match the characteristics of the target audience, location, resources and personnel needed

Group and team theories, acting as a positive role model, ethics, diversity, innovation, loyalty, confidentiality, 

Strategies, handling an audience, learning styles

4. 27 July

1.3 Develop and implement performance plans in accordance with organisation’s goals and objectives

1.3 Select presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and purpose of the presentation, and will enhance audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

 Performance plans, objectives, develop the plan, appraisals

The audience, location, seating, audio-visual facilities


5. 3 August

 1.4 Establish and use key performance indicators to meet organisation’s goals and objectives

1.4 Brief others involved in the presentation on their roles/responsibilities within the presentation
1.5 Select techniques to evaluate presentation effectiveness

KPI’s, SMART goals, review KPI’s

 Team presentations, decision factors,
seeking feedback, evaluation

6. 10 August

ONLINE WEEK - NO FACE TO FACE CLASS THIS WEEK2. Enhance organisation’s image


2.1. Use organisation’s standards and values in conducting business

2. Deliver a presentation
2.1 Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience


Values and standards,  code of ethics, promoting ethical standards, consequences of unethical behaviour

Target audience, presentation structure, frequency, primacy, regency, emotion


7. 17 August

2.2. Question, through established communication channels, standards and values considered to be damaging to the organisation

2.3. Ensure personal performance contributes to developing an organisation which has integrity and credibility

2.2 Use presentation aids, materials and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

Formal and informal communication; Behaving with integrity, credibility

Audio visual aids, flip charts, PowerPoint, Overhead transparencies, handouts

Leadership Assessment 1 - Presentation and report Case study 1 due


8. 24 August

3. Make informed decisions
3.1. Gather and organise information relevant to the issue/s under consideration

3.2. Facilitate individuals and teams active participation in decision making processes

 2.3 Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes

2.4 Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience attention

Research, consultation
Decision making, group decisions and problem-solving

Body language, credibility, words and sentences


Leadership Assessment 1 - Presentation and report Case study 2 due

 31 August-6 September

MID-SEMESTER BREAK 31 August-6 September inclusive


9. 7 September

3.3. Examine options and assess associated risks to determine preferred course/s of action

2.5 Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participants needs and preferences

Tools ( cause and effect diagrams, field force analysis)

Prepare for question time, involve others, identify question types, clarification

10. 14 September

3.3. Examine options and assess associated risks to determine preferred course/s of action

2.6 Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding

Risk assessment, decision analysis, making a proposal, approvals

Order, separation, emphasis, overlapping, opening and closing

Students to work on presentations in class              

11. 21 September

3.4. Ensure decisions are timely and communicate them clearly to individuals and teams

3.5. Prepare plans to implement decisions and ensure they are agreed by relevant individuals and teams

3. Review the presentation
3.1 Implement techniques to review the effectiveness of the presentation

3.6. Use feedback processes effectively to monitor the implementation and impact of decisions

Communication channels, time management

Planning, instructing staff

Self-evaluation, verbal feedback, feedback sheets

Feedback processes


 Students to work on presentations in class


12. 28 September


3.2 Seek and discuss reactions to the presentation from participants or from key personnel involved in the presentation
3.3 Utilise feedback from the audience or from key personnel involved in the presentation to make changes to central ideas presented



Effective listening, rehearsing with a third party
Presentation as a conversation, question and answer session, open approach

Students to work on presentations


13. 5 October

Assessment 2 individual student presentations

Make a presentation - Assessment 3a - ATTENDANCE MANDATORY

13. 12 October Assessment 2 individual student presentations

Make a presentation - Assessment 3a - ATTENDANCE MANDATORY

15. 19 October  

Make a presentation Assessment 3b Reflection report due

Leadership Assessment 3 - Report due

16. 26 October Interviews/Re-submissions if required  
17. 2 November Interviews/Re-submissions if required  

This schedule may be reviewed and varied according to student progress or other circumstances

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts

Cole, K 2013  Management: theory and practice   [5th ed], Pearson,  Australia



Other Resources

1. Library
2. Handouts and exercises will be given in class as appropriate
3. myRMIT Blackboard
4. The Learning Lab is a learning and study skills site offering online interactive tutorials, printable handouts and an email Learning Query service. The site is helps students develop capabilities for tertiary study. 

Overview of Assessment

Assessment may incorporate a variety of methods including technical requirements documentation, homework, assignments, group and/or individual projects, in class exercises, written and practical assessments, problem solving exercises, presentations, direct observation of actual and simulated work practice, presentation of portfolio of evidence which may comprise documents, and/or photographs and/or video and audio files, review of products produced through work based or course activities.

Students are advised that they are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment work to their teacher to ensure that the relevant competency standards are being met. Students will be provided with feedback throughout the course to check their progress. 

Assessment Tasks

This unit is clustered with unit BUSM6236C Show leadership in the workplace

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit
Evidence of the following is essential:

  •  articulation of organisational values and expectations of behaviour
  •  instances where leadership and decision making have been demonstrated and which have led to positive changes in the workplace
  •  knowledge of leadership styles and concepts.  

