Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2025
Course Code: INTE5056C
Course Title: Review and update disaster recovery and contingency plans
Important Information:
Please note that this course may include compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some or all teaching activities.
It is recommended that you check your Canvas course shell closer to the course start date for details about any mandatory in-person attendance requirements.
Please be aware that the course delivery method may need to change quickly in response to evolving course requirements. Students must maintain regular communication with their teachers to stay informed about any updates.
School: 520T Future Technologies
Campus: City Campus
Program: C5402 - Diploma of Information Technology
Course Contact: Ayesha Falki
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4612
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Nominal Hours: 30
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
In this course you will gain the skills and knowledge required to analyse the impact of the system on the organisation and carry out risk analysis, disaster recovery and contingency planning.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
ICTSAS526 Review and update disaster recovery and contingency plans |
Element: |
1. Evaluate system impact on business continuity |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Identify business critical functions and the security environment from documentation and from discussion with business area and project team 1.2 Identify critical data and software from documentation 1.3 Assess potential impact of business risk and threats on ICT systems 1.4 Identify and evaluate statutory requirements, commercial requirements and contingency possibilities according to specifications and cost constraints. |
Element: |
2. Evaluate system threats |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Identify threats to the system, considering security analysis and internal and external business environment 2.2 Evaluate risk minimisation alternatives against specifications and cost constraints. 2.3 Submit document to required personnel, seek and respond to feedback |
Element: |
3. Formulate prevention and recovery strategy |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Evaluate prevention and recovery options to support critical business functions against business specifications and cost constraints 3.2 Review current operational procedures to ensure adequate risk safeguards and contingency plans are in place 3.3 Submit disaster recovery and prevention strategy to appropriate person for approval. |
Element: |
4. Develop disaster recovery plan |
Performance Criteria: |
4.1 Identify and document disaster recovery resources according to cost constraints and organisational requirements 4.2 Identify and document disaster strategy processes 4.3 Identify required cut-over criteria plan 4.4 Document disaster recovery plan and submit to required personnel and seek and respond to feedback 4.5 Obtain final task sign off |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course the candidate will demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit.
Details of Learning Activities
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse the impact of the system on the organisation and carry out risk analysis, disaster recovery and contingency planning.
It applies to individuals who apply a wide range of higher level technical skills and systematic problem solving approaches in information and communications technology (ICT) related areas.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
This may include self-paced and collaborative classroom activities such as:
- Class exercises
- Challenges
- Project work
- Quizzes
We expect you to participate and contribute in all scheduled learning activities as each week builds on the next.
Teaching Schedule
Term 1,2025WeekDateTopicAssessment / Learning activitiesWeek 1 | 10 Feb |
Introduction to Disaster Recovery: -Overview of course,assessments and canvas shell -Understanding importance of Disaster recovery and its planning. |
Week 2 | 17 Feb |
-Catch up on week 1 topics and activities -Evaluate impact of systems on business continuity. |
Week 3 | 24 Feb |
Catchup on week 2 topics and activities -Threat Assessment
In week 3,students are introduced to: Threat Assessment and its components with examples.
Week 4 | 3 March |
Catchup on week 3 topics and activities -Risk Assessment |
In week 4,students are introduced to Risk Assessments and how it can be done. |
Week 5 | 10 March |
-Catchup on week 4 topics and activities -Discussion on Backup Methodologies. |
Assignment Task 1 released & discussed. |
Week 6 | 17 March |
-Catchup on week 5 topics and activities -Discussion on Cyber Security topics/case studies. |
Week 7 | 24 March | Revision | Assessment 1:Handed Over |
Week 8 | 31 March |
-Catchup on week 7 topics and activities -Disaster recovery planning details.
Week 9 | 7 April | Discussion on health & safety requirements on DR plans. | |
Week 10 | 14 April |
-Catchup on week 9 topics and activities -Discussion on Business vocabulary
Mid-Semester Break 18 -25 April |
Week 11 | 28 April |
-Catchup on week 10 topics and activities -Discussion on documenting case study requirement of assessments. -Impact Analysis |
Week 12 | 5 May |
-Catchup on week 11 topics and activities
-Discussion on making presentation -Reminder of assessment 2 due next week
-Assessment 2 is explained and handed over. -Assessment 1 Due |
Week 13 | 12 May |
-Catchup on week 12 topics and activities -Discussion on preparing and presenting assessment 2.
Week 14 | 19 May | -Student Presentations.(On -Campus) |
F2F presentation on campus compulsory. |
Week 15 | 26 May | -Student Presentations.(On-Campus) |
F2F presentation on campus compulsory. |
Week 16 | 2 June | -Student Presentations.(On-Campus) |
F2F presentation on campus compulsory. Assessment 2 Due:Student Presentation on Disaster recovery and contingency plan . |
Week 17 | 9 June | Re-submission/Feedback | |
Week 18 |
16 June | Re-Submission/Feedback |
Student support
Your first point of contact for any support needs with your assessments should be your teacher and assessor. If you require further support, you should consider contacting the following support services at RMIT.
Assessment adjustments
Students requiring support or adjustments for their formal assessments task or exams should contact Equitable Learning Services (ELS), for more information on the types of adjustments provided, access RMIT adjustments to assessment.
Special consideration
If unexpected circumstances affect your ability to complete an assessment you can apply for special consideration. For more information access RMIT special consideration.
As an RMIT student you are entitled to seek a review of decisions that impact on your studies. For more information access RMIT appeals.
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals |
Print ISBN 9780124105263 eBook ISBN 9780 |
Breakthrough Strategic It And Process Planning Edition |
Print ISBN 9789814280082 eBook ISBN 9789 |
Other Resources
1)Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals, 2nd Edition
Book Snedaker, Susan ; Rima, Chris, 2nd ed., Waltham, MA, Syngress, 2013-09-10 2) Breakthrough strategic IT and process planning Book Lientz, Bennet P., Hackensack, NJ, World Scientific, 2010Overview of Assessment
Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises and various types of assessments.
Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment 1: Disaster Recovery Contingency Plan
Assessment 2: Presentation
Assessment Matrix
Elements/Performance Criteria |
Assessment 1 |
Assessment 2 |
1.1 |
X |
1.2 |
X |
1.3 |
X |
1.4 |
X |
2.1 |
X |
2.2 |
X |
2.3 |
X |
3.1 |
X |
3.2 |
X |
3.3 |
X |
4.1 |
X |
4.2 |
X |
4.3 |
X |
4.4 |
X |
4.5 |
X |
Other Information
Competency requirements and Grading:
To be deemed competent you must demonstrate an understanding of all elements of a competency. Assessment methods have been designed to measure achievement of each competency in a flexible manner over multiple tasks.
You will be advised that you are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment work to their teacher to ensure that the relevant competency standards are being met. Observation of You performing work is used to confirm competency.
Grading available are:
Grade level Competency Level
CA Competency Achieved -The learner will be able to apply facts, rules and standard solutions to achieve a predictable task or solve a problem.
NYC Not Yet Competent
-Although the learner exhibits access to a limited range of facts and rules, the learner has difficulty applying these facts and rules to a familiar task.
DNS: Did not submit assessment.
Assessment Submission:
All submissions are to be made on canvas online.
Late submission:
If you require an Extension of Submittable Work (assignments, reports or project work etc.) for 7 calendar days or less (from the original due date) and have valid reasons, you must complete and submit this form.
Lodge an Application for Extension of Submittable Work (7 Calendar Days or less) form and lodge it with the Senior Educator/ Program Manager.
The application must be lodged no later than one working day before the official due date. You will be notified within no more than 2 working days of the date of lodgement as to whether the extension has been granted.
If you seek an Extension of Submittable Work for more than 7 calendar days (from the original due date) must lodge an Application for Special Consideration form under the provisions of the Special Consideration Policy, preferably prior to, but no later than 2 working days after the official due date.
Assignments submitted late without approval of an extension will not be accepted or marked.
Refer to RMIT University Policies and Procedures, verify for most recent version.
Special consideration:
Please refer to find more information about special consideration.
Plagiarism may occur in oral or written presentations. Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s work, idea or creation as one’s own; without appropriate referencing. Plagiarism is not acceptable. The use of another person’s work or ideas must be acknowledged. Failure to do so may result in charges of academic misconduct, which may result in cancellation of results and exclusion from your course.
Please Refer: to find more information about plagiarism
Other Information:
All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview