Course Title: Apply material science to solving electrotechnology engineering problems
Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term2 2013
Course Code: EEET7019C
Course Title: Apply material science to solving electrotechnology engineering problems
School: 130T Vocational Engineering
Campus: City Campus
Program: C6122 - Advanced Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering
Course Contact: Program Manager
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4468
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Dr Elmas Aliu
GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne 3001
PHONE: 9925 4360 ….. FAX: (03) 99254377
Nominal Hours: 60
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit covers the application of materials for a specific purpose in electrotechnology. It encompasses working safely, knowledge of materials science including classifications, characteristics and any impact a material may have on health and the environment, the processes of corrosion and degradation, how particular materials are used, solving electrotechnology problems involving of materials for a particular application and documenting justification for such solutions.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
UEENEEE081A Apply material science to solving electrotechnology engineering problems |
Element: |
1. Prepare to apply material science to developing solutions to electrotechnology problems. |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 OHS procedures for a given work area are obtained and understood. 1.2 OHS risk control work preparation measures and procedures are followed. 1.3 The nature of the purpose and environment in which the materials are to be used is obtained and understood from documentation or from work supervisor. 1.4 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the work are obtained and checked for correct operation and safety.
Element: |
2. Apply material science to developing solutions to electrotechnology problems. |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 OHS risk control work measures and procedures are followed. 2.2 Tests and measurements are undertaken in strict accordance with OHS requirements and within established safety procedures. 2.3 Solutions to electrotechnology problems draw upon knowledge of material science, including tests and measurements and interpreting their results. |
Element: |
3. Report the solutions to electrotechnology problems. |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Proposed solutions to electrotechnology problems are documented with science based justification for the solutions. |
Learning Outcomes
Refer to Elements
Details of Learning Activities
Students will participate face to face in
• Classroom tutorial activities to consolidate the core essential engineering problemsinvolving Dielectric strength and dielectric breakdown, examples to include applications using solids, liquids, gases and vacuum, Conductors and semiconductors including photo voltaic and hv insulation, Chemical effects on materials, Material processing and manufacturing and Environment and health issues.
• Work simulation activities focus in technical leadership activities, which include: team building, identify team member’s work task, clear and concise dissemination of ideas and information, planning and organising activities to meet requested standards. Demonstrate leadership characteristic, such as: problem solving, keeping records and documenting tasks.
This course is accredited by Engineers Australia.
Engineering employment requires the capacity to work effectively in teams, to communicate effectively in both oral and writing and to learn effectively. In order to prepare students for employment as graduates they will be provided a quality assured teaching and learning environment which is conductive to the development of adult learning. Adult learning is characterised by the students accepting responsibility for their own learning and actively participating in the learning process as individuals and as contributors to the teams. Adult learning is the hallmark of a professional. The specific responsibilities as adult learners in respect of this subject are:
. to be aware of and to observe the regulations related to plagiarism
. to submit (on time) all work for assessment as required
. to complete all pre-reading and preparatory work prior to the class for which it will be used
. to effectively use the academic staff resources provided (consultation time, tutors, e- mail etc)
. to participate as an effective and honest member of a learning team
. to contribute effectively to a group of peers in a climate of mutual respect and to question each other and the academic staff when uncertain
Professional Attributes How course addresses Engineering Australia professional attributes How assessment addresses professional
Effective Communication Presentation of subject material in the most up to date manner. Assessment by way of exams and
laboratory reports
Creative Planning & organising activities Collecting, analysing & organising information.
Ethical responsibilities Introducing Engineers Australia Code of Ethics Observing legislation and statutory requirements. Identifying plagiarism attempts
Team work Appropriate personnel to be consulted to ensure the work is co-ordinated effectively with others involved on the module activities Team approach in collating and evaluating results of research or testing procedures undertaken
Long-life learners Encourage self-study through curiosity Some percentage of assessment
will test these skills
Professional Attitudes: Presenting professional image Communication, class participation and performance
Teaching Schedule
Week Number | Topic Delivered | Assessment Task |
1 | Introduction to the competency of Apply material science to solving electrotechnology engineering problems
Classification, nature and physical properties of materials used in electrotechnology Elements: |
2 | Classification, nature and physical properties of materials used in electrotechnology • Liquids Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) |
3 | Classification, nature and physical properties of materials used in electrotechnology • Gases Elements: |
4 | Electrotechnology engineering problemsinvolving Dielectric strength and dielectric breakdown, examples to include applications using solids, liquids, gases and vacuum Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
5 | Conductors and semiconductors • Materials Elements: |
Assignment 1 handed out (worth 20% of total mark) due date end of week 16. |
6 | Apply material science to solving electrotechnology engineering problems involving Conductors and semiconductors - applications Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
7 | Apply material science to solving electrotechnology engineering problems involving Conductors and semiconductors including photo voltaic and hv insulation Elements: |
