Course Title: Research and recommend materials, components and finishes for kitchen designs
Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2015
Course Code: ARCH5218C
Course Title: Research and recommend materials, components and finishes for kitchen designs
School: 320T Architecture & Design
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5333 - Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration
Course Contact : Jenny Crowley
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4819
Course Contact
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Jane Mancini
John Perperis
Michele Meister
Kieron Meagher
First Year Co-ordinator - Lindsay Glover
Accelerated Program Co-ordinator - Jenni Woods
Nominal Hours: 60
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit of competency covers researching and analysing materials, components and finishes, and making recommendations to meet the requirements of a kitchen design brief. It includes evaluation of options and presentation of design information to clients.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
MSFKB4002 Research and recommend materials, components and finishes for kitchen designs |
Element: |
Identify suitable options to meet design brief |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 |
Element: |
Select and recommend materials, components and finishes |
Performance Criteria: |
5.1 5.3 |
Element: |
Document recommendations |
Performance Criteria: |
6.1 6.3 |
Element: |
Identify requirements of kitchen design brief |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 |
Element: |
Identify types and features of kitchen materials, components and finishes |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 2.3 |
Element: |
Evaluate the functional and aesthetic characteristics of selection |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 |
Learning Outcomes
Refer to the elements.
Details of Learning Activities
This course will be clustered with the course ARCH5213C Research & recommend furniture and GRAP 5295C 3D Design Process delivered using a blended approach in the following modes:
In Class activities will include:
- Lectures
- Peer teaching and class presentations
- Teacher directed group activities/projects
- Analysis/critique of relevant reading material
- Creative thinking techniques
- Construction of models
Out of Class activities will include:
- Online research
- Independent project based work
Self Directed Learning
Some activities will include a self directed learning approach; self directed learning refers to organised
activities that students undertake independently, either as individuals or with other students that are
supervised by a teacher. This may include workplace research, library assignments, field trips and work
Teaching Schedule
1 | Overview of course content and assessment requirements. Presentation of project. Warm up exercise "Dog Model" |
Overview of course content & assessment requirements. Presentation of project. |
Overview of course content & assessment requirements. Presentation of project. |
2 | Living Presentation and Spatial Planning. Presentation of "Dog Model" exercise. |
Indoor/Outdoor Living Presentation & Spatial Planning |
3 | Introduction to Ergonomics. Presentation & Spatial Planning |
Introduction to Ergonomics. Presentation & Spatial Planning |
4 | Concept Presentation to teacher & peers |
Concept Presentation to teacher & peers |
Concept Presentation to teacher & peers |
5 | Construction Details. Presentation & preparation of drawings. Commence ESD section 1:50. As applicable - No class Friday 7 August & morning Monday 10 August - self directed learning exercise |
Commence Kitchen schematic |
Furniture Layout Presentation & preparation of drawings & schedule |
6 | Review of ESD section (on going) | Cont. Kitchen schematic |
Preparation of Furniture layout drawings & schedule continue |
7 | Electrical & Plumbing Services Presentation & preparation of drawings |
Commence preparation of kitchen model & continuation of drawings. |
8 | Preparation of plans, elevations & commence perspective drawings |
Preparation of Kitchen Joinery drawings continue |
9 | |||
10 | |||
11 | Review of plans, elevations and commence perspective drawings |
mid semester break 21 September to 4 October inclusive | |||
12 | Oral Presentation techniques | ||
13 | Techniques & confirmation of final layout, model and drawing |
Review of kitchen joiner drawing package |
Review final furniture selection, layout & schedule |
14 | Commence finalise plans, elevations & perspective drawings |
Commence completion of model & documentation |
Commence completion of final furniture selection, layout & schedule |
15 | Finalise plans, elevations & perspective drawings |
Completion of model & documentation |
16 | Final submission of all documentation including 5 minute Oral Presentation to teacher and peers |
Submission | Submission |
17 | Review & re-submission as applicable |
10 | Overview of course content and assessment requirements. Presentation of project. Warm up exercise "Dog Model" |
Overview of course content and assessment requirements. Presentation of project. | Overview of course content and assessment requirements. Presentation of project. |
11 | Living Presentation and Spatial Planning. Presentation of Dog Model exercise. |
Indoor/Outdoor Living Presentation and Spatial Planning |
mid semester break 21 September to 4 October inclusive | |||
12 | Introduction to Ergonomics Presentation and Spatial Planning | Introduction to Ergonomics Presentation and Spatial Planning |
13 | Concept Presentation to teacher & peers | Concept Presentation to teacher & peers | Concept Presentation to teacher & peers |
14(twice weekly timetabled until week 21) |
Construction Details. Presentation & preparation of drawings. Commence ESD section 1:50. No class Friday & 7th & morning Monday 10 August.- self directed learning exercise |
Commence Kitchen schematic | Furniture Layout Presentation & preparation of drawings |
15 | Review of ESD section (on going) | Cont. Kitchen schematic | Preparation of Furniture Layout drawings continue |
16 | Electrical & Plumbing Services Presentation & preparation of drawings | Commence preparation of Kitchen model and continuation of drawings. | |
17 | Preparation of plans, elevations and perspective drawings | Preparation of Kitchen Joinery drawings continue | |
18 | Oral Presentation Techniques & confirmation of final layout, model and drawing | ||
19 | Finalise plans, elevations and perspective drawings | Completion of model & documentation | Completion of Furniture Layout drawings |
20 | Finalise plans, elevations and perspective drawings | Completion of model & documentation | Completion of Furniture Layout drawings |
21 | Final submission of all documentation including 5 minute Oral Presentation to teacher and peers | Submission | Submission |
22 | Review & re-submission |
Please note: While your teacher will cover all the material in this schedule, the weekly order is subject to
change depending on class needs and availability of speakers and resources.
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Mitton, M., 2012, Interior Design Visual Presentation: A Guide to Graphics, |
9780470619025 |
Ching, F., 2011, Building Construction Illustrated, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, |
9781118010112 |
Ching, F., Binggeli, C., 2012, Interior Design Illustrated, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & |
9781118181737 |
Panero, J. & Zelnik, M., 1979, Human Dimension & Interior Space: A Source |
0823072711 |
Other Resources
Students may be required to use some of the following materials in preparation of drawings and models for this course:
- drawing pencils, pens and markers
- scale ruler, metal ruler, adjustable set square
- paper
- clays and other plastic compounds (plasticine, plaster)
- cutting tools (scissors, knives, blades)
- fibres, tape, sting
- foam core, polystyrene
- recycled/found materials
- measuring tools
- wire
- papers, cardboard and paper pulp
- pliers
- relevant and current hardware and software
- wood, metal, fabric, plastic
The university Library has extensive resources for Interior Design Students.
The Library has produced a subject guide that includes quality online and print resources for your studies
The Library provides guides on academic referencing
and subject specialist help via your Liaison Librarian
Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course will be project based.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks in this course are either formative or summative.
Feedback throughout the course may be written, verbal or a combination of both.
To demonstrate competency in this course you need to complete each one of the following pieces of
assessment to a satisfactory standard.
Task 1 - Major Project - Warehouse Residence Renovation
Your major project is to design a renovation of a converted warehouse shell from concept through to final
working drawings.
You will be required to research concept ideas, specify & implement furniture plans, complete joinery drawings and scale model of Kitchen and present all in mixed media presentation supported by an oral presentation.
There will be 4 separate components of this project that you will be graded on :
1. A3 Visual diary
2. Warehouse Documentation
3. Kitchen Documentation and Model
4. Oral and Visual Presentation
Submission Due Dates:
1st Year Students : A3 Visual diary - Week 16, Warehouse Documentation (formative) -
Week 16, All other documentation is due Week 16.
Accelerated Students : A3 Visual diary - Week 21, Warehouse Documentation (formative) -
Week 21, All other documentation is due Week 21.
RMIT Grade Table
CHD Competent with High Distinction
CDI Competent with Distinction
CC Competent with Credit
CAG Competency Achieved - Graded
NYC Not Yet Competent
DNS Did not submit for assessment
All work for Assessable Tasks is required to be submitted on the due date and time as outlined in the Assessment Briefs.
Assessment Matrix
For Assessment Matrix, please refer to Blackboard link located in MyRMIT in the relevant course folder
Other Information
The major learning experience involves studio based exercises, demonstration and production. It is strongly advised that you attend all sessions
in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity to gain the competency.
Feedback - You will receive verbal and written feedback by teacher on your work. This feedback also includes suggestions on how you canproceed to the next stage of developing your projects.
Student feedback at RMIT :;ID=9pp3ic9obks7
Student Progress
Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy to assist you to achieve your learning potential. Student progress policy :;ID=vj2g89cve4uj1
Special consideration Policy (Late Submission)
All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level. If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due
date, you will need to apply for an extension. Special consideration, appeals and discipline :;ID=qkssnx1c5r0y
Cover Sheet for Submissions
You must complete a submission cover sheet for every piece of submitted work. This signed sheet acknowledges that you are aware of the
plagiarism implications.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism - RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for
more information on this policy go to Academic Integrity :;ID=kw02ylsd8z3n
Course Overview: Access Course Overview