Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2017
Course Code: NURS5328C
Course Title: Administer and monitor intravenous medication in the nursing environment
School: 174T School of VE Engineering, Health & Science
Campus: Bundoora Campus
Program: C5313 - Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 Nursing)
Course Contact: Leeanne Mond
Course Contact Phone: 9925 4837
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Kate Hastings
(+61) 3 9925 7478
Nominal Hours: 100
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
• HLTWHS300A Contribute to WHS processes in the health industry
• HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures in health work
• HLTAP501B Analyse health information
• HLTEN505C Contribute to the complex nursing care of clients
• HLTEN507C Administer and monitor medication in the work environment
Course Description
This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required of Enrolled/Division 2 nurses to administer and monitor intravenous medications and their effectiveness for clients within the nursing context.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
HLTEN519C Administer and monitor intravenous medication in the nursing environment |
Element: |
1. Minimise risk to the safe administration of intravenous medication |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Check for pharmacology and substance incompatibilities 1.2 Review issues related to drug administration with registered nurse 1.3 Identify common contraindications and adverse reactions of prescribed intravenous medications 1.4 Confirm client identity and check for any known allergies 1.5 Maintain knowledge of drug schedules and classifications as determined by legislation 1.6 Work with a knowledge of various forms of intravenous medication administration 1.7 Assess the intravenous cannula site for any problems
Element: |
2. Prepare intravenous medications for administration to client |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Work with a knowledge of all intravenous administration routes and associated terminology 2.2 Identify the purpose and function of prescribed intravenous medications for administration 2.3 Identify common contraindications and adverse reactions of prescribed intravenous medications 2.4 Accurately calculate dosages for administration of intravenous drugs 2.5 Work with a knowledge of how intravenous medications are prepared in line with legislative requirements and environmental guidelines 2.6 Use correct intravenous medication administration techniques and precautions specific to each client as per medication orders
Element: |
3. Administer intravenous medications within legal parameters |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Work with a knowledge of legal parameters for the administration of intravenous medications 3.2 Administer intravenous medications within role responsibility accordance with the legislative requirements and organisation policy 3.3 Store intravenous medications in a safe manner according to legislative requirements and health care organisation policy 3.4 Work with a knowledge of organisation processes for quality management and risk assessment of administration of intravenous medication
Element: |
4. Monitor client response to administered intravenous medication |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Record administration of intravenous mediations in accordance with organisation policy 4.2 Contribute to information provided to clients and carers on intravenous medication administration (including possible side effects) 4.3 Recognise acute and delayed adverse reactions to intravenous medications and respond within role responsibility 4.4 Implement emergency actions for identified acute and delayed adverse reactions within role responsibility 4.5 Record and report response to emergency strategies 4.6 Implement organisation procedures in the event of an intravenous medication incident
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students should be able to:
• Minimise risk to the safe administration of intravenous medication
• Prepare intravenous medications for administration to client
• Administer intravenous medications within legal parameters
• Monitor client response to administered intravenous medication
Details of Learning Activities
Learning activities include:
- Classroom Teacher delivery
- Group work
- Self directed learning
- Research
- Practical sessions
- Clinical placement
Teaching Schedule
1 | Legal aspects of IV administration |
2 | IV medication calculations |
3 | Pharmacology |
4 | Principles of IV therapy |
5 | Systems of IV administration |
6 | Preparation of IV medications |
7 | Methods of administering IV therapy |
8 | Common IV medication groups |
9 | Fluid and electrolyte management |
10 | Documentation |
11 | Types of intravenous fluids |
12 | Blood product administration |
13 | Adverse reactions |
14 | IV complications |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
The assessment resources for this unit is the recommended text:
Brown, D. and Edwards, H., (Ed) (2014) Lewis’s medical surgical nursing; assessment and management of clinical problems (4th ed.) Elsevier Australia.
Gatford, J. D., and Phillips, N., (2014) Nursing Calculations (8th ed.) Sydney: Elsevier.
Kozier, B,and Erbs, G., (2014) Fundamentals of Nursing (3rd ed.) Pearson, Australia. (Volumes 1 - 3)
McKenna, L., and Lim A.G., (2014) Karch’s Pharmacology for Nursing and Midwifery (2nd ed.) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Sydney
Marieb, E.N., (2014) Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (11th ed.) Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco
Tollefson, J., (2014) Clinical psychomotor skills: assessment tools for nursing students (5th ed.) South Melbourne: Cengage Learning.
Blackboard videos
Overview of Assessment
Underpinning knowledge will be assessed utilising the following assessment methods
- Calculations hurdles
- Theoretical written exam
- Practical assessment
- Clinical placement
Assessments 1 - 3 must be deemed Satisfactory prior to attending clinical placement
Assessment Tasks
This unit is part of an integrated program.
You must demonstrate Performance and Knowledge Evidence of the unit in order to be deemed competent.
Assessment methods have been designed to measure achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over a range of assessment tasks.
The skills and knowledge to be assessed within this unit are as follows:
1. Calculations exam (hurdle 100% pass mark)
2. Theoretical examination
3. Practical skills assessment (must be deemed Satisfactory prior to attending placement)
4. Clinical placement
Competency based training requires you to be in attendance in order for assessment to be undertaken.
Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions, through individual and group feedback on practical exercises and by individual consultation.
All Assessment tasks should be performed or submitted by their due dates.
If due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance, you are unable to attend on the due date of an assessment (e.g. test, examination, oral, etc.) OR you do attend, but your performance has been affected, you may submit an APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION within two (2) working days of the due date. If Special Consideration is granted, you will be given the opportunity to complete/repeat the assessment task at a later date. For advice on this application please visit or speak to your Program Coordinator.
If due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance, you are unable to submit by the due date (e.g. assignment, report, project etc.):
• you may submit an APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF ASSESSABLE WORK for an extension of time of up to seven (7) calendar days or less. This must be lodged with the Program Coordinator one (1) working day before the original due date. If granted, you will have the opportunity to submit up to seven (7) days later than the original due date. For advice on this application please or speak to your Program Coordinator.
• you may submit an APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION within two (2) working days of the due date. If Special Consideration is granted, you will be given the opportunity to submit the assessment task more than seven (7) days after the original due date. For advice on this application please visit or speak to your Program Coordinator.
You are expected to prepare all assignments and other written work in a professional manner. More information on general academic study and writing skills can be found on the “Learning Lab” . All work submitted for assessment must be submitted electronically unless otherwise advised.
Students must keep a copy of all submitted assessments including electronic copies.
Harvard style is used for all referencing and for bibliography.
RMIT University has a strict policy on academic integrity and plagiarism and. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.
If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Disability Liaison Unit if you would like to find out more.
Your rights and responsibilities as a student can be found at
This course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies and procedures which are described and referenced at
Credit transfer and RPL
Credit transfer is available to students who have already completed the same or similar courses. Recognition of prior learning is available to students who have relevant prior skills or experience. Please refer to;ID=8u7jborsx9dy (unresolved)
Assessment Matrix
The assessment mapping demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant unit of competency and with the performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment conditions for each unit.
The Assessment Matrix is available on Blackboard.
Other Information
Each assessment will be marked as either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
In order to be assessed as Competent for this unit you must achieve a Satisfactory result for each assessment task.
The student is expected to attend classes, Lab sessions and Clinical Placement where applicable.
Resubmission or Reassessment of an Assessment Task:
There are no resubmissions of assessments which are Not Satisfactory. However individual consideration may be given in consultation with the Teacher and the Program Coordinator.
Reassessment of students who have attempted to undertake a practical assessment in the Clinical Lab (resulted as Not Satisfactory), and have attended all Lab sessions will be given one (1) further opportunity to demonstrate a Satisfactory result.
All assessments must be Satisfactory prior to attending clinical placement.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview