Course Title: Provide remedial massage treatments

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2016

Course Code: SPRT5104C

Course Title: Provide remedial massage treatments

School: 155T Vocational Health and Sciences

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5357 - Diploma of Remedial Massage

Course Contact: Joshua Davies

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4333

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Bianca Alivizatos

Ph: 9925-4898

Nominal Hours: 240

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

This unit is co-delivered with:
HLTMSG003/SPRT5102C Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments
SISFFIT018/SPRT5108C Promote functional movement capacity

Course Description

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and provide remedial massage treatments based on the outcomes of an existing health assessment and treatment plan.
This unit applies to remedial massage therapists working with clients presenting with soft tissue dysfunction, musculoskeletal imbalance or restrictions in range of motion (ROM).

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

HLTMSG005 Provide remedial massage treatments


1. Prepare client for treatment

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Interpret treatment plan and clearly outline how the treatment will be provided and managed

1.2 Explain factors which may interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment

1.3 Inform the client of possible physical or emotional reactions during and following a session and the appropriate course of action to take

1.4 Follow established protocols to physically prepare the client for treatment

1.5 Confirm client consent for treatment


2. Use remedial massage techniques and sequences

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Determine treatment sequence, location and degree of pressure according to assessment indications

2.2 Use the condition and response of the client as a continual feedback to the initial assessment

2.3 Position client to optimise their comfort and support while allowing for optimum application of techniques

2.4 Maintain client dignity through use of draping

2.5 Maintain therapist postures that ensure a controlled distribution of body weight

2.6 Maintain client-focused attention throughout the treatment session

2.7 Recognise reactions to treatment and respond promptly


3. Provide advice and resources to the client

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Educate client in relevant and practical techniques that support the treatment plan

3.2 Answer client queries with clarity, using language the client understands

3.3 Use honesty and integrity when explaining treatment plans, schedules and recommendations to the client

3.4 Promote client independence and responsibility in treatment

3.5 Discuss and agree on evaluation strategies

3.6 Accurately document treatment provided and details of client communications

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

All class learning materials, notes and other key learning resources can be accessed via myRMIT at 

A combination of activities will support student’s learning in this course, such as:
• Face-to-face &/or online lectures to cover theoretical and practical concepts for each topic in the course
• Students will learn to apply their skills and knowledge to work integrated learning (WIL) in the student & clinical practice environment, during simulations and classroom based learning
• Work experience &/or placements observation of performance in the workplace will be a valuable part of your learning experience
• Tutorial activities (individually and in teams) to discuss, debate, critique and consolidate your ideas and extend your understanding around key concepts within specific topics
• Online discussions and activities to support and collaborate with other students in your course and debate and discuss ideas
• Utilise and develop critical research and cognitive skills to find credible sources of health information
• Self-directed study time (eg. readings or activities around theory) to enhance and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of theoretical concepts
• To further facilitate learning students are strongly encouraged to use a range of communication tools between themselves and their course instructor as well as between themselves and fellow students by using the online learning platform
• It is strongly recommended that students partner up with fellow students in order to practice assessment, treatment and palpation techniques

Teaching Schedule


Musculoskeletal Anatomy 2 2016

RMIT week


Class Topics and Assessments



8 Jul

Cervical Region



15 Jul

Cervical Region


22 Jul

Knowledge Assessment 1 – Cx and AxRx Modalities

Scapula and GHJ



29 Jul

Scapula GHJ



5 Aug

Scapula and GHJ


12 Aug

Knowledge Assessment 2 – Scapula and GHJ




19 Aug

Forearm, wrist and hand



26 Aug

Forearm, wrist and hand



2 Sep



9 Sep

Knowledge Assessment 3 – Brachium, wrist and hand




16 Sep

Thoracic and Vertebral Column



23 Sep

Hip and Pelvis



30 Sep

Grand Final Day



7 Oct

Hip and Pelvis


14 Oct

Knowledge Assessment 4 – Tx, Vertebral column, Abdomen and Hip

Thigh and Knee



21 Oct

Thigh, Knee and Lower Leg



28 Oct

Lower Leg and Foot



4 Nov




11 Nov

Knowledge Assessment 5 - Thigh, Knee, Lower Leg, Foot, CNS



RM Treatment and Assessment 2016 Sem 2



Class Topics and Assessments


5th July

Introduction to Ax Rx:

Subjective and Objective Examination


12th July



19th July

Cervical Region

22nd July

Modalities Test (with MSA2 Cx written test)


26th July

Cervical region


2th Aug

Skills Assessment 1 – Cervical region


9th Aug

Shoulder Region


16th Aug

Shoulder Region


23rd  Aug

Skills Assessment 2 – Shoulder region


30th Aug

Mid Semester Break


6th Sep

Elbow & Wrist Regions


13th Sep

Elbow & Wrist Regions


20th Sep

Skills Assessment 3 - Elbow & Wrist Regions


27th Sep

Thoracic & Lumbar Regions


4th Oct

Hip Region


11th Oct

Skills Assessment 4 – Tx, Lx & Hip Regions


18th  Oct

Knee Region


25th Oct

Ankle Region


1st  Nov

Public Holiday – No Class


8th Nov

Skills Assessment 5 – Knee & Ankle Regions




Class & Activities


6th July

History of MLD & opening sequence


13th July

Group quiz & opening sequence re-fresh


20th July

Written Summative Assessment & Arm & Chest sequence


27th July

Re-cap Chest sequence  & stomach sequence


3rd Aug

Re-cap opening, arm, chest & stomach


10th Aug

Leg sequence & Face


17th Aug

Full body re-cap


24th Aug

Mock Practical Assessment


31st Aug

Mid Semester break


7th Sep

Practical assessment: Full Body MLD Sequence

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

This unit is part of an integrated program.

You must demonstrate Performance and Knowledge Evidence of the unit in order to be deemed competent.

Assessment methods have been designed to measure achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over a range of assessment tasks.

You may be assessed by:

• Oral or written questioning

• Oral presentations

• Assignments and projects

• Direct observation of actual work practice

• Presentation of a portfolio of evidence which may comprise documents, and/or photographs and/or video and/or audio files

• Work-based activities

• Third-party feedback from a work supervisor/employer

Primary assessment involves on-going practical and applied assessment in a clinical workplace or simulated environment such as a supervised student clinic or at a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placement activity.

Competency based training requires you to be in attendance in order for assessment to be undertaken.

Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions, through individual and group feedback on practical exercises and by individual consultation.

All Assessment tasks should be performed or submitted by their due dates.

If due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance, you are unable to attend on the due date of an assessment (e.g. test, examination, oral, etc.) OR you do attend, but your performance has been affected, you may submit an APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION within 2 working days of the due date. If Special Consideration is granted, you will be given the opportunity to complete/repeat the assessment task at a later date. For advice on this application please visit  or speak to your Program Coordinator.

If due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance, you are unable to submit by the due date  (e.g. assignment, report, project etc.):

·         you may submit an APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF ASSESSABLE WORK for an extension of time of up to seven (7) calendar days or less. This must be lodged with the Program Coordinator 1 working day before the original due date. If granted, you will have the opportunity to submit up to 7 days later than the original due date. For advice on this application please visit  or speak to your Program Coordinator.


·         you may submit an APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION within 2 working days of the due date. If Special Consideration is granted, you will be given the opportunity to submit the assessment task more than 7 days after the original due date. For advice on this application please visit  or speak to your Program Coordinator.

You are expected to prepare all assignments and other written work in a professional manner. More information on general academic study and writing skills can be found on the “Learning Lab” All work submitted for assessment must be submitted electronically unless otherwise advised.​

Students must keep a copy of all submitted assessments including electronic copies.

Harvard style is used for all referencing and for bibliography.

RMIT University has a strict policy on academic integrity and plagiarism and. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Disability Liaison Unit if you would like to find out more.

