Course Title: Administer and monitor intravenous medication in the nursing environment
Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2013
Course Code: NURS5328C
Course Title: Administer and monitor intravenous medication in the nursing environment
School: 155T Vocational Health and Sciences
Campus: Bundoora Campus
Program: C5313 - Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 Nursing)
Course Contact: Leeanne Mond
Course Contact Phone: 9925 4837
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
City Campus:
- Simone Allison
- Email:
- Phone: 03 9925 4809
Bundoora Campus:
- Erica Keen
- Email:
- Phone: 03 9925 6649
Nominal Hours: 100
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
• HLTWHS300A Contribute to WHS processes in the health industry
• HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures in health work
• HLTAP501B Analyse health information
• HLTEN505C Contribute to the complex nursing care of clients
• HLTEN507C Administer and monitor medication in the work environment
Course Description
This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required of Enrolled/Division 2 nurses to administer and monitor intravenous medications and their effectiveness for clients within the nursing context.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
HLTEN519C Administer and monitor intravenous medication in the nursing environment |
Element: |
1. Minimise risk to the safe administration of intravenous medication |
Element: |
2. Prepare intravenous medications for administration to client |
Element: |
3. Administer intravenous medications within legal parameters |
Element: |
4. Monitor client response to administered intravenous medication |
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students should be able to:
• Minimise risk to the safe administration of intravenous medication
• Prepare intravenous medications for administration to client
• Administer intravenous medications within legal parameters
• Monitor client response to administered intravenous medication
Details of Learning Activities
Learning Strategies will be in the form of:
- Lecture
- Small Group Work
- Facilitated Class Discussion
- Self-directed learning
- Presentations
- Formal Classroom
Teaching Schedule
Lesson 1. Legal and organisational requirements for administration of IV medications.
Describe the Scope of Practice & relevant legislation of the Division 2 Nurse in Intravenous Medication Administration.
Discuss the legal issues relating to the accountability of medication administration.
Discuss issues such as storage, safe handling, safe administration, quality management and risk assessment of IV medication administration.
Lesson 2. Calculate IV medication doses
Discuss intravenous therapy, calculation formulae, flow rate and apply formulae for IV drug calculation to different populations.
Lesson 3. Pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics of IV medications
Factors affecting intravenous medication action.
Lesson 4. Principles related to IV therapy
Discuss the history of intravenous therapy and blood transfusion.
Discuss the Anatomy and Physiology related to IV therapy
Management of IV cannulation sites including assessment, problems, and removal.
Discuss the insertion of IV cannula and commencing IV therapy.
Lesson 5. Systems for IV medications administration
Describe the systems for IV medications administration including different types of cannula and gauges
Discuss configuration of flow rates, caution re medication orders and review of routes
Lesson 6. Preparation of IV medications
Discuss the preparation and the techniques of administration of IV medications
Lesson 7. Methods of administering IV medications
Discuss the various methods of administering IV medications including bolus, via burette, piggyback, infusion pump, syringe pump, and patient controlled analgesia (PCA)
Lab 1
Preparation & Administration of IV Therapy & Medications
Lesson 8. Major IV medication groups
Discuss the major IV medication groups including analgesia, antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytotoxics, diagnostic and contrast agents.
Discuss the purpose and function of these IV medications.
Lesson 9. Major IV medication groups with administration calculation
Discuss the precise interpretation of drug administration according to injection guide and facility policies and protocols.
Discuss the usage of formulae in application to the calculation of infusion rate and volume in IV drug administration.
Lesson 10. Fluid & Electrolytes balance
Discuss the function, interpretation and normal level of electrolytes.
Discuss fluid balance and charting fluid intake and output.
Lesson 11. Calculation Exam & Medication order and documentation
Assess the application of calculation formulae, flow rate for IV drug calculation to different population including adult clients, older clients, and paediatric clients.
Discuss medication chart (IV) and checking IV medications.
Discuss the documentation, recording and reporting of administration of IV medications.
Discuss the education of clients having IV medications
Lesson 12. IV fluids, flasks additives and requirements
Discuss the types of flasks and IV solutions including hypertonic, hypotonic and volume expanders.
Discuss the usage of additives and labelling.
Discuss the method of parenteral nutrition.
Lesson 13. Blood transfusions
Discuss the rationale for performing a blood transfusion.
Discuss the types of blood, blood groups, and blood derivatives.
Discuss the observations of the client undergoing a blood transfusion.
Discuss the potential complications of blood transfusion.
Discuss the appropriate precautions relating to bodily fluids.
Discuss the legal and documentation requirements relating to blood transfusion.
Discuss checking blood and blood products.
Discuss nursing care of the client undergoing a blood transfusion.
Lab 2
Preparation & Administration of IV Therapy & Medications
Lesson 14. Adverse reactions to IV medications
Discuss the recognition of and response to acute and delayed adverse reactions.
Discuss the implementation of emergency actions to acute and delayed adverse reactions
Discuss reporting and documenting response to reactions.
Lab 3
IV medications and practical laboratory assessment (Prac)
Lab 4
IV medications and practical laboratory assessment (Prac)
Lesson 15. Complications associated with intravenous medication
Discuss the potential complications with IV therapy and medications administration.
Discuss client identification, allergic reactions, immunisation status, intravenous medication incompatibilities and contraindications for intravenous drug administration.
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
•Kozier and Erbs ‘ Fundamentals of Nursing’. (2010). 1st edition. Pearson: Australia. |
Other Resources
All Powerpoints are posted to student blackboard
Overview of Assessment
Underpinning knowledge will be assessed utilising the following assessment methods
- Calculations hurdles
- Theoretical written exam
- Practical assessment
- Clinical placement
Assessments 1 - 3 must be deemed Satisfactory prior to attending clinical placement
Assessment Tasks
Laboratory Assessment 20%
Written Examination 60%
Clinical Placement 20%
Calculations Examination 100% pass mark required
Assessment Matrix
All assessment tasks must have a competent outcome before a grade can be awarded for this course
All written assessment must have a 60% grade to be deemed competent
- 60 - 69 - CAG
- 70 - 79 - CC
- 80 - 89 - CDI
- 90 - 100 -CHD
Other Information
<45% student must re- enrol into course
45 – 50% a resit of the assessment will be considered
Please refer to student Timetable for dates and times of classes.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview