Course Title: Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2024

Course Code: NURS5420C

Course Title: Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice

School: 535T Social Care and Health

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5417 - Diploma of Nursing

Course Contact: Suzie Cicero

Course Contact Phone: 03 9925-1812

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Prem Kaur Program Coordinator, Nursing RMIT City Campus

Nominal Hours: 30

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

 In this course you will learn the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to work within legal and ethical parameters in professional nursing practice, including supporting rights and meeting duty of care requirements.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

HLTENN041 Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice


1. Practise within scope of professional nursing practice.

Performance Criteria:

1.1. Identify legislative requirements relevant to professional nursing practice and explain how these requirements impact own nursing practice.

1.2. Comply with requirements of legislation related to nursing practice and identify implications of non-compliance.

1.3. Apply codes of ethics, codes of conduct and the enrolled nurse standards for practice.

1.4. Function within scope of jurisdictional requirements for enrolled nurse professional nursing practice.

1.5. Respond to each person in accordance with organisational policies and procedures, including responding appropriately and sensitively to complaints.

1.6. Complete documentation in accordance with State/Territory legislation and organisational policies and procedures.

1.7. Monitor and record compliance with legal obligations and requirements.


2. Apply legal framework to nursing practice.

Performance Criteria:

2.1. Apply concepts of negligence, duty of care and vicarious liability to professional practice as an enrolled nurse.

2.2. Obtain consent before undertaking treatment and procedures.

2.3. Apply principles of restraint including correct intent and application of restraint.

2.4. Use and interpret common legal terms associated with nursing practice.

2.5. Write nursing practice reports according to legal requirements and organisational expectations and requirements.

2.6. Observe privacy and confidentiality requirements in accordance with legislative requirements and organisational policies and procedures.


3. Apply ethical concepts to clinical practice.

Performance Criteria:

3.1. Identify and describe ethics and its place in nursing practice.

3.2. Apply ethical practice in own interactions with the person, families or carers and colleagues.

3.3. Identify contemporary ethical issues and potential conflicts of interest that may impact nursing practice.

3.4. Identify, document and report potential ethical issues in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.

3.5. Develop and implement strategies to resolve ethical issues within own nursing practice in accordance with role parameters.


4. Support the rights, interests and needs of the person, families and carers.

Performance Criteria:

4.1. Comply with legal responsibilities and duty of care requirements in care activities and interactions with the person, families and carers.

4.2. Encourage person to exercise their right to make informed decisions about their care.

4.3. Demonstrate respect and support for dignity of the person, families and carers.

4.4. Advocate for the person, families and carers in accordance with jurisdictional enrolled nurse scope of practice.


5. Apply open disclosure processes.

Performance Criteria:

5.1. Reflect on and apply the principles and processes of open disclosure in own work in a health care environment.

5.2. Identify the roles of other health care workers in relation to open disclosure.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements. 

Details of Learning Activities

In this course, you will learn the skills and knowledge necessary to support client rights in a healthcare setting and meet the duty of care requirements of your role as a nurse. You will learn about different types of law and will be able to identify common examples of legal situations which nurses may encounter. You will also learn about concepts of ethics and ethical issues which impact on nursing practice and gain an understanding of the principles and processes of open disclosure. 

This course will be delivered face to face in class. It will provide a valuable approach to challenging situations and assist with the decision making process which is a vital part of your role as a nurse. 

The Learning activities for this course include: 

  • Classroom teaching - introducing you to key concepts within the course 
  • Clinical experience - provides you with practical experience in a nursing health care environment 
  • Self directed learning -  such as reading to expand your knowledge and understanding of information delivered 


All learning activities that you will undertake within the course are designed to provide you with the practical skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform to the standard expected in the health industry. 

