Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2025
Course Code: COSC7392C
Course Title: Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices
Important Information:
Please note that this course may include compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some or all teaching activities.
It is recommended that you check your Canvas course shell closer to the course start date for details about any mandatory in-person attendance requirements.
Please be aware that the course delivery method may need to change quickly in response to evolving course requirements. Students must maintain regular communication with their teachers to stay informed about any updates.
School: 520T Future Technologies
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5402 - Diploma of Information Technology
Course Contact: Chetanpal Singh
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4612
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Nominal Hours: 40
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to cyber security in a work area.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
BSBXCS402 Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices |
Element: |
1. Develop cyber security awareness in work area |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
2. Support effective cyber security practices in work area |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
3. Review cyber security awareness in work area |
Performance Criteria: |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course the candidate will demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit.
Details of Learning Activities
The delivery mode involves attending classes via the internet, through RMIT's Canvas LMS online portal - where week-by-week delivery and content is accessed by Collaborate Ultra platform and workplace simulated activities.
The learning activities include
• Case studies
Weekly online topics to:
• Collaborative classroom activities focusing on Cyber security within workplace scenarios
• Peer interaction - group discussion
• Simulated Network environments
• Accessing information on-line
• Workplace activities
Teaching Schedule
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
All essential resources are supplied in CANVAS and via the CISCO Netacad internet site.
Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises and various types of assessments.
Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1: IT Project Week 7 to 14
This project is one of two assessment tasks completed successfully, in order to be deemed competent for this unit. Completing this project allows you to demonstrate your ability to:
- develop cyber security awareness in a work area by applying an up-to-date knowledge in line with company policies and procedures
- be able to support cyber security practice in the workplace by planning, training, and reviewing personnel behaviours on site and when working remotely
- document and report suggested improvements to specific individuals and management
Assessment Task 2: Knowledge Questions Week 12 -15
This is assessment task two of two that you need to complete successfully, in order to be deemed competent for this unit. This assessment covers the knowledge needed to develop workplace cyber security awareness and follow best practices.
You must demonstrate a knowledge of:
- Australian and International organisations within IT/Cybersecurity information management
- Current legislative requirements relating to data protection and data breach events.
- Organisational policies and procedures for managing information and various devices.
- Local Government sources of information on current threats and risks within workplace strategies
- Techniques for promoting workplace cyber security awareness and training via simulated activities.
Assessment Matrix
Knowledge Evidence | |||
The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of: |
Assessment Task1: Project |
Assessment Task 2: Knowledge |
Legislative requirements relating to cyber security context of performance evidence, including: |
AT2.1 |
AT2.2a-b |
AT2.3a AT2.3b |
Organisational policies and procedures relating to: |
AT2.4 |
AT2.5 |
AT2.6 |
AT2.7 |
AT2.8 |
AT2.9 |
AT2.10 |
Australian government sources of information on current threats |
AT2.11 |
AT2.12 |
AT1.8 |
AT2.13/15 |
AT1.9 |
AT2.14/15 |
AT1.5 |
AT2.13/15 |
Other Information
Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
You may be eligible for credit towards courses in your program if you have already met the learning/competency outcomes through previous learning and/or industry experience. To be eligible for credit towards a course, you must demonstrate that you have already completed learning and/or gained industry experience that is:
- Relevant
- Current
- Satisfies the learning/competency outcomes of the course
Please refer to to find more information about credit transfer and RPL.
Study and learning Support:
Study and Learning Centre (SLC) provides free learning and academic development advice to you.
Services offered by SLC to support your numeracy and literacy skills are:
assignment writing, thesis writing and study skills advice
maths and science developmental support and advice
English language development
Please Refer to find more information about Study and learning Support
Equitable Learning Services (ELS):
If you are suffering from long-term medical condition or disability, you should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS) to seek advice and support to complete your studies.
Please refer to to find more information about services offered by Equitable Learning Services (ELS).
Late submission:
If you require an Extension of Submittable Work (assignments, reports or project work etc.) for 7 calendar days or less (from the original due date) and have valid reasons, you must complete and lodge an Application for Extension of Submittable Work (7 Calendar Days or less) form and lodge it with the Senior Educator/ Program Manager.
The application must be lodged no later than one working day before the official due date. You will be notified within no more than 2 working days of the date of lodgement as to whether the extension has been granted.
If you seek an Extension of Submittable Work for more than 7 calendar days (from the original due date) must lodge an Application for Special Consideration form under the provisions of the Special Consideration Policy, preferably prior to, but no later than 2 working days after the official due date.
Submittable Work (assignments, reports or project work etc.) submitted late without approval of an extension will not be accepted or marked.
Special consideration:
Please Refer to find more information about special consideration
Course Overview: Access Course Overview