Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2025

Course Code: GEDU6201C

Course Title: Lead and facilitate a team

Important Information:

Please note that this course may include compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some or all teaching activities.

It is recommended that you check your Canvas course shell closer to the course start date for details about any mandatory in-person attendance requirements.

Please be aware that the course delivery method may need to change quickly in response to evolving course requirements. Students must maintain regular communication with their teachers to stay informed about any updates.

School: 520T Future Technologies

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5402 - Diploma of Information Technology

Course Contact: Jyoti Sharma

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4612

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 50

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

In this course you will gain the skills and knowledge required to effectively lead and facilitate a team in a workplace within any industry.

This course is clustered for delivery and assessment with the following units:

ICTPMG505 - Manage ICT projects

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

BSBXTW401 Lead and facilitate a team


1. Plan team outcomes

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Identify common objectives of workplace team, responsibilities and required outcome(s)

1.2 Use performance plans to establish expected outcomes, goals, and behaviours for individual team members in accordance with team objective and relevant policies

1.3 Select appropriate strategies to ensure team members are accountable for their roles and responsibilities

1.4 Plan for contingencies that could impact the team



2. Coordinate team and individuals

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Communicate common team objectives and responsibilities to team members

2.2 Allocate tasks to team members based on staff expertise or development potential and provide appropriate instructions

2.3 Facilitate open and respectful communication and collaboration between team members, considering the needs of those from diverse backgrounds

2.4 Identify opportunities for cross collaboration amongst external and internal teams and individuals



3. Support team

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Provide coaching to staff to enhance workplace culture

3.2 Support individuals according to organisational requirements to work towards common team goals

3.3 Facilitate team to identify, brainstorm, report and resolve task related issues and inefficiencies

3.4 Use problem solving skills to deal with any team, task or individual challenges



4. Monitor team performance

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Measure team member performance against agreed work plans

4.2 Provide timely and constructive performance feedback to team members according to expected organisational standards

4.3 Identify specific learning and development opportunities to improve team and individual performance and behaviours

4.4 Implement action plans to address individual and team training needs


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements

Details of Learning Activities

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to effectively lead and facilitate a team in a workplace within any industry.

This unit has a specific focus on the teamwork skills required for team leader or supervisor level (depending on organisational structure) workers with responsibility for others or teams.

Each module will include online lectures, supporting documents, and both internal and external links. Some modules will require students to demonstrate prototypes as part of their assessment tasks. Knowledge Quizzes (KQ) are incorporated throughout the course to help develop the necessary skills for completing the course projects. These quizzes must be completed according to the instructions given by your class teacher. Please note that KQs are not graded assignments and do not contribute to your overall assessment.

Class Activities:


Analysing Project Brief

Team activities



Teaching Schedule

The proposed teaching schedule for BSBXTW401 is detailed below: 

Semester 1, 2025








Learning Materials and Activities

Assessment/Learning Activities


10-16 February

Course Introduction

Project management concepts, methods and tools

Introduction to the course

Project management concepts, methods and tools

Organisational project governance policy and processes



17-23 February

Project initiation

Project initiation

Business problem or opportunity

Objectives and benefits analysis

Estimation and cost analysis

Technology solutions

Scope statement

Assessment 2 - Stage 1 and 2 Released


24 Feburary-2 March

Project initiation

Scope statement

Prepare a business case

Develop the project charter

Task 3 - Released


3-9 March

Project initiation

Prepare a business case

Develop the project charter

Opportunity to obtain authorised approval

Knowledge Test - Task 1 Released


10-16 March

Project planning

Prepare the plan

Systems Analysis and modelling techniques

Communication styles

Information gathering techniques

Requirements, constraints and risks

Systems development life-cycle

Work breakdown structures

Knowledge Test - Task 2 Released


17-23 March

Project planning

Prepare the plan


Budget and cash flow

Monitoring the team



24-30 March

Project planning

Prepare the plan

Communication strategies

Opportunity to obtain authorised approval








31 March - 6 April

Establish the project team

Establish the project team 

Allocate team members and duties

Characteristics of leaders and technical teams




7-13 April

Establish the project team

Training and support needs of the team

Team values and behaviours



14-20 April

Project execution

Monitoring and controlling project execution

Monitoring the cash flow

Delivery and acceptance of work activities

Monitor quality

Monitor for scope changes, risks and issues


Assessment 2 - Stage 1 (Part A, B and C)  

Due on 17, April 2025 





   18-25 April                                                          





28 April - 4 May

Assessment Discussion




5-11 May

Project closure

Performance Appraisals

Support documentation

Disaster recovery

System testing and handover

Project review and lessons learned



12-18 May

Project closure

Validation and sign off

Opportunity to obtain authorised approval

Assessment 3 - 

Due on 18 May 

Stage 2 - Part D - Presentation


19-25 May

Stakeholder and Communication/Assessment 


Knowledge Test - Task 1  

Due on 25 May

Stage 2 - Part D - Presentation


26 May - 1 June

Mentoring, Negotiation and workplace contingencies/Assessment


Assessment 2 - Stage 2 (Part D and E)  

Due on 1 June



2-8 June

Key concepts of Project Management

Course & assessment feedback.

Re-submission of assessment work if required

Knowledge Test - Task 2 

Due on 8 June

Part D Presentation - Mandatory


9-15 June



Re-submissions as required


16-22 June



Re-submissions as required


*Please note that this timeline is subject to change based on semester requirements. We recommend checking your Canvas course shell regularly to stay updated with the latest schedule. 

Student directed hours involve completing activities such as reading online resources, assignments, individual student/teacher course-related consultation. Students are required to self-study the learning materials and complete the assigned out of class activities for the scheduled non-teaching hours. 

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

There is no specified Text Book required for this course. You will need laptop with charger for each class .


You may also refer to various media, websites, textbooks and e-books as indicated in Canvas

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises and various types of assessments.

Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.

Assessment Tasks

You are required to complete all the assessments successfully. The details of the each assessments are given below . 


Knowledge Quiz- Part 1

This is the first of three assessment tasks that you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in ICT Projects (ICTPMG505/BSBXTW401).


Task 1:

You are required to answer 9 questions satisfactorily.

Knowledge Quiz- Part 2

You are required to answer 12 questions satisfactorily.

Organise, implement, and close an Information Communications Technology (ICT) project


This practical assessment will occur in the classroom.


This is the second of three assessment tasks you need to successfully complete in order to be deemed competent in ICTPMG505/BSBXTW401 – ICT Projects.


Summary of the task

There are five parts included in this assessment:

  • PART A: You will scope the activities of a complex ICT project and document the required evidence in Appendix A.
  • PART B: You will prepare a project plan for a complex ICT project and document the required evidence in Appendix B.
  • PART C: You will determine the project team and duties for a complex ICT project and document the required evidence in Appendix C.
  • PART D: You will manage the execution of a complex ICT project and document the required evidence in Appendix D.
  • PART E: You will close and evaluate a complex ICT project and document the required evidence for assessment in Appendix E. 


Your trainer/ assessor will tell you when to complete each part.


You will access the required resources from Canvas.


You must complete each task satisfactorily according to the minimum performance standards in the marking guide.

Assessment 3: Lead and Facilitate a team


You will be given some class time to work on this assessment, however, it is expected that most of this assessment will be completed outside of class. You need to work in a group to complete this assessment, but you need to submit your work individually.


You will be marked individually for your submission for this assessment.


This is the third of three assessments that you must successfully complete to be competent in ICTPMG505/BSBXTW401 – ICT projects.


Summary of the task

This is a project task. There are two parts included in this assessment:

  • PART A: You will create a team learning plan by working in a group. One student   will act as a team leader and three other students will be the team members. They will swap their roles one by one.
  • PART B: You will prepare a team support and performance improvement plan. Input from Part A will help each student to create their own team support and performance improvement plan.

The assessment needs to be submitted in one attempt.


