Course Title: Construct ceramic and fixed restorations

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2021

Course Code: DENT5871C

Course Title: Construct ceramic and fixed restorations

School: 174T School of VE Engineering, Health & Science

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5387 - Diploma of Dental Technology

Course Contact: Sue Fatone

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9341 1406

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 120

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to take a tooth shade and construct ceramic and fixed restorations.

This unit applies to work in dental technology.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

HLTDET011 Construct ceramic and fixed restorations


1. Take tooth shade

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Read and interpret work order

1.2 Provide full details of the procedure to the patient or carer where appropriate

1.3 Obtain and document consent following ethical and legal requirements

1.4 Consider the accuracy of natural and artificial light

1.5 Position the patient correctly for the procedure

1.6 Consult patient regarding requirements and aesthetic outcomes

1.7 View mouth to gain overview of procedure.

1.8 Select technique and prepare equipment and materials for tooth shade recording

1.9 Implement standard precautions to prevent the spread of infection

1.10 Instruct patient on participation during the procedure

1.11 Select tooth shade and consult patient regarding findings, and gain acceptance

1.12 Document the tooth shade

1.13 Discuss any follow-up procedures with the patient


2. Prepare sub-structures

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Read and interpret the work order

2.2 Design and form substructure

2.3 Process the substructure

2.4 Assess substructure for accuracy and appropriateness

2.5 Prepare the bonding surface of the substructure if required for porcelain build up in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions


3. Select, apply and process ceramics

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Select appropriate ceramic for substructure or restoration

3.2 Apply procedures to selected ceramic for substructures or restoration

3.3 Process the restoration in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions


4. Trim, shape and finish ceramic restoration

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Trim the ceramic restoration to required anatomical shape

4.2 Finish the ceramic restoration to meet clinically accepted standards

4.3 Evaluate the quality of the finished restoration

4.4 Decontaminate the ceramic restoration according to infection control guidelines

4.5 Dry the ceramic restoration, place on model and place in a sealed container for dispatch and record completed work order

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Take tooth shade 
  1. Prepare sub-structures 
  1. Select, apply and process ceramics 
  1. Trim, shape and finish ceramic restorations

Details of Learning Activities

Students will be involved in the following learning  activities to meet requirements for this competency:

You will  learn through a number of planned activities 

. face to face classes

. demonstrator and classroom discussion

. Written Classroom tasks

. simulated workplace learning

. Facilitator led practical demonstrations

. Group discussions

. Student will be observed and assessed through their planned activities throughout the duration of the course

. online learning via CANVAS

. and other forms of structured teaching and learning

You will be observed and assessed through the planned activities throughout the duration of the course

Teaching Schedule

Session 1 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

AM - Session

Theory  – Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

PM - Session

Demonstration  Prac, 

1:Taking a shade 

2:Preparing coping for opaquing and porcelain margin Sealing

See CANVAS for Session 1 Learning Activities to be completed

Face to Face - Classroom /Lab

Prac Work- Laboratory

Session 1






Prac Work - Laboratory

Students to bring own

. Pens for Theory Assessment

. will be provided with written material for theory assessment

Prac: PPE requirements to be adhered to

. own tools

. Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, , porcelain, furnaces,
Session 2 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac

Demonstration – Prac

1: Porcelain build up

See CANVAS for Session 2 Learning Activities to be completed

Face to face






Prac Work- Laboratory

Session 2


Prac Work - Laboratory

Prac: PPE requirements to be adhered to

. own tools

. Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, , porcelain, furnaces,
Session 3 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac


1: Porcelain build up

See CANVAS for Session 3 Learning Activities to be completed

Face to face






Prac Work- Laboratory

Session 3


Prac Work - Laboratory

Prac: PPE requirements to be adhered to

. own tools

. Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, , porcelain, furnaces,
Session 4 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac


1: Porcelain build up

See CANVAS for Session 4 Learning Activities to be completed

Face to face






Prac Work- Laboratory

Session 4


Prac Work - Laboratory

Prac: PPE requirements to be adhered to

. own tools

. Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, , porcelain, furnaces,
Session 5 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac

Demonstration - Prac

1:Trimming and Correction Build Up

See CANVAS for Session 5 Learning Activities to be completed

Face to face




Prac Work- Laboratory

Session  5




Prac Work - Laboratory

  • Prac: PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 6 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac


1:Trimming and Correction Build Up

See CANVAS for Session 6 Learning Activities to be completed

Continuation Prac


1:Trimming and Correction Build Up

See CANVAS for Session 6 Learning Activities to be completed

Session  6




Prac Work - Laboratory

  • Prac: PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 7 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac

Demonstrating - Prac

1: Final sealing of margins 

2: Glazing

3: Finishing ready for dispatch

See CANVAS for Session 7 Learning Activities to be completed 

Face to Face




Prac Work- Laboratory

Session – 7




Prac Work - Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 8 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac


1: Final sealing of margins 

2: Glazing

3: Finishing ready for dispatch

See CANVAS for Session 8 Learning Activities to be completed 

Face to Face




Prac Work- Laboratory

Session – 8




Prac Work - Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnac
Session 9 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Continuation Prac

Demonstration – Prac

1: Waxing, spruing investing Veneer

2: Waxing, spruing, investing  Inlay

See CANVAS for Session 9 Learning Activities to be completed

Face to Face

Classroom/ Lab




Prac Work  Laboratory

Face to Face

Classroom/ Lab



Prac Work  Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 10 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Face to Face