Your rights and responsibilities as a student can be found at 

This course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies and procedures which are described and referenced at

Credit transfer and RPL

Credit transfer is available to students who have already completed the same or similar courses. Recognition of prior learning is available to students who have relevant prior skills or experience. Please refer to;ID=8u7jborsx9dy

Assessment Tasks

 1. Theoretical and Practical Exam 

 2. Clinic Skills Checklist. This is to be completed during student clinic shifts. 

The tasks in this unit of competency replicate the necessary skills and knowledge required to provide remedial massage treatments within the industry

Assessment Matrix

The assessment mapping demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant unit of competency and with the performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment conditions for each unit.





Interview/ Verbal Questioning


Assignment/ Project

Case Study or Role Play

Third Party Verification

Workplace Performance

Research or Report

Portfolio of Evidence

Written Tasks






NATIONAL UNIT NAME: Provide remedial massage treatments



Co-Delivery: HLTMSG003/SPRT5102C Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments & SISFFIT018/SPRT5018C Promote functional movement capacity


Performance Criteria

Related Assessment Tasks

Assessment Method/

Types of Evidence  

1.       Prepare client for treatment

1.1    Interpret treatment plan and clearly outline how the treatment will be provided and managed

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

1.2    Explain factors which may interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

Assessment Tasks


Knowledge and Skills Assessments: (Ax Rx and MSA2)

There will be 5 assessments to assess your ability to apply the skills and knowledge delivered in class and outlined in the course notes.

Knowledge Assessment

  1. Cervical and Modalities Knowledge Assessment                                        22nd July
  2. Shoulder Knowledge Assessment                                                             12th August 
  3. Elbow and Wrist Knowledge Assessment                                                  9th September
  4. Tx, Lx and Hip Knowledge Assessment                                                     14th October
  5. Knee and Ankle Knowledge Assessment                                                   11th November

Skills Assessment

  1. Cervical Skills Assessment                                                                       2nd August
  2. Shoulder Skills Assessment                                                                      23rd August
  3. Elbow and Wrist Skills Assessment                                                           20th September
  4. Tx, Lx and Hip Skills Assessment                                                              11th October
  5. Knee and Ankle Skills Assessment                                                            8th November



There will be aspects of these co-delivered units that need to be demonstrated within your clinical practice in the student clinic. Please see your Clinic Observation Log.

Students must demonstrate competency in each listed assessment task in order to be deemed satisfactory for the unit.



Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Written Summative Assessment: Wednesday 20th July  


All content covered in week 28 & 29 will be assessed within a written assessment. You will be given 60min to complete the assessment.

Practical Assessment: Wednesday 7th September

Each student will be required to perform a full bodied MLD assessment and demonstrate the full lymphatic drainage sequance.

Assessment Matrix



Interview/ Verbal Questioning


Assignment/ Project

Case Study or Role Play

Third Party Verification

Workplace Performance

Research or Report

Portfolio of Evidence

Written Tasks




NATIONAL UNIT NAME: Provide remedial massage treatments





Performance Criteria

Related Assessment Tasks

Assessment Method/

Types of Evidence  

  1. Prepare client for treatment

1.1    Interpret treatment plan and clearly outline how the treatment will be provided and managed

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

1.2    Explain factors which may interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

1.3    Inform the client of possible physical or emotional reactions during and following a session and the appropriate course of action to take

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

1.4    Follow established protocols to physically prepare the client for treatment

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

1.5    Confirm client consent for treatment

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

  1. Use remedial massage techniques and sequences

2.1.  Determine treatment sequence, location and degree of pressure according to assessment indications

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

2.2.  Use the condition and response of the client as a continual feedback to the initial assessment

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

2.3.  Position client to optimise their comfort and support while allowing for optimum application of techniques

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

2.4.  Maintain client dignity through use of draping

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

2.5.  Maintain therapist postures that ensure a controlled distribution of body weight

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

2.6.  Maintain client-focused attention throughout the treatment session

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

2.7.  Recognise reactions to treatment and respond promptly

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play


3.1    Educate client in relevant and practical techniques that support the treatment plan

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3.2    Answer client queries with clarity, using language the client understands

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3.3    Use honesty and integrity when explaining treatment plans, schedules and recommendations to the client

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3.4    Promote client independence and responsibility in treatment

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3.5  Discuss and agree on evaluation strategies

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3.6 Accurately document treatment provided and

      details of client communications

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

Assessment Conditions

Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated clinical environment that reflects workplace conditions. The following conditions must be met for this unit:

• use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:

  • client information – case history, treatment plan
  • private consultation area
  • adjustable height massage table
  • towels/sheets for draping
  • oils/balms
  • hot/cold packs
  • bolsters

• modelling of industry operating conditions, including provision of services to the general public

• clinic supervision by a person who meets the assessor requirements outlined below for at least 150 of the 200 hours of client consultation work

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.