8 | Practice test and revision Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 3(3.1-3.3) |
Practice test and revision |
9 | Closed book Test Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 3(3.1-3.3) |
Test (worth 30% of total mark) |
10 | Chemical effects on materials • cells, including fuel cells Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
11 | Chemical effects on materials • electrolysis Elements: |
12 | Chemical effects on materials • corrosion Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
13 | Apply material science to solving electrotechnology engineering problems involving Chemical effects on materials • cells, including fuel cells • electrolysis • corrosion • safety Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
14 | Material processing and manufacturing. Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
15 | Environment and health issues Elements: 1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
16 | Practice Exam and revision Elements: 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
Practice Exam and revision |
17&18 | Closed book Exam Elements: 2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
Exam (worth 50% of total mark) |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
‘Physics, Principles and Problems’, P.W. Zitzewitz, T.G.Elliot, etc. |
0-07-845813-7 |
Material science and Engineering an Introduction’, W. D. Callister, D.G. Rethwisch |
978 – 0 – 470 |
Other Resources
Overview of Assessment
The assessment is conducted in both theoretical and practical aspects of the course according to the performance criteria set in the National Training Package. Assessment may incorporate a variety of methods including written/oral activities and demonstration of practical skills to the relevant industry standards. Participants are advised that they are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate their assessment activities to their teacher/assessor. Feedback will be provided throughout the course. To successfully complete this course you will be required to demonstrate competency in each assessment task detailed under Assessment Tasks:
Assessment 1: Assignment (Part A & Part B)
Weighting towards final grade (%): 25
Assessment 2: Test 1
Weighting towards final grade (%): 35
Assessment 3: Final Test
Weighting towards final grade (%): 40
These tasks assesses the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
Assessment Mapping Matrix
Element/Performance Criteria |
Assignment (Part A) |
Assignment (Part B) |
Test |
Final Test |
1.1 |
X |
X |
1.2 |
X |
X |
1.3 |
X |
X |
1.4 |
X |
X |
2.1 |
X |
X |
2.2 |
X |
X |
2.3 |
X |
X |
X |
2.4 |
X |
X |
X |
2.5 |
X |
X |
X |
3.1 |
X |
X |
X |
3.2 |
X |
X |
X |
3.3 |
X |
X |
X |
Assessment Tasks
Assessment task 1 (assignment 1): 20%
Written and computer application assignment to demonstrate an understanding with applications ofengineering problemsinvolving Dielectric strength and dielectric breakdown, examples to include applications using solids, liquids, gases and vacuum, Conductors and semiconductors including photo voltaic and hv insulation, Chemical effects on materials, Material processing and manufacturing and Environment and health issues. This assessment allows students to work as a group which will help to revise and prepare for the next assessments.
Assessment task 2 (Test 1): 30%
This assessment sdemonstrate an understanding with applications of engineering problemsinvolving Dielectric strength and dielectric breakdown, examples to include applications using solids, liquids, gases and vacuum, Conductors and semiconductors including photo voltaic and hv insulation which are covered from week 1 to week 8.
• The time allowed for this test is no more than 2 hours.
Assessment task 3 (Exam): 50%
This assessment demonstrates an understanding with applications of Chemical effects on materials, Material processing and manufacturing and Environment and health issues, which is covered from week 10 to week 16.
This course is graded using the following course grades-
CHD- Competent with High Distinction
CDI- Competent with Distinction
CC- Competent with Credit
CAG- Competency Achieved - Graded
NYC- Not Yet Competent
DNS- Did Not Submit for Assessment
Make sure you understand the special consideration policy available at -;ID=qkssnx1c5r0y
Assessment Matrix
Elements Covered | Assessment Task | Proportion of Final Assessment | Submission Time |
1(1.1-1.4) 2(2.1-2.5) |
Assignment | 20% | week 16 |
1(1.1-1.4) 3(3.1-3.3) |
Test | 30% | week 9 |
2(2.1-2.5) 3(3.1-3.3) |
Exam | 50% | week 17 or 18 |
Other Information
- Minimum student directed hours are 28 in addition to 32 scheduled teaching hours.
- Student directed hours involve completing activities such as reading online resourses, assignements, notes and other learning material, preparation for test and exam and individual student - teacher course related consultation.
Study and learning Support:
Study and Learning Centre (SLC) provides free learning and academic development advice to all RMIT students.
Services offered by SLC to support numeracy and literacy skills of the students are:
assignment writing, thesis writing and study skills advice
maths and science developmental support and advice
English language development
Please Refer to find more information about Study and learning Support
Disability Liaison Unit:
Students with disability or long-term medical condition should contact Disability Liaison Unit to seek advice and support to
complete their studies.
Please Refer to find more information about services offered by Disability Liaison Unit
Late submission:
Students requiring extensions for 7 calendar days or less (from the original due date) must complete and lodge an Application
for Extension of Submittable Work (7 Calendar Days or less) form and lodge it with the Senior Educator/ Program Manager.
The application must be lodged no later than one working day before the official due date. The student will be notified within
no more than 2 working days of the date of lodgment as to whether the extension has been granted.
Students seeking an extension of more than 7 calendar days (from the original due date) must lodge an Application for Special
Consideration form under the provisions of the Special Consideration Policy, preferably prior to, but no later than 2 working days
after the official due date.
Assignments submitted late without approval of an extension will not be accepted or marked.
Special consideration:
Please Refer;ID=riderwtscifm to find more information about special consideration
Plagiarism is a form of cheating and it is very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University.
Please Refer: to find more information about plagiarism.
Other Information:
All email communications will be sent to your RMIT email address and you must regularly check your RMIT emails.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview