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Plan: BP312 - Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Campus: RMIT Vietnam Saigon South


Program details
Purpose of the Program
Articulation and pathways
Entrance requirements
External accreditation and industry links
Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Library, IT and specialist resources

Program details

Award title: Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Award abbreviation: BTour&HospMgt
Total credit points: 288
Career: UGRD
Duration: 3 years full-time (9 semesters)
Location: RMIT Vietnam South Saigon campus
Owning school: School of Business and Management (830H)
Owning school URL: www.rmit.edu.vn/our-schools-centres/school-business-management
ASCED code: 080323
CRICOS code:

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Purpose of the Program

The Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management program provides you with critical and broad ranging studies that enable you to enter graduate positions in Tourism and Hospitality administration and management. To achieve this, you will be exposed to the critical evaluation of knowledge underpinning local and international tourism strategies and practices, regulatory bodies and frameworks, management strategies and skills, cultural studies as well as crisis and risk management. 

The courses are taught via face to face delivery methods and require student attendance on campus. The methods will include tutorial discussions, group work, problem-based learning, guest lectures, case studies, role-playing, simulations, shadowing managers, etc. You will also be exposed to Work Integrated Learning approaches and curriculum that includes an internship program providing you with the opportunity to apply your knowledge and analysis techniques directly as you engage and work with professionals in the industry.

Additionally, you will be encouraged to undertake RMIT University Vietnam’s Personal Edge Workshops which are focused on developing the soft skills required for a successful career in industry. 

The program will also include a capstone experience course BUSM4572 Strategic Management for Tourism and Hospitality, in the form of a project that draws upon the knowledge and critical analysis skills developed in previous courses within the program. Students will be required to demonstrate an understanding of relevant theory and practice covered during the program and provide solutions to issues in the tourism and hospitality industry. Your internship also provides a capstone experience, where you will be required to reflect on how the knowledge and skills acquired in your previous courses apply to your practical experience.

The first eight courses of the program contain English language for Business studies content that is designed to enhance your English language proficiency to a level that is appropriate for managers and administrators within the international tourism and hospitality industry.

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Articulation and pathways

Credit for previous learning will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT University's Credit Policy.
If you have completed studies or have partially completed a similar program at another institution (with entry criteria similar to this program) you may be accepted with some credits being granted towards the program.

Articulation arrangements between RMIT University programs enable you upon graduating from the RMIT University qualification to apply for advanced standing in a higher-level qualification. The statements below will provide information about articulation agreements in this program.

  • Business Diploma (Australian National VET curriculum) – up to 8 course credits. These eight credits represent advance standing for the 4 CoCM option courses (see list below), 2 university electives within the degree and the possibility of 2 matched business core courses.
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Entrance requirements

Minimum Academic Requirements:

Minimum English Language Requirements:
In addition, students must satisfy one of the following English requirements:

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External accreditation and industry links

The School of Business and Management has extensive links with industry to facilitate work integrated learning, industry student placements and industry experience. The industry advisory committee for this program includes representatives of a number of international companies operating in tourism and hospitality industry and this committee works closely with the School of Business and Management staff and students. 
This program is accredited by the statutory and professional bodies listed in the table below. Specified credit/exemptions towards professional qualifications offered as part of the accreditation is subject to the applicant meeting set criteria defined by each professional body. Any application for credit/exemption should be made directly to the professional body and is your responsibility.

The professional bodies may offer membership for you as a career enabler which could include opportunities for networking and access to discipline specific resources. Application for membership is your responsibility.

Statutory/Professional Body Accreditation Description Membership and Opportunities

Institute of Hospitality (UK)


Program satisfies the academic requirements for IoH membership (Semester 1 2024 – Semester 2 2029) Students will be eligible to apply for Associate membership


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Student expenses and charges in addition to fees

Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees.  Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

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Library, IT and specialist resources

Resources available from the Library 

As part of the program you will have access to specialist laboratories with relevant hardware and software. 

As a student enrolled in a program at RMIT University Vietnam you may access the services, facilities and study space provided by the Library. Resources include digital and hard copy collections of books, periodicals and other course related materials. 
More information is on library resources and services at: http://www.rmit.edu.vn/library.  

This program is administered by the Vietnam campus of RMIT and you may access online learning tools for program and associated courses via the learning Mgt system for the Vietnam campus. 

New student learning laboratories have been built at RMIT University Vietnam and equipped with specialised equipment, to support the relevant teaching and learning activities. You will have access to modern computers and equipment that you are likely to use in industry. 

Learning services available to you as a student at RMIT 
RMIT Vietnam provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist your learning and wellbeing so you can achieve your study and career goals. 

Services are available face to face and online to assist with:

  • transition to tertiary study and learning 
  • study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant 
  • enabling support if you have a disability, long term medical condition or other form of disadvantage which may impact on your learning 
  • career development and employment 
  • living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters) 
  • opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad 
  • opportunities for participating in arts, sport, recreation, fitness activities as well as student activities and University governance
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