Assessment Matrix


Performance criteria



Assessment 1: Knowledge Test (Task 1 & Task 2)

Assessment 2: Organise, implement & close ICT project

Assessment 3: Lead & facilitate a team


1. Manage project definition activities





1.1 Confirm organisational project governance policy and processes




1.2 Confirm business problem, opportunity and project objectives according to organisational needs




1.3 Develop project charter, including preliminary statement of project scope and obtain sign-off with required personnel


PART A: (4, 4.1)


1.4 Conduct feasibility study and prepare project business case




1.5 Document and submit business case and respond to feedback




2. Undertake project planning




2.1 Plan information gathering activities and determine project requirements, constraints and risks




2.2 Identify project partitioning according to intended system development life cycle and risk




2.3 Prepare project work breakdown, schedule and budget


PART B: (3-5)


2.4 Compile project management plan documents, communicate required management strategy for project and obtain sign-off


PART A: (4, 4.1), PART B: (6, 7), PART E: (2-4)


3. Establish ICT project team





3.1 Identify and select team members, and allocate roles and responsibilities according to project solution requirements


PART C: (1-3)


3.2 Determine training and support needs of team members



PART B: Task 4

3.3 Establish project team values and agreed behavioural standards with team members




3.4 Document team members, role allocation, training and support needs and project team values and agreed behavioural standards


PART C: (1-4)

PART B: Task 5

PART B: Task 6


3.5 Submit documentation to required personnel and seek and respond to feedback




4. Manage project execution activities


4.1 Monitor delivery and acceptance of assigned project team work activities and manage individuals according to project requirements




4.2 Monitor and control quality of project deliverables according to organisational quality control standards




4.3 Monitor and control project scope changes, risks and issues




4.4 Manage system testing and hand over activities according to project requirements


PART D: (3), PART E: 1


5. Coordinate project closure





5.1 Prepare IT support plans, maintenance and support documents




5.2 Obtain final project sign-off with required personnel




5.3 Conduct post project review and document outcomes




5.4 Review and update disaster recovery plan documentation


PART E: (1)


5.5 Save and back up project documentation and close project according to task requirements





Other Information

Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): 

 You may be eligible for credit towards courses in your program if you have already met the learning/competency outcomes through previous learning and/or industry experience. To be eligible for credit towards a course, you must demonstrate that you have already completed learning and/or gained industry experience, that is:   

• Relevant 
• Current 
• Satisfies the learning/competency outcomes of the course   

To find more information about credit transfer and RPL, please refer to the following link: 

  Study and Learning Support:   

RMIT University Library provides free study support services and resources to help you build your academic skills. 
Study and Learning Centre (SLC) provides free learning and academic development advice to you. Services offered by SLC to support your numeracy and literacy skills are:   

• Assignment writing, thesis writing and study skills advice 
• Math and science developmental support and advice 
• English language development 

To find more information about Study and Learning Support, please refer to the following link:   


Equitable Learning Services (ELS):   

The Equitable Learning Services team (ELS team) supports and creates equal opportunities for students with a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition. We also support primary carers.    

ELS works in partnership with students to create an Equitable Learning Plan. Your plan is tailored to you, supports your needs and establishes how RMIT can provide ongoing assistance so you can access and participate in your studies. The ELS team can assist you to manage your Equitable Learning Plan.   

To find more information about services offered by Equitable Learning Services (ELS), please refer to the following link: 


Extensions and Special Consideration:    


• Extensions are available for unforeseen circumstances of a short-term nature.   

• Applications must be submitted to the school at least one working day before the due date of the assessment.   

• Extensions can be approved for up to 7 days past the due date for an assessment. (Where students need an extension exceeding 7 days, they must instead apply for special consideration.)   


Special Consideration:   

• An application for special consideration is made in advance of an assessment wherever possible, but will normally be accepted within five working days after the assessment date. For more information, see the Special Consideration page of the RMIT website. 


Plagiarism is a form of cheating and it is very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. 

Please Refer: to find more information about plagiarism.   
Communication Information: 

All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.


Course Overview: Access Course Overview