Prac Work - Laboratory

Session – 10 


Prac Work - Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 11 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Face to Face




Prac Work - Laboratory

Session – 11 


Prac Work - Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 12 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Face to Face




Prac Work - Laboratory

Session – 12 


Prac Work - Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 13 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Face to Face




Prac Work - Laboratory

Session – 13 


Prac Work - Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 14 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations

Face to Face




Prac Work - Laboratory

Session – 14 


Prac Work - Laboratory

  • PPE requirements to be adhered to
  • own tools
  • Materials and equipment for prac work provided
ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 15 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations


Knowledge -  Task #1

 As per instructions on CANVAS 


Session 15






Pen/pencils, Canvas software, PC

Session 16 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations


Practical -  Task #2

Taking a Shade

As per instructions on CANVAS 

Face to Face




Prac Work- Laboratory

Session - 16

Classroom / Lab

Theory /Prac

PPE requirements to be adhered to

 - own tools

 - Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 17 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations


Practical -  Task #3A

Anterior PFM

As per instructions on CANVAS 

Face to Face




Prac Work- Laboratory

Session - 17

Classroom / Lab

Theory /Prac

PPE requirements to be adhered to

 - own tools

 - Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 18 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations


Practical -  Task #3B

Posterior PFM

As per instructions on CANVAS 

Face to Face




Prac Work- Laboratory

Session - 18

Classroom / Lab

Theory /Prac

PPE requirements to be adhered to

 - own tools

 - Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, porcelain, furnaces,
Session 19 HLTDET011
Construct Ceramic and Fixed Restorations


Practical -  Task #4

Ceramic Veneer and Ceramic Inlay

As per instructions on CANVAS 

Face to Face




Prac Work- Laboratory

Session - 19

Classroom / Lab

Theory /Prac

PPE requirements to be adhered to

 - own tools

 - Materials and equipment for prac work provided

ie models, porcelain, furnaces,

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Students will be able to access course information and learning materials through CANVAS. 

CANVAS is an online resource with the lesson plans for each unit. Within CANVAS are the session lessons plans, assessments, resources and other materials required for completion of each unit of competency. 

Additional materials maybe provided in class and lists of relevant reference books, resources in the library and accessible Internet sites will be provided where possible. During the course, you will be directed to websites to enhance your knowledge and understanding of difficult concepts.

Overview of Assessment

You must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that you have:

• read and correctly interpreted work order for the following 4 fixed restorations

• fabricated the following 4 ceramic restorations using standard precautions and safe work practices to a standard that is suitable for insertion in the mouth:

   - 1 maxillary or mandibular anterior crown

   - 1 maxillary or mandibular posterior crown

   - 1 anterior veneer

   - 1 posterior inlay

• critically evaluated the work produced to meet technical laboratory and patient requirements including:

   - shade of the ceramic matches the work order requirements

   - fit of the restoration is accurate

   - restoration is of an appropriate anatomical form, shape and surface finish

   - restoration is free of faults

   - restoration provides the correct occlusion and articulation

   - proximal contact areas are in contact with the contact areas of the adjacent teeth.

To be deemed competent you must demonstrate an understanding of all aspects required of the competency.   

Regular attendance is necessary. 

Assessment methods have been designed to measure your achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over multiple tasks and consist of theory and practical based tasks.

Assessment Tasks

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

•    read and correctly interpreted work order for the following 4 Assessment Tasks

•    fabricated the following 4 ceramic restorations using standard precautions and safe work practices to a standard that is suitable for insertion in

     the mouth:

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Assessment

Assessment Task 2A Practical Assessment

Assessment Task 2B Practical Assessment

Assessment Task 2C Practical Assessment


•    be able to critically evaluated the work produced to meet technical laboratory and patient requirements including:

-    shade of the ceramic matches the work order requirements

-    fit of the restoration is accurate

-    restoration is of an appropriate anatomical form, shape and surface finish

-    restoration is free of faults

-    restoration provides the correct occlusion and articulation

-    proximal contact areas are in contact with the contact areas of the adjacent teeth.

To be deemed competent you must demonstrate an understanding of all aspects required of the competency and will incorporate a variety of methods including knowledge and skill based tasks and activities. Assessment methods have been designed to measure your achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over multiple tasks and you will be asked to personally demonstrate to your teacher/assessor the practical skills gained during this course to the relevant industry standards. 


Assessment activities will occur throughout this course and feedback will be provided at regular intervals. 


You will need to obtain Satisfactory (S) in all assessment tasks before a final grade of CA (Competency Achieved) can occur.

Assessment Matrix

The assessment tasks listed in this course guide address all the elements and criteria of the requirements of this course. 

Other Information


Your learning experience will involve class-based teaching, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises  

It is strongly advised that you attend all timetabled sessions. This will allow you to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring you the maximum opportunity to complete this course successfully. 


Information about your studies: 

You can access My Studies through the RMIT website for information about timetables, important dates, assessment dates, results and progress, Canvas etc. 



Information on assessment including Special consideration, Adjustments to assessment, (eg. applying for an extension of time): 


Academic Integrity and Plagiarism:  

RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy. 


Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:  

Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification). 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences.   

Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer or RPL for the unit(s) of competency addressed in this course. 

Course Overview: Access Course Overview