Teaching Schedule

Date, Week, Session 

Topic, Activity, Assessment 

Week 1, Session 1 

Lesson 1:  Introduction to law and ethics 

Week 2, Session 2 

Lesson 2:  Enrolled nurse scope of professional practice 

Week 3, Session 3 

Lesson 3:  Torts, Consent and Mandatory reporting 

Week 4, Session 4 

Lesson 4:  Ethical principles and Advanced Care Directives  

Week 5, Session 5  

Lesson 5:  Clinical documentation 

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge and understanding of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, oral/written presentations and through the application of learned skills and insights. Full assessment briefs will be provided and can be found on CANVAS.

During the Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121), you will complete 400 hours of compulsory unpaid clinical placements, across four phases (semesters).  Aged Care 120 hours, Mental Health and Primary Health 80 hours each and Acute Care 120 hours.

You must meet all the unit/course requirements before you are eligible for clinical placement, this includes immunisations, NDIS check, Working with Childrens and Police check. If you do not meet these requirements, you may incur a penalty in the form of a fine.

Assessment Tasks


Method and Type 



Due Date 


Product Based 


Task 1: Knowledge Assessment  

Knowledge Assessment (Quiz)






Task 2: Knowledge Assessment 

Knowledge Assessment (Quiz)






Task 3: Knowledge Assessment 

Knowledge Assessment (Quiz)





Task 4: Case study  



Short Answer Questions





Task 5: Case study 


Short Answer Questions 




Assessment Matrix

Other Information

Student Attendance 

All students are required to: 

  • Attend and participate appropriately in all activities scheduled. 
  • Complete pre-class preparation – e.g., recommended reading and learning activities on Canvas. 
  • Study all material provided to maximise chances of meeting the Unit's objectives. 
  • Meet the 80% attendance requirement for lectures. Evidence in the form of a medical certificate or statutory declaration must be provided if one cannot attend. It will be the student's responsibility to 'catch up'. It is the student's responsibility to seek assistance from their educator. 
  • All students must demonstrate 80% engagement with the learning resources provided. This includes but is not limited to the Canvas practice knowledge quizzes, which must be completed on time. Canvas analytics will be used to identify student engagement.  This can affect student progression. 
  • All students must meet the 100% attendance requirement for practical sessions. Evidence in the form of a medical certificate or statutory declaration must be provided if one cannot attend to qualify for a make-up session. The 'make-up' session time and date will be at the discretion of the RMIT Nursing Program Coordinator. Non-attendance to the make-up session without evidence to support the non-attendance can result in no further opportunity. 
  • Failure to meet the 100% practical sessions attendance requirement can result in exclusion from the clinical skills assessments, leading to a Not Yet Satisfactory result and ultimately Not Yet Competent. 
  • Four hundred (400) clinical placement hours must be completed by the end of the program to meet the program requirements. 


Clinical Placement 

Please note an opportunity to repeat clinical placement is not guaranteed and will be at the discretion of the Program Manager.  The above requirements will be considered in the decision making. 


Important information regarding Assessment Tasks: 

Refer to individual assessment task instructions for information on when and how to submit and specific assessment conditions. 

Assessment Attempts: 

Self-marking quizzes

Student will be permitted 3 attempts to complete self-marking assessments.  if a student requires guidance, it is their responsibility to reach out to the Lead Campus Educator Guidance can be requested from your educator. 

All other assessments

You are permitted 2 attempts on written and practical assessments. 

Resubmissions are not automatic and will only be approved at the discretion of the Program Coordinator, after consultation with the teacher. Attendance and course engagement will be taken into consideration when deciding. 

All resubmissions must be completed and submitted no more than 7 days after your work has been assessed. 


Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer 

If you think you have some or all of the knowledge and competencies described, please discuss the Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer options with may be available to you with your Course Coordinator: 

For more information go to: 

RMIT Connect 


Please read the following thoroughly by clicking the links:    Special consideration  Use the special consideration process if your circumstances are such that you cannot fulfil assessment requirements. For example, if you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by a due date.     Special Consideration Policy  Equitable Learning Services 


Course Overview: Access Course Overview