In addition, assessors must:

• have current clinical experience working as a remedial massage therapist providing services to the general public

• hold practising membership of an Australian professional body that represents remedial massage therapists

• fulfill the continuing professional development requirements of the professional body to which they belong

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

Performance Evidence  

• performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 200 hours of massage client consultation work

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

  • remedial massage techniques to address the following conditions:

repetitive strain injuries


- Practical Exam


Case Study/Role Play

  • applied techniques in each of the following positions during client consultation sessions according to client needs:
  • prone
  • supine
  • seated
  • side-lying recumbent

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

  • used all of the following techniques appropriately:
  • frictions
  • passive joint movement
  • passive soft tissue movement
  • deep tissue massage
  • muscle energy
  • neuromuscular
  • press and release
  • myofascial (without skin penetration)
  • trigger point therapy (without skin penetration)
  • lymphatic drainage
  • temperature therapy
  • proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
  • stretching
  • mobilisation and movement at major joints (without adjustments or high velocity manipulations)

- Clinic Skills Checklist


Workplace Performance &



  • legal and ethical considerations (national and state/territory) for client assessment:
  • codes of conduct
  • duty of care
  • informed consent
  • mandatory reporting
  • practitioner/client boundaries
  • privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
  • records management
  • work role boundaries:
  • working within scope of practice
  • presenting symptoms that require referral to a medical practitioner
  • work health and safety

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance


  • remedial massage techniques and how to apply them:
  • friction techniques
  • compressive techniques
  • passive joint movement techniques
  • passive soft tissue movement
  • deep tissue massage
  • muscle energy techniques
  • myofascial techniques (without skin penetration)
  • trigger point therapy (without skin penetration)
  • lymphatic drainage
  • temperature therapy
  • topical applications
  • PNF
  • stretching techniques
  • mobilisation and movement at major joints (without adjustments or high velocity manipulations)

- Clinic Skills Checklist


Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

  • endangerment sites - where they are and how to use palpatory skills in these areas according to scope of practice, including:
  • anterior triangle of the neck
  • posterior triangle of the neck
  • femoral triangle
  • cubital fossa
  • axillary area
  • medial epicondyle
  • lateral epicondyle
  • sternal notch and anterior throat
  • umbilicus
  • twelfth rib dorsal body
  • sciatic notch
  • inguinal triangle
  • popliteal fossa

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

  • potential reactions during treatment and how to respond:
  • discomfort
  • emotional reactions
  • feedback - verbal, tactile, visual
  • muscle spasms
  • body temperature discomfort
  • deep relaxation

- Clinic Checklist

Case Study/Role Play


  • potential reactions following treatment and appropriate client advice to provide

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

  • types of advice and resources that can be provided to clients for their use outside the clinical environment

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

  • documentation requirements for recording treatment details

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

Foundation Skills



Core Skills from the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)



  • Reading

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

  • Writing

- Practical Exam

Case Study/Role Play

  • Oral Communication

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance


  • Numeracy

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

  • Learning

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

Employability Skills from the Core Skills for Work Framework (CFW)



  1. Navigate the world of work

1a. Manage career and work life

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

1b. Work with roles, rights and protocols

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

  1. Interact with others

2a. Communicate for work

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

2b. Connect and work with  others

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

2c. Recognise and utilize diverse perspectives

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

  1. Get the work done

3a. Plan and organise

- Clinic Skills Checklist

- Practical Exam

Workplace Performance &

Case Study/Role Play

3b. Make decisions

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3c. Identify and solve problems

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3d. Create and innovate

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

3e. Work in a digital world

- Clinic Skills Checklist

Workplace Performance

Course Overview: Access Course Overview