To be successful in ‘Show Leadership in the Workplace’ and ‘Make a Presentation’, students must successfully complete all 3 assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this course. Once the 3 assessments have been completed and the student deemed competent, a grade will be applied. An indicative grade may be given for each assessment to enable students to gauge their progress. Refer to the grading criteria at the end of this document for further information.

The purpose of these assessments is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to be leaders in the workplace and to conduct engaging, informative and relevant presentations to a specific target audience.

The assessments will require research to be undertaken in a workplace and via the use of case studies.

Assessment 1 Case Study 1 - Billy’s challenges Due Week 6 - Students will prepare an answer to the case study, submit this to the Blackboard and then present it in class

You will read the Case Study which will be handed out in class, and follow the task guidelines by developing a plan to describe how the new work group will be established. Submit to the Blackboard and present to the class

Assessment 2 Case Study 2 - Saving the organisation Due Week 8 Students will prepare an answer to the case study, submit this to the Blackboard and then present it in class

You will read the Case Study which will be handed out in class, and answer the questions posed. Submit to the Blackboard and present to the class

Assessment 3 Report -Due Week 15. Students will prepare the report for submission to the Blackboard and then present the report in class
Presentations - Due Weeks 13/14

You will prepare a business report for a specific organisation. In this report, you will identify an opportunity for this organisation to enhance its image in the local community. The organisation can be one with which you are familiar or one you have researched. The opportunity to enhance the organisation’s image may have arisen as a result of entry into new markets, relocation to a new area, development of new products, activities by competitors or initiatives by government or industry bodies
Assume you are a frontline manager and:
• Identify the specific objective your plan is to achieve
• Provide a background of the organisation and its community
• Identify the benefits to all stakeholders
• Describe how your proposal supports the organisation’s values
• Formulate a risk assessment
• Explain how you will promote team member participation
• Describe your research methods
• Explain your contingency planning

Attach the following:
1. Implementation plan
2. Form designed to gather feedback
3. Examples of materials that will be used to enhance the image to the wider community
4. A team member performance plan
5. Key performance indicators


You should fill in this sheet with your name, number and the title of the assessment, attach your assessment and submit to Blackboard on or before the due date.

Submission Instructions
You should fill in this sheet with your name, number and the title of the assessment, attach a copy of your power point presentation and submit to Blackboard on or before the due date.

 Submission Requirements

You should:

• Ensure that you submit assessments on or before the due date.
• Always retain a copy of your assessment tasks. (hard copy and soft copy)
• When you submit work for assessment at RMIT University you need to use a cover sheet that includes a declaration and statement of authorship. You must complete, sign and submit a cover sheet with all work you submit for assessment, whether individual or group work. On the cover sheet you declare that the work you are presenting for assessment is your own work. An assignment cover sheet for submission of each assessment task is available on blackboard.
• Each page of your assessment should include footer with your name, student number, the title of the assessment, unit code and title and page numbers. For example, Julie Macpherson, 324567, Task 2, OHS2345C Ensure safe workplace, Page 1 of 10.

Late Submission Procedures
You are required to submit assessment items and/or ensure performance based assessment is completed by the due dates.
If you are prevented from submitting an assessment item on time, by circumstances outside your control, you may apply in advance to your teacher for an extension to the due date of up to seven calendar days. More Information:
Form to use:
Where an extension of greater than seven days is needed, you must apply for special consideration. Applications for special consideration must be submitted no later than two working days after the assessment task deadline or scheduled examination.  More Information:;ID=g43abm17hc9w
Form to use:

Resubmissions (VET Programs):
If you are found to be unsuccessful in a Course Assessment Task you will be allowed one resubmission only. Your teacher will provide feedback regarding what you need to do to improve and will set a new deadline for the resubmission. The highest grade you will receive if your resubmission is successful is “CAG”.
If you are still not meeting the assessment requirements you must apply to your Program Manager in writing outlining the steps you will take to demonstrate competence in your course. Your submission will be considered by the Program Team and you will be advised of the outcome as soon as possible.

Adjustments to Assessment 

In certain circumstances students may be eligible for an assessment adjustment. For more information about the circumstances under which the assessment arrangements might be granted please access the following website: More Information:;ID=7usdbki1fjf31

Marking Guide (Competency):

You must demonstrate that you have all the required skills/knowledge/elements in the unit of competency you are studying.

You will receive feedback on each assessment task that will inform you about your progress and how well you are performing.

Marking Guide (Grading) 

After achieving competency we then grade your performance in the unit and you will achieve one of the following grades:

Final Grades table

CHD Competent with High Distinction
CDI Competent with Distinction
CC Competent with Credit
CAG Competency Achieved – Graded
NYC Not Yet Competent
DNS Did Not Submit for assessment

Assessment Matrix

Course Overview: Access